
what is your earliest memory of broadway?- Page 2

what is your earliest memory of broadway?

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#25re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/28/05 at 11:58pm

My VERY earliest broadway-related memory was always hearing the Phantom of the Opera OCR in the family room when I was a toddler because my parents love the show (I on the other hand now am not too fond of it).

My earliest memory of broadway (in nyc) was driving into the time square area and being in awe of all the theatres and the bright signs.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

#27re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 12:50am

With my mother being a musician, there was/has always been music around. My first prof. theatre preformence was the 1st nat. tour of B&B. It was AMAZING! I knew that was what I wanted to do.

"I've always secretly longed for an actress to get to the top of the cherry picker and projectile vomit all over the guards below."- Wonderwaiter in the "Defy Gravity?" thread. ~~~~~~~~My dream? Sutton Foster as Cassie in A Chorus Line

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#28re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 12:54am

Seeing The Wizard of Oz, Annie, and Little Mary Sunshine all within a month of each other in community theaters when I was 4. After that, I started a lifelong obsession with my parents' vast collection of cast recordings- on records!

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

KateMusic Profile Photo
#29re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 1:22am

It wasn't Broadway, but it got me into musicals.

"Into the Woods" PBS airing developed my passion for musicals, and for Sondheim.

Some people analyze every detail/ Some people stall when they can't see the trail/ Some people freeze out of fear that they'll fail/ But I keep rollin' on/ Some people can't get success with their art/ Some people never feel love in their heart/ Some people can't tell the two things apart/ But I keep rollin' on

gettinhep Profile Photo
#30re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 1:33am

My memories of Broadway grew from watching the Tony Awards on Australian TV.

These memories are of Angela Lansbury hosting the shows. The evenings were embued with a certain wit and sophistication - a far cry from the self-congratulatory air of the Oscars. The talent involved in the excerpts from plays and musicals told me that Broadway was the place that I wanted to be.

It wasn't until the year 2000 that I finally saw a show on Broadway.

'Try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational.' - Lucy Van Pelt

pab Profile Photo
#31re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 1:51am

I was living in Jamaica, Queens and I purchased tickets for myself and one of the people I was living with to go and see "The Wiz". We drove into Manhattan found a parking garage and proceeded to the Majestic Theatre and our Balcony seats.

I had never been to a Broadway show but I had been involved in musical theatre before with local productions of "The Music Man" and "Hello Dolly".

We sat down and the show began. I remember 'Feeling We Once Had' but the moment that sticks out in my mind that caused me to go "wow" was the tornado. Brilliant concept and brilliant choreography.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

#32re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 9:14am

Wow----I'm dating myself---but I was in our church choir and we went to see "Brigadoon", starring Peter Palmer (I forget the female lead's name)---but I was hooked from then on! I never forgot that experience. At that time we lived in Union City, NJ--so it was just at the other end of the tunnel---just a short ride, but it seemed like another world!

#33re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 9:45am

I rarely post here but lurk often. I'm not one of the "younger" posters, so I'm curious to see if anyone remembers this show!! I was about 7 years old and my parents took my 3yr old bro and me to see Schwartz's The Magic Show with Doug Henning. My brother held his ears the entire time because he said the drums were too loud! I fell in love with this show and my dad would play the record all the time. I would sing "Lion Tamer" and my brother would sing "Style". I recently purchased the CD and wow did that bring back memories. Subsequent early shows from my childhood include Godspell, Annie and Grease. I was in love with bway since then and am trying to trying to expose my two little boys to musical theatre now. We haven't done bway yet, but we watch The Sound of Music and others and go to local productions.
Great thread!

#34re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 9:52am

My first experiences were planted very early from my parents. During long car rides, my brother and I would try to sleep while my parents played TPOTO, Les Miz, and Miss Saigon. I have always loved those. My first actual Broadway experience? CATS. It was a great first musical to see but looking back... well it's not that good. But I loved it then.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

MissMommy Profile Photo
#35re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 10:43am

Sandy Duncan Peter Pan. Magical, transporting, couldn't breathe. Then we saw her come out after the show, complaining that the flying rig hurt her back. So much for fairy dust.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#36re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 11:09am

Zero Mostel in Fiddler.

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#37re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 1:00pm

my first real broadway show was CATS, when i was in 10. i had seen both regional and community shows, but i just remember being in awe sitting in the audience that day. that's where my love began! :)

mirandajrs Profile Photo
#38re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 3:11pm

My earliest memory is of my parents taking me to NYC for the first time to see Phantom of the Opera when I was 11. We had third row orchestra seats and I remember I could feel the heat from the flames in the cemetary scene and being amazed by that.

Edith 'Little Edie' Bouvier Beale: Do you think my costume looked all right for Brooks? I think he was a little amazed.

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#39re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 3:20pm

I was at home playing on the computer program KipPix (any of you remember that?) and my Dad came home from the library with Phantom of the Opera (London cast recording) he plugged it in. I was hooked, loved it. Played it alllll the time after that. Drove my family nuts. Next came Cats, thanks to my Dad.

Then Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita (they scared me) because I found dead people and religion very scary at that point!

kim1061 Profile Photo
#40re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 4:34pm

when i went to see cats i know i loved it and thought that secretly my cat did that. haha i was really young. Also i stuck my hand out at the end for mr.mistofolees to slap it and he left so i turned away then my mom goes "look" and i turn around to find this person/cat in my face trying to get me to put him..i freaked out and cried because i was so scared. haha. it was the most traumatizing thing in my entire life..

another was when i was younger i saw the radio xmas show and my only memory was getting sick and spending the entire show in the bathroom bc i threw up. gross yes..but i was like 6or7 i think..it was in the same year i saw cats.

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

La Vie Boheme
#41re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 6:01pm

Saw "Ragtime" when i was about oh...9 or so?

Yeah kinda wish i acutally understood it then...

i was still amazed by it and loved the music but hated the tall guy sitting in front of me...lol

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The Grovers Corners Yenta
#42re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/29/05 at 6:17pm

My first Broadway show was Hello Dolly with ethel Merman at the St. James Theater. I was about 12 at the time. From then on, I was hooked!

"Friends are the people you chose as family."....Me.

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#43re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/30/05 at 7:16pm

My first show was the Jerry Lewis revival of Damn Yankees. I was 7, a huge Yankee fan, and was shocked at the first song where all of the Senators fans cursed out the Yankees.

I was probably into musicals before that, I had constantly watched the Sound of Music since I was 5, 6.

And I think somehting that really played a part for someone my age(1re: what is your earliest memory of broadway? was the golden age of Disney musicals I was able to grow up with. I have never watched a movie more than the Little Mermaid(3 when it came out) and it remains my favorite movie. And I also of course loved Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and the Lion King. They stand on their own as great musical scores and I yearn for another golden age of animated musicals. Oh well.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

seasons of love Profile Photo
seasons of love
#44re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/30/05 at 7:52pm

My very first show on Broadway was Beauty and the Beast when I was five. I remember that I was scared of the wolves for a long time after because the costumes had bright red eyes. :) With that said, I had been watching the Sound of Music and The Music Man movies for a long time before I saw Beauty and the beast.

"I am unfinished- I am diminished With or without you..."

#45re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/30/05 at 7:57pm

My first was Beauty and the Beast: I sat on the edge of my seat in awe of the spectacle of Musical theatre.....re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#46re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/30/05 at 8:00pm

Crying when I saw 1776 because I was so bored. I was 6.

#47re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/30/05 at 8:04pm

When I was in sixth grade, we had been studying the Titanic sinking in Social Studies. This was right before the movie blew up. Anyhoo, my teacher had a tape of the Titanic CR and put it on for us. I sat there in my seat, amazed and loving it. Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to go on the school trip to see it in NYC (a fact, to this day, I remind my mother of).

The next year, the school trip was to go to Toronto to see Phantom. This time, I was allowed to go, and was definitely blown away by it.

"During this performance, please feel free to let your cell phones and pagers ring willy-nilly. However, do remember that there are heavily-armed knights on stage and you might well be dragged up and impaled." (Pre-curtain announcement at the new Broadway musical Monty Python's Spamalot)

felineofavenueb Profile Photo
#48re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/30/05 at 8:16pm

I still have yet to see a show actually on Broadway, but I saw Joseph in Toronto and completely fell in love with it. I got the cassette tape and the cd, and my friend (who saw it and loved it as much) and I would play it when we were at eachothers' houses and dance around and take turns being the Narrator, haha.

And from age 6, the rest is history, ;0).

michaela34 Profile Photo
#49re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/30/05 at 8:52pm

I grew up listening to Les Miserables and Phantom... but i actually saw my first broadway show this summer! I went to NY and saw Wicked, Hairspray, and Aida. It was one of the most amazing experiences. I had seen many other shows on tour, but this was the first actually ON broadway.

"Are you petrified of being petrified?" harry and the potters in Save Ginny Weasley VOLDEMORT CAN'T STOP THE ROCK!

LightMyCandle125 Profile Photo
#50re: what is your earliest memory of broadway?
Posted: 1/31/05 at 12:56am

first broadway show was sound of music w/ rebecca luker in 98. good times.

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