
Rude audience members. With a twist!- Page 2

Rude audience members. With a twist!

LyTeMyCanDyI Profile Photo
#25re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 1:31am

I agree with Winston 100%

Megan Mullally as Karen Walker on Will and Grace: "Tell me more. Tell me more. Like does he have a car?"

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#26re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 1:45am

I hate it when people get a "holier than thou" attitude!

...but what if this person being rude just read this name in the program, and totally just said she was this person to get at the original poster?

Ladyofthe Lake Profile Photo
Ladyofthe Lake
#27re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 6:50am

...but what if this person being rude just read this name in the program, and totally just said she was this person to get at the original poster?

Isn't there a photo of her in the Playbill? That would certainly help.

JRybka Profile Photo
#28re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 7:11am

We are to assume that the picture of the Kevin is his actual pic (by the way you are TOTALLY ADORABLE.. but that is another thread)....

When someone is trying to be famous (or is famous) they have to understand that we have a right to talk about them. I mean come on-- where would we be without discussing the Anna Nicole's and the Angela's and the Chita's and the Clinton's... you have to know that if you act a certain way and you are even remotely known you can and will be called out on it.

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."

#29re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 8:23am

I would write a letter to the theatre management!!

When I've had a gripe of this sort, I've often gotten the attention of the right people with a letter. (Typed, of course, and official-looking, and sticking to the facts of what happened. )I usually try to send it to two people. In this case, who? Maybe the house manager and the stage manager?

I don't think complaining on the Internet or sending her a note are going to have much of an effect. Contact those who are in charge! She is an employee who was on the job and acting inappropriately at work.

#30re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 9:00am

I would have gotten an usher at intermission (if I could have taken it that long!) You were polite, and personally, it doesn't matter if she is Maggie Smith in the seat being bothersome (not picking on a great actress- just using her as an expample people recognize). You paid for your seat and had a right to enjoy the evening while the other woman was in her "house seat" on her night off, being rude.
I think I'd write a letter to the house manager and copy in the director and stage manager too as they should lean heavily on their performers who are ruining the evening for those that are filling the seats. Gien what you went through, I'd probably ask for a set of comped. tickets so that you could see the show as you had intended to and I'd also ask for an apology from the cast member whos was so rude. They get all ticked off if the audience is not paying attention, yet they act like that when they sit in the house? Disgraceful. Sorry you had such a bad night.

"I'm mad, you're mad. we're all mad"... The Cheshire Cat

Bruce Memblagh!
#31re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 9:11am

I would most certainly write to the theater - director if possible (or someone who might have any say in the matter) and point this out. Hopefully this vile woman will get the rocket she deserves. Or she will go on stage at some point and get booed off.

#32re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 9:17am

Why expect the theater management to handle it? In my experience theaters have been very inefficient with dealing with social incompetents like this dreadful girl seems to be. The theater management should have been in there like a shot if this as noticeable an issue as had been described.

True, she might not be who she says she it and I am sure the original poster checked her face against the playbill. So if she was who she said she would, too damn right her name should be aired publicly like this. And if word gets back to her that she is a stuck-up, pretentious b**ch (as one can only infer from the account of this incident) then let bring it on.

#33re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 9:27am

Totally right to complain here. It's the easiest way and why should someone else's crime (stealing what you paid for--a theater entertainment) occasion work for the victim, if it can be avoided?

That performer has her priorities wrong, and is in it for the wrong reasons.

#34re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 9:41am

Wonderwaiter, I get your point about not really knowing if this story is true. Though, I doubt he's lying. But honestly, what actress is going to loose their job over a BWW post. Let's put things into perspective. These are anonymous accusations (not to discount the experience cause that's BUSTED). The producers would catch hell from Equity if they really tried firing someone over what someone said in a thread. Honestly even if it was reported to management at the theatre she'd prob get at most a "talking to". Being rude in the theatre isn't really a firable offense (unless it's something rediculous that gets physical or the like). So I think we can all rest easy that while the court of BWW has convicted her of being a grand biatch, honestly the powers that be probably won't really care that much...if they even know.

Steve2 Profile Photo
#35re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 9:44am

That is a very bad experience, especially with the prices of tickets today. There is no reason not to believe Kevin Fyffe. In addition to speaking to them as you did, you should really contact the theatre as it is totally unprofessional behavior.

#36re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 9:51am

Theatre management should be brought in in this case because she is an employee of the show. Those in charge should be contacted. During the run of a show, the stage manager is in charge of the cast. House activity is overseen by the house manager. Write them both. The director is out of the picture, I'm afraid. (But wouldn't hurt...)

When you write, be sure to state the bottom line FIRST. (e.g., "I feel the need to relate the unprofessional and rude conduct of one of the cast during the perfomrance on March XX.") Do not start at the beginning and build up to the "twist", as you did in your post; if you do that, you will not get their attention.

Josephine2 Profile Photo
#37re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 9:52am

Kevin, I hope I didn't seem like I was attacking or doubting you. I just wanted to be cautious since another person was named in the incident (though according to your story, she seemed quite willing to make herself known).

Jellylorum Profile Photo
#38re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 10:47am

Wow, that's just unbelieveably bitchy of her. Just because she's part of the cast doesn't mean she has to have this cocky better-than-thou attitude towards the other audience members. Everyone should be allowed to enjoy the show. You should definitely write to the theatre about it and ask for an apology and maybe tickets as compensation for that day.

"It's a goddamn beautiful day, shut up!"

#39re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 10:54am

Are you serious? Leave this poor girl alone. You guys are publicly bashing this girl on a board full of people who don’t even know her.


If it really was that big of a deal, then you shoud have made a complaint on your way out and left it at that. That is all that was necessary. But now, people are calling her a “b*tch” and stating she should be fired. Happy? Is that what you wanted?

This has gone a bit too far. I mean, I am sorry she ruined your night but public bashing is not the way to go.

BroadwayFosse wrote:

“Thanks for your post. I'm having my assistant Stacey drop a note off at the stage door tomorrow afternoon for Ms. Lewis. All my pertinent information will be on it so here's hoping Ms. Lewis replies in one way or another.”

Um, I’m sorry but who are you? Are you involved in the show or a member of the company? If not, then it’s absolutely none of your business to get involved or leave such a note for anyone at a stage door.

If you want this handled properly, you state your concern the evening of the performance to a House Manager or if it is bothering you THAT BADLY, when you get home write a letter to the SM of the show. I guarantee they will get the message and it will be handled properly.

Updated On: 3/8/07 at 10:54 AM

allofmylife Profile Photo
#40re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 11:16am

FFiring someone based on the word of an unnamed source on an internet chatpage would leave the producers in an incredibly vulnerable position re: an illegal dismissal suit, so I doubt she's in any serious trouble, save for a public shaming.

And she can always come on this forum and rebut....

http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=972787#3631451 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=963561#3533883 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955158#3440952 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954269#3427915 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955012#3441622 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954344#3428699

RainbowHigh2 Profile Photo
#41re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 11:22am

That is seriously embarassing. In those situations I would shush the loud person, and if they got an attitude, take it straight to the theater manager during intermission and let them deal with it from that point on. I can lose my temper badly in those situations, and then to think that I would be making a scene, and that I would see that person again if I wanted to see the show again would have my blood boiling. It is unprofessional of her, though, to bother other patrons.

At Equus I was sitting directly across from a girl who looked like she was sleeping throughout the first act. Since it didn't bother anyone I thought it was funny and mentioned it to my friend - he was sitting near her and said she was the understudy for Jill! She wasn't sleeping, though - she was following along with the script, which was in her lap.

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#42re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:29pm

After you learned that bit of information you should have asked for the house manager and asked to be invited back another time. Megan Lewis should know better!

TLKfan Profile Photo
#43re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 1:30pm

2373, I don't think it was the intent for the original poster to get people hating Megan. The main fact was that even understudies of shows are too being rude during their fellow cast mates performances. The only action by her is that she should learn theatre etiquette. And that goes to anyone going to a show. It would be stupid to fire her and I highly doubt that would happen anyway.

2008 European Tour
London: Les Mis, Lion King, Sound of Music, Joseph, Hairspray, Billy Elliot
France: Le Roi Lion, Cabaret
Germany: Der Konig der Lowen
Holland: Tarzan & Les Mis

#44re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 2:04pm

yeah..I get it..I just think some posts were a tad harsh like Winston's:

"She was being totally rude during a show and she felt that she was better then anyone else around her so she talked loudly during the show."

How do you know she felt as if she was "better" than those around her? I don't think she ever said that.

"She was being a total bitch and deserved to be called out."


"You would also assume that if she knew that things like talking loudly during a show could get her fired that she wouldn't do it in the first place. She F*CKed up by doing so and if her boss finds out and fires her for it then good."


"If you have a job and there are do's and don'ts you would not be stupid enough to intentonally do something that you shouldn't be doing."

Now she's stupid...you don't get fired by being loud in the audience.

"And if she gets fired then she deserves it."

WOW! Someone deserves to get fired for being loud?

Winston..you have an anger issue. Seek some help, sweetie.

You can be unhappy at this girl's behavior but publicly shaming her is pointless and tacky.

Updated On: 3/8/07 at 02:04 PM

bwaygal1 Profile Photo
#45re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 2:28pm

"A birdcage I plan to hang. I'll get to that someday. A birdcage for a bird who flew away...Around the world." "Life is a cabaret old chum, only a cabaret old chum, and I love a cabaret!"-RIP Natasha Richardson-I was honored to have witnessed her performance as Sally Bowles.
Updated On: 4/22/07 at 02:28 PM

lildogs Profile Photo
#46re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 2:52pm

"You guys are publicly bashing this girl on a board full of people who don’t even know her."

First of all, NOT TRUE.

"You can be unhappy at this girl's behavior but publicly shaming her is pointless and tacky. "

Much like her conversation in the audience. If she wished to remain anonymous, she should have been quiet and not revealed her name. I understand that she might want to watch the show and take notes, but it is NEVER acceptable for ANYONE to talk during a performance.

This, by the way, is hardly the first I'VE heard of Megan and shall we say, "interesting behavior."

#47re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:04pm

She was being totally rude during a show and she felt that she was better then anyone else around her so she talked loudly during the show."

How do you know she felt as if she was "better" than those around her? I don't think she ever said that.

Well, I think that can be said of anyone who talks, fusses about, steals focus from the performance, etc. If someone didn't think they were better (or at least entitled to behave that way) why else would that do that, when it's clearly at the expense of other paying audience members?

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

#48re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:09pm

I can't believe that anyone is angry that the original poster dared to post this woman's name on a public forum. She OBVIOUSLY has no qualms broadcasting her feeling that her involvement with the production excuses her from common courtesy, and the suggestion that the original poster might be lying is such an excuse for this woman. WHY would anyone make up a story about some unknown named Megan Lewis? If he were just posting it to garner attention or for a good story, he could have picked a hell of a lot more interesting figure than her. She's not going to lose her job over a message board post, and considering she was the one who revealed her name in the first place, the original poster has every right to do what he wishes with that information. She's lucky he didn't go the theatre management.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#49re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:14pm

Can we blackball Megan Lewis?

I hate her...and am not even sure who she is!

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