


JP2 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/11/20 at 4:32pm

Yeah, curious to see what happens.


The rumor before the Sherry debacle came out was that (due to all the girls being so great this season) they actually filmed all 5 of the final girls making it to the final 4 live finale. So it should be pretty easy to remove Sherry in that regard.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/11/20 at 6:37pm

JP2 said: "She wore a bikini. LOL."


I don't know why they chose to use a drawing instead of showing Michelle in the outfit that Gigi was wearing. It's from a music video. I'd say she pretty much nailed it! 


Darreyl with an L!

JP2 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/11/20 at 6:47pm

Nailing a bland look is still a bland look.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Posted: 4/11/20 at 6:49pm

Curious if they’re gonna have a live Skype finale. Won’t that be exciting.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/11/20 at 6:56pm

JP2 said: "Nailing a bland look is still a bland look."

She did the job that was required, to recreate a Michelle Visage look. She chose something that was much less obscure and less predictable then picking something that Michelle wore on drag race. 

Darreyl with an L!

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/11/20 at 11:20pm

Oh, I love Jaida.

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
Posted: 4/11/20 at 11:41pm

Thank God Brita's fake attitude is finally gone! I couldn't stand her as much as I could have, plus Jan and Gigi were neck and neck with each other and I'm perfectly fine with Gigi taking another win. Good episode all around.

CT2NYC Profile Photo
Posted: 4/12/20 at 12:09am

ArtMan said: "Also did anyone else notice at times, Brita didn't seem to know the words to Burning Up? Years ago, a drag queen friend told me what queens do, when they forget the words while performing. Something like saying certain letters or vowels. I don't remember exactly. But as a result of what she told me, I can't really spot a queen that doesn't know the words."

She didn't know all the words to "Let It Go" last week, either. Good riddance. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Posted: 4/12/20 at 1:57am

Also, of all the Madonna songs to choose - why “Burning Up”? What an odd choice...

Posted: 4/12/20 at 12:21pm

CT2NYC said: "ArtMan said: "Also did anyone else notice at times, Brita didn't seem to know the words to Burning Up? Years ago, a drag queen friend told me what queens do, when they forget the words while performing. Something like saying certain letters or vowels. I don't remember exactly. But as a result of what she told me, I can't really spot a queen that doesn't know the words."

She didn't know allthe words to "Let It Go" last week,either. Good riddance.

She just leaves that whopping flapping mouth wide open and moves her lips occasionally.

How could she not know Burning Up, is has about 4 lines lol

Posted: 4/12/20 at 12:23pm

Jordan Catalano said: "Also, of all the Madonna songs to choose - why “Burning Up”? What an odd choice..."

Probably because most of her other big songs were mimicked within the Rusical.

I love Burning Up, it's my fave from that album. But then I think Oz was the only place it was even remotely a hit of some kind. I loathed Holiday and still do.

Posted: 4/12/20 at 12:40pm

Jan's performance was more final dress rehearsal -- she just seemed like she was marking the steps rather than giving 100%.  She seemed to expect it to have been handed to her on a silver platter, to win just for showing up.  Her visible disappointment at being merely safe was pretty unpleasant.

Glad to see the tedious Brita get the heave-ho.  One of the most monotonous performers in Drag Race history.  There's more to it than just running back and forth, waving one's arms and displaying every last bit of one's dental work.  

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/12/20 at 1:07pm

God I hope Jan just pivots to full villain next week. That would be amazing television.

Posted: 4/12/20 at 2:18pm

Lavieboheme3090 said: "God I hope Jan just pivots to full villain next week. That would be amazing television."

Considering who her drag mother (Alexis Michelle) is that is pretty much a given lol

Posted: 4/12/20 at 2:20pm

Roscoe said: "Jan's performance was more final dress rehearsal -- she just seemed like she was marking the steps rather than giving 100%. "

I wanted to punch the screen when the smug arse was rehearsing...

And put some clothes on, no one wants to see that!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Posted: 4/12/20 at 2:32pm

Wow, the hate for Jan is really amazing.

JP2 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/12/20 at 2:37pm

Jordan Catalano said: "Wow, the hate for Jan is really amazing."

Yeah, where is this coming from? Hahaha.

Posted: 4/12/20 at 2:57pm

Jordan Catalano said: "Wow, the hate for Jan is really amazing."

Fake 'over enthusiasm'.

Fake 'happy all the time'.

Fake 'nice'.

Constant need for validation.

Overly cocky for little reason.

She is every bit as excruciating as Brita for me and has been from day 1.

We finally saw the 'real' her this week...it's about time they grilled it out of her and it was clearly on purpose.

I will admit I think he is talented, but there is not a single thing other that that that I like about him.

He also doesn't strike me as a 'real drag queen' or someone who has a passion for 'drag'. He is only doing it because he sees it as an easy way of getting well known, instead of ending up in a Broadway chorus somewhere. 

And while you can say that about a lot of people, the 'stage kids' are usually the most excruciating to endure.


JP2 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/12/20 at 3:21pm

You must be fun at parties.


"He also doesn't strike me as a 'real drag queen' or someone who has a passion for 'drag'. He is only doing it because he sees it as an easy way of getting well known, instead of ending up in a Broadway chorus somewhere. "


What an obnoxious thing to say. Jan has been killing it in NYC for years now. She's one of the best performers and always has a packed audience. Before this whole COVID mess she had 5 shows a week. That's dedicated to hard work and talent.

Updated On: 4/12/20 at 03:21 PM

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/12/20 at 3:43pm

Well I mean Jan does have some very strong theatre kid energy, but I wouldn't call anything she's done "fake" more just overprepared. 

>And put some clothes on, no one wants to see that!

She was in a T-Shirt and Shorts. What kind of puritanical life are you living?

Posted: 4/12/20 at 6:41pm

JP2 said: "You must be fun at parties.

"He also doesn't strike me as a 'real drag queen' or someone who has a passion for 'drag'. He is only doing it because he sees it as an easy way of getting well known, instead of ending up in a Broadway chorus somewhere. "

What an obnoxious thing to say. Jan has been killing it in NYC for years now. She's one of the best performers and always has a packed audience. Before this whole COVID mess she had 5 shows a week. That's dedicated to hard work and talent.

So does Brita...haven't you heard?

It depends what your definition of drag is really, it comes in many forms and has changed greatly since Drag Race has become big.

For me there is a big difference between someone who lives and breathes drag because they love it and it is a form of artistic and creative expression for them, it is their life and someone who wants to be famous so starts doing drag because it's popular and a way to get known. That is a performer, not a drag queen. 

I don't get the impression she 'loves' drag or it is in anyway important to her on that level like it is to many of the others on the show. If it is he hasn't given that impression thus far. All she seems to want is constant adoration.

Compare him to Sasha or Yvie or Sharon or Alaska or Chanelle...not even on the same page.

He is a performer and I've already said I think he is talented. But for me he is not 'drag'.

It's not really a diss either way, so why you're getting your panties in a knot I don't know...

Bianca is a stand up comedian who used the drag medium to get somewhere. But Roy is just as funny as Bianca who he has clearly created to be able to do and say things that Roy probably wouldn't be able to get away with. I highly doubt he'd be where he is today as Roy, but he is not doing it because he loves the 'art' of drag, he's doing it because he wants to be a comedian.

Courtney is a singer. Adore is a singer. Kennedy is a dancer. ChiChi is a dancer. They use their various talents to make a name for themselves, but none for them would've found any sort of individual fame if they didn't do it via drag.

There is nothing about Jan (even the name) that screams 'drag' to me at all. He's a young gay guy who can sing and dance and drag is a perfect way for him to make a name for himself over being being a Broadway chorus boy.

Plus...I just don't like him so I'm allowed to be an arse, just like you're allowed to diss Gigi's bikini :) 

It's really not that serious and I highly doubt he gives a **** what some random guy on the internet thinks of him so calm down.

PS I am great fun at parties, I even keep my clothes on sometimes x

Updated On: 4/12/20 at 06:41 PM

JP2 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/12/20 at 8:10pm

Impossible2 said:
So does Brita...haven't you heard?


Er, yes. Brita is also INCREDIBLE. It sucks that she got such a bad edit. She is a hilarious, fun, dynamic queen. I've gotten to work with her 3 or 4 times. She's absolutely lovely and a force if you're ever lucky to see her shows.

She and Jan are professionals. Talented. Gorgeous. Can host on a mic flawlessly for hours. Can dance, can create hilarious mixes. They are the definition of good drag.

This is a part of the issue I've always had with Drag Race. You can be an incredible queen and do poorly on the show. You can also be a not-that-great queen and be phenomenal. Ask any drag queen working today. Drag Race doesn't really show what drag is.

It depends what your definition of drag is really, it comes in many forms and has changed greatly since Drag Race has become big.

My definition is being a good host. Being able to engage a crowd for long periods of time. Being entertaining. Creating exciting numbers that people wanna see. Being a talented performer. Drag Race doesn't really show that. It's more about lewks and makeup.



Posted: 4/12/20 at 11:21pm

JP2 said: "Impossible2 said:
So does Brita...haven't you heard?

Er, yes. Brita is also INCREDIBLE. It sucks that she got such a bad edit. She is a hilarious, fun, dynamic queen. I've gotten to work with her 3 or 4 times. She's absolutely lovely and a force if you're ever lucky to see her shows.

She and Jan are professionals. Talented. Gorgeous. Can host on a mic flawlessly for hours. Can dance, can create hilarious mixes. They are the definition of good drag.

This is a part of the issue I've always had with Drag Race. You can be an incredible queen and do poorly on the show. You can also be a not-that-great queen and be phenomenal. Ask any drag queen working today. Drag Race doesn't really show what drag is.

It depends what your definition of drag is really, it comes in many forms and has changed greatly since Drag Race has become big.

My definition is being a good host. Being able to engage a crowd for long periods of time. Being entertaining. Creating exciting numbers that people wanna see. Being a talented performer. Drag Race doesn't really show that. It's more about lewks and makeup.


I would agree with all of those points, but as I only have the show to judge them on that has not come across thus far...

Drag Race is a highly produced and manufactured tv game show not a documentary and therefore their talents and success outside of the show are pretty irrelevant once they're there. Their talent got them there, but it is their performance ON the show that counts. Everything else is meaningless if they can't perform under the pressure of the environment they are placed in. 

In saying that I have seen a lot of the queens that I really liked on the show live and thought they were awful and some that I hated on the show who were amazing, so the show is really no indication of what someone is like as an entertainer. But that is not my problem with Jan, she has the talent and I have even thought she has been good in some of the challenges, I just find her personality very unlikable.

I didn't like Jackie at the start of the season either, but she has changed my mind, but Jan has not achieved that yet. She may though...I'll keep you posted RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE, SEASON 12 Based on what happened last week however I don't think my opinion will change next week after her incoming narcissistic rage fuelled tanty has landed RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE, SEASON 12

I will also say as an editor re Brita edits...

While you can manipulate certain scenarios in the edit, if the 'subjects' do not give you the material to work with you cannot just create it out of thin air. She has been edited 'on-screen' without cutaways saying what she said. We've seen it come from her own mouth in front of our eyes, there is no dodgy dialogue splicing going on. 

She was silly to act the way she did and she did it to herself. Was she manipulated to act the way she did, of course! They don't sequester them, over work them, deprive them of sleep, feed them crap food and give them leading questions in the interviews for ****s and giggles. They keep these people in total brain fog for 6 weeks and create their characters based on what they see going on in the workroom and elsewhere. If there is drama happening, of course that is going to become a storyline.

If your personality cannot carry you through the series and endear you to people, you should stfu. If you have no personality or an unlikeable one, you have to play the game like Cameron did. You'd have to be pretty silly not to have worked that out from watching the last 11 seasons! Have none of these people heard of Chanelle or Roxy or PhiPhi?

Could they have 'softened' her? Probably but why? They don't owe her any favours and the show thrives on drama. They are giving her the opportunity of a lifetime and she chose to sell herself as a boasting big mouth (literally) who bullied Aiden mercilessly for weeks (they all did) and then 10 minutes after he's gone was saying how much she loved him. Unless they hired her agent to edit the programme, there is no way that wasn't going to end up in the show!

Boasting about how wonderful you are all the time while the judges are not agreeing clearly makes you look rather silly, she must've know that. You can't be in the bottom 3 times and continue to call someone out for their lack of talent and be taken seriously. 

All of the people who have been total arsehats on the show have at least admitted it, so lets hope she has the dignity to do the same. 

RippedMan Profile Photo
Posted: 4/12/20 at 11:22pm

I can see what you mean about Jan. I like her and her voice is insane, but I always find the "Broadway" queens to be just so annoying. 

I thought Jan did well, but there was just something lacking. Maybe an "x factor" that Gigi has in spades. When she did that iconic move it was just so much fun. 

I honestly thought everyone was good this week. But WHY did Brita put a basic ass "I work at a bank" pant with that corset? How is that Madonna?! She couldn't do tights?! 

Posted: 4/12/20 at 11:39pm

JP2 said: "Impossible2 said:
So does Brita...haven't you heard?

Er, yes. Brita is also INCREDIBLE. It sucks that she got such a bad edit. She is a hilarious, fun, dynamic queen. I've gotten to work with her 3 or 4 times. She's absolutely lovely and a force if you're ever lucky to see her shows.

She and Jan are professionals. Talented. Gorgeous. Can host on a mic flawlessly for hours. Can dance, can create hilarious mixes. They are the definition of good drag.

This is a part of the issue I've always had with Drag Race. You can be an incredible queen and do poorly on the show. You can also be a not-that-great queen and be phenomenal. Ask any drag queen working today. Drag Race doesn't really show what drag is.

It depends what your definition of drag is really, it comes in many forms and has changed greatly since Drag Race has become big.

My definition is being a good host. Being able to engage a crowd for long periods of time. Being entertaining. Creating exciting numbers that people wanna see. Being a talented performer. Drag Race doesn't really show that. It's more about lewks and makeup.


JP2, since you are friendly with Brita, is she blaming how she was portrayed  on the show and the mean, nasty and vile comments she made while filming, on a bad edit? Doesn't she know this excuse has been made for years and years by many reality actors/actress who weren't even as bad as she was. "I'll just blame production  .The producers of these shows  will carve her up and serve her for dinner.  Many of these producers are powerful enough to even have a say so in their future.  It's never worked out for the rest of them that made like statements.  She should own what she said and say yes I was a c**t. Maybe they will have respect for her.  Most importantly, if she wants to continue with the Drag Race association, that's the fastest way to get kicked to the curb. Blame your edit.  Blame production.  Cause RU don't play.  As I already stated, I knew her very well in Atlanta.  She doesn't get mad, she gets even.  

Updated On: 4/13/20 at 11:39 PM
