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Racist Rainbow

Alexander Lamar
#200Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/22/20 at 8:11pm

Please be mindful that you are speaking for yourself. I would never be okay with a non-black person using the n-word in conversation with me or anyone else, no matter the context. And I also would never use the t-slur since I have been educated on its harmfulness.

uncageg Profile Photo
#201Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/22/20 at 9:25pm

Alexander Lamar said: "Please be mindful that you are speaking for yourself. I would never be okay with a non-black person using the n-word in conversation with me or anyone else, no matter the context. And I also would never use the t-slur since I have been educated on its harmfulness."

Did you not read my comment correctly? I am speaking for myself and those I know.

And just in case you think we are sitting around calling people that name, no, that is not the case.


Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 8/22/20 at 09:25 PM

#202Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/22/20 at 10:55pm

Trans person here: yeah, don't use the "t" word unless you're a god damn TGNC individual. Full f'ing stop. 

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#203Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 3:02am

toottoot said: "Trans person here: yeah, don't use the "t" word unless you're a god damn TGNC individual. Full f'ing stop."

toot toot hey...beep beep..


Randy Rainbow



Tag Profile Photo
#204Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 10:56am

All his social (Youtube, Instagram, Twitter) subscriber numbers have gone up since this all came out.  So clearly this won't have a long-term effect on his "brand".

joevitus Profile Photo
#205Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 2:13pm

As a gay man who has had a fair share of homophobic slurs directed him through his over 50 years on earth, let me say, and speaking just for myself, to be clear: 

I am sick of the childish "only we in this group can use this word!" nonsense. This "reclaiming the word" argument only works if everyone gets to use he reclaimed word, the way any person on earth is free to refer to a Queer Studies program by that term

1. There's the issue of intent, and the difference between someone using a word in context is large. Also, being upset that someone calls you a "bad" name should stop somewhere around age 17. Be an adult. Words can have power, but only the power you give them.

2. If you're going to use said word yourself in public space, someone else is who is not in "your group" is going to use it, too. This is just logic. You can't build walls around words, no matter how hard you try. You can't rewrite "This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land" as "This Word is My Word, It isn't Your Word,." You can stomp your foot all you want, some people will concede to your demand, but if you use a word in pubic discourse, there will always be others outside "your" group who will, use it too. Guaranteed. 

People will say "But the people who use those words have kept us from jobs, physically assaulted us, killed others!" Well those events, my friend, are what you fight. Legal rights and physical safety are the fight, not silly words that sometimes are used in hate, sometimes used accidentally and are sometimes used because you're still using them yourself. 

HogansHero Profile Photo
#206Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 2:15pm

Tag said: "All his social(Youtube, Instagram, Twitter) subscriber numbers have gone up since this all came out. So clearly this won't have a long-term effect on his "brand"."

That's not clear at all. 

And people also rubberneck at car accidents and train wrecks. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#207Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 2:43pm

Yeah, that's just a lie from his pathetic supporters like the one who made that up.


Tag Profile Photo
#208Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 2:54pm

His subscriber amounts on all 3 platforms were at least 1000 less, a few days ago, so...lolz?

HogansHero Profile Photo
#209Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 3:27pm

Tag said: "His subscriber amounts on all 3 platforms were at least 1000 less, a few days ago, so...lolz?"

I am mystified by what your point could possibly be. Assuming you have not lied about the above (I don't know and honestly I don't care), what do you think this proves? And what is your purpose? To me you seem to be setting yourself up to be viewed pretty unpalatably. Strange bedfellow you've chosen here. 

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#210Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 3:28pm

Moderator said: "Just clarifying since there have been a number of posts on this:

Randy has actually not been part of the BWW team for several years now. The videos that we’ve been running recently have been part of our “Rewind” series of re-airing older video content while the industry remains shutdown. We’ve taken his videos out of that series and agree with those here that these older, offensive tweets are inappropriate (both then and now).


MODS:  For clarification, please.  If contributors now post any Randy Rainbow videos to BWW, whether older or new, will you allow the videos to stand or will you delete them?

Non sibi sed patriae

#211Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 4:52pm

joevitus said: "As a gay man who has had a fair share of homophobic slurs directedhim throughhis over 50 years on earth,let me say, and speaking just for myself, to be clear:

I am sick of the childish "only we in this group can use this word!" nonsense. .

Get thee to a doctor, comrade, and take some medicine or something then. But don't think I'm giving you or anyone else slack for it. 


#212Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 4:52pm

CarlosAlberto said: "toottoot said: "Trans person here: yeah, don't use the "t" word unless you're a god damn TGNC individual. Full f'ing stop."

toot toot hey...beep beep..

Randy Rainbow



heeeey Randy Rainbow 

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#213Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 7:20pm

toottoot said: "CarlosAlberto said: "toottoot said: "Trans person here: yeah, don't use the "t" word unless you're a god damn TGNC individual. Full f'ing stop."

toot toot hey...beep beep..

Randy Rainbow


heeeey Randy Rainbow

LOL...glad you liked it...wink

BWAY Baby2
#214Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 7:41pm

I like Randy Rainbow's current work----and think he is funny and very creative. 

Updated On: 8/23/20 at 07:41 PM

#215Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 9:45pm

BWAY Baby2 said: "I like Randy Rainbow's current work----and think he is funny and very creative."

...oh, baby.


#216Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 10:43pm

I actually think what Joe is pretty accurate. You can take the “n” word for example. It’s grown it something else because it’s so commonly used. And we have people being “canceled” for using it in a sentence and people calling them racist when the connotation of their tweet/sentence wasn’t racist at all.

joevitus Profile Photo
#217Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/23/20 at 10:57pm

I appreciate that, Southern Cakes. For the record I don't use the n-word because I respect people of color, and so as they say "It doesn't create negative emotions when people of color use the word, but it does when others do," why am I going to say something that causes a negative emotion? But just realistically, there are people who aren't going to think it through like that, and others, of course, who just won't care. It's a bit schizophrenic to have the word used multiple times in the vast majority of songs in what has been the most popular song form of the past 20 years, yet expect others not to use it themselves. If nothing else, they are going to use it as the sing along with the lyrics.

Toot-Toot, I don't use words like "tranny," either, again because I listen when people tell me what they do and don't like to be called. But I also think it's incredibly important to realize a great many people using it don't know it's offensive. If you rip into them with the heat of a million blazing suns, you're alienating rather that education, which won't prove very productive.

Being a gay man, I'd rather not hear a straight person use the "f" word, but I'm not going to tell anyone  anymore "Hey! I can use that word, you can't!" To me, it now feels juvenile. 

Same As It Ever Was
#218Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/24/20 at 1:00am

joevitus said: "As a gay man who has had a fair share of homophobic slurs directedhim throughhis over 50 years on earth,let me say, and speaking just for myself, to be clear:

I am sick of the childish "only we in this group can use this word!" nonsense. This "reclaiming the word" argument only works if everyonegets to use he reclaimedword, the way any person on earth is free to refer to a Queer Studies program by that term

1. There's the issue ofintent, and the difference between someone using a word in context is large. Also, being upset that someone calls you a "bad" name should stop somewhere around age 17. Be an adult. Words can have power, but only the power you give them.

2. If you're going to use saidword yourself in public space, someone else is who is not in "your group" is going to use it, too. This is just logic. You can't build walls around words, no matter how hard you try. Youcan't rewrite "This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land" as "This Word is My Word, It isn't Your Word,." You can stomp your footall you want, some people will concede to your demand,butif you use a word in pubic discourse,there will always be others outside "your" group who will, use ittoo. Guaranteed.

People will say "But the people who use those words have kept us from jobs, physically assaulted us, killed others!" Well those events, my friend, are what you fight. Legal rights and physical safety are the fight, not silly words that sometimesare used inhate, sometimesused accidentally and are sometimesusedbecause you're still using them yourself.

There is so many words to say “I am a middle-aged white man and I feel entitled to want to say whatever words I wanna say.” So go ahead. Say the N-word.

#219Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/24/20 at 1:42am

I don’t think that’s the argument at all!

joevitus Profile Photo
#220Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/24/20 at 5:34pm

It isn't the argument at all. But it's the internet, you're going to get people making all sorts of assumptions and setting up all kinds of defenses. I know what I'm saying, and it isn't that. Nor have I any desire to use that word (or any word for any minority that I know causes hurt or anger).

#221Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/25/20 at 1:18am

Considering he then went to say the word "tranny" after it was explicitly said that it's not a word for him to say, I wouldn't put it past him to take you up on your offer. 

joevitus Profile Photo
#222Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/25/20 at 2:21pm

I used the word only in context and scare quotes. Are you really hurt/angered that I didn't write "t-word"? Only one slur word has decisively entered our language to be identified by its first letter. I only wrote "f-word" because a lot of automatic censors won't let a message through if that word is spelled out. I wasn't using it as a way of addressing or describing you or anyone else, but as an example of a word I don't use. 

Your response illustrates why I consider these reactions--"Don't you dare even spell out X word in context in conversation or you're a hater!"--to be juvenile. It's clear from my post that I don't refer to trans persons by the use of that word, but you're jumping on whatever evidence you can find to lash out.

Updated On: 8/25/20 at 02:21 PM

Same As It Ever Was
#223Randy Rainbow
Posted: 8/27/20 at 2:27am

Now do it with the N-word

DAME Profile Photo
#224Randy Rainbow
Posted: 10/7/20 at 1:04pm

Are we ready to forgive but not forget?

