
My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans- Page 3

My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans

kathy selden Profile Photo
kathy selden
#50re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/18/08 at 9:54pm

Wed night - South Pacific, loge - a man with a phlegmy hacking coughing jag that begged to have him get up and leave, clear it and come back - but no he didn't.
Thurs night - late commers to the mezzanine. Stand, fumble with ticket just you and the usher with a flashlight until God knows when. Get there on time, have your freakin' ticket out for crying out loud.

Even a poor tailor is entitled to some happiness.

#51re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/18/08 at 10:28pm

Not really a fan encounter, per se, but a great example of annoying patrons. And there are plenty of them.

"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#52re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/18/08 at 11:21pm

Final Broadway performance of TABOO (you literally couldn't even hear the show with all those 'rock concert' screams throughout the performance).

I was at the final performance of TABOO, and that was my first and only time ever seeing the show, and I heard and understood everything happening on stage just fine.

I think some people need to get over themselves, and if an audience is completely "ruining" your ability to enjoy a show, maybe you should just stop attending live theatre with a live audience, or buy out an entire theatre for one night so the cast can perform their show just for you and you don't have to worry about audience members' reactions around you.

And I most certainly wouldn't come on here and post a negative review of a show just because of the audience members around me, because that's not fair to the cast, crew, and creative team who have no control over the audience members' reactions.

If you didn't like a show, fine, tell us why you didn't like the show, but if it was the audience that "ruined" the show for you, that's a whole different bundle of bananas, and maybe you should refrain from posting what is clearly going to be a biased, unbalanced review of a show.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

levitatingcow11 Profile Photo
#53re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:05am

I just hate it when people wear their ugly Adidas sweatpants! Updated On: 7/20/08 at 12:05 AM

philly03 Profile Photo
#54re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:06am

"Is the sobbing really that loud? (les miz fan reference) "

During the final week of the run it was!

musicaltheatrefan3 Profile Photo
#55re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:09am

Agree with jaystarr and winston89, but at TLK, well they weren't exactly fans, but they were distracting.

wicked_beast4 Profile Photo
#56re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:13am

Eeeewwww, you are back.

"He found something that he wanted, had always wanted and always would want— not to be admired, as he had feared; not to be loved, as he had made himself believe; but to be necessary to people, to be indispensable." -F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#57re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:16am

I think some people need to get over themselves, and if an audience is completely "ruining" your ability to enjoy a show, maybe you should just stop attending live theatre with a live audience, or buy out an entire theatre for one night so the cast can perform their show just for you and you don't have to worry about audience members' reactions around you.

My issue with what happened at Sherry tour SF closing was multi-faceted, and it's actually taken me over a year to say something about it...

First, the show was in a bit of a slump -- the producers had extended for 6 months and people stopped being in a hurry to buy tickets. Closing night was a Thursday evening show, and not sold out.

So (second), the rushers seemed to take it upon themselves to scream and try to make up for the lack of butts in the seats as well as the lack of enthusiasm from those who had shown up.

It's different when the entire audience is into the excitement of the night (I was at Benny tour closing [a real closing night] of Rent and it was amazing), but the behavior of the JB rushers that night was obnoxious and embarrassing. Not to mention I was a fairly regular rusher for most of the run, and I was not happy with the possibilities of guilt by association. I'm into celebration and cheering, too, but really? Screaming during "Trance"?

The cast also seemed to be having a bit of an off night, although I'd hesitate to blame that on the distracting screaming of the fans. In all, I enjoyed myself, although I still left somewhat frustrated and disappointed that night.

SF/Chicago closing was much better.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 7/19/08 at 12:16 AM

musicaltheatrefan3 Profile Photo
#58re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:16am

Yes. I was banned in late June. Then, I couldn't get back on. It said that my account could be accessed by June 30, but it still didn't work. Chat would work, though. Remember, I was on with you and heathurr. Anyway, I worked it out with Rob, and it's fine. Then, I went on vacation for a week, and I'm leaving for Europe (London, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Fredericia, Odense, Copenhagen, Malmö), on Thursday, and you might not hear much of me for 3 weeks.

wicked_beast4 Profile Photo
#59re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:17am

Should we be sad about that?

"He found something that he wanted, had always wanted and always would want— not to be admired, as he had feared; not to be loved, as he had made himself believe; but to be necessary to people, to be indispensable." -F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise

musicaltheatrefan3 Profile Photo
#60re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:18am

Well, some people might want to know why I was gone, and why they might not be hearing from me. Maybe, I'll put it on my signature.

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#61re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:18am

YOUR BACK!!! You have no idea how bored I was without you. Thank You.

#62re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:48am

RENT - I want to start over and pretend I've never seen it and discover it for myself again.

WICKED - I love this show, but the amount of fans make it difficult

mikem Profile Photo
#63re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 12:57am

Disproportionate audience reaction can really change the arc and flow of a show. Depending on the type of show, it may not matter, but sometimes it does. I saw a new comedy at a preview when critics were there, and there was a vocal group of people in one section of the audience who howled and hooted at every line, regardless of how funny it actually was. It wasn't organic at all, and it also threw the rhythm of the play completely off. I don't know if the group was just enthusiastic fans or people affiliated with the production, but in either case, I don't think I would ever see a comedy for the first time on a press night again.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

Patash Profile Photo
#64re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 9:01am

WannaBeaFoster, I'm really trying to understand part of your passionate response. Are you saying that the audience around you shouldn't affect your enjoyment of the show? If they are screaming so loud you can't hear it, how could that NOT affect your enjoyment? If they are talking so loudly that you miss half of what the show is about, wouldn't you enjoy the show less than if the audience had been quiet? If you go to a restaurant and someone reaches over and dumps a salt shaker of salt into your food, wouldn't that spoil your dinner? You're correct that it wouldn't be right to blame the chef or the waiters, but still -- your meal has been ruined. Why isn't it the same thing when those around you interfere with your enjoyment of a live performance?

If you were only saying it's unfair to blame the cast for the audience's spoiling the play for you, then I agree, but you really seemed to indicate that the audience, no matter how horrible, loud, and distracting shouldn't be bothering you at all. I just don't get that.

singingbackup Profile Photo
#66re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 7:04pm

"I'm in B1 on Sunday afternoon. Hey, maybe there are enough of us down front that we really can get everyone to stand up during Keys!"

"By the end of the night, my throat was dry from the over-abundance of screaming and cheers following literally every song, actor-entrance, and self-referential joke."

Just two examples from actual bww.com members posts that lend credence to the title of this thread. Theater is live, I get it. I love to share an experience with like minded people and it can be magical when everyone is on the same page and really into what is going on. Those moments are rare and should be organic. (Closing night of The Drowsy Chaperone was a night never to be forgotten) When they are not, it can and does ruin the experience for those engaging in overt, overindulgent behavior. I don't have the time or money to see theater as often as I would like. I think it more than fair to expect reasonable behavior in a theater. BTW there are other factors that could also impede theater watching to the point of frustration: Rude ushers, extreme temperatures, noisy sound/light operators, the distinct lack of personal hygiene of some patrons. The same holds true for a noisy restaurant, a rock concert with screaming, singing drunk fans in the row in front of you, a movie where the next row thinks they are at home on their couch and won't shut up, etc.

I think things can and do affect ones enjoyment of something enough to destroy the essence of why they are there. Frankly I am 'over' anyone who would knowingly take to behavior that would draw undo attention away from the very thing that they are so enamored of. You ain't in the show, so quit acting like it.

#67re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 7:25pm

Wicked. Throughout the entire show, (well, till the intermission - I left after that), there were a group of girls in front of me who would not shut the heck up. They kept calling Wicked the best "play" to ever exist, and they wouldn't stop talking about Idina even though Eden was Elphie in this production. During the show, they would LOUDLY sing a long to every song badly. They didn't even know the lyrics that well. It was horrible.

Weez Profile Photo
#68re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 8:40pm

I'm totally adding 'Dr. Horrible' to this list. I know it's a terrible thing to say, but I would have enjoyed it SO much more had I not been emailed by five different people IN ONE DAY with variations on the "I don't know if you've heard of this but it's a musical so" theme. But every time I encounter it from now on, the annoyance I feel at this constant shilling (is it shilling if they're not part of the production team? It's annoying enough that it feels like it is) is all I'm going to be able to remember and associate with the whole enterprise.

Srsly, I'm trying to be uncharacteristically nice, but if one more person from my non-BWW internet life tells me about it, I'm going to be cross. And if someone in real life tells me about it, they're literally getting punched.

ARGH! Please, just leave me to watch 'Garth Marenghi' in peace. ;_;

Updated On: 7/19/08 at 08:40 PM

jennyish Profile Photo
#69re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 8:54pm

Wow . . . I guess I can count myself lucky to have seen most of these shows and never encountered fans of the "screaming" variety. My experience at Spring Awakening was, however, ruined by the couple in front of me who made out for (LITERALLY) the entire first act. I could not see the stage, and bringing it up to them at intermission was one of the most awkward experiences of my life.

I chose, and my world was shaken. So what? The choice may have been mistaken. The choosing was not.

mikem Profile Photo
#70re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 10:44pm

singingbackup, since I am the author of one of the posts you cite, I feel I should respond. I don't know if you haven't seen Passing Strange or just had a different experience at the show, but Keys has an extended improv call-and-reponse outro that often involves interaction with the audience (Stew pointing the microphone at audience members, etc). The number is directed to have a "rock concert" feel in which the wall between audience and cast is broken. Perhaps you would find it upsetting if audience members are standing or interacting during the number, but IMO it would be a little like being upset if people are standing and dancing in the aisles during the extended "megamix" curtain call at Mamma Mia -- you certainly have the right to those feelings, but those specific numbers are directed in such a way IMO that a certain type of audience response does not seem out of place.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

#71re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 11:33pm

Mamma Mia - Standing row and the couple next to me seemed to have troubles understanding English, so when they got bored they would just talk.

Wicked - Could have been the actors or the audience, but when no one laughs but you, you just feel stupid.

Jesus Christ Superstar - The tour with Ted Neeley. I mean, the man's old but I still enjoyed it except for the lady next to me kept texting on her phone. I just glared at her thinking that she would get it, but she kept going. After the show she was escorted backstage to meet the stars. Christ! Literally.

Little Mermaid - I know it's family appropriate but it just got really irritating when the girl behind my wouldn't stop talking and it seemed her family did little to stop it.

Anyone else ask themselves why Disney doesn't do a 13+ night once a week/month?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#72re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/19/08 at 11:39pm

Those aren't really examples of fan misbehavior, though.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#73re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/20/08 at 12:02am

The first, third, and fourth I feel are. Talking in the middle of a performance and checking your phone every 15 minutes are distracting. I mean, it's not singing along or anything but it's usually the little things that are the most distracting. Like when you see that one sequine fall during Chicago far before Razzle Dazzle and you miss about 30 seconds of the show just because you follow it to the ground.

singingbackup Profile Photo
#74re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/20/08 at 1:05am

I have seen PS and while not my fave I do get the broken fourth wall element to the piece. The way I read your post though is that you have the desire to get everyone involved in something you want to do, something they might not feel moved to be a part of. That would be distracting. And, to site your MAMMA MIA example, the megamix is technically an extension of the bows, so standing and dancing is encouraged or at least a logical thing to do. (Same holds true at XANADU, especially when Mary or another cast member invites everyone to 'get up and dance.') If folks got up and started dancing in the middle of the show, that would be way out of place.

If you feel so inclined as to stand up during "Keys" then go for it. Just know that many might not get the whole fourth wall thing.

dalefully Profile Photo
#75re: My enjoyment of...was ruined by the fans
Posted: 7/20/08 at 2:32am

I have to say, I agree with Foster on this one. Sure, a specific audience member can be obnoxious, but pure enthusiasm, even if it's a little bit on the crazy side has never interfered with my enjoyment of a show.
