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TONYS Aren't Everything

Justice Profile Photo
#50re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/30/05 at 10:11pm

I did not say she deserved it over the others...
Here is what I said:
"It was one of the most moving performances I have ever seen on a Broadway stage. She deserved that award."

I never compared her to any of the other nominees.

"Do you know what pledge time is, Andrew"? said the PBS Executive. "Yes", Lloyd Webber replied. "My 50th birthday special must be one program that gets done a lot." "No", mused the man from PBS heedlessy. "Not so much. Our Stephen Sondheim Carnegie Hall concert. That's a big one." Spoons, forks and knives seemed suddenly to suspend their motion in horror, all around the table.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#51re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/30/05 at 10:11pm

O my goodness, I'm really surprised about you people. I met Phylicia Rashad after seeing a performance of Gem of the Ocean in Boston (she was utterly phenomenal) and she was very nice. She also came to my college to talk to the theatre majors and she was one of the most inspirational speakers I've ever listened to. The way she spoke at the Tonys is actually how she speaks to crowds and it is not done in a pompous way. I saw her as being extremely regal and very experienced. I've learned far much more about the woman behind the actress at that talk and I assure you, she is not pompous or arrogant at all. Goodness, people are so quick to judge around here! And anyway, what does arrogance have anything to do with winning a Tony? Phylicia Rashad is a very talented woman and I hear her performance in Raisin was incredibly moving. Didn't another "arrogant" woman win for Wicked last year? Why isn't anyone complaining about that instance?


TonyaFanatic Profile Photo
#52re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/30/05 at 10:14pm

extremely well said mrmusic.

"Girl, this cupcake is the jumpoff"- Adriane Lenox

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#53re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/30/05 at 10:14pm

Justice, to deserve the award, she has to be better than the others. That's the point - otherwise they would just have all the nominees get Tonys.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#54re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/30/05 at 10:14pm

Everyone listen.
Are you listening?
Now shut up and let this thread die.

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.

Justice Profile Photo
#55re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/30/05 at 10:15pm

Steven, I'm totally on your side, as I find Phylicia to be a wonderful actress, but I have to defend Idina. I happen to know for a fact she is FAR from pompous.

"Do you know what pledge time is, Andrew"? said the PBS Executive. "Yes", Lloyd Webber replied. "My 50th birthday special must be one program that gets done a lot." "No", mused the man from PBS heedlessy. "Not so much. Our Stephen Sondheim Carnegie Hall concert. That's a big one." Spoons, forks and knives seemed suddenly to suspend their motion in horror, all around the table.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#56re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/30/05 at 10:19pm

MrMusic, if you read my posts, I never said that a pompous person didn't deserve a Tony because they were pompous. Please. If people's personalities were a factor - oh my.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

ShuQ Profile Photo
#57re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/30/05 at 10:22pm

They aren't? Ha...could someone please pass the message to Stephen Schwartz.

WiCkEd BaCcHaE Profile Photo
WiCkEd BaCcHaE
#58re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/30/05 at 10:40pm

Just because someone can receive an award given to her by her peers without hysterically crying and making a mess of herself, does not mean that she is "pompous." Ms. Rashad accepted her award with humility and grace. Her behavior, talant, and hard work is a credit to her and to our community as well. She is a model for all of us.

BTW, I don't mean, by my previous comment, that I think crying when recieving an award is bad thing. I am simply expressing my admiration for Ms. Rashad's conduct at the awards.

"Truth is rarely pure and never simple."- Oscar Wilde

"If I could only do one thing before I died, it would be to swim with a middle-aged couple from Connecticut."- a dolphin

Marquise Profile Photo
#59re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 12:59am

the ignorance of many on this board truly *shines* through on this thread. i have taken name, rank and serial numbers.


don't care to read your garbage

#60re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 1:02am


Althought this is about 7 different threads in one, I do find the whole discussion rather interesting...

As someone who did indeed see all the Tony Nominated performances, I believe the Tony Voters did make a very good decision in awarding Rashad the Tony. I think also, that someone decided to play the race card in this argument simply because they felt backed into a corner and it's an easy card to play.

I've met Ms. Rashad on a few occassions and find her to be one of the most gracious individuals I have ever met. Yes, she speaks her mind-if that makes her pompous or a diva, then so be it, I see it quite differently and wish more people had the guts to do so.

But what this thread is really about (in my opinion) is the value of the Tony Awards. At this time of year for us, there are two things going on- Yes, there is the obvious race for a prize, but also on a far grander scale, this is the time of year where the rest of the world gets to see a slice of our community and care about it. So it's a celebration in a lot of ways...That's what most of the talk ends up being about I think.

Of course we are going to discuss the Tonys. They are the highest commercial honor one can recieve in this industry. Have some decisions been made in the best interest of money? yes. please note that I referred to them as the highest "commercial" honor in the industry. Sure, the art is important, but without the commercial side of things, to be honest, nobody would give a crap about this industry. Do you really think Off-Broadway would have a chance without CATS? or HAIRSPRAY? I'm not dissing the artistic quality of either of these shows, merely stating that their commercial value is far greater than their artistic value. Nothing wrong with that.

So yes, Tony's do matter. Tony-Winning shows may run a few months or years longer with that tag line added to their marketing. Should artists be upset or is the art compromised because of the lack of a Tony Award? no. I don't think so.

There's my 2 cents.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#61re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 1:07am

Well said, Dawg.

Note: I used "arrogant" in quotes.


SueleenGay Profile Photo
#62re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 1:14am

It's not Rashad's fault she's black...

Probably the most racist remark on this board ever.


PerhapsACreamPuff Profile Photo
#63re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 1:22am

If you'll try reading the rest of the thread too, you might find that Marilyn posted that tongue in cheek.

4 8 15 16 23 42

Hilda, Hilda, wake up! I've invented a maneuver.

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#64re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 1:24am

I agree completely with the original statement in this thread about a Tony not being everything. It's the same deal with Oscars and Golden Globes etc etc. As artists/performers, what does it matter if we have a collection of statues in our cabinets or not? It's about being on stage and in the moment and spreading messages through the art of theatre in my opinion. Who cares about some gold statue that will probably just spent eternity sitting on a mantlepiece collecting dust? In the end, its really a panel of judge's opinion on who's good, not the whole world. It annoys me when people are like "Ohh they are the best because they have a Tony or an Oscar." 10 people say they are the best, that doesn't necessarily mean they are. Besides, everyone has their own opinion on "the best" anyways. I just don't get why we put so much reliance on such a trivial thing (Oscar ceremonies are now more about the fashion anyways than the movies and actors) instead of thinking about the actual theatre and actors in it.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#65re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 1:41am

Was something edited out that made that statement tongue in cheek?


munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#66re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 1:44am

No. I understand what they were saying. Tonya makes every issue into a black/white issue. Marilyn was just mocking that.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#67re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 1:50am

Rath---I demand you put Maureen back as your icon. **Cracks whip**

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

TonyaFanatic Profile Photo
#68re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 11:25am

i state how i feel. like i said i dont care what people on this board think about me. and i can think what i want. if i believe that you dont give enough respect to a lot of black artists, then so what. you havent proven to me otherwise. this board wasn't even about black/white anything. everyone else decided to turn it into that by coming down so hard on ms rashad. i just noticed a pattern on this board that's all.

and to munkustrap: almost everytime a black artist is mentioned, you say a terribly unnecessarily rude comment about them. why is that?

"Girl, this cupcake is the jumpoff"- Adriane Lenox

keggss23 Profile Photo
#69re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 11:43am

"this board wasn't even about black/white anything. everyone else decided to turn it into that by coming down so hard on ms rashad."

You were the one that started the talk about race when you said:
"i swear some people on this board hate to see a black woman on the top her game."

What does race have to do with anything? People were saying that they didn't like her because they thought she was arrogant. Not at anytime did ANYONE say they didn't like her because she is black.

Nothing about race was mentioned until YOU pulled the race card. When someone disagrees with you at anytime on this board, you are so quick to label them as "haters" and "racists". I have no problem with you having a strong mind and stating your opinion because that is what makes life interesting. Just as you stated before, you have the right to your opinion, but so does everyone else. I am just saying that you should at least have the courtesy to let others state their opinions without name calling and throwing around the word "racist" just because you don't agree with their opinion.

"When you're a Jet, / You're a Jet all the way, / From your first pirouette / To your last grand jete." --Brian Kaman

PerhapsACreamPuff Profile Photo
#70re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 11:46am

this board wasn't even about black/white anything. everyone else decided to turn it into that by coming down so hard on ms rashad.

1) We are not criticizing Rashad because she is black.
2) By criticizing an actress (just as dozens of others, regardless of race, are criticized on this board EVERY HOUR) we are not turning it into a racial issue.
3) If you think that everyone who dislikes Rashad feels that way because they are racist and she is black, you need a serious reality check.

4 8 15 16 23 42

Hilda, Hilda, wake up! I've invented a maneuver.

Updated On: 3/31/05 at 11:46 AM

OtherDaryl Profile Photo
#71re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 11:59am

Awards may not be everything, but I like winning trophies and other prizes (thought the dusting can be tedious) - be they for High School Debate, a dance marathon or bowling.

I've been practicing my Tony/Oscar/Emmy speech since the 3rd grade and it will be kick-ass if I ever get a chance to actually accept anything now that I'm beyond High School Debate and and too broken down dancing in marathons or bowling.

"Love Life. Live." Michael Bennett
Updated On: 3/31/05 at 11:59 AM

TonyaFanatic Profile Photo
#72re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 12:01pm

whatever. i can think what i want. once again: IF IT DOESN'T APPLY TO YOU THEN DON'T RESPOND. you guys jus dont get that. i never called anyone a racist. i jus said that i believe, "some people on this board hate to see a black woman at the top of her game" that's what i think. nobody put guns to your heads or matches under your belly to respond to what i say. you do. get over it. you say what you say. if im offended/agree: ill respond if i feel like it. jus like you all do.

"Girl, this cupcake is the jumpoff"- Adriane Lenox

PerhapsACreamPuff Profile Photo
#73re: TONYS Aren't Everything
Posted: 3/31/05 at 12:03pm

Oh my god, I really, really hope for your own sake that you're just a troll and you're doing an excellent job of it.

4 8 15 16 23 42

Hilda, Hilda, wake up! I've invented a maneuver.
