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Carrie Destruction

dshnookie Profile Photo
#50Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/5/12 at 9:54pm

I thought the destruction was very effective when I saw the show last night.

The audience let out a rousing applause at the end of it.

Sure, not every one will like it, but I did - happy me!

RippedMan Profile Photo
#51Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/5/12 at 10:41pm

I think it could be a mic issue. If you remember in "Wedding Singer," she doesn't sing after the water is splashed on her. And plus that's just water. This would be blood, which means it would be corn syrup or something that would stick to the microphone and therefore mess up the sound. Granted, I think there is still a better solution. I thought the blood effects in the recent Sweeney revival were so creepy and eery and not a single drop of blood was ever actually on an actor. I just loved seeing it spilling out. It might have been interesting to see it drop right in front of her, and go through a grate in the floor, and have her costume tear away and show a blood stained version or something.

Side note, if I found this clip insanely boring does that mean I probably won't like the show?

chewy5000 Profile Photo
#52Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/5/12 at 11:12pm

I miss the staircase.

#53Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/5/12 at 11:42pm

Its truly a shame.. instead of working on a clever way to pour blood, they instead set up a keynote presentation.

Somehow at ghost a character walks through a wall. . me thinks someone can create a good way to pour some blood.


TheLadyoftheWood Profile Photo
#54Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/5/12 at 11:53pm

Ghost's budget is way more than this off-broadway version of Carrie.

#55Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 12:02am


Its the principal of theatrical creativity. The design, the design of such an effect and execution is the basic motivation, Ghost just made it look fancy. In reality, its just a magic trick..

As said, Evil Dead poured blood. Same idea. But 99% less blood.

Carrie has enough money to pour some damn pig blood on her.

#56Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 12:04am

If they have enough cash for the content servers and projectors, a bucket in the rails won't be too much of a set back.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#57Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 12:23am

Amore did the "guy in the wall" trick on a far less budget then both productions, I'm sure. It's all about creativity. Artistry can be done on any budget.

#58Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 1:12am

"Chris doesn't just walk off the stage. Obviously, as you can see even in this video, while they are all being controlled by Carrie. Carrie forces Chris to Break her own neck."

Its not "obvious" (ly). I didn't see it happen when I saw the show nor the first time I watched the video. Its just bad direction.

missthemountains Profile Photo
#59Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 2:06am

I know it seems like I'm defending this show to the death no matter what, but I will say that I don't think this video really encapsulates the prom scene. I thought seeing it live was simply wonderful, but you can only get so much from a video. And if you're really stubborn about there being blood or not, well then, either way you're gonna hate it.

newintown Profile Photo
#60Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 8:58am

"Chris doesn't just walk off the stage. Obviously, as you can see even in this video, while they are all being controlled by Carrie. Carrie forces Chris to Break her own neck."

I also didn't notice that, and I saw it twice. But the scene is so poorly directed - there's no sense of focus, and nothing seems to be going on but some amped up noise, flashing lights, and a bunch of Rhythm Nation/yoga poses.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#61Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 9:19am

Part of the ending

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna Profile Photo
#62Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 10:20am

The never-say-YouTube people remind me of those actors who will never say "Macbeth"...instead constantly referring to it as "The Scottish Play"--even when they're nowhere near a theater...just to be safe.

Except no one can sue you for saying "Macbeth".


TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#63Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 10:27am

Macbeth is not copyrighted...

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

best12bars Profile Photo
#64Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 10:32am

For those of you who were born twelve seconds ago and can't understand why people joke about "YouTube" as the site that shall not be named, it used to be that you couldn't name it around here without your post or the entire thread being deleted.

The legality of simply referring to posted clips and websites, etc., has been more defined in the past couple of years, and it's no longer a kiss of death to mention it by name.

But that's why people still call it that. A little history never hurt anyone.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

showchoirguy Profile Photo
#65Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 10:37am

Oh Youtube, how we love/hate you.

#66Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 1:44pm

I thought it looked pretty damn effective....

And Molly sounded fantastic.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#67Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 2:39pm

And the irony of course is that BWW now seems to revel in posting links in their news feed to old, obviously illegal, youtube videos...

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#68Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 5:03pm

I always wondered if the blood spatter in a small theatre might be a safety concern for the actors based on what they use to create the blood. How was it handled in Evil Dead? I just imagine it could cause some real slip-and-fall injuries if it's not controlled well.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#69Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 5:10pm

Best thing about this thread is showchoirguy's Pirates of Penzance avatar.

Updated On: 3/6/12 at 05:10 PM

#70Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 8:08pm

"Chris doesn't just walk off the stage. Obviously, as you can see even in this video, while they are all being controlled by Carrie. Carrie forces Chris to Break her own neck."

Well when I saw the show she walked off, out of character. Granted, I saw one of the first previews so things might have changed. It's not obvious at all. I always make sure I know what I'm talking about before I share it with anyone else, "obviously" you don't.

"Its not "obvious" (ly). I didn't see it happen when I saw the show nor the first time I watched the video. Its just bad direction."
"I also didn't notice that, and I saw it twice. But the scene is so poorly directed - there's no sense of focus, and nothing seems to be going on but some amped up noise, flashing lights, and a bunch of Rhythm Nation/yoga poses."


Updated On: 3/6/12 at 08:08 PM

Rypm25 Profile Photo
#71Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/6/12 at 9:21pm

I saw the show on Sunday at the matinee. I really enjoyed it and was dreading the destruction scene after reading what people thought about it. I liked the way it was done personally...and liked that when Carrie appeared back at her house she was covered in the blood. On a side note, I noticed right away that Chris was singled out and forced to break her neck by carrie, as did the person I went to the show with.

Idiot Profile Photo
#72Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/7/12 at 1:10am

No, CarlosAlberto, that would be yours.

Damn, son.

dshnookie Profile Photo
#73Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/7/12 at 12:08pm

I also noticed Chris breaking her own neck at Sunday night's performance. What wasn't so clear is what happened to Tommy after the bucket spills. I presume the bucket hit him on the head and knocked him out (as the story goes), but I didn't see this happen and had to scan the stage for him mid-destruction to see someone's body laid out on the floor upstage - I think that was him.

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#74Carrie Destruction
Posted: 3/8/12 at 10:27pm

Sorry, but that was just painful to watch... and not in a good way. Al that writhing on the floor looked more like Hermes Pan choreography for some 50s Italian sword and sandal flick. The projections could have worked, but as noted the music just kills this scene.

My god, this should be the high point of the show. Why does it look like an afterthought?
