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THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'- Page 14

THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'

#326 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/13/17 at 2:40am

Yeah Cynthia was there tonight -- She picked up her tickets at the box office right after i did and I took a pic with her at intermission.;;Such a talented, and lovely person.

#327 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/13/17 at 8:19am

HSky said:

On the Pierre spectrum, I'd put Stangland closer to Malloy than Groban. His Pierre is weary and defeated by the world (my impression of Groban's Pierre was that he perhaps had more of a willing role in isolating himself from the outside world). I think all three have different strengths but his "Great Comet of 1812" is my favorite.

Thanks HSky! Alas, the timing is not going to work out so I'll have to be content with my memories of Groban. 

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#328 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/13/17 at 6:41pm

I was at this afternoon's performance, Oak and Ingrid's last. I was sitting in the rear right banquet -- GREAT spot to sit by the way. Many of the songs are sung by the entrance stairs right by the banquet aisles, and most big numbers have the performers turn around and face the stage right banquet a few times. I caught a pierogie.

The energy of the ensemble was amazing, which is why it's such a shame this show has to close because really, the show IS the star. Oak I thought was very fine as Pierre, with a voice that's gruffer than Groban's but somehow more fitting for Pierre. I was a bit disappointed by Ingrid Michaelson. She's one of my favorite singers but I thought she sounded underpowered. Denee Benton, Amber Gray, Lucas Steele and the rest of the OBC are as wonderful as ever, although Lucas did have a moment of hoarseness at the end of "Balaga." 

I definitely will try to see this once more before it closes.

#329 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/13/17 at 9:05pm

Ack, Poison Ivy--we were right in front of you--totally forgot to say "hi"

My daughter caught a perogi too, btw

haterobics Profile Photo
#330 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/13/17 at 11:37pm

Anything special happen for Oak's last show?

JayElle Profile Photo
#331 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/13/17 at 11:39pm

Javier Munoz was there too in Upper Stglf table tm Row TM seats 1.  I sat at the table on the opposite side of him on the other side of the aisle. Javier told a patron that he didn't want to do a selfie.  He was hooting and hollering and laughing a lot.  They did do some funny lines.

I did get to speak to Paul Pinto (Balaga) at the outset when they were giving out pierogis and instructions about not putting anything on the floor or to touch any of the propers.    I told Paul that he reminded me of the Sesame St Drummer "Animal," especially the version from 25 years ago b/c back then he wore clothes that looked like Balaga's. So when he sat at the drums wearing Balaga's clothes, I started laughing. 

Then in the 2nd act when Balaga came on and was singing b/w the string musicians and patron tables.  Nick (Dolokhov) was standing next to me at base of stage left stairs.  He tapped my leg and said, "there's Animal."

Was waiting for a send off like they did for, Oak ran to that dressing room

 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'

Have pix of Oak & Javier, unsure how to insert them in this chat


poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#332 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/13/17 at 11:42pm

JustAnotherNewYorker said: "Ack, Poison Ivy--we were right in front of you--totally forgot to say "hi"

My daughter caught a perogi too, btw



Damn! I thought I saw you guys but I wasn't sure so I didn't say anything. Did your daughter catch one of those random ripped out War and Peace pages?

And as for Oak they didn't do anything special for his final show although Denee did bow to him and he got huge entrance applause and a standing ovation after Dust and Ashes.

The audience SCREAMED when Lucas Steele came onstage.

Eliza2 Profile Photo
#333 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/13/17 at 11:52pm

As soon as the show ends and the bows begin, Lucas & Ingrid stand up at the top/back platform waiting, one on each side. Today, Ingrid was crying and Lucas walked over to her and squeezed her hand, which I thought was sweet. 

I wasn't really expecting any speeches or anything since it was the last day for two of them who have only been with the show a few weeks. 

Some of the cast members said after the show at stage door they were going to celebrate "Oak and Ingrid's last show with some drinks" and based on some of their instagram stories, it seems Ingrid rented out a place somewhere with drinks, pizza, and karaoke. No sign of Oak in any of the photos/videos.

Also - PoisonIvy and JustAnotherNewYorker - I was also in the right banquettes! (I had the "Russian custom" seat today).

Updated On: 8/13/17 at 11:52 PM

#334 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/13/17 at 11:52pm

Yep. that was us and she did catch a page. She also got a shaker (which Oak, Denee, Ingrid....and Lucas (of course)) signed at the stage door.

She was working up the courage to ask Javier Munoz for a picture (he was in BA on stage left) when he ducked into backstage after the show. 

I'm at the final performance (two rows ahead of where I was today, in the banquettes) but she's not. 


RippedMan Profile Photo
#335 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 1:15am

I saw the show in the tent and with Oak. I didn't care for Oak, and I love the show, so I'd like to see it again. Who should I see Scott or Dave? I know Dave wrote it, but vocally, is he good? Or should I go with Scott, who, I assume, is probably pretty great. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#336 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 1:26am

RippedMan said: "I saw the show in the tent and with Oak. I didn't care for Oak, and I love the show, so I'd like to see it again. Who should I see Scott or Dave? I know Dave wrote it, but vocally, is he good? Or should I go with Scott, who, I assume, is probably pretty great. "

If you saw it in the tent, didn't you see Dave then?!

I like both, so from a Pierre perspective, you're good either way. But it seems more special seeing the guy who wrote the whole show up there, too?

#337 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 2:15am

Kitsune said: "My boyfriend and I have tickets to the matinee on September 2nd.  I've heard a lot about this show (both good and bad), and I'm really glad we get to see it for ourselves before its current incarnation is gone.  

We opted for the front mezzanine, which I hope will be a good place to experience the entire effect.

I've been listening to a bit of Act I - is it worth really familiarizing myself with the story and music beforehand?  Admittedly I never read War and Peace.

Front mezzanine is an excellent place to see the show. 

As for how to prepare, I can only tell you what I did - because I felt worried after reading about people being confused. I started reading War and Peace on my cross-country flight to New York, then read the section the musical covers (70-80 pages) in the days before I saw the show. I gave my wife and daughter a short plot summary, leaving out the ending, when we were eating lunch in Brooklyn on the day we saw the musical.

I did not listen to the cast recording or do any other research. (I did that the previous year for Hamilton.)

That worked for me. It's nice knowing the plot basics, even though the main story is pretty straightforward, so you can concentrate on everything that's happening all over the theater during the show. I don't think it's necessary to do what I did, and the little diagram of the characters in the program is probably good enough, but it worked for me and my family (who did no reading).

Enjoy the show! (And even if you don't, it is a unique experience.)

#338 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 4:02am

RippedMan said: "I saw the show in the tent and with Oak. I didn't care for Oak, and I love the show, so I'd like to see it again. Who should I see Scott or Dave? I know Dave wrote it, but vocally, is he good? Or should I go with Scott, who, I assume, is probably pretty great. 

I can only compare Dave and Josh. While Josh's vocals were superior and I'm not one of the people who had trouble understanding the show, I felt like the meaning of the lyrics really comes through clearer when Dave is performing. It's easier to hone in on what's being communicated, especially at the very end of the show. Also, I can only imagine those moments are going to become more poignant towards the end of the run. 


Dave28282 Profile Photo
#339 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 5:19am

Eliza2 said: "Seems that Cynthia Erivo was at the show tonight


Nice pictures of 3 ladies.

But why do they both start their post with pointing out color? What does that have to do with a selfie? 

Should I post a picture of me and my friends with the text "white magic"?

Or "my vanilla brothers"? Or "Me with my vanilla friend and one chocolate"?


Updated On: 8/14/17 at 05:19 AM

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#340 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 5:57am

^Because they're proud of who they are.

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#341 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 6:17am

No, this focus actually takes away from who they are. It shows the opposite.

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#342 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 6:32am

Dave28282 said: "No, this focus actually takes away from who they are. It shows the opposite"

Would you tell a gay man to stop telling everyone he's gay because it "takes away from who they are?"

It is who they are.  If you were American you would have seen what happened yesterday and you would realize that your concept of racial erasure is a problem.  Black people are black.  I'm black and Asian and I will proudly tell anyone of my lovely heritage.  Sorry that you apparently have to look past my race to see me as a human being.  My race is part of who I am and I'm very proud of myself for it.  No privileged white man from another country is going to tell me otherwise.


Updated On: 8/14/17 at 06:32 AM

binau Profile Photo
#343 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 6:34am

Individuals belonging to oppressed groups can express pride and reclaim/take back positive sentiment for the identity that might historically (or sometimes currently) have negative sentiment. For example, gay pride, Muslim pride (particularly if female), Asian/black pride, female pride, even Atheist pride. I know there is a double standard here and no one would get away with saying white pride or straight pride or male pride. And I know you might wonder whether continuing to exaggerate differences between us rather than similarities is good for inter-group cooperation. But it is the world we live in and it seems rather harmless to me. In fact, I would see it as a positive thing for the individuals belonging to oppressed groups. Showing that there is nothing shameful belonging to these groups - but something to celebrate. 

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000
Updated On: 8/14/17 at 06:34 AM

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#344 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 6:35am

There is a difference between being proud of who you are and bringing in certain traits in a forced way into situations that have nothing to do with it. I see they are black, but I see them as human first and foremost. This behaviour prevents people from looking past that facade.

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#345 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 6:39am

qolbinau said: " I know there is a double standard here and no one would get away with saying white pride or straight pride or male pride. And I know you might wonder whether continuing to exaggerate differences between us rather than similarities is good for inter-group cooperation."

Exacty, which is what keeps the separation intact. Posting a selfie with "black power" or "white power" immediately overlooks the fact you are human first. It really is the essence of the problem.


Dave28282 Profile Photo
#346 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 6:45am

GeorgeandDot said: "Would you tell a gay man to stop telling everyone he's gay because it "takes away from who they are?"

No, I would encourage him to be open and relaxed about it. For anyone to see. Just like anyone can see somebody is black. But in many daily situations that have nothing to do with it, there is no point in bringing it up either. Because, believe it or not, many situations have a different focus.


#347 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 6:49am

I've just read about the ripped out War and Peace pages. Do they throw them each show? And I assume people sitting in the mezzanine won't have a chance to catch one? I really wish I did.  

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#348 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 6:50am

Dave28282 said: "There is a difference between being proud of who you are and bringing in certain traits in a forced way into situations that have nothing to do with it. I see they are black, but I see them as human first and foremost. This behaviour prevents people from looking past that facade."

No.  Wrong.  Sorry, wrong.  I completely disagree with you.  There is a sisterhood between black women and even just WoC in general.  We're proud of each other's accomplishments.  Race will always be a part of everything for us.  As a white person it is very easy to ignore race because it really isn't your problem.  You don't get called a "n*" or "chink" on the street.  You get to live your life free of any real prejudice.  I mean seriously, what is the worst thing you could possibly call a white person? "Whitie?" "Cracker?" "Mayonnaise?"  None of those insults come from years of systemic oppression because white people have never been oppressed, so race to you is a very easy thing to overlook.  It was a harmless tweet showing some black girl pride on Broadway.  There's nothing wrong with that.  People will never look at us the way that people look at you.  Charlottesville is a sign that racism will never cease to exist, but we can at least drive it back into the caves that it's been hiding in.  We can silence it, but it will never be destroyed and we cannot hide the color of our skin to help make you feel better about yourself.  I'm sure if you asked you could've joined in on that picture and it would've been captioned "Chocolate and Vanilla Swirl on Broadway."  We're not trying to separate, we're trying to bring us together by realizing how different we all are from each other and together we can make a great group of humans.


poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#349 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/14/17 at 6:51am

Dave28282 said: "No, this focus actually takes away from who they are. It shows the opposite.


They are accomplished women of color. This photo highlights that. Idk whey you think that this is somehow demeaning.
