Lea Michele as Elphaba

Gobstopper Profile Photo
#25re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/21/08 at 8:25pm

*whispers* I actually kinda do think she'd be capable...

Incidentally, I think Lea has a much bigger future ahead of her than a lot of the people on this board. Therefore, I'd prefer if she did something cooler than Wicked because... I think you see my point.

#26re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/21/08 at 8:34pm

(look another chance for me to shill Kate Shindle)

Lea Michele- No.

Kate Shindle- YES! YES! YES!

Susan Egan- I'd like to see her too.

Oh, yeah, and KATE SHINDLE!

#27re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/21/08 at 8:46pm

Didn't Schwartz go to Egan at some point during Wicked's development and she said something like, "Who'd want to paint themselves green eight times a week for Kristin Chenoweth to win a Tony?"
Updated On: 8/21/08 at 08:46 PM

SirNotAppearing Profile Photo
#28re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/21/08 at 8:49pm


alfgiotir Profile Photo
#29re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/21/08 at 8:50pm

i didn't really think about it but I would love to see Kate Shindle as Elphaba. I do not liek Wicked but would pay to see her!

Robert Taylor Profile Photo
Robert Taylor
#30re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/21/08 at 9:01pm

Personally, I would LOVE to see Lea do "Wicked." She is HUGELY talented, commanding and would bring the perfect mix of vulnerability and strength to the role.

More than that, I believe she has a huge career ahead of her, both on Broadway and elsewhere, and can't wait to watch her career flourish.

Go ahead, eviscerate me.

legally_popular Profile Photo
#31re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/21/08 at 9:14pm

(assuming Wicked stops with their recycling for once...)
Kate Shindle for Elphaba.
Leigh Ann Larkin for Glinda.

the end. re: Lea Michele as Elphaba

#32re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/21/08 at 9:24pm

Ya, well you need some growing up to do, being mean to other people, just for asking a question, isn't what a teenager or adult should be doing. No need to be harsh, don't like the question then just ignore it, that's how you should take a situation instead of acting like a total pig.

insertclevernamehere Profile Photo
#33re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/21/08 at 10:19pm

I just don't think her voice is strong enough. It's very beautiful, but after listening to some of her cabaret stuff, I don't think she could pull off Elphaba's intense vocal workload. Plus she can't act.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention...I'm the good cop, he's the bad cop.

16andschizo Profile Photo
#34re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/21/08 at 10:42pm


its people like you who make this website such a pain in the ass. if you don't like a thread, why must you comment on it?? after reading many of your posts over the past few weeks you seem like an awful person. i simply don't understand your motives. everyone who comes to this site has a love of the theatre. we should treat each other with respect. we should be cultivating young theatre-goers, not scaring them off with your unnecessary rudeness.

Robert Taylor Profile Photo
Robert Taylor
#35re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/21/08 at 11:00pm

16andschizo (love the username), trust me, almost everyone on this board as been through this with TDH. Several of my first posts were attacked by him because I dared to support Legally Blonde. He gives the board a bad name, but luckily most of us know him for who he is.

He's a lying troll who refuses to go away even when theater professionals call him out, and relies on us taking his bait to continue to try and make himself feel important. At least half of the stuff he says he's done or listened to or seen he hasn't, so don't take his word on anything. When people call him out on something, he tries to cover up and save face by saying that he has proof and will PM the poster with the information and then never does. He did that on the "Shrek" thread and has also claimed to have heard the "Tale of Two Cities" score...uh huh. He also claims to be friends with Sondheim's boyfriend, has the OBCR of "Cry Baby" (it was never recorded) and started inflammatory false rumors about "WSS" that cause Mark Shaiman to call him out publicly...and he STILL refused to admit he lied.

And in response to this post he'll probably post some stupid photo of someone crying or a cartoon figure committing suicide instead of actually owning up to all the chit he does on a regular basis.

Just try to ignore his posts and eventually it gets much easier to. I promise. Updated On: 8/21/08 at 11:00 PM

A Fleur De Toi Profile Photo
A Fleur De Toi
#36re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/21/08 at 11:38pm

yeap Robert Taylor, you got it down pat. And you don't even have to be here long enough to go through that **** with him (I joined only around May this yr.) Anyway, I guess I've read enough of his posts to just basically ignore whatever he says these days. Sigh, posting on this forum is too darn hard.

Anyway what I wanted to say was that Wicked really needs to stop recycling and bring in new blood! But eh, Lea Michele?

All I can say is that she looks an awful lot like Idina, so that's the cheekbones covered. :P

Ps: oh and I forget, STFU for once in your life, TDH!

In Soviet Russia, Wicked hates you too!

16andschizo Profile Photo
#37re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 12:43am

thanks for the advice guys!

lol obcr of cry-baby! i wish! love that allie mauzy!

anyways, to the poster who said "lea michelphaba" that was really funny! it;s stuck in my head now

Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#38re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 12:23pm

Trust me, nobody loves some Lea like I do but in Wicked? No. I would much prefer her to continue to originate new work or tackle something else. Whoever said Shindle and Larkin for Elphie and Glinda I would actually go pay money to see wicked in NY if that was indeed the cast.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

#39re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 1:28pm

I'm actually kind of a fan of Lea. I feel like her ACTING style might actually be pretty good for the role- she's pretty Idina-esque :) And her voice is beautiful. Might not be quite strong enough belting-wise, but she's definitely got gorgeous, crystal clear tone

I don't know.. I would be interested to see how she does if she WERE to take on the role. I don't quite understand why so many people think she's SOO aweful. She may not be the greatest actress or singer in the world, but she's certainly GOOD, and I think she could pull off the role way better than someone like, say, Shoshana Bean! Acting wise, at least.

(and for the record, PLEASE get off your high horses guys. There's nothing wrong with enjoying RENT, SA, and Wicked. They actually ARE great shows imo. I agree that people should be open to OTHER shows as well, but honestly, this bashing anyone who enjoys anything remotely mainstream is ridiculous. You're not proving anything to anyone except that you're an uppity biotch :) Ok that was harsh and I apologize, but yeah. I just see it so much and it's really starting to get on my nerves.)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

winter_sky Profile Photo
#40re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 1:43pm

While I think aesthetically Lea would be perfect especially if the Glinda and Fiyero are young I do not think she would be able to handle the vocals 8 shows a week. She was out of SA a lot and that show has a way less challenging score. While her acting has improved since the beginning of SA's broadway run, I don't think it's anything spectacular.

I think Kate Shindle or Caren Lyn Manuel would be fabulous Elphabas.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#41re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 2:25pm

"Lea Michele as Elphaba any thoughts????"

Doing a search any thoughts????

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

toanythingtaboo 2 Profile Photo
toanythingtaboo 2
#42re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 3:14pm

Christopher Jackson (Benny from In The Heights) should get his ass into Wicked and rock the role of Fiyero.

His voice is so nice to listen to. Plus, I like that he looks more 'ethnic' which is what the book describes the character being.

Lea Michele definitely has the potential to be Elphaba on stage, maybe in years to come though. She needs to grow as a performer, but no doubt she has the potential.

SirNotAppearing Profile Photo
#43re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 3:17pm

I don't think his voice is right.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#44re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 3:20pm

"Ya, well you need some growing up to do, being mean to other people, just for asking a question, isn't what a teenager or adult should be doing. No need to be harsh, don't like the question then just ignore it, that's how you should take a situation instead of acting like a total pig."

Did you even see what the original poster posted? One even got deleted it was so offensive!

"...seriously calm the **** down."

"...so back the **** off!!!!!!!!!!"

"only people who post mean ass hit like that are looking for attention i was bored and I wanted to know who else might share the same opinions on the subject as I do or if there were any one with other ideas, next time you wanna say something pm dont [f-word] waste my thread space
you [f-word] mean ass s**thead
now i do hope that got YOUR [f-word] attention

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Updated On: 8/22/08 at 03:20 PM

toanythingtaboo 2 Profile Photo
toanythingtaboo 2
#45re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 3:24pm

Depends what you want in a Fiyero, I guess.

Lin Manuel Miranda should go for it and rap the part. I'd pay to see that.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#46re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 3:28pm

Doesn't Elphaba have sex, with a tiger, in the book?

they should put that in the movie...

LittleEDIEfan595 Profile Photo
#47re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 3:33pm

I don't think Lea will be able to pull of Elphaba but I would LOVE to see Kate Shindle take it on.

Weez Profile Photo
#48re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 3:52pm

No, one of her classmates boffs the tiger. I don't remember which.

Although Mabel Stark boffed a tiger too. She was cool, in spite of tiger-boffing.

Fiyero is a terrible role and I feel sad when I contemplate any actors I like playing it. I don't mind Norbert so much, because he got to originate a role in an insanely-successful show, but everyone since... just sadness. re: Lea Michele as Elphaba

pants2 Profile Photo
#49re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
Posted: 8/22/08 at 4:57pm

Wow, so, BWW thread about young actress Lea Michele or 30th annual b*itchy queen festival?

Can, can I have it?
