I Now Hate GLEE

ComingUpRoses2 Profile Photo
#50I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/16/11 at 9:11pm

I actually do think the show USED to be good. My friend sat me down to watch the first 12 episodes back in December of last year and I found it to be rather delightful. Once the Christmas hiatus was over and the show came back...yeeeesh! It went down hill pretty quickly.

It's had its moments, but the show has really turned into a mess. The acting is pretty heinous, too. Gwyneth's appearances have brought some much needed life back into the show, but at the moment, the only consistently great cast member has been Jane Lynch who couldn't be funnier.

Broadwaywest Profile Photo
#51I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/16/11 at 9:23pm

I do enjoy glee. However, if you take it seriously, you in for a major disappointment. The show is like this generation's Saved by the Bell, with a little more music and serious storyline. However, there is rarely continuity between episodes. Characters who are really interesting are never explored. i.e mercedes, artie and the new chick lauren I think. The best lines are given to Jane Lynch even though most of the time they come out of no-where. But all in all it's a fun time. If you want serious and more realistic portrayl's of teenagers I suggest check out the first and only season of My so-called and Life and the first and only season of Huge.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#52I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/16/11 at 9:53pm

GLEE should never be mentioned in the same sentence as MSCL, perhaps the most realistic portrayal of life as a teenager ever recorded. At only 19 episodes, it was, is and will forever be - perfect.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#53I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/16/11 at 10:01pm

I was turned off (and offended) by the very first episode. The whole thing just leaves a horrid taste in my mouth.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Updated On: 3/16/11 at 10:01 PM

strummergirl Profile Photo
#54I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/16/11 at 10:42pm

I actually think the last couple of episodes have really picked up. I was honestly losing interest until The Warblers showed up. I often find myself enjoying their songs more. I also enjoy more of the Brittany-Santana, Puck-Lauren, and Blaine in general than a 'Rachel pursuing Finn' or 'Emma in love with Will' storyline that has been apart the show since episode one.

re: OP

I actually thought Kurt's reaction to his bird's death was hysterical in his Tim Burton-styled goth clothing. The funeral pretty much indicated that Kurt was way more devastated about Regionals than anything to do with that bird.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#55I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/16/11 at 11:26pm

PREACH, Jordan. Preach.

#56I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/16/11 at 11:30pm

I loved the pilot, but I think it all went downhill from there. I think I only continue watching it because everyone else watches is and I don't want to feel left out. One of my main problems with the show is that that's really not at all what show choirs are like. I'm not in my school's show choir, but I know just about everybody who is, and what bugs me the most is that it's not meant to showcase one performer--it's about the group. I get so annoyed when they just sing solos and Rachel is the star of the show. If you look on youtube, that's not at all what it's like. Then, of course, there's the fact that Mr Scheu can just give them a song, the glance at the first two pages, and then know their harmonies, lyrics, and choreography magically. It's so annoying.

On the first page, someone asked how Kurt could really not know anything about sex. In all honesty, I have a friend who is a junior in high school and just gets majorly uncomfortable with the smallest mention of sex. In health last year, she begged her mom to sign the slip of paper saying that she's not allowed to go to the lessons about sex because she just gets so uncomfortable. There is a reason for it (I won't go into it because it's very personal for her) but she basically just tunes out anything to do with sex.

The thing that bugs me the most, however, is the fact that all of those students are at the bottom of the social hierarchy because they're in the glee club. I don't know about other schools, but at mine, this is not the case. Our choir program is pretty big (160 people) and I have never heard of people having slushies thrown in their faces for being in choir. There's the occasional "you're in choir, that's gay" comment, but people typically don't think anything of it.

And, finally, I am annoyed by the fact that all of the boys in the glee club are on the football team. In my school, of the 40-something boys in choir, not one is on the football team. Apart from the social differences, there's the fact that both take up so much time. One thing that annoys me so much about basically all TV shows about high school students is that they never have any homework. On Glee, they have all of their rehearsal time and they have all of this extra free time even when they go to football practice. At my school, between rehearsal and practice, anyone who would do both would have no time to sleep. It's so unrealistic.

So, that's the end of my little rant.

BroadwayBound062 Profile Photo
#57I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/16/11 at 11:35pm

I like the show....

Genius lasts longer than beauty.

#58I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 9:23am

The worse thing is that everytime they do a song in the rehearsal room, there are always extras walking by the open door. But those extras never disrupt the class. I realize it's been a long time since I was in high school, but an open door meant someone would yell something like "Finn's feet smell like farts."

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#59I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 9:35am

Gah. I watched the very first episode and thought it was dreck.

Since then, I've periodically returned to it when I'm around other people who enjoy it and have found that, with a different (and drastically reduced) set of expectations, it's stomachable. But that's about as good as it gets.

"Stomachable." Whew. The state of the nation, ladies and germs.


#60I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 9:59am

Last episode of this season - mark my words - something like this will go down in some degree or another - Kurt and Blaine have fight - stuff goes down - Kurt knocks on somebodies door, goes inside, little tidbits indicate the horizontal rumba took place and the next day walks out that door and the last frame of the season show X person slept with - and it turns out to be Karofsky - fade to black.

Granted it isn't all that original but (a) it makes a good season ending shocker and (b) they actually have subtlely built it up as well in bits and pieces here and there (ie Kurt's naivity with sex).

#61I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 10:17am

That ending makes too much sense. Probably Blaine will end up being secretly homophobic or suddenly start being mean to Kurt for no reason! Of course, this won't happen until Ryan Murphy gets tired of him.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#62I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 10:28am

Well since 'LA Law' did it first, maybe Blaine will fall down an elevator shaft?

#63I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 10:49am

It's almost time for them to introduce an HIV character. Whether that's a new character or one of the existing ones.

I mean an HIV character worked so well for the Patti LuPone Show didn't it? (NOT!)

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#64I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 12:04pm

Its taken you this long to realize what my friends and I call "Glee logic"? If you can't go with its absurdities best delete it then. But Glee is much closer to 30 Rock and the Simpsons then it is to, say, Parenthood. Its a farcical look at high school. Jeeze.

Kad Profile Photo
#65I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 12:14pm

The problem is, Glee wants to have it both ways. It wants to be absurd and silly AND realistic and dramatic.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#66I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 12:51pm

"Its a farcical look at high school."

Hasn't Ryan Murphy said several times that the show isn't supposed to be a farce?

"Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#67I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 1:14pm

"The problem is, Glee wants to have it both ways. It wants to be absurd and silly AND realist

Exactly... and that's a totally acceptable and possible goal.

Unfortunately, "Glee" doesn't have a creative team good enough to do it successfully.
ic and dramatic."


Pippin Profile Photo
#68I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 8:57pm

""The thing that bugs me the most, however, is the fact that all of those students are at the bottom of the social hierarchy because they're in the glee club. I don't know about other schools, but at mine, this is not the case. Our choir program is pretty big (160 people) and I have never heard of people having slushies thrown in their faces for being in choir. There's the occasional "you're in choir, that's gay" comment, but people typically don't think anything of it. "

You've obviously missed the entire message and point the show with this paragraph.

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

#69I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 9:16pm

The problem is, Glee wants to have it both ways. It wants to be absurd and silly AND realistic and dramatic."

Spot on. I get that Murphy likes the bipolar feel of the show, and in a way that's appealing, but when characters act completely aware one episode, and then the same character is dumb as a post the next episode, it's just very lazy writing.

dented146 Profile Photo
#70I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 9:40pm

It's a TV show people. It's where teachers shoot off guns in the classroom as in Boston Public. It can have it both ways. Look at Boston Legal.

What's important is that a lot of folks of all ages are enjoying a show related to musical theater. That's great. And I get to look at and listen to Heather Morris.

And yes this is probably the wrong message board.

#71I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/17/11 at 10:30pm

Love Morris. And I admit, even among my friends, it's gotten people who never thought they'd like musicals, to be more interested.

Still, of course a tv show can do what it wants. But when, when you watch, you can't help thinking "why is that character suddenly behaving so stupidly about something he was so smart about last week", etc--you have a problem I think.

(Then again I thought Boston Public and Boston Legal were awful, but at least Kelly tends to be true to his characters)

onedaymore Profile Photo
#72I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 1:07am

While I am a Glee fan and I watch it regularly, I will agree the plot has gotten very boring and inconsistent. On the up-side the Kurt/Blaine storyline is beautiful and finally shows homosexuals in an optimistic light instead of being beaten/punished for their sexual orientation.
What I really, really hate is Quinn's storyline. The point of Quinn was to show her decline on the social ladder and how she came out stronger because of it, but now, it's like her baby drama never happened and she wants to be prom queen? That is going against the entire message they were trying to send out with Quinn's character. Last season she decided to be nice because of how she was treated and now she's turning into the bitch she once was.
And I agree with Broadwaywest, Artie and Mercedes need to be explored more. They're both such misfits with strong personalities, and the point of the show is to prove that you need to be who you are. If they're trying to say being a "loser" is okay, then why are they giving the popular kids like Quinn and Finn more trajectory with their storylines?

Season 3 will suck. I will be very surprised if there is a fourth season. They've exhausted all their options for stories/music.

Whoever says money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to shop. - Bo Derek

#73I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 9:09am

I think momentum alone will get them a forth season.

Whether the network or producers pull the plug after that is anybodys guess.

#74I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 10:04am

"Quinn was to show her decline on the social ladder and how she came out stronger because of it, but now, it's like her baby drama never happened and she wants to be prom queen?"

Actually that could work. Sometimes people don't learn their lessons and have to go around again. A good writer could use that to create more storylines.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
