
Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!- Page 3

Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#50Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/25/13 at 4:08pm

Deleted because I don't care enough.

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah
Updated On: 6/25/13 at 04:08 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#51Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/25/13 at 4:11pm

"It's laughable to think that he could replace NPH as Hedwig."

Why, because you already know how NPH is as Hedwig?


#52Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/25/13 at 4:15pm

"I said he dose not NEED it, I NEVER said he doesn't use it."

This is a great example of the quality thinking that goes into the very idea of Adam Lambert being "big" or "unique" or "any good at all."

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#53Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/25/13 at 4:23pm


"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah
Updated On: 6/25/13 at 04:23 PM

#54Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/25/13 at 4:30pm

She's a lot of wonderful things, any kind of **** is not one of them.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#55Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/25/13 at 4:34pm

"Adam Lambert has no talent."

Yea, that's how he was cast in Wicked and became a finalist on AI.

Clyde, why are you such an ass? Calling people names doesn't make you look any better.

"No, you dumb sh!t,"

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#56Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/25/13 at 6:05pm

"Adam Lambert has no talent."

I'm sorry, you don't have to like the guy, but that has to be the most laughably ridiculous thing I've read in a long time.

theeatah Profile Photo
#57Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/25/13 at 6:12pm

I don't like Lambert's music. But he has more vocal talent than NPH.

I could easily see Lambert as the Emcee in Cabaret.

broadway guy
#58Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/25/13 at 6:30pm

Holy crap Adam would be a beast as the MC in Cabaret. That would be freakin perfect. I would Kill to see that

Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!

Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!

Updated On: 6/25/13 at 06:30 PM

Playbilly Profile Photo
#59Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/25/13 at 8:53pm

Adam replacing NPH in Hedwig? What comes to mind...

Helen Lawson: They drummed you out of Hollywood, so you come crawling back to Broadway. But Broadway doesn't go for booze and dope. Now get out of my way, I've got a man waiting for me.

"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

#60Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/25/13 at 9:31pm

Everyone has different reasons for why they love to perform.

Adam is and has always been a theatre boy.

He auditioned for Rock of Ages, but it went to Constantine.

I have a feeling he'll be on Broadway soon.

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#61Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/26/13 at 7:03am

Adam is a fantastic singer but a mediocre actor. There's a reason he never made it really big as a theater performer. Watching his scenes from Wicked on YouTube, he nails the singing but his acting is high school level at best. He's much more comfortable as a concert singer.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#62Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/26/13 at 7:18am

"Adam is and has always been a theatre boy."

And yet, he's stated he is not interested. That sounds like a "theater boy" to me. (Even though I don't know that ANY 31 year old should ever be referred to as a "boy".)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

FelineOfAveB2 Profile Photo
#63Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/26/13 at 8:31am

Actually, Adam has said numerous times he has intentions of doing theatre again, but is concentrating on his music career. He's been busy with his two sold out world tours, Grammy nomination, and currently working on his third album (his second album being a number one seller)and working with the likes on Nile Rogers and Bruno Mars).

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#64Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/26/13 at 8:36am

"Again" is not anytime soon. And its always been obvious that he cares about theater.

He's been busy with his grammy nomination? What does that entail? Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#65Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/26/13 at 9:11am

Trespassing was #1 for one week with a rather meager sales total of 77,000. It nosedived off the chart after that and all of the singles released from it flopped. And before you say "It didn't get enough exposure", he sang the lead single on American Idol on an episode that was seen by millions, so lots of people knew it was out. They just didn't care.

I like Adam but there's no use pretending Trespassing was a commercial success. That's why he needs to focus on his next album, it's his last chance before RCA decides to drop him. They already nixed the idea of a Trespassing tour in the US becaise of the poor sales.

Kaykohl Profile Photo
#66Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/26/13 at 9:48am

I seem to remember Adam being really proud of his theater background until he started getting grief from AI audiences about it. I remember him saying he wish he had never mentioned it because of all of the negativity. From that point on he started talking about focusing on his singing career and not being interested in doing theater. I thought it was really harsh when he said it. But, I understand now why, it stopped the negative chatter about him being a viable pop star.

I agree, he'll be on Broadway soon.

broadway guy
#67Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/26/13 at 9:54am

Why would he be getting grief from AI fans about doing theatre? What did they say? Some people are just idiots, Adam should should be proud of his theatre.

Kaykohl Profile Photo
#68Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/26/13 at 11:04am

People were parroting Simon and Randy about Broadway. Neither of them really care for Broadway. They seemed to think Broadway is where singers end up that didn't make in the music business. However, I think I read somewhere that Simon is involved in a theater production now.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#69Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/26/13 at 11:38am

This is the problem with AI and the whole "reality to stardom" schtick.

Performers cut their teeth and carve out an identity by busting their ass. By the time they make it, they know who they are.

These AI kids, win or don't win, have spent what-8 weeks-crafting a persona and then the company that owns them tells them what to do. It's a cluster@#$. Tasia doesn't have a work ethic because she never had to have one. Singing on a reality show for 10 weeks is not hard comparing to a lifetime of struggle.

They usually end up sh@#ting the bed when left on their own. No chops for the industry that you learn when you work your way up.
So they end up making a porn or going on celebrity rehab.

Lambert is a great vocalist, but for all the eyeliner, he lacks a persona. People touted him as the next Freddie Mercury-hardly. Sadly, he wont find out who he is or who his fans are until his label drops him and he has to do things for himself.

"Adam has said numerous times he has intentions of doing theatre again, but is concentrating on his music career."

AKA when the bottom falls out of music, he'll be on stage.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

ReggieonBway Profile Photo
#70Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/26/13 at 12:53pm

Actually he has specifically said that he is absolutely interested in returning to the theatre one day. The reason he did American Idol in the first place was to get his name out there, in preparation for a move to New York. He's just wrapped up in his solo career (which didn't take off in America but is HUGE overseas, particularly in Europe) at the moment.

For anyone doubting his ability to sing legit theater, click this link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJYyqzUr6jU in which he sings Come to Me, Bend to Me from Brigadoon.

He's absolutely incredible, and I'd love to see him come to Broadway.

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#71Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/26/13 at 7:32pm

I don't have any doubts as to his abilities to SING legit theater. I have grave doubts about his ability to ACT legit theater. From what I've seen, he simply doesn't have much acting talent. Like I said, there's a reason he couldn't make a steady career out of the stage.

Being a concert performer suits him much better.

#72Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 6/26/13 at 9:13pm

"But, I understand now why, it stopped the negative chatter about him being a viable pop star."

He has never ever been a viable pop star and I believe anybody who clings to that notion is still hanging onto the fantasy of American Idol propelling everybody who appears on it to stardom. I said it when his first album came out and some people on here were so hyped up and over-enthusiastic about him being gay and out and how that was going to be an industry game changer and I said, "No, he is not going to be an industry game changer, he is an industry game player." He played, and he failed.

I actually respect that Justin kid who I happened to see in "Women on the Verge..." and "Ghost Brothers of Darkland County." He worked at the craft and went out and did it. Not just talked about doing it.

That people can't see the difference between somebody like him and a nobody like Adam Lambert really shows me how that stupid TV show hypnotizes people. If he ever deigns to show up at an audition, I hope the theater community snubs him. They don't need him at all.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#74Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 7/10/13 at 11:27pm

Latter day Glee. Absolutely the only place Adam Lambert should be appearing and he should thank his lucky stars and invest his industry scale paychecks wisely.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
