
Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues- Page 3

Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues

#50re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/1/08 at 10:13am

Eden may scream, but what do I care? What does an average audience care? They dont. As long as she sings the score and sounds good doing it, no one is going to care. The fact that she has sung the score to Wicked for more than 2 years straight allows me to believe that she has some talent. It's not an easy thing to do. Even if she screams it, I really dont care. It sucks if she ends up losing her voice, but thus far she hasn't. Something tells me that if she hasn't by now, she probably wont.

#51re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/1/08 at 12:22pm

You'd be surprised at how much abuse vocal cords can take before they finally give out and you get nodes or something.

TooDarnHot: It really isn't healthy, is it? But sometimes IMO she loses the placement a little when she sings lower notes, and that's when I think she sounds really good.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#52re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 12:59am

I'm sure Eden has pallaps and has already been through nodes before... wouldn't be surprised.

You CAN sing through nodules. All depends on the growth size.

DickonDefysGravity Profile Photo
#53re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 1:06am

I think Eden's "belt" is atrocious and IS sharp the majority of the time.
She has some interesting vowels and riffs, but she is VERY pitchy.

And you think of all of the things you've seen, and you wish that you could live in between ,and you're back again only different than before... After the Sky. -Into the Woods (Jack)

emo_geek Profile Photo
#54re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 1:09am

She has won over so many hearts...she is doing something right

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

DickonDefysGravity Profile Photo
#55re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 1:12am

I venture to say her vocal cords disagree.

And you think of all of the things you've seen, and you wish that you could live in between ,and you're back again only different than before... After the Sky. -Into the Woods (Jack)

defyingonbroadway Profile Photo
#56re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 1:12am

I really like Eden's voice, but she used to have this thing she did with her voice I didn't like. But now I really admire her singing and acting, and not only because she was in Wicked. I'm looking forward to seeing her in Rent.

achangeinme Profile Photo
#57re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 1:18am

Honestly? I think it is really easy to win over fans once you get into Wicked.

I'm pretty indifferent to Eden. As others have said, she either nails it or she fails miserably. But one of the things I look for in a Broadway performer is consistency.

Some of the performers these WICKED fanatics fawn over makes me shake my head in shame. And...I generally really like Wicked as a whole!

emo_geek Profile Photo
#58re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 1:25am

I've been a fan of her since she was singing in Disney's California Adventure, and have loved her through and through

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

nygrl23 Profile Photo
#59re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 6:46am

Another support group? They sure do spout up on here!

What IS a soprano in denial? Someone who wants sing Rent-ily but is actually better suited to Carousel-like material?

Weez Profile Photo
#60re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 6:54am

Yup, pretty much. We try to belt, as part of our denial, but it just doesn't work. *weeps* re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues

Janki Profile Photo
#61re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 7:01am

Being a West End performer myself I think she is amazing! The times I've seen her she has been spot on! I love her!

Popular...You're gonna be Popuular....;)

nygrl23 Profile Photo
#62re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 11:54am

>Yup, pretty much. We try to belt, as part of our denial, but it just doesn't work. *weeps*

Well, I think that's a good thing. IMHO there is no healthy way to belt, and Eden Espinosa's belting sounds damaging. I think she's talented, but lucky.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#63re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 12:09pm

"there is no healthy way to belt"


#64re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 1:12pm

Well, usually I love being a soprano, but there are so many songs that I can't sing that I wish I could! Like "Meadowlark"--not just the belting, it's actually even too low for me when it's in its original key. And I know that I shouldn't even try to belt because it can ruin the color in the top register and create passagio issues for sopranos.

Belting isn't unhealthy in itself. You have to do it correctly. Patti LuPone does, for instance. Eden... doesn't.

As for why she's so popular: not many people today recognize what constitutes good singing. Look at American Idol.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#65re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 1:39pm

I've seen Eden live 3 times, once in Brooklyn and twice as Elphaba, and her vocals blew me away! She is amazing and is my favourite Elphaba!

Jonny boy Profile Photo
Jonny boy
#66re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/2/08 at 2:22pm

I enjoyed her very much when I saw her in Wicked up in LA. Maby it was just a fluke but, every video I have seen on youtube of her has been amazing IMO

nygrl23 Profile Photo
#67re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/7/08 at 12:31pm

What IS the healthy way to belt, oh Yoda?

#68re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/7/08 at 12:38pm

I've seen her live many times and true, she has a fantastic voice that can easly make people fall in love with her, she def. has ALOT of vocal flaws. I am a Eden fan, but not the type that completely over look her flaws and say she is the best singer in the world. She has pitch probs, she has nasality issues, and she really kills the score with absurd riffs. I love her voice, but she is far from the image many of her freak fans give her.

Amneris Profile Photo
#69re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/7/08 at 12:40pm

Why are you guys ripping Eden apart? So, she's worked 3 broadway shows as leads, numerous concerts and what have some of you done? Are you all trained vocal teachers? She has always given top notch performances every single time I have seen her do something and I just want to say that she is an amazing person as well.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#70re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/7/08 at 12:40pm

there's a GREAT thread about all of this, nygrl. from the month of April.

it was a very informative and insightful thread regarding vocal technique (and belting).

LePetiteFromage - do you remember what the thread title was called? I know you're the bomb diggity with SEARCH. re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues

#71re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/7/08 at 12:41pm

oh and on the note of her not having a vocal coach. She didnt have "formal" training till she recieved the standby position for Elphaba in WICKED. THEN she realized that the immense score was gonna kill her voice if she didnt crack down on it so she got a teacher.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#72re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/7/08 at 12:44pm

But... it did kill her voice.

Amneris - yes, some of us on this board are trained vocal coaches. I know of at least four (including myself).

I am NOT ripping Eden apart. I just can't stand her tone and if she doesn't start "breaking" her damaging habits, her voice will be gone in 5 years

#73re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/7/08 at 12:47pm

I don't get it; she's not brilliant, but she's not as awful as some of you make her out to be.

I've seen clips of almost every performer that's idolized on this board. Not ONE of them has a perfect record in terms of being on/off pitch every once and again? Does that make them a horrible singer/actor with no training, no technique, and no talent? I don't think so. I've seen Eden live, and she's fine. I don't think she's the greatest thing to hit Broadway, but, I think she's deserved the work she's gotten.

And this whole, "right way, wrong way, I know more because my vocal teacher says so..." Give me a break. If you go to 5 different vocal coaches, you'll more or less get 5 different ways to do things, and they're all "right."


#74re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
Posted: 6/7/08 at 12:49pm

Again, before a bunch of Eden fans jump on me (someone just messaged me already giving me crap) I LOVE Eden, she is a great performer, but seriously, she isnt a God. She has flaws. Even the great LuPone ha flaws, No one is perfect. And Idk, for some reason, during her run of WICKED, she went liek this
Started off iffy, her voice was kinda all over the place,
Towards the middle of her run she found ground to stand on
Middle of her run she was awsome!
End of her run, she was amazing.
Start of her LA run, still amazing
Middle of LA run, this is the downhill spiral. Her riffs were out of whack, her pitch was all over, her nasality took a turn for the worse, every week she had atleast 2 shows where her voice cracked
End of LA run, she was white knuckling it, but in the end, she developed (or showed) her wonderful vibratto which I wish she used more often.
