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Racist Rainbow

BenjaminNicholas2 Profile Photo
#225Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/7/20 at 11:39pm

It's been over. We're moving on. Bigger fish to fry kids.

Cancel culture is dying. Grow up, live life, be strong, move forward.

uncageg Profile Photo
#226Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/7/20 at 11:43pm

BenjaminNicholas2 said: "It's been over. We're moving on. Bigger fish to fry kids.

Cancel culture is dying. Grow up, live life, be strong, move forward.


Speak for yourself. 


Just give the world Love.

#227Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/8/20 at 4:12am

Yeah, well, all you cancel culture people who seem to take such delight in it and think you can do such damage to people - it didn't work in the case of Randy Rainbow, I hate to tell you and no amount of bumping this thread is gonna make it work.  He offered his apology and explanation and on he goes doing his thing, the latest of which debuted yesterday I believe, and he's doing just fine.  Guess you'll have to find the next person.

#228Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/8/20 at 11:16am

Cancel culture will never truly die as it existed before and after Twitter. Many performers and businesses have been subject to boycotts or people simply deciding to take their business elsewhere. Many lose relevancy while others survive it for a few more years or for a longer time. It's nothing new and it's not surprising that it has always existed because in this country, the only real power regular folks have is their purchasing power. The all mighty dollar rules all, and now people are angry that they figured out a way to use that politically.

Disgruntled regressive types push back against it now because "all-of-a-sudden" to them, one can get in actual trouble and lose their jobs for being racist. Before they cared, they didn't mind people were vulnerable for losing their jobs for all kinds of things when it wasn't about racism. It's not like this country has historically had strong protections for workers/laborers and many embrace the fact that the labor movement is dying in this country. In fact, this country actual values a company's or business owner's right to fire at-will and even for no reason as most Americans are not under contractual protection. The only thing they can't do is Title VII violations for the most part.

However, people have now realized they still have some power in this totally uneven setting, which is their purchasing power. They can use that to push back against things they don't like, which ironically is actually embracing the theoretical argument for capitalism. The real issue people have with supposed "cancel culture" is that more POC are verbalizing their displeasure and are refusing to be silent despite entitled people feeling like they have the power to shut them up. And because more POC are speaking up, seemingly for the first time, someone can get in trouble for making racially-insensitive or even racist remarks or "jokes". THAT'S THE REAL ISSUE OPPONENTS OF CANCEL CULTURE HAVE.

God-forbid. But people want the right to be racist and still have tons of fans (consumers) and make money. I guess people find it easy for themselves to make those same remarks or they share the same attitudes, so they are afraid and feel the need to defend those people and attack "cancel culture". while hiding under guise that they're being logical or waving the First Amendment flag (ignoring that such racism has a chilling effect on other people's speeches or that "cancel culture" itself is also an expression but one they want to shut down). It's funny how this all has worked.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#229Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/8/20 at 1:10pm

The last 2 attempts at canceling out artists failed and fizzled in less than 72 hours: Randy Rainbow and Ansel Elgort.

The cancel culture trend ran its course and is nothing but a memory today.

DAME Profile Photo
#230Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/8/20 at 2:47pm

His racist tweets will always be looming over him. They were awful. And his apology was lame .


BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#231Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/8/20 at 4:54pm

DAME said: "His racist tweets will always be looming over him. They were awful. And his apology was lame . "

Regardless how tasteless they were and how lame his apology was, the point is his career did not experience any hiccups.  Posts surfaced, he apologized, things resumed as they were in less than 72 hours.  This whole canceling situation exhausted itself and no one is partaking in it anymore.  That’s the point here.  Randy Rainbow didn’t experience any career detour when those tweets surfaced.  

#232Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/8/20 at 4:57pm

I think it helps that he has a very niche audience who mostly act, look, and think like him. If he was a bigger star with broader appeal, who knows. It took forever for Woody Allen and Roman Polanski to finally suffer career set backs. Nothing is truly over. Younger people become the dominate voice and they won't tolerate as much as the older generation that let things slide...if Randy Rainbow will still be relevant in the next decade. Most of the time, the way most people cancel is by paying less and then no attention to them and they just fizzle out as they lose relevancy. Updated On: 10/8/20 at 04:57 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#233Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/8/20 at 5:41pm

Speak for yourself.


I think it helps that he has a very niche audience who mostly act, look, and think like him.



DAME Profile Photo
#234Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/8/20 at 5:46pm

BrodyFosse123 said: "DAME said: "His racist tweets will always be looming over him. They were awful. And his apology was lame . "

Regardless how tasteless they were and how lame his apology was, the point is his career did not experience any hiccups. Posts surfaced, he apologized, things resumed as they were in less than 72 hours. This whole canceling situation exhausted itself and no one is partaking in it anymore. That’s the point here. Randy Rainbow didn’t experience any career detour when those tweets surfaced.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you.   The tweets were racists .  We have a racist white supremacist in the White House .  That doesn’t seem to matter either .  But let’s not be hypocrites.  Randy Rainbow is what he is .


BenjaminNicholas2 Profile Photo
#235Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 12:01am

Enjoy being bitter ya'll.

I accepted the apology (as a POC myself) and moved on long ago.

Life is too short to find problems with everything. Says more about your state of happiness than anything.

Updated On: 10/9/20 at 12:01 AM

alovingfan Profile Photo
#236Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 1:34am

BenjaminNicholas2 said: "Enjoy being bitter ya'll.

I accepted the apology (as a POC myself) and moved on long ago.

Life is too short to find problems with everything. Says more about your state of happiness than anything.

It says nothing about our state of happiness.  Even though we are in the middle of a horrible pandemic and a nasty election.  The tweets that surfaced were racist.  And some people will continue being bothered by it and others will not.    I could care  less about him.  I will continue watching his videos.. or not.  Some are great and some are the same shtick over and over again.  But I will always think of him now as Racist Rainbow.  

uncageg Profile Photo
#237Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 1:58am

BenjaminNicholas2 said: "Enjoy being bitter ya'll.

I accepted the apology (as a POC myself) and moved on long ago.

Life is too short to find problems with everything. Says more about your state of happiness than anything.


Again, speak for yourself. I am quite happy not watching his videos as a POC.


Just give the world Love.

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#238Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 9:47am

LOL at people thinking those of us who won't watch his videos after his racist tweets are bitter or will lose sleep over it.

I never cared for him much either way, but I have zero intention of supporting him after the tweets surfaced. I won't lose a single second of sleep and I am not bitter in the least.

I will watch anything with Patti LuPone, however.

#239Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 12:07pm

ScottyDoesn'tKnow2 said: "Younger people become the dominate voice and they won't tolerate as much as the older generation that let things slide...."

Exactly.  Now, you can argue these kids have been given too much leeway in their youth, that anything that makes them uncomfortable was soothed or taken away by mommy and daddy translating into college kids and young adults that seem terribly intolerant of opposing viewpoints. But we Boomers (and some older Millennial) have our own issues (Trump is president).

And honestly, Cancel Culture is incredibly democratic.  Cancel Culture is not a law, it's human beings in a group deciding not to support someone or something that they find odious. Sometimes it sticks, sometimes it doesn't. We all hate Trump but we don't argue the right for his supporters to vote him into office.  We may not like it but you don't hear "I hate democracy because it allowed for Trump". 

I didn't mind Randy's tweets half as much as I hated his apology.  But I got over it once I heard the words: "When gay men are in crisis I just materialize".  If Patti can forgive him, I'm back to being a fan.


alovingfan Profile Photo
#240Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 12:21pm

Owen22 said: "ScottyDoesn'tKnow2 said: "Younger people become the dominate voice and they won't tolerate as much as the older generation that let things slide...."

Exactly. Now, you can argue these kids have been given too much leeway in their youth, that anything that makes them uncomfortable was soothed or taken away by mommy and daddy translating into college kids and young adults that seem terribly intolerant of opposing viewpoints. But we Boomers (and some older Millennial) have our own issues (Trump is president).

And honestly, Cancel Culture is incredibly democratic. Cancel Culture is not a law, it's human beings in a group deciding not to support someone or something that they find odious. Sometimes it sticks, sometimes it doesn't. We all hate Trump but we don't argue the right for his supporters to vote him into office. We may not like it but you don't hear "I hate democracy because it allowed for Trump".

I didn't mind Randy's tweets half as much as I hated his apology. But I got over it once I heard the words: "When gay men are in crisis I just materialize". If Patti can forgive him, I'm back to being a fan.


But not everyone is there with you.  That is why whenever he puts a new video out his racist tweets will resurface or be referred to one way or the other.  As well they should.  It is what it is.   As far as if Patti can forgive him... well that is cute and for me a unattractive cliche.  But that is just me.

joevitus Profile Photo
#241Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 12:35pm

Cancel Culture is the opposite of democratic. People have rejected what offends them as long as media has existed. Cancel Culture shames those who refuse to go along, and generally, if anyone starts a topic on the "cancelled" subject, the forum will be barraged with attacks. It's largely another form of online bullying. 

I don't care about Randy Rainbow--never heard of him until this subject came up, still have encountered nothing from him (nor feel the lack). 

#242Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 12:52pm

What about when gays canceled Anita Bryant for her continued homophobic remarks and activism and thus (arguably...depending on who you ask) costing her a spokesperson spot for Florida Orange Juice? Were they wrong to do so?

Updated On: 10/9/20 at 12:52 PM

joevitus Profile Photo
#243Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 1:28pm

Anita Bryant never had a gay audience, so she could hardly be cancelled by them. The question suggests not understanding what cancel culture is. 

#244Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 1:37pm

What does it matter? You don't have to be an active fan to cancel someone. Most canceling happens with people who weren't really into the person but had no problem previously with that person until that person gave them a reason to have a problem. Many join in as a form of solidarity.

The idea is that you are using your purchasing power and your voice to bring attention to a certain person's attitudes/actions that you find abhorrent. That person is reliant on consumers to buy into their image and whatever it is they're selling. The power behind "canceling" anyone is to bring more awareness even to outside folks so they know who that person is and what they've done, thus limiting their opportunities even further than their niche audiences. Another purpose is to publicize their past public/semi-public behavior.

Anyway, if Bryant had a gay following but then decided to reject it and started espousing homophobic views, would it still be wrong to cancel her?

Anyway, the way some think "cancel culture is over" is way too quick, doesn't acknowledge previous generations' versions of "canceling", how we've "Canceled" before without having it be disparaged as "cancel culture", AND seems like a rightwing pipe dream. Updated On: 10/9/20 at 01:37 PM

#245Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 5:44pm

joevitus said: "Cancel Culture is the opposite of democratic. People have rejected what offends them as long as media has existed. Cancel Culture shames those who refuse to go along, and generally, if anyone starts a topic on the "cancelled" subject, the forum will be barraged with attacks. It's largely another form of online bullying.

I don't care about Randy Rainbow--never heard of him until this subject came up, still have encountered nothing from him (nor feel the lack).

No. The online harassment and internet shaking down of those who have trespassed is bullying. Not cancelling. The cancelling is the eventual mass ignoring i(or not) and it is completely democratic.

alovingfan Profile Photo
#246Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 5:48pm

Owen22 said: "joevitus said: "Cancel Culture is the opposite of democratic. People have rejected what offends them as long as media has existed. Cancel Culture shames those who refuse to go along, and generally, if anyone starts a topic on the "cancelled" subject, the forum will be barraged with attacks. It's largely another form of online bullying.

I don't care about Randy Rainbow--never heard of him until this subject came up, still have encountered nothing from him (nor feel the lack).

No. The online harassment and internet shaking down of those who have trespassed is bullying. Not cancelling. The cancelling is the eventual mass ignoring i(or not) and it iscompletely democratic.

No one has bullied Racist Rainbow.  He puts it out.  He can take it.  .  Tough cookies if he can't.   This is all his doing.  

#247Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/9/20 at 9:33pm

alovingfan said: "Owen22 said: "joevitus said: "Cancel Culture is the opposite of democratic. People have rejected what offends them as long as media has existed. Cancel Culture shames those who refuse to go along, and generally, if anyone starts a topic on the "cancelled" subject, the forum will be barraged with attacks. It's largely another form of online bullying.

I don't care about Randy Rainbow--never heard of him until this subject came up, still have encountered nothing from him (nor feel the lack).

No. The online harassment and internet shaking down of those who have trespassed is bullying. Not cancelling. The cancelling is the eventual mass ignoring i(or not) and it iscompletely democratic.

No one has bullied Racist Rainbow. He puts it out. He can take it. . Tough cookies if he can't. This is all his doing.

You know, I think you and Joe Vitus should get married cuz neither of you seem to know how the internet works...


joevitus Profile Photo
#248Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/10/20 at 3:49am

I don't think you know how the term "how the internet works" works. 

BWAY Baby2
#249Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/10/20 at 8:17am

Just vote Trump and all Republicans out- everything else is a sideshow now. If Randy is racist and you do not like him- don't watch him,
