Pippin Revival, Please?

roseaddams Profile Photo
#25re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 6/29/07 at 1:26pm

I think Pippin may resonate as much now (if not moreso) than it did in the seventies with its satiric depiction of war and corruption in politics. Plus, it's a really good show that hasn't been on Broadway for nearly thirty years.

"You mean what was the best picture of the year or what did they pick as the best picture of the year?" - California Suite

AnnaK<3LMIP Profile Photo
#26re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 6/29/07 at 1:28pm

What about Michael Berresse?

I mean, Denzel Washington? Gun to my head..of course.

#27re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 6/29/07 at 4:36pm

While there doesn't NEED to be a female Leading Player, I think it would be incredibly refreshing, especially if it went to Kate Shindle or Leslie Kritzer. If not, there's always Chester Gregory II or Darius de Haas, both of whom would rock! I'd love for Julia Murney or Sara Ramirez as Fastrada! Jonathan Groff would be amazing as Pippin, but I wouldn't mind seeing Barrett Foa!

DMsquared2 Profile Photo
#28re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 11:28am

I think this is an ideal piece for John Doyle to do if you think about how the Players relate to the story. They'd certainly be used more.

#29re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 11:45am

I don't think Doyle's actor-musician concept works for shows where choreography is an integral element of the presentation. It's fine for SWEENEY (which has no dance numbers) or COMPANY (which only has a couple, which Doyle eliminated). Even if you don't use the original Fosse choreography in PIPPIN, I can't imagine all dancing being eliminated and the piece still working. And if you do keep the dancing, could you really expect a dancing/singing/acting chorus to also be your orchestra?

Good luck casting that (triple threats who are also professional musicians?). And -- outside of maybe the circus -- are there people who can actually do strenuous dancing AND play instruments at the same time? Could you actually find a dozen or more of them?

Could we keep Doyle away from PIPPIN, PLEASE???

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney
Updated On: 11/8/07 at 11:45 AM

robbiej Profile Photo
#30re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 11:47am

Amen, lady...Amen!

PIPPIN is so high concept that I'm having a devil of a time thinking of the right director/choreographer that could pull this off.

Tune, maybe?

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

#31re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 11:51am


Graciella Daniele might be a thought (Fosse was her mentor after all), though I've been mostly unimpressed with her work over the years.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

#32re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 11:54am

Ok, Kate Shindle as the Leading Player was the most brilliant suggestion I have ever heard here. She would be amazing. And I agree that either Groff or Arden would be great.

And can we just keep Doyle away from musicals, period.

robbiej Profile Photo
#33re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 11:56am

I think Kate Shindle and Kritzer are lovely, talented women?


If we are going femme, let's get Heather Headley back to Broadway.

Or Chandra Wilson. Apparently, she was fabulous in NYU's PIPPIN (as the Leading Player) many moons ago.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

#34re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 12:12pm

Leading Player = Billy Porter.

#35re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 12:15pm

Porter would be fab.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

kyle. Profile Photo
#36re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 12:16pm

Pippin is such a wonderful show because you can basically do anything you want with it. If it is revived I would love for it to look nothing like the original production.

When I did it in high school (2002) our director did a 1902 meets 2002 concept. The idea of an early 1900s traveling carnival/freak show (think HBO's show Carnivale) infused with costume elements from 2002 (a lot of the costumes pieces were bought at places like Hot Topic.)

At the introduction of every character there was a huge 8 foot tall poster of the character that looked like an old carnival poster with something like "Charlemagne the Great" printed on it. I could go on but you get my point.

Since the show revolves around a group of traveling players telling the story of Pippin, there are ENDLESS possibilities to productions of Pippin.

I would LOVE to see a well made revival! Updated On: 12/6/07 at 12:16 PM

AngActing Profile Photo
#37re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 12:17pm

Yes, Tim Curry!!! Woo Hoo!!! I will be there!

Love and Stage Lights, Angela Theresa

#38re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 12:18pm

That looks incredible.

Pippin Profile Photo
#39re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 12:22pm

yeah, SHindle could sing the hell out of it, but the leading player is also a fierce dancer, which Shindle is not.

I like the Headley idea, but can she handle the dance? that is the question.

now Porter is a great suggestion, while his riffs may be a little over the top. He would be the closest to appropriate, however.

amen to Margo- no doyle, but Danielle could really do something with this, add real atmosphere to the piece, and bring great ideas. IF it Had to depart from the Fosse-ography, I could def. see hers as an able replacement.

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

#40re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 12:41pm

"Cheyenne Jackson would be great as Lewis!"

No! Lewis is practically a non-singing role. It is an absolute waste of Cheyenne Jackson's time and talent.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

morosco Profile Photo
#41re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 12:46pm

And please...no Lillias White to gospel up the role of Berthe.

#42re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 1:51pm

Her name hasn't even been mentioned yet on this thread? Or has it?

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

Pippin Profile Photo
#43re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 1:56pm

I would love to see a Julie Taymor concept for this show.

and Kelli O'hara as Catherine.

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

#44re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 2:06pm

What Taymor might do with this material is fascinating.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

Cages or Wings
#45re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 5:56pm

Come out of the shadows to weigh in.

I'm a big proponent of Michael Arden as Pippin. I would love to

I love Billy Porter as The Leading Player, though Darius DeHaas intrigues me too. The Raúl suggestion is interesting, but I can't really picture it. Personally, I've never been a fan of female leading players. I don't like the sexual tension it creates between Pippin and TLP. Not that there is anything wrong with sexual tension, but I just don't like what it brings to their dynamic.

Taymor would be a great choice for directing this, but I also think a re-imagined production using Fosse's style could still work if it were darker than the colorful "circus" look of the original. (Which is something the revival of Chicago did quite well)

BrianS Profile Photo
#46re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 6:13pm

I really liked the Goodspeed production. The aerial dancing in the fabric was beautiful and the production totally worked for me.

If the audience could do better, they'd be up here on stage and I'd be out there watching them. - Ethel Merman

DMsquared2 Profile Photo
#47re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/8/07 at 10:39pm

Taymor was my second thought about a new approach to the show but it seems like the revival will be all about the choreographer.

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#48re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/9/07 at 2:00am

From what little I have seen of it, I am hoping to see this come to a stage very soon.

Another vote here against Doyle. I want dancing. The more, the better, please.

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#49re: Pippin Revival, Please?
Posted: 11/9/07 at 2:10am

I like Jonathan Groff just fine, but please STICK WITH MICHAEL ARDEN!

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.
