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HighFlyingAdored97 Profile Photo
#225WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/20/17 at 9:35am

ALW didn't give her anything.... she has a career because she's talented. If she wasn't talented she wouldn't be cast in shows. It's as simple as that.

"The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world." - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

#226WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/20/17 at 9:49am

It is great to see Patti and Christine on stage together.  Fans of either will enjoy the show - fans of both will be over the moon.  Both offer great performances.

The show itself, however, is simply not great.  For me - the story didn't resonate, and felt flat.  Just felt the vehicle itself was unworthy of the two stars leading it.  



adamgreer Profile Photo
#227WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/20/17 at 11:06am

She trashes ALW because he ignored a signed contract when he became enamored with Glenn Close, and then neglected to even tell Patti about it. Instead, she reportedly found out about her firing by calling the box office. He then made it worse by instead of having her open the show on Broadway, asked her to replace Glenn Close in the L.A. production. Classy. I fail to grasp how that makes her delusional, and the courts agreed. ALW ended up paying her a large sum of money for that fiasco. 

LuPone has always had a strong personality and expects the best of the companies she's been a part of.  She's not shy about admitting this.  Perhaps your problem, muscle, is with strong-minded women? 

Updated On: 3/20/17 at 11:06 AM

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#228WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/20/17 at 11:07am

True, but she didn't have the level of fame that Evita gave her...but yes, valid points...and she has talent. Yet, the way she treats people is unacceptable.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#229WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/20/17 at 11:39am

perfectliar said: "rizzuto2 said: "MadonnaMusical said: "This thread is hurting my brain. Does everyone know the difference between there, their, and they're?"

Not to put too fine a point on it, but, as you're comparing more than 2 items, should you not have asked "Does everyone know the difference among there, their, and they're?"


No. Between separates clearly defined things, while among does not.




To back this up,

Definition of between

1a :  by the common action of :  jointly engaging shared the work between the two of them talks between the three — Timeb :  in common to :  shared by divided between his four grandchildren

2a :  in the time, space, or interval that separates the alley between the butcher shop and the pharmacy should arrive between 9 and 10 o'clock b :  in intermediate relation to weighs somewhere between a pound and a pound and a half

3a :  from one to another of air service between Miami and Chicago b :  serving to connect or unite in a relationship (as difference, likeness, or proportion) a one-to-one correspondence between sets mutual understanding between them c :  setting apart the line between fact and fancy

4a :  in preference for one or the other of had no difficulty deciding between the two b :  in point of comparison of little difference between the two cars

5:  in confidence restricted to a secret between you and me

6:  taking together the combined effect of between work and family life, they have no time for hobbies

Updated On: 3/20/17 at 11:39 AM

Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#230WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 12:17am

I have seen almost all of the big shows this season (save COME FROM AWAY) and I gotta say... this is the only genuine turkey out there, IMHO...

MS LUPONE and MS EBERSOLE's iconic talents are wasted via lifeless music with banal, at times laughable lyrics (Pink! The color PINK!) ... Which is sad because the themes in the show -- strong women rising in a world of men -- resonate so much today!

And yet, how can you care when the material is so bad?? Even worse, the set at times felt like a dated touring production... I was underwhelmed...

I cannot see this getting good reviews....I suspect it will flop, unless people are on a Diva kick... I'm waiting for Queen Brantley to rip it to shreds!!

On the bright side, MS LUPONE can still belt a tune like no other... Sad the tunes she's belting here were forgettable, though...


"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'

ljay889 Profile Photo
#231WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 12:35am

Brantley already reviewed it in Chicago. He loved both leading ladies but was mixed on the show and production. Nothing was torn to shreds, so keep fantasizing. 

Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#232WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 12:54am

Not fantasizing, just assuming it won't get raves... Thanks for the tip: re his previous review; I'll give it a read...

"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'

#233WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 1:27am

Seeing this in Thursday. Just wondering if they have been signing after the show?

RippedMan Profile Photo
#234WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 2:02am

I worked at 54 Below when it began, and Lupone was nothing but gracious .

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#235WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 4:29am

adamgreer said: "She trashes ALW because he ignored a signed contract when he became enamored with Glenn Close, and then neglected to even tell Patti about it. Instead, she reportedly found out about her firing by calling the box office. He then made it worse by instead of having her open the show on Broadway, asked her to replace Glenn Close in the L.A. production. Classy. I fail to grasp how that makes her delusional, and the courts agreed. ALW ended up paying her a large sum of money for that fiasco. 

LuPone has always had a strong personality and expects the best of the companies she's been a part of.  She's not shy about admitting this.  Perhaps your problem, muscle, is with strong-minded women? 


I totally support strong women. They're my favorite type. What I don't support is people that treat others who aren't as powerful badly. That doesn't mean ALW, that means the people I know that worked with her and she was above them and treated them like trash. 


With that said, back to War Paint...I just came back from Groundhound Day and let me say...War Paint was a master piece compared to that crap! 


"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#236WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 4:40am

But you obviously drank her cool aid adam and will believe everything she says...even if she moans about everyone, criticizes a composer that wrote her signature song, etc.

I really want to like her, but I can't. I don't think her heart and her mind are in the right place.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-
Updated On: 3/22/17 at 04:40 AM

#237WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 7:57am

Scanned past posts here and couldn't see if anyone has commented on the front row/orch for this production. I've sat there for Newsies, and it wasn't too bad (stage/height-wise). Can anyone offer insight? Thanks!

BroadwayLuv2 Profile Photo
#238WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 11:02am

Any recent rush reports? 

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#239WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 5:05pm

I have to admit, this is the first I've heard of this — and it sounds like an appalling idea.

And yeah, fifty dollar standing room means "we know it wont last long so we're going after every buck we can".

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#240WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 8:02pm

I don't know LuPone and I am not one of the Luponistas who faint at the mention of her name.

But I have vivid memories of her performance 40 years ago in WORKING, a show in which she didn't even sing (except with the ensemble). I also saw her give a very different performance (with singing) in THE ROBBER BRIDEGROOM.

Whatever else she may do, the woman can act.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#241WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 11:00pm

I didn't think Patti's acting was very convincing in this show, also I think her accent that performance was on and off, but I can be wrong. Of course the accent was gone when she was singing and that's totally understandable. I felt that Christine was acting much better, but overall, I enjoyed myself at the show. I think it was my 3rd favorite show this season, after Sunset and Come From Away.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#242WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/22/17 at 11:19pm

Unless she decided to do it as a special treat JUST for your performance, Patti's accent is absolutely not "gone" when she is singing. 


Can we steer this thread back to a discussion of the show? 

Lenexajones Profile Photo
#243WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/23/17 at 12:11pm

We saw this show on our trip last week and were immensely disappointed.  We love Patti and Christine, but thought the material they were given just wasted their talent.  I had such high expectations . . .  At least our other shows did not disappoint: Sunday in the Park, Sunset, Dear Evan Hanson and Hello, Dolly!

MadonnaMusical Profile Photo
#244WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/23/17 at 12:17pm

muscle23ftl said: "adamgreer said: "She trashes ALW because he ignored a signed contract when he became enamored with Glenn Close, and then neglected to even tell Patti about it. Instead, she reportedly found out about her firing by calling the box office. He then made it worse by instead of having her open the show on Broadway, asked her to replace Glenn Close in the L.A. production. Classy. I fail to grasp how that makes her delusional, and the courts agreed. ALW ended up paying her a large sum of money for that fiasco. 

LuPone has always had a strong personality and expects the best of the companies she's been a part of.  She's not shy about admitting this.  Perhaps your problem, muscle, is with strong-minded women? 


I totally support strong women. They're my favorite type. What I don't support is people that treat others who aren't as powerful badly. That doesn't mean ALW, that means the people I know that worked with her and she was above them and treated them like trash. 


With that said, back to War Paint...I just came back from Groundhound Day and let me say...War Paint was a master piece compared to that crap! 




Hahah. I guess you guys haven't seen Amalie yet. lol. 

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#245WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/23/17 at 5:11pm

RippedMan said: "Oh lord. I LOVE me some Lupone, and to say she can't act is just inane. Have you seen her in Gypsy?! She slings some damn good one liners here as well. But I will say, I think it is Ebersole's show. She's given the more vulnerable character, and I think it is her the audience emotionally attaches too. "

My issue with Lapone is that, like Ethel Merman, she essentially plays the same character every time. I have video of her in three shows: SWEENEY, GYPSY, and CANDIDE. In all three, no doubt about it, she can sing like no one's business. But the characters are all played almost exactly the same, with just different accents and maybe a bit of slight gesture work.

As for the comment about "classically trained at Julliard"... well, how many Harvard lawyers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? WAR PAINT Previews

I dont think she's over-rated, because the woman can certainly sing. But as an actress? Meh. I've seen better.

BakerWilliams Profile Photo
#246WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/23/17 at 5:31pm

I don't really have a problem with her acting abilities, but her performances are mostly skin deep. Good for Gypsy, wrong for Chekhov.

"In memory, everything happens to music"

DAME Profile Photo
#247WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/23/17 at 5:33pm

 "With that said, back to War Paint...I just came back from Groundhound Day and let me say...War Paint was a master piece compared to that crap! "


War Paint, Amelie, and Groundhog were ALL borderline  crap.  



RippedMan Profile Photo
#248WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/24/17 at 12:30am

I think, like most actresses and "divas" of her status, she has a shtick. Either you like it or you don't. She's a powerhouse. She's never going to play a naive wallflower of a girl. 

Having said that, I sat through her 54 Below concerts week after week, and the subtly she displayed is so captivating. By the way she just moves her eyebrow an inch, she can make you laugh, etc. I think there is real craftsmanship there. Sure, she's playing a variation on a theme, but who is to say that's bad acting? It doesn't make you a good or bad actor if you're playing the same part over and over again: look at most of the leading men on Broadway. They all play boring, wooden versions of themselves. It's how convincingly they play it. And I buy into what she is doing. 

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#249WAR PAINT Previews
Posted: 3/24/17 at 12:35am

DAME said: "
 "With that said, back to War Paint...I just came back from Groundhound Day and let me say...War Paint was a master piece compared to that crap! "


War Paint, Amelie, and Groundhog were ALL borderline  crap.  




Opinions, opinions, opinions. 

I also disagree that most leading men on Broadway are playing boring, wooden versions of themselves...

