
Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call- Page 2

Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#25Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 10:28pm

I think rushing to the stage door is incredibly rude but if you really have to get somewhere then it's fine. I've only left once at The Addams Family because I had to RUN to Port Authority to get a bus and I was thanfully in the seat closest to the door in the Orchestra so no one noticed me leave.

legally_popular Profile Photo
#26Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 10:30pm

I think it’s rude, unless of course there’s an emergency, you’re an out-of-towner and have to catch a certain train/bus, or there’s another legitimate, important reason you HAVE to be home asap.

At In the Next Room, the couple next to me left while Michael Cerveris was giving the BC/EFA speech. First the guy left, then a minute later the woman (or vice versa) and I had to stand up each time to let them out of the aisle. They had a snotty, “oh whatever, this isn’t important, let’s just go” attitude and it was very disrespectful. I was very embarrassed because Laura Benanti kept glaring in our direction as each one got up and started walking out. It was very noticeable as everyone else in the audience was sitting. I was hoping she knew I wasn’t with them.

How rude!

Jane2 Profile Photo
#27Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 10:40pm

If there's an emergency, I would hope the patron would leave as soon as they were notified of it.


coryografer Profile Photo
#28Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 10:58pm

About a thousand years ago, I saw Joel Grey in the national tour of George M. At the old Music Hall in Cleveland. Two middle aged women, in the second row center, started to leave during the finale. Mr. Grey stopped the orchestra and came to the front of the stage and yelled at the women who were about a third of the way up the aisle. He told them they were missing one of the best parts of the show. SHAMED them into returning to their seats (to thunderous applause, I might add). Now tell me......... what would Patti do????

Piper3500 Profile Photo
#29Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/21/10 at 1:13am

"I was comparing it more to off Broadway shows that attract a more local audience rather then tourists. I am a member of 59E59 theatres and never, during my time in going there, have I ever seen a standing O or people leaving the second the show is over. I am sure it happens in other places as well. But, I haven't been there so I don't know. "

i absolutely agree about leaving early, whether in amateur theatre, semi-professional, off broadway or broadway. standing O's do not bother me. it is a sign of respect a lot of the time. i have seen it in all theatre. not all shows are for all people, so giving something one likes a standing ovation is far from a bad thing to do imo.

"it's a dirty little war"

once a month Profile Photo
once a month
#30Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/21/10 at 9:49am

I'm not going to apologise for having to leave Anyone Can Whistle from center row. By the end, my bladder was tortured and I just could wait no longer. I usually get aisle seats for just such an emergency.

To the inconvenienced gentleman who I had to climb over and who couldn't be bothered to make it any easier...I say...SERVES YOU RIGHT A**HOLE! You slept through most of the show anyway, and your watch alarmed EVERY 15 minutes! It was extremely distracting, as you would know if you saw everyones heads turn but were unable to since you were in dreamland.

JMPlayer6 Profile Photo
#31Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/21/10 at 10:17am

I only ever did this once: at Irena's Vow. But it was more at the very start of curtain call as opposed to BEFORE curtain call. I think it's rude, too, frnakly. But the only reason I did it was that the play ran something close to 10 minutes over, and I had to get to the Port Authority to catch the last bus back home for that night---which I made, but barely.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#32Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/21/10 at 10:55am

First of all - we are talking in generalizations here, as we do most of the time. Of course there are mitigating circumstances which force people to leave early. But in general, I most of us agree that it's rude.

Second - I don't see how a standing ovation could be considered rude or negative at all- in any circumstance.


#33Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/21/10 at 3:56pm

Has anyone stopped to consider the fact that some people have train schedules to cope with? The LIRR doesn't have hourly service to various points of Long Island and in order to make certain trains, every single minute counts.

If you miss your train, you could have as much as a 2 1/2 hour wait at Penn Station for the next one.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)
Updated On: 4/21/10 at 03:56 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#34Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/21/10 at 4:11pm

No Dollypop, no one thought to consider that. Do you even read threads or do you just add what you want regardless of what's already been said?


#35Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/21/10 at 6:44pm

The worst I ever saw was two women that got up during "The Flesh Failures/Let the Sun Shine In" before the cast exits, aka halfway through the song, before the dance party. It was bizarre.

#36Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/21/10 at 10:50pm

I am sure it was all those Christian tourists fleeing next fall so they don't have to look any longer,at their hypocrisy, in the mirror....
Tourists are so rude and do bolt from the theaters like they can't wait to get to Olive Garden or perhaps...Red Lobster!!!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#37Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/21/10 at 11:32pm

I actually do this all the time, and I don't find it rude at all. If I am in the orchestra, I usually get to the back of the house and applaud for the curtain call from there. If I am in the Mezz, I stand right next to the nearest exit, applaud from there, and then make my quick getaway.

I always stay and applaud for the entire curtain call though...I guess many in this thread are calling those who do not stay for the entire curtain call rude (so hopefully what I'm doing is considered acceptable).

mikem Profile Photo
#38Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/21/10 at 11:44pm

I have not seen Next Fall yet. Why would it have so many more walkouts during curtain call than other shows? It's not unusually long.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

#39Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/22/10 at 12:20am

As a professional in the industry who watches audience members across the country 8 times a week, this is my number one pet peeve. There is no excuse for leaving before the curtain call is done. It's rude and selfish- it says "I'm done, I've been entertained, I'm leaving- I don't care about anyone but myself and what I want." Transportation woes are just a weak excuse- this is not just a New York thing, it happens everywhere, in every town America, in places that have monster parking facilities with numerous exits and no easily available public transportation (i.e., everyone drives to the venue).

Really? Late night train problems? That's one of the reasons shows do matinees...

I have never done a performance of any show in any city where there weren't people leaving early. Good or bad show, matinee or evening, it doesn't matter.

It is just flat out selfishness. If 3 more minutes is going to make or break your ride home, maybe you should make other plans or find a better place to park. This ranks up there with people who make noise during the show/take photos/don't turn off their phones: bad, selfish, disrespectful behavior.

For those who defend leaving early: try a little role-reversal. How would you like it if you just spent the last couple of hours entertaining an audience only to watch people leave at their earliest available opportunity? If you think you can't be seen by the actors, musicians and stagehands- think again. You can be seen and it's insulting.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#40Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/22/10 at 12:22am



Jane2 Profile Photo
#41Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/22/10 at 12:32am

And you know what? I think that it's pretty disgraceful for those on this board who claim to be devotees of theater, so called "sophisticates", and who make it their business to know all about performers and what they go through, many of them aspiring actors themselves, to be rude enough to leave before the curtain calls are over. Clearly they're not supporters of theater at all.

It seems that it's all about themselves and having to be the first to get to the stagedoor.


singtopher Profile Photo
#42Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/22/10 at 12:42am

As an actor who constantly sees folks darting out of the theatre the second the lights go out, I just choose not to get bent out of shape about it. People are rude, it's life, I'm over it. Now, how quickly can I stop smiling and get out of costume?

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert

Jane2 Profile Photo
#43Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/22/10 at 12:50am

^ that's a shame.


turquoisefish Profile Photo
#44Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/22/10 at 6:23pm

I wait right until the end of the playout music and then applaud the orchestra (if i am near the front I often go and watch them play the playout music).

#45Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/22/10 at 7:05pm

> Really? Late night train problems? That's one of the reasons shows do matinees...

wow. center of the universe much???

a paying patron should arrange her entire schedule around your need for applause???

sorry, i bolt when i have to -- and i live on the island. if a show is long-ish, i need to get back downtown and let my pooch out of his crate.

there are A MILLION AND ONE perfectly valid reasons people might need to leave pronto (including the fact that even "prompt" shows start 10 minutes late anymore -- what's up with *that*???).

the curtain call is fun, and lovely, and yadda yadda ... but just it ain't part of the contract -- social OR financial.

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

BrianS Profile Photo
#46Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/22/10 at 8:13pm

"About a thousand years ago, I saw Joel Grey in the national tour of George M. At the old Music Hall in Cleveland. Two middle aged women, in the second row center, started to leave during the finale. Mr. Grey stopped the orchestra and came to the front of the stage and yelled at the women who were about a third of the way up the aisle. He told them they were missing one of the best parts of the show. SHAMED them into returning to their seats (to thunderous applause, I might add)."

If that story is true, then shame on Mr. Grey. Actors are not "owed" applause and two tacky wrongs don't make a right. Actors should be nothing but gracious. Expectation has no place for us in that moment. And I'm saying this as an actor who would gladly see audiences stop giving shows, including those I've been a part of, obligatory standing ovations when they are undeserved.

If the audience could do better, they'd be up here on stage and I'd be out there watching them. - Ethel Merman

MillieDillmount Profile Photo
#47Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/23/10 at 2:20am

The worst time that I've noticed this was at Anyone Can Whistle too. The Sat matinee I was sitting in the first row of the rear gallery and the audinence members were just POURING out! Like it wasn't just one or two people, but groups! I couldn't believe it!

But really, the joke was on them. As my friend and I was trying to walk down towards the front of the gallery I heard a guy ask whoever he was with "why are they going down front?" I didn't tell him, but there was a talkback after. I guess people can't read the paper inside the playbills. And Sondheim actually was there! So, was it really worth it being the first out the door? But my friend and I was happy, we got to move up to some what decent seats.

I do think it's super rude to leave early. I mean these actors just entertained us for the past two hours, is it really going to kill you to stick around for five minutes to thank them and let them know that we enjoyed it?

hellzapoppin2000 Profile Photo
#48Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/23/10 at 11:05am

If I've paid for the ticket, I'll leave when I damn well feel like it.

Piper3500 Profile Photo
#49Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/23/10 at 12:01pm

I cannot believe the disgust people have. Seriously, it may be in poor taste but get over yourselves. If someone leaves early it does not mean
A. they do not appreciate theatre, or are not hard working actors trying to make it.
B. should've planned a matinee as to not miss a train. jesus! people can love theatre but not have to take the time off work or away from their (other) afternoon weekend plans
C. they not spent big bucks for a ticket, thereby supporting the theatre and the actors.

this isn't like going to a great restaurant with excellent service for dinner and not tipping.

I would have shouted back to Joel. "i have spent $200 for this ticket to support you and I really have to go."

I must admit, on the flipside, in amateur theatre I have seen people leave and i know damn well it was due to parking. now, if someone left mid second act I can see it.

I think professional actors by in large get it, aren't crying in their dressing rooms about it or anything like that.

first at the stage door? i guess it depends which show and the weather, because many don't have so many people out there that you can't get a good spot if you wait until after curtain call.

"it's a dirty little war"
