
BKLYN matinee cancelled today....- Page 2

BKLYN matinee cancelled today....

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#25re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 3:18pm

MattG, I heart you.

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#26re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 3:20pm

Again, the lack of maturity on this board is quite annoying. However, if both a performer and their u/s can't go on due to illness for a matinee, who's going on tonight? Or, will tonight's show be canceled as well?


Princeton78 Profile Photo
#27re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 3:20pm

"And if they try to stop us Matt_G, I'll call the N double A C P!"

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#28re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 3:32pm

Is there a reason that Paradice has to be black?

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

TGIF Profile Photo
#29re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 3:33pm

I tried to block that show from my memory, but I don't remember any racial references.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!

little_sally Profile Photo
#30re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 3:35pm

I think it's a little stero-typical to have to have a black Paradice. I think she could be played by any race.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

Trisky Profile Photo
#31re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 3:37pm

I was thinking the same thing TheGaIsSilent. Of course I've tried to wipe out my entire memory of the show but is there a specific instance where they refer to Paradice as being black?

I guess the problem with a show with only five cast members is they probably feel it's a waste of money to have both an understudy and a swing to cover the role. Maybe a little bit of color blind casting in this particular show wouldn't hurt them so much. Why does Brooklyn need to be white or Latina or whatever she's supposed to be (is it ever made clear?). If Faith can be both Latina and white and given Streetsinger's race it would seem Brooklyn could be anything (especially since the end is so confusing that it wouldn't matter one way or the other), so why not hire a third swing who could cover all three female roles?

"Too young to hold on and too old to just break free and run" - Jeff Buckley

TGIF Profile Photo
#32re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 3:40pm

The only reference I remember is when they are getting their faces drawn on something. It might be odd to have the face of a black woman in the background and white woman playing Paradice.

Also, I don't know if they change the faces if the understudy is on, so it could possibly work out.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#33re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 3:47pm

Brooklyn is a fabulous show.
I'm really upset that its off this afternoon.
The show needs to make money so it can stay open til Tony time when i'm sure it will win in almost every category. :0)

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#34re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 3:52pm


"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

#35re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 4:15pm

If they are both sick, is tonight's show cancelled too?

That isn't too smart, to have only one understudy for a lead (and no swings covering...)

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#36re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 4:20pm

They figure that whether the show is cancelled or not, no one will really care.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#37re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 4:26pm


munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#38re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 4:29pm

Mef, I don't know if you read my GOOD VIBRATIONS review last night or not, but BKLYN looks like a masterpiece compared to GV...truly abominable.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#39re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 4:32pm

I did read it, Munk. I also saw GV at one of the first previews. I was sitting 4th row aisle, and considered rushing the stage and putting the actors out of their misery.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#40re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 4:47pm

When someone walked on stage and set up the projection screen I about lost it. And I will never forget the big, plexiglass wave.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#41re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 4:48pm

Or the beachball that hit me on the head during the finale.

ShuQ Profile Photo
#42re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 5:59pm

That's really odd...have any announcments been made about tonight's show? Something just seems fishy..

#43re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 6:12pm

I still want to see this damn show...

My ears need a good ole cleaning...

Razz77 Profile Photo
#44re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 6:13pm

It's pretty important for Paradice and her understudy to be black, because if my memory serves me correctly (unfortunately I haven't been able to block that show completely out of my memory) -- Paradice says "...kiss my black ass" -- so it would be hard to get a random swing to say this line and make sense (does the show make sense anyway though?)

Unless that had a white swing with some random illness that caused her ass to be black but the rest of her body white...then I guess you could have a white person play Paradice...snicker snicker.

newsieboy23 Profile Photo
#45re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 6:17pm

There are other jokes about the show that wouldn't work White. "Guess who's the sister" comes to mind.

Anyone else think this show would be more entertaining with a small emsemble. I think it might clear up some city-weed craziness.

emo_geek Profile Photo
#46re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 6:36pm

ya people give bklyn a break...just because its not what, in your mind, broadway should be...don't ruin other peoples thoughts. I was touched by it and I know of many others who were too.

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

kim1061 Profile Photo
#47re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 6:57pm

i can't believe it was cancelled. What happens to the people who had tickets??
They should have a better back up plan. It's quite ironic because i had been planning to go to the city to see the evening show today but i opted not to.

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#48re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 7:00pm

kiss my black ass is changable rather easily, hell one of my mother's favorite phrases is kiss my white irish ass...however if the swing were vaguely tan she could just play it off as being pale skinned

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

#49re: BKLYN matinee cancelled today....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 7:27pm

yeah, I was going to go home this weekend to see BKLYN...matinee
