
Leading Actress in a Musical!- Page 2

Leading Actress in a Musical!

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#25re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 5:29pm

Doctor Who. re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Updated On: 6/13/08 at 05:29 PM

Weez Profile Photo
#26re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 5:31pm

Ahhh, 'Doctor Who' is so good for throwing up random theatre actors. Which ep was it had Hadley Fraser? I'm seeing Martha's mum in a play tomorrow an' all. XD

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#27re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 5:38pm

It really is, it's like the UK's answer to Law and Order.

(OT, but I really wish that I could see David Tennant play Hamlet, though I can't imagine the types of people that it's going to draw. The audience could be more entertaining than the show. re: Leading Actress in a Musical! )

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#28re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 5:50pm

Patti should've gotten the Tony for Sweeney Todd. As someone who didn't care at all for this Gypsy revival, though she does it very well and I love her, for me, this isn't her best performance.

This year should be about Kerry Butler and Jenna Russell, with Kerry narrowly taking it the trophy for accepting an original role, in a little show that had nothing working in its favour, and making it shine with universal raves, and help it thrive for over a year.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#29re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 5:54pm

Patti is probably going to win this award just based on her performance alone, but (for security measures) she also has a bit of a "make up award" thing in the air for loosing for Sweeney Todd.

Weez Profile Photo
#30re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 6:04pm

Continuing the OT because this IS my personal favourite subject this year, I know! I don't think the audiences will be too bad in Stratford; I'm sure there'll be a contingent of hardcore Tennant fangirls who wouldn't ordinarily go near the midlands, but I imagine most of the audience will be normal RSC audience. But when it gets to London, I imagine that's when the crazies will come out. re: Leading Actress in a Musical!

Taking advantage of the fact that FOR ONCE I'm on the right side of the Atlantic, I already have a 'Hamlet' ticket for Stratford in November, and as soon as Associate RSC Member booking opens, I'll be getting one for the London leg as well. Huzzah! o/

H.Higgins Profile Photo
#31re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 6:11pm

I really believe that Patti LuPone WILL and SHOULD win the award.

That being said, I'm someone who:

1) has loved Kerry Butler in everything she's done (even Little Shop; I wanted to take her Audrey home with me and care for her) and was especially proud of her delightful, show-carrying work in Xanadu

2) thinks Faith Prince is an incredible actress; one who, depending on the play and role, can have you bent over with laughter or crying into your hands (i.e.- A Catered Affair)

3) finds Kelli O'Hara extremely charming and winning in South Pacific and loves her beautiful, elegant soprano and even her brassy belt that made its appearance in The Pajama Game

4) was constantly moved, touched, and swept up by Jenna Russell's genuine and loving performance in Sunday in the Park with George

So, there you go. There's no bias from me. It's an incredible selection of incredible actresses. I feel, though, that the clear winner this season is Patti LuPone for her revelatory performance as Rose.

into_the_woods2 Profile Photo
#32re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 6:24pm

i don't want anyone to get the wrong impression-patti is the definition of a shoe-in for this years tony. i just think it's about time kerry was recognized, and wouldn't it be cool if she won? total fantasy and completely unrealistic.

"The good news is I have an excellent Tony speech. The bad news is I've had it for forty-five years."-Elaine Stritch

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#33re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 6:32pm

Even in those tacky slippers, Patti seems to be a steamroller this season.

iluvny04 Profile Photo
#34re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 7:11pm

Miss Patti is going to win! End of story. End of discussion.

(just being honest! )

No jay, no end of story or discussion and like the song says everything is coming up roses but it still could not be for Patti. An upset can still occur and I hoping for Kelli. Also whoever said she has a make up award for losing Sweeney Todd that is utter bullcrap. She lost get over it, as for 08 the voters can vote for whoever they want and if they want to give it to Patti they can give it to Patti, if they want to give it to Kelli, they can give to Kelli. face it nothing is set in stone until a name is called on Sunday and even though she has great praise and all the outside awards doesn't mean the award is guranteed.

jennyish Profile Photo
#35re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 7:51pm

I'll be so happy when Patti has her Tony and all of this silliness can end.

I chose, and my world was shaken. So what? The choice may have been mistaken. The choosing was not.

iluvny04 Profile Photo
#36re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 8:59pm

Its not silliness just becuase myself and others think that maybe Kelli and others should win gives you no right to stomp all over our opinions and try to shut us up because we don't agree you or the pundits that Patti should win the Tony. I'm sorry if your tired of it but as long you keep saying that everything is about Patti we have to negate and say that an upset can occur. The reason I choose Kelli is that out her, Kerry, faith, and Jenna she is the most likely to pull an upset and I'm sorry but you can try anything you want but I am 100% rooting for Kelli and nothing anyone says will make me concede or change my mind. The chances in your eyes maybeslim, but I still believe its highly likely and will on to this belief until the awards are announced sunday and if you don't like it then just don't respond.

christhefish Profile Photo
#37re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 10:14pm

I don't understand when people argue that once someone (in this case Patti) has already won a Tony they should be passed over for someone who has not (in this case Kerry) just because it would be "fair". Where does it say that everyone gets to win a Tony at some point in their career? That's not to say that I am not in love with Kerry Butler, but I have long since acepted the fact that Patti is going to win. (even though I would personly vote for someone else)

#38re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 10:17pm

i would LOVE to see Kerry take it, I'm so rooting for her and although the odds are very much against it I'm happy she's finally being recognized her work is incredible in absolutely everything from Bat Boy to Xanadu. I can't wait for her to get *that* role where she's guaranteed the win. she deserves it so much.

That being said I don't mean all the other ladies DON'T deserve it because they do! It's just not as exciting when someone like Patti is in the competition because eeveryone just assumes "oh, she'll get it" so I'm hoping for a shocking twist where someone else takes it home!

He's so nurturing! - Penny Pingleton, Hairspray

#39re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 10:20pm

Patti LuPone is the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#40re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/13/08 at 10:31pm

Tomorrow I will (hopefully) see Jenna Russel in SITPWG so I can't comment on her right now.

Kerry Butler in Xanadu was amazing, she did amazing work in Xanadu. The way she plays the role so straight faced is amazing.


I saw Xanadu 3 hours after I saw Gypsy and Patti Lupone just blew me away. Her portrayal of Mama Rose was awe inspiring and jaw dropping. Her Rose's Turn made me shake and I've never felt that way during any other Broadway show. For that sole reason I think she should win the tony.

While I haven't seen the other contenders I'm sure they are excellent in their respective roles but Patti just blew me away and I cannot wait to see the show again.

MusicAndPassion Profile Photo
#41re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/14/08 at 1:43am

If Ethel Merman (who was beated out by Mary Martin, what a weird coincidence that Ms. Martine created the role of Nellie and Ms. Merman created the role of Rose, and this year both actresses in those roles are *in my mind* battling it out for the Tony* and Bernadette Peter's didn't win the Tony for their performance as Madame Rose then there's still a chance that Patti LuPone won't win either. I think she's great in Gyspy, but I'm rooting for Ms. O'Hara to finally take home the Tony. She's been nominated twice before, and the first time she was robbed of the Tony. And the second it just wasn't her year. But now I have extreme faith that this is her year. Her performance as Nellie Forbush is incredible and she's recreated the legendary role that has never been recreated on Broadway before, unlike four legends have done in Gypsy revivals.

I think Kelli O'Hara has a great shot at the Tony this year. I won't be suprised if Ms. LuPone wins, but I'll be thrilled if Ms. O'Hara does. And I'll be shocked/upset if Kerry Butler, Faith Prince or Jenna Russell win. They are all excellent in their respective roles, but Kelli O'Hara and Patti LuPone are extraordinary.

Why shouldn't it be Kelli O'Hara's year?
Updated On: 6/14/08 at 01:43 AM

brettystar Profile Photo
#42re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/14/08 at 1:50am

I have only seen PLP and KB and I truly hope that Patti wins this Tony.

Whilst KB was great in Xanadu I do not think her performance is to the same standard as PLP's.

To me PLP in Gypsy was an event, it was magic. I think the current Gypsy would not be as good without her. In comparison I think other actresses could play Kira just as well. I did think KB was great but the role is easier to play in my opinion.

'Downtown Elaiggghhhy?'

H.Higgins Profile Photo
#43re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/14/08 at 2:30am

-- "Why shouldn't it be Kelli O'Hara's year?"

Why SHOULD it be? It's somewhat unfair/awkward that individuals have their performances ranked against each other each season, but regardless, it's done every year in the form of awards. They have been ranked and it would seem that Patti LuPone's performance is placed ahead of Kelli O'Hara's. So then, why SHOULD it be Kelli O'Hara's year? It's not. She'll have hers.

Patti LuPone's performance as Rose is the one to beat.

Updated On: 6/14/08 at 02:30 AM

DickonDefysGravity Profile Photo
#44re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/14/08 at 2:35am

But Patti needs to be punished for wearing that ridiculous get-up the last time she won a Tony for Evita... check those Tony tapes.

Hoping O'Hara or Butler wins.

And you think of all of the things you've seen, and you wish that you could live in between ,and you're back again only different than before... After the Sky. -Into the Woods (Jack)

Weez Profile Photo
#45re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/14/08 at 6:19am

Although, y'know what?

Weren't we all massively confident that Raúl would win last year? While I'm expecting Patti to win, I'm mentally prepared for an upset. It may not come, but nothing's certain until that envelope is opened and the winner announced.

OhGod I NeedThisShow Profile Photo
OhGod I NeedThisShow
#46re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/14/08 at 6:22am

ditto to Dickon. wtf was that?

go kerry.

#47re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/14/08 at 6:28am

I guess I'm one of the few people around here who completely preferred Bernadette Peters's Mama Rose to Patti LuPone's. I thought Peters deftly exposed the character's insecurity beneath her bravado, which perhaps is the type of performance that didn't give the fanboys a reason to leap out of their seats screaming their heads off (as they did again, and again, and again for Patti) but I found it a much more interesting and affecting performance whereas Patti, while certainly very good, was not particularly distinctive in the role. For me at least.

Plus, the fact that as I scan these Tony predictions articles I continue to come across sentences like "She's Patti LuPone. She's doing Mama Rose. Give her the damn Tony already," makes me a little uncomfortable. She's certainly picking up a lot of votes because a)She's Patti LuPone b)She's playing Mama Rose c)She lost a close race two years ago and d)She hasn't won a Tony in 28 years.

It's not that she undeserving per se, but is she really that much better than, say, Kelli O'Hara or Jenna Russell? I'm not so sure. But I do know that she's Patti LuPone and she's playing Mama Rose and that's enough of a reason for many people to give her the damn Tony already.

broadwaypunk06 Profile Photo
#48re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/14/08 at 6:28am

Wow ... one of my posts is still going ... thats never happened b4 ...

Patash Profile Photo
#49re: Leading Actress in a Musical!
Posted: 6/14/08 at 9:22am

I'm assuming those who keep saying things like "It's Kerry's turn to win" or "because she's been overlooked" are actively petitioning the Tony committee to change the name from "outstanding performance" to simply "outstanding actress" and drop any reference to the show she's performing in completely. What do past performances or being overlooked have to do with the "BEST PERFORMANCE IN A MUSICAL"?
While these are all great actresses and I've seen all these performances except for Kelli O'Hara in South Pacific, how can anyone compare any of the others to the performance Patti Lupone gives as Mama Rose?
