
"Real Oneals" Noah Galvin's Vulture interview

"Real Oneals" Noah Galvin's Vulture interview

uncageg Profile Photo
uncageg Profile Photo
songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#3Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 7:25am

What an idiot. 

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

HorseTears Profile Photo
#4Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 7:51am

I loved the initial interview.  It's refreshing to hear a public figure be a bit unfiltered and unvarnished.  Loved how he called out my fellow millennials who are increasingly embracing these "no labels", "bicurious", "just because I have sex with men, doesn't mean I'm gay or bi" mantras.  As if "no labels" isn't a label in of itself.  It's internalized homophobia masquerading as enlightenment.  Yeah, he's a bit crass.  And, yeah, he has a high opinion of himself, but he's 22.  He'll mature more on that front.  


Shame his lawyers and representatives made him issue apologies, though I get why they did so.  

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#5Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 9:15am

I guess I understand why he retracted some of it, but I loved the initial interview. Maybe he comes off as overbearing at times, but I thought he made some smart points. Still, I guess he can't risk offending the hot white gay guys or the straight actors who play us. And his Bryan Singer comment was dead-on as well. 

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

uncageg Profile Photo
#6Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 9:25am

I do admire his candidness. I was a bit surprised at the language. I tried to find an interview where Haynes says the things Galvin mentioned but couldn't find anythining. So with that, I think Galvin seemed to be off base and nasty. (If anyone knows of an interview with Haynes where he said these things please post it). I was also a bit taken aback by his soothsayer remark. I thought that was a bit harsh.

I dl agree with him about Stonestreet's character on Modern Family. It is the reason I stopped watching the show and glad he put that out there.  Since he lives out in LA I am sure he knows what is going on and I liked that he was just upfront about it. I did find his Bryan Singer remark and I kind of chalk that up to what is in the media about him.

All in all a decent interview. He could have been a bit less harsh at some points but I don't think it warranted an apology to the gay community as a whole. I do have a feeling that his mouth may get him into some trouble in the future though. He is pretty unfiltered. JMO

Just give the world Love.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#7Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 9:33am

I think Colton Haynes was, prior to coming out officially, one of those types who is super coy about it and doesn't deny it but doesn't confirm it either. I mean, everyone is allowed to come out how they want, but not everyone is a super muscular guy who can pass easily as straight, so for someone like Noah Galvin, who talks about reading "too gay" as an actor, seeing that coyness from other gay actors has to be frustrating, to say the least. 

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

Kad Profile Photo
#8Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 10:22am

Frankly, yeah. I think there is a legitimate discussion to be had about the coming out of guys like Colton Haynes- conventionally attractive, masculine, white men with a reasonable level of success but for whom coming out isn't very risky and, in fact, provides quite a bit of publicity... and whose sexuality may be something of an open secret. They're lauded as being brave and whatever. When (if) Nick Jonas comes out, it'll be the same thing. It's good to have more openly gay actors, but not every single one is a hero for coming out and maybe they deserve some criticism. I think the "it's a personal journey!" coming out narrative doesn't always apply when you're a public figure who's leveraging that journey for a career.

I liked Galvin's interview. Why do we need every notable gay male to be so ****ing nice in interviews?


"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#9Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 11:24am

I definitely in some regard appreciated his candor about the politics of the Hollywood scene, but what really turned me off was how he basically made it seem like the kids who reach out to him relating to his character are wasting their breath. Like, I'm sorry - these kids are relating to your character and you're basically saying - that's nice, but I don't care. Perhaps I'm so use to how Chris Colfer handled such things during the height of Glee, but the tude on this one is a serious turn off. I also didn't love how he acted like theater will always be there when he needs it, so whatever. I actually saw him in a show when he was much younger and I found him pretty insufferable then, and it's pretty much why I avoided this show to begin with. 

I also don't feel like anyone should dictate how people come out - it's their own business. Some people are more forthright and some struggle, not everyone's journey is the same. I also think it's telling that Noah has never met Colton and the way Colton handled all of this was very classy. 

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 6/11/16 at 11:24 AM

uncageg Profile Photo
#10Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 11:35am

Yes, the way he handled the subject of kids was a turnoff. It actually has me thinking twice about watching season 2. I really love the show bit that really turned me off.

Just give the world Love.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#11Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 11:42am


I feel sorry for the kid. He was badly advised by his PR people, if he actually has any, and he was ill-used by Vulture.

This didn't have to have happened.


WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#12Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 6:42pm

I have never met Colton personally, but one of my friends knows him and he only has the nicest things to say about him. According to my friend he is very down to earth and never throws his fame around. Just a really genuine guy. Yes Galvin spoke with some refreshing candor, but his comments about Colton were rude and baseless. Who the hell is Galvin to judge how anyone comes out? He doesn't know Colton- what his family situation is like or anything. I loved Colton's response. I feel embarrassed for Galvin. 

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

artscallion Profile Photo
#13Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 6:54pm

I think he needs a filter. Yes, his honesty is refreshing. But comments like the (since deleted from the original interview) one he made bout Bryan Singer cross the line unless he's ready to back the statement up.  You can really mess up people's reputations. In case anyone missed it he said,

"Bryan Singer likes to invite little boys over to his pool and diddle them in the f—ing dark of night. [Laughs.]"


Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.
Updated On: 6/10/16 at 06:54 PM

HorseTears Profile Photo
#14Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 9:37pm

Ugh.  Maybe I'm wearing rose colored glasses to look in the rearview mirror to a time that never really existed (is that enough mixed metaphors for ya?), but when did gays get so sanitized and safe and cautious?  I loved reading such a candid, unfiltered, unapolgetic and, yes, at times, crass interview from a young gay man.  There are enough social justice warriors to fill up Madison Square Garden 10,000 times, couldn't we have just one who gets to speak his mind and not tow the "love = love" / gay-marriage-is-more-important-than-sexual-liberty / no judgment / no labels line?  

PalJoey Profile Photo
#15Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 10:04pm

To quote Sondheim: All right, Noah Galvin, NOW YOU KNOW.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#16Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/10/16 at 11:25pm

I agree with galvin. In today's climate coming out is scary, but you shouldn't be discreet about it. You should just accept that fact and let it out. I texted my parents when I came out and that was probably the worst mistake I ever made. I should have stopped my cousins wedding and announce to my whole family I was gay.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

uncageg Profile Photo
#17Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/11/16 at 12:50am

My mother knew and let me know shortly before she passed away. I told my sisters via a conference call. Just the three of us. Not judging, but I would never do it at a family event and even if texting was available when I came out I would never do it that way. Would not be fair to them and I would still feel like I was hiding it because I didn't tell them directly . From my own mouth. JMO

Just give the world Love.

Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#18Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/11/16 at 1:32am

Loved the interview. Hate the retraction. This new craze with being PC is awful.

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir

MrsSallyAdams Profile Photo
#19Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/11/16 at 9:22am

The review was honest, and I think he could have gotten away with it if he didn't name names. "Some directors like to..." "I wish gay actors would..."

In my dream world Colton or Stonestreet would have responded with something supportive like "It's difficult to be an artist and a "role model." Galvin is learning that himself with the response to his work on "The Real O'Neals." I wish him the best."

Galvin's first interview seems to be coming from a place of pain and anger. Many go through that phase when they are coming out but don't have an enabling reporter and a national platform to cope with. Gay pop culture encourages this type of behavior if you're a drag queen or a reality star but tisk tisks if you're in a job that is supposed to "behave."


hork Profile Photo
#20Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/11/16 at 11:52am

My douchebag flag was raised in the opening paragraph, when it said he was smoking a cigarette and had fashionable bedhead (not that all smokers are douchebags, but a 22-year-old actor who smokes is probably a douchebag). And it got worse from there. He's also very punchable in that photo.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#21Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/11/16 at 1:05pm

I am no big fan of Modern Family but how is the gay minstral-show on display from Eric's character any different than what he does on The real O'Neals?  Half the time he seems to be channeling Paul Lynde.  One could argue that, like Lynde, they are both gay actors so are in on the joke, and personally I am fine with both, but it still plays up to a gay stereotype.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#22Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/11/16 at 2:12pm

Stonestreet hasn't responded, has he?

Stage Door Sally Profile Photo
Stage Door Sally
#23Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/11/16 at 3:30pm

Noah Galvin was rude and offensive, especially to Stonestreet. Just a bunch of oversexed egotistical prattle. Coming from such a young man, that's a real shame. Perhaps the cutthroat nature of show business has really gotten to him. I have never watched his show, never will.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#24Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/11/16 at 3:41pm

I dunno-- I had a big delighted grin on my face reading Galvin's original interview, and I too am a little saddened reading the chagrin-laden apology that came after. Yes, Colton Haynes was due an apology. Yes, the jab at Bryan Singer was grounds for a lawsuit, although Galvin was only repeating what is essentially gay dogma in Hollywood. I actually thought what he said about Eric Stonestreet was spot on and was glad to read it in print from someone. But is this what people mean by everyone being too PC in this day and age? Then knock me down with a spoon-- I'm actually in sync with evil Donald Trump in this one tiny instance. Give me the kid's honest thoughts, warts and all.

Updated On: 6/11/16 at 03:41 PM

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#25Noah Galvin Vulture interview, apology and response
Posted: 6/11/16 at 3:58pm

For me, his interview was similar to Tom Cruise' and Mel Gibson's examples of over-sharing RE: their personal life opinions. Galvin's content differed from theirs, but because his delivery was so over-the-top zealous, I'm going to have a difficult time erasing it from my memory when I see him on TV.
