
Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018- Page 37

Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018

Itonlytakesajourney Profile Photo
#900Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:10pm

ScottyDoesn'tKnow2 said: "I admit that I'm not the most Twitter savvy person, but I just did a #myfairlady search and I only saw one negative comment from a Laura Benanti stan."

There's a couple saying Benanti was the only one they'd ever be interested in seeing if she was in the show. Then there's literally one tweet that says "All those people who thought Betsy dropped out of Carousel for My Fair Lady", which I don't think was meant to be negative, but still irritating in concept.

little_sally Profile Photo
#901Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:12pm

GeorgeandDot said: "little_sally said: "GeorgeandDot said: "I think The Interval may or may not have just thrown shade at this casting on Twitter and Laura Benanti may or may not have acknowledged it. I'm not totally sure if I'm reading into this too much, but I could go for some drama. I'll bring snacks."

Oh, I just checked their twitter. They are definitely throwing some shade, which is crappy coming from a site that is supposed to celebrate woman in theater.

Yeah, I agree, but also it sucks to see a role go to a TV actress when there are so many theatre actresses that could have filled the part and been phenomenal.

Also, for those of you saying that you wish to see new actresses lead Broadway shows, I would like to remind you that in her entire career, Benanti has only lead one Broadway musical, which is a real shame. It's not like Kelli (who I looove) where she's been in a million lead roles on Broadway. Honestly, I kind of feel like Benanti is underused.

Ambrose and the rest of the cast will be great under Sher's brilliant direction, but I kind of wish the roles had gone with more seasoned stage performers.

Well, Harry Hadden-Paton has plenty of stage experience in the UK.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#902Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:16pm

^I'm talking more about Eliza.  I literally have no clue who Harry whatshisname is other than he had a small part in Downton Abby, so forgive me if I don't know his bio.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#903Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:18pm

My favorite comments on Twitter right now are the ones calling Lincoln Center and Sher racist for this casting. Racist. 

This is why we can’t have nice things. 

BWWMatt Profile Photo
#904Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:19pm

Just to be clear, Ambrose has done two Broadway shows, and won a Drama Desk Award as part of the ensemble for "Awake and Sing!" which was directed by Sher. So she has been on the Broadway stage a couple times before, just not in a musical. 

#905Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:19pm

Benanti has tons of television credits while true Ambrose doesn't have the resume that Benanti has, it's not as if she scoffed at doing theatre. She's done two Off-Broadway productions and two Broadway productions before My Fair Lady:


Also, read this Ben Brantley review of her performance in Romeo and Juliet:


"Mr. [Oscar] Isaac, last seen in the park as Proteus in “Two Gentlemen of Verona” two years ago, is sweetly and convincingly in thrall to his Juliet, a clumsy, overgrown puppy with the loyalty of a one-owner dog. But it’s Ms. Ambrose who gives the production its devastatingly torn heart.

Best known as the petulant Claire in “Six Feet Under,” Ms. Ambrose, who recently appeared on Broadway in “Awake and Sing!,” makes Juliet into a compelling bundle of mixed instincts. Even at 14, she’s the smartest person in Verona, capable of analyzing exactly what’s happening to her. Had she lived, she might have been a Viola or Rosalind, a Shakespeare heroine to tutor brash men in the finer arts of loving.

But because she is 14 (and you don’t doubt it), Juliet leads not with her head but her hormones. Every line she utters is infused with equal amounts of intelligence and impetuosity. She has enough erotic life force for both herself and Romeo, but Mr. Isaac gallantly contributes his share. And without a hint of the now usually obligatory nudity, this couple can make a drawn-out kiss light up the night, as Michael Friedman’s mood-enhancing (but never mood-pushing) music swells in the background.

Red-haired and luminously pale, this Juliet is a such a brightly glowing candle that the water motif at last makes perfect sense in that final, fatal scene in the Capulet family tomb. It takes a whole lot of water to quench such a flame. But, ah my friends, before then, it gave a lovely light."

Maybe if Ambrose does well here, she'll do more productions on Broadway. How many productions does she have to do for you to stop dismissing her as a "television" actress. If we keep hiring the same names, then how do people become acceptable stage actresses? I don't know if dismissing Ambrose as a television actress is an expression of unfounded theatre snobbery/elitism, or if it's just fans of Benanti and co. who are just mad that they weren't cast.

Sometimes Broadway producers strike gold when they think outside the box and cast someone one wouldn't expect because their background was known for outside of theatre. Wasn't Tyne Daly simply considered a television actress when she did Gypsy while Linda Lavin was the much more seasoned stage actress? 

Updated On: 10/5/17 at 05:19 PM

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#906Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:24pm

Norbert Leo Butz and Diana Rigg are super exciting. I saw Diana Rigg in a truly awful production of Pygmalion in London 6 years ago but she was wonderful so I'm happy to see her tackle the role again. Norbert is always brilliant and I'm sure he'll be a delight as Doolittle. 

If Sher was going to cast someone Ambrose's age to play Eliza, it unequivocally should have been Laura Benanti, and that's the damn truth. I get that some of you think it's boring but she would truly have been extraordinary, and she's an excellent actress so she would also probably surprise a lot of people with her choices. I can't pretend I'm not disappointed. 

#907Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:26pm

perfectlymarvelous said: "Norbert Leo Butz and Diana Rigg are super exciting. I saw Diana Rigg in a truly awful production of Pygmalion in London 6 years ago but she was wonderful so I'm happy to see her tackle the role again. Norbert is always brilliant and I'm sure he'll be a delight as Doolittle.

If Sher was going to cast someone Ambrose's ageto play Eliza, it unequivocally should have been Laura Benanti, and that's the damn truth. I get that some of you think it's boring but she would truly have been extraordinary, and she's an excellent actress so she would also probably surprise a lot of people with her choices. I can't pretend I'm not disappointed.

Unless you saw Ambrose's audition and what Sher felt she could have potentially brought to the role, I don't know how you can be so sure that casting Benanti was "the damn truth" and the best option. I'm glad most posters aren't casting directors because Broadway would be even more creatively dead than it already is.

Updated On: 10/5/17 at 05:26 PM

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#908Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:31pm

Sorry, I'm done trying to tip toe around this,  Benanti is perfect for the part and should have been cast.  Ambrose will be good, great even, but will be disappointing to the *many* people who wanted Benanti to play the part that she was born to play, especially under the magnificent direction of Sher.  I don't care what Ambrose's credits are.  I watch Six Feet Under and even saw her Juliet, but she's mainly known for her TV work and that's the truth.  She's a great actress, but I really do have my doubts.  I'm sure she'll be great and I'm not even that disappointed in her casting, which has been expected for about two months now.  It's the underwhelming casting of Higgins and the downright miscasting of Norbert Leo Butz, who doesn't look more than 5 years older than Ambrose.  I'm interested to see how Sher will pull this off, but this certainly is not what anyone was expecting.

#909Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:40pm

Ya peeps have just been called out on The Interval’s instagram story. 

#910Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:41pm

I've suspected this is about emotional disappointment by Benanti fans more than anything else. I'm sure they'll be a prepared line about her lack of singing chops compared to Benanti once previews/opening night happens. Even if there's a line or two about how "great" she'll be/is, they'll be some "subtle" shade thrown about how Benanti would have been better that they think they are putting in quite cleverly even though there's no way we can really know that unless we see her in a full-fledged productions.

I'm also disappointed...that a publication dedicated to Broadway leading ladies and posters who are passionate about Broadway are so limited in their thinking that they can only see a small circle of women doing these sorts of parts and think they know how good someone will be or what someone's potential is before even seeing the performances in a full production. That they are so gleeful in partaking in that sort of shade, and that they decide to be the arbiter of good casting and decide to only promote a small pool of well-known stage actresses because they are "in" with them and do not welcome any "outsiders".

I feel for any actress that dares take a part that fans think Benanti is entitled.

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#911Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:45pm

ScottyDoesn'tKnow2...I mean, did you see Benanti in She Loves Me? Because I feel like that performance alone is enough indication that she's a brilliant classic musical theatre leading lady, even if you ignore all her other stellar work. She sang that difficult score absolutely beautifully, she was funny and charming, and had great chemistry with Zachary Levi. She's also been saying publicly that Eliza is her dream role for a long time, and I don't see any reason why it *shouldn't* have been her. She's one of the best singing actresses we have. 

I agree that it's weird that they cast Doolittle so close in age to Eliza (Butz is 50 and Ambrose is 40), but I've never seen Butz give anything less than a great performance and I'm really just happy to see him in anything. 

#912Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:47pm

I’m still scratching my head about his choices for Higgins and Alfred Doolittle. We shall see....

HenryTDobson Profile Photo
#913Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:49pm

While I'm ecstatic to see Butz on Broadway again, it strikes me as a strange role to come back with. His first major revival and he's a minor supporting character? Odd.

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#914Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:49pm

Honestly, I was surprised that Benanti's name wasn't attached to the show when the revival was announced.  She's been openly campaigning for it for years.  Also, yeah, her performance in She Loves Me should have been her audition.  I remember walking out of that theatre thinking what a brilliant Eliza Dolittle she would be.  How unfortunate.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#915Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:49pm

Maybe Benanti can’t do my Fair Lady, because she’s busy replacing Betsy!! wink

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

#916Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:54pm

perfectlymarvelous said: "ScottyDoesn'tKnow2...I mean, did you see Benanti in She Loves Me? Because I feel like that performance alone is enough indication that she's a brilliant classic musical theatre leading lady, even if you ignore all her other stellar work. She sang that difficult score absolutely beautifully, she was funny and charming, and had great chemistry with Zachary Levi. She's also been saying publicly that Eliza is her dream role for a long time, and I don't see any reason why it *shouldn't* have been her. She's one of the best singing actresses we have.

I agree that it's weird that they cast Doolittle so close in age to Eliza (Butz is 50 and Ambrose is 40), but I've never seen Butz give anything less than a great performance and I'm really just happy to see him in anything.

I understand your disappointment. I'm familiar with Benanti and I agree she could really sing the score technically-speaking. She still wouldn't be my ideal Eliza just because we all have our visions of what our ideal Eliza is. I'm just a bit perplexed at this Benanti-advocacy considering that we've known she wasn't playing Eliza for a while and it's been more than confirmed for weeks that Ambrose was going to play Eliza.

Even if you think Benanti would have been the perfect Eliza in your head production, the thing is, Sher is in charge of an actual production and has his own vision for this revival and made his decision. Maybe Ambrose brought something to the role that even a seemingly perfect on paper Benanti didn't bring. Maybe he intends to direct the show in a certain way and Benanti didn't fit his vision as well. Different actors bring different things to the roles and maybe Ambrose brought something that Sher was looking for in his Eliza that he thinks Benanti didn't bring or could not bring.

#917Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:57pm

Additionally if you’re going to cast an unknown Higgins Equity should be kicking up a fuss that’s he’s not American. If they were going to cast young anyway there were Americans there. 

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#918Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 5:58pm

HenryTDobson said: "While I'm ecstatic to see Butz on Broadway again,it strikes me as a strange role to come back with. His first major revival and he's a minor supporting character? Odd."


Minor supporting character? If done well, as I'm sure Mr. Butz will do, the role is a show stealer.  He has two of the best numbers in the show and he has the funniest scene in all of musical comedy. Who wouldn't want to do this role?


Scripps2 Profile Photo
#919Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 6:05pm

So did a bigger name give last minute backword on the role of Higgins?

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#920Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 6:06pm

There is officially so much crazy disillusionment going on in this thread I think we’ve gone to the Heavy Side Layer by way of Julie Andrews’ neverbutcouldhavebeen performance in CATS. 

I can not fathom the arguments people are making  for people they think should have been cast based on FANTASY DREAM PERFORMANCES IN THEIR HEADS.

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

#921Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 6:07pm

South Fl Marc said: "HenryTDobson said: "While I'm ecstatic to see Butz on Broadway again,it strikes me as a strange role to come back with. His first major revival and he's a minor supporting character? Odd."

Minor supporting character? If done well, as I'm sure Mr. Butz will do, the role is a show stealer. He has two of the best numbers in the show and he has the funniest scene in all of musical comedy. Who wouldn't want to do this role?

Agreed. I mean George Rose won a Tony for Best Leading Actor in a Musical playing Alfred Doolittle. This is the competition he beat:

#922Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 6:10pm

Not a frequent poster here, but weighing in on this as a fan of Ambrose and fan of Benanti.

Initially, I was really excited about the idea of Benanti as Eliza because she exudes grace and poise.  And she has classic comedic chops.  But love her as I do, I find her a bit "too" poised.  Her performances strike me as calculated and careful.  This worked perfectly for Louise in GYPSY.

Ambrose is magnetic.  Watching her in whatever medium, you can't take your eyes off her.  Whether you believe it or not, Ambrose has a presence that is commanding and illuminating.  There's something exuberant about her.  I never would've thought of her as Eliza until I read the rumors, but now it makes total sense.  She has a fire under her that is perfect for the role. 

Count me in the group who really want to see this.  Sure, I'd prefer Burstein over Butz, but hey...it's a Sher production of MY FAIR LADY at the Beaumont.  It's going to be magic.  Period. 

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#923Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 6:13pm

Slightly off topic- I'm typically so taken with the Lincoln Center show artwork, but this is terribly disappointing.  Feels like a missed opportunity.

Itonlytakesajourney Profile Photo
#924Eliza? - My Fair Lady Revival 2018
Posted: 10/5/17 at 6:19pm

Phillytheatreguy10 said: "Slightly off topic- I'm typically so taken with the Lincoln Center show artwork, but this is terribly disappointing. Feels like a missed opportunity."

I'd have to agree... this kind of art really worked with Light in the Piazza, South Pacific, King and I, etc., but for MFL I was expecting something more refined and classic. 
