
Is "Our Town" the most boring play? - Page 2

Is "Our Town" the most boring play?

theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#25OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/14/12 at 11:55pm

Question....did your teacher only assign the first two acts or is that all you got through? Because if your teacher didn't give you the third act to read, it's all your teacher's fault.

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#26OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/14/12 at 11:55pm

I wouldn't exactly say it has a "following" as much as, like Shakespeare or any great classic work of art, it's respected and highly revered great art.

Updated On: 6/14/12 at 11:55 PM

Proper Villain Profile Photo
Proper Villain
#27OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/14/12 at 11:56pm

Was Chekhov's "The Seagull" not in contention?

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theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#28OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/14/12 at 11:58pm

No, I don't think Chekhov would ever be considered the most boring or the finest American play ever written...

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#29OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/14/12 at 11:58pm

It is, without question, my favorite play.

I recently saw a production at the Arden Theatre in Philadelphia in which we actually left the theatre building, moved to the century-old Christ Church next door, interacting with the cast along the way, and witnessed the wedding happen in the chapel. The boys playing ball beat on the windows of the church from the outside...the church itself is restored, but still in its original state...it was absolutely breathtaking. One of the most unbelivable nights i have ever experienced.

Act III, we returned to the theatre, and it lost some of its power - the magic of being in the church for act II could not be matched. i remember hearing that the original concept was to have act III outside in the graveyard of the Church, which would have been staggering, but due to rain concerns, they held it back in the theatre. Still brilliant though. A gorgeous multicultural colorblind cast only madeit even stronger.

I missed the Cromer production. One of the biggest regrets of my life.

Updated On: 6/15/12 at 11:58 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#30OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 12:18am

I'll admit: I had always appreciated Our Town, but never loved it -- until Cromer's production. Bawled like a baby. Granted, there were a whole lot of years since the previous time I'd seen it and I'd NEVER seen a professional production of it.

I would agree, that often the true understanding comes with a little more maturity (not a slam). However, when I announced that it would be a part of my 2012-13 season, I had a decent number of student actually CHEER -- and some graduating seniors sorry that they would not be able to be a part of it.

If our production can bring only 1/2 of the heart and soul that did Cromer's, I'd be a pretty happy director!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

jv92 Profile Photo
#31OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 12:32am

One of the finest plays ever written. Overwhelmingly moving and unquestionably theatrical.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#32OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 12:35am

Oh, and please remember: play are meant to be seen not read. (Truly.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

A Director
#33OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 12:55am

Our Town is one of the Great American plays. It is not boring. The play looks simple, but it is not. Directing and acting it are hard. I loved the 1989 Lincoln Center production with Spalding Gray as the Stage Manager. The production caught the pain in the script. Go to this link on YouTube.


best12bars Profile Photo
#34OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 1:31am

"Our Town" is my favorite play as well.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Idiot Profile Photo
#35OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 1:35am

Once I grew to love this piece as an adult, I was kind of mad that I was forced to read it as a teenager who could never have tapped into the metaphysical layer where it's power lives.

What do people here think? Should high school students be force fed this play?

Updated On: 6/15/12 at 01:35 AM

#36OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 1:38am

After watching this episode of My So Called Life on DVD, I wanted to know more about OUR TOWN.


It didn't disappoint.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#37OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 1:39am

My English teacher didn't make us read plays, she showed us videos of them. That drew a lot of criticism from people I remember, but I do think that's the best way to do it in schools if video is available, ESPECIALLY Shakespeare.

Idiot Profile Photo
#38OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 1:42am

I didn't know that I liked HAMLET until I saw Derek Jacobi do it on video in college.

best12bars Profile Photo
#39OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 1:42am

The problem with teaching "Our Town" to younger students is that they take it literally. They look at the individual scenes and the "pedestrian" dialogue, and they don't get that it's about anything. It seems like ordinary people discussing ordinary things in "olden days."

So what?!

But "Our Town" is a play about ideas, not situations. It's about the human experience, not about a day in the life of some old-fashioned townspeople.

To get younger students to see past the "literal" and grasp the larger ideas being presented is to ask these students to think a different way than most of them (not all) are used to.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#40OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 1:42am

i love our town even more because of the first 2 acts the 3rd act comes out of nowhere :)

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#41OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 1:43am

Awwww Mister Katimski! I admit, I finally tracked down Our Town back when MSCL first aired because of that amazing episode. I wouldn't put it above some of my fave plays by, say, Williams (probably just because I tend to go for that kind of emotionalism more), but it is a really moving play. And I think it particularly has to be seen instead of read.

JC I agree--for Shakespeare we had to read the plays (often parts outloud in class) and then would watch the movies, sometimes in corresponding scenes instead of all at once. I remember there was some minor, ridiculous uproar from a few parents about the nudity in Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet during the 8th grade (My parents didn't mind--and I certainly didn't...).

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#42OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 1:45am

Same here. In my 9th grade class we had to get permission slips to watch it lol

I hear now schools are just showing the DiCaprio version.

Idiot Profile Photo
#43OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 1:48am

"To get younger students to see past the "literal" and grasp the larger ideas being presented is to ask these students to think a different way than most of them (not all) are used to."

I was thinking, maybe it's all about the teacher.

#44OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 1:48am

with shakespeare i agree but in my college course we watched a midsummer night's dream without even reading it this being my fav shakespeare comedy i wish we did read it because a lot of the jokes are hard 2 understand without knowledge of the play & the movie turned the plot to be more about bottom (kevin klein)

Kad Profile Photo
#45OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 2:41am

The thing about Shakespeare is that was truly written to be spoken instead of read. That is the same of most plays, but it's moreso with Shakespeare. It's designed to be spoken in such a way that most plays are not, out of necessity when it was written to be learned quickly. Vowels, consonants, and meter are all deliberately chosen to evoke emotion through speech. Reading it can lead to technical appreciation of metaphor, imagery, and language- but hearing it performed by people who know what they're doing unlocks the emotion and the intent... and that's what really matters.

That's why every child ****ing hates studying Shakespeare in their middle school/high school classes. Because it is completely draining the text of any life.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#46OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 3:02am

Not to sound obnoxious, but the Shakespeare we did in school went over pretty well it seemed--probably precisely why you say, and why it was good we studied it with films or even spoken audio tapes...

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#47OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 6:28am

Every child does not HATE reading Shakespeare! I took an entire semester of it in HS -- and it was glorious. I did have an outstanding teacher, however. (which goes to agree with the above poster's statement that the right teacher can make all the difference.)

I currently have a glot of students that adore Shakespeare, and my own daughter truly enjoyed her first experience this year.

That being said: I agree with everything else Kad brings up!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#48OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 6:54am

This link provides a wonderful and loving description of the act3 reveal.

(I know it's been a few years and that most people know what happens in Cromer's production, but just in case.)



someone.else's.story2 Profile Photo
#49OUR TOWN - The Finest American Play Ever Written
Posted: 6/15/12 at 10:26am

I adore Our Town. I think that part of the problem is that its so often done badly and many have seen a terrible production.

When its done well, though, it is heartbreaking and moving and every bit as relevant today as when it was written.

“I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.” ``oscar wilde``
