
Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!- Page 4

Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!

elphaba.scares.me Profile Photo
#75re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 12:04pm

There is a difference between "creepy" and "illegal".

There was a lot more going on with this guy than stagedooring.

However, I join those who think that coverage of stalking incidents is self-defeating.

amalou Profile Photo
#76re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 12:34pm

So was he arrested for going to see the show a lot or did he actually do anything? I'm just curious. This is why I don't stagedoor anymore. I could get away with it before when I was a teenager, but now I feel like a creep doing it. And you just know that the actors are aware of stuff like this so I don't want someone I look up to looking at me like "Ok...is she gonna be a wacko or not?"

But this whole thing just skeeves me.

"But I can tell you that Raoul, who was so handsome in "The Phantom," is now a drunken wreck."

Jonny boy Profile Photo
Jonny boy
#77re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 12:54pm

I think that once your not a teenager anymore , stagedooring a show more than once is a bit creepy. I could understand it if you missed someone and wanted to get thier autograph but the going back over and over trying to get a personal relationship with the actors is what is Creepy..

winston89 Profile Photo
#78re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 1:10pm

I don't think stage dooring has to stop when your not a teen anymore. It can go on while your an adult as well just as long as you know how to conduct yourself.

There are a lot of actors that forgive a lot of stupid actions done by teens because of their age. The crazies at the Legally Blond stage door come to mind while typing this. But, it would look wired if you acted like an over hyped teen fan when you are in fact an adult.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

elphaba.scares.me Profile Photo
#79re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 1:15pm

Okay, I'll bite. Here's my five-minute handy guide on what NOT to do if you don't want to be considered creepy and/or annoying (by the actors, not the authorities):

1. Don't stagedoor when you're not seeing the show, unless you are specifically seeking an autograph you missed.

2. Don't stagedoor before the show, especially at matinees. People are barely awake and functioning. However, we do understand if you just want a quick autograph because you have to beat traffic/have somewhere to be between shows/know many actors don't come out after matinees. Just do yourself a favor and don't ask for pictures with the actors...no one has any makeup on and we don't love saying no.

3. Don't hug unless you know the actor well.

4. Don't ask for an actor's personal phone number or email address. Almost everyone has a myspace/facebook; you can talk to them there.

5. Don't send gifts to them repeatedly. One or two is sweet, though.

6. Don't drag the actors into fan drama. We really can't get involved in who likes who, who did what in the rush line, or which actors you're pissed off at because they haven't spent enough time on the sidewalk with you lately.

7. If you have personal or emotional problems, please, for your own sake, consult a professional. If, God forbid, you have a drug problem or are considering suicide, there are many people better equipped to deal with that than your favorite Broadway performer. Seriously.

8. Don't ask someone to sign more than three or four things at a time, per individual.

9. Don't ask repeatedly for a backstage tour. You can ask once, but if they're going to take you, they will take you.

10. Don't ask for personal information that's none of your business, especially about injuries, contracts, etc. We don't want to talk about those things, and rumors start online which can really, truly damage someone's ability to get hired. We also don't want to talk about who's dating whom, unless we do, in which case we will bring it up.

11. Finally, don't have the doorman announce you as a guest unless a) you know the performer well or b) they have told you to do so. It doesn't count if you sent them a myspace message saying you were coming and they didn't respond.

By the way, every single one of these things has happened at my show since it opened on Broadway in the not-too-distant past.

Most people abide by the rules of common sense and the reality that exchanging greetings with someone doesn't constitute a relationship. Most actors like the stage door and would love to sign for the vast majority of lovely people who want to meet them after enjoying a performance. Unfortunately, particularly later on in a run, a few bad apples can ruin it for everyone...and actors skip the stage door because they don't want to deal with the drama.

Just my two cents.

best12bars Profile Photo
#80re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 1:46pm

"7. If you have personal or emotional problems, please, for your own sake, consult a professional. If, God forbid, you have a drug problem or are considering suicide, there are many people better equipped to deal with that than your favorite Broadway performer. Seriously."

Wow... that one scares me.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#81re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 1:58pm

good post, elphaba.scares.me

I can understand someone wanting to do the stage door thing if they loved a show and wanted a souvenir (signed program, photo with the performer) and want to say how much they liked it (though actors I'm sure have heard that before and they hear it in the applause at the end of a show anyway).

Beyond that? "I like your tie" "What a beautiful scarf" ?? In other words, what else is there to say? It's certainly not a social environment for getting to know someone personally. Perhaps the occasional "You're originally from ______ ? I grew up there too!" if appropriate. But there's not much else.

I never even considered doing the stage door to greet a performer. And I'd only go backstage if I was with someone who wanted to introduce me to someone they knew. That's a different thing entirely.

Anyway, you've clarified things a bit.

Actors are professionals who are doing a job. They have a right to leave work at the end of the day like everyone else.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#82re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 2:45pm

Just do yourself a favor and don't ask for pictures with the actors...no one has any makeup on and we don't love saying no.

Wow, who knew actors did not care for all those stage door photos where they look like crap that are posted online.
Makes you stop and think for a minute, huh?


#83re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 3:19pm

Can you imagine how Hollywood stars must feel being stalked by the paparazzi ? !

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#84re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 3:43pm

I've only once stagedoored a show where I didn't personally know at least one person in the cast. I usually just stop by to say hi to the people I know and that'll be it.

Once I stagedoored a show that I hadn't seen but that was because a friend of mine had come all the way from Alabama to see the show and was concerned she wouldn't be able to get through the mob at the stage door because she's only 4'5". So I offered to save her a spot and then we'd hang out afterward. Mostly I was there to see my friend and I didn't bring anything to be signed. But it was one of the strangest experiences of my life. I hadn't seen the show yet and the actors kept asking me if I liked the show. I kept say "uh, yeah...it was great". I don't recommend anyone doing that because I felt really weird.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

shh282 Profile Photo
#85re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 3:58pm

yeah the only time I stage dooered a show when I hadn't seen it was when I was trying to get the one actress I missed that I really wanted. Even then I felt uncomfortable because she was the last to come out - I told everyone again how wonderful I thought they were but I already had their autograph. I can't imagine going there more than that.

#86re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 5:41pm

Elphaba.Scares.Me, I couldn't agree more, and thank you for posting that. I couldn't believe while reading your post that some of those things had happened...you are absolutely right, even if actors appreciate the respectful fans at the stage door, a few bad apples CAN and DO ruin things.

However, I am going to go back to what Winston said about this piece of your post:

"Don't stagedoor before the show, especially at matinees. People are barely awake and functioning. However, we do understand if you just want a quick autograph because you have to beat traffic/have somewhere to be between shows/know many actors don't come out after matinees. Just do yourself a favor and don't ask for pictures with the actors...no one has any makeup on and we don't love saying no."

I completely understand where you are coming from as well as the logic in this. However, as someone who just went to New York for the first time in many many years (and that will probably be one of my last), I wanted to meet an actor I had been looking up to for about 7 years or so. She did not come out after her show, and since I was leaving the next day, I wanted to try and catch her before the matinee. I know, I know, that may seem creepy and inappropriate. But I met her, and yes, I did ask for a picture. Not because I wanted to be inappropriate or a bother, but because that could have most likely been the only time I will ever meet her, and I wanted to let her know how she has inspired me, etc. and as cliche as this sounds, I wanted a picture with this person I really looked up to.

So, to go off of what Winston said, yeah now that i've read your post it might have been really inconsiderate of me, but that certainly was not my intention whatsoever, and I hope that some actors understand a situation like that (I had also flown half way across the country just for her show).

Gingersnap2 Profile Photo
#87re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 6:30pm

best12bars, it IS scary. I have, unfortunately, been caught in the middle of a situation like #7 and it's beginning to feel like Chinese water torture.

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#88re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 6:43pm

elphaba.scares.me's post was wonderful and informative.
But, Idinster87, dealing with actors all the time here in Greece, both in my professional and personal life, I can tell you that actors always LOVE kind words and appreciation for their work (within reason of course) It's all in the way it is expressed. I am sure that every normal actor would be touched by your case, so don't worry. You are certainly NOT the kind of person actors don't want to have to deal with !

winston89 Profile Photo
#89re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 6:50pm


You said that during Elphaba.Scares.Me's long post about what not to do at a stage door it had referred you to a comment I made. I am confused as to which one your talking about because the last comment I made before Elphaba.Scares.Me's post is one that talks about how you can stage door at any age and there isn't and doesn't have to be a limit so long as you conduct yourself in an appropriate manor.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

steven22 Profile Photo
#90re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 7:50pm


I have to assume ur invovled in a show on broadway right now....which one?

#91re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 8:55pm


Sorry about the confusion. I was referring to your previous post where you mentioned that what truly matters is your conduct at the stage door, and your intentions for being there. "What matters is how you conduct yourself during your time at the stage door." That's what I was referring to when I was responding to elphaba.scares.me's post about how it wouldn't be too good to go to the stage door before a matinee, and to ask for a picture.

Sorry if I'm not making sense/being articulate. I just wanted to mention that I agree, one's behavior at the stage door and the reason for being there, whether positive (good) or negative (creepy and overwhelming) is what truly matters.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#92re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 9:04pm

"If it's serious enough, it could mean the end of on stage seating due to liability issues."

I didn't read through all 4 pages of threads yet, so forgive me if I am bringing up points made clear by anyone else.

Unless there is a constant liability issue and continuing threat to the actors, I don't see them taking away onstage seating. The guy did nothing wrong by attending the show a lot within a couple of weeks. So I am wondering what he actually did that prompted the cops to be called on him.

EDIT: I just came across Craig's post which mentioned that the guy did not attend the show.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Updated On: 5/5/08 at 09:04 PM

winston89 Profile Photo
#93re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 9:11pm


I know you said that you didn't read all four pages of this thread so I am going to tell you something you might have missed out on.

Craig said that in this particular situation the person involved didn't see the show but was caught waiting outside the stage door for the show to be over and for the cast to come out.

A couple of people said that if he did have on stage seats then Butler could have notified someone when she got off stage that he was in the audience.

I guess it rubbed the people working at the Hayes the wrong way if they were to call the cops on him after seeing the show so frequently in a short amount of time.

There has to be more then just him seeing the show a bunch of times in a short time span. If that was thought of as wired then the Rentheads and Legally Blond fans would all be considered stalkers. :)

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

BreeDaniel Profile Photo
#94re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 9:35pm

Elphaba.Scares.me, you just described every "infraction" committed by the fans at LB's stagedoor and the scarier thing is, most are not teens Winston.

lois128 Profile Photo
#95re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/5/08 at 10:07pm

omg! I'm glad she's fine. She's such a nice and sweet person and she shouldn't be going through this. WE LOVE YOU KERRY!!!! And like Robbie said, we all have your back!

"In theater, the process of it is the experience. Everyone goes through the process, and everyone has the experience together. It doesn't last - only in people's memories and in their hearts. That's the beauty and sadness of it. But that's life - beauty and the sadness. And that is why theater is life." Sherie Rene Scott
Updated On: 5/5/08 at 10:07 PM

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#96re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/6/08 at 8:08am

I wish the media didn't encourage this type of behavior. I do appreciate it though when they mention restraining orders and remind fans that being an actor doesn't mean you are working just for them. I agree that as long as you are nice and don't come with any serious expectation, it is nice to know someone appreciates your work.

I'm sorry Kerry has to go through this at all. It is an unfortunate part of the job. I'm sure, this guy must have said or written things to Kerry to make her feel this threatened by him. It is so difficult to know when people are being serious or not. That is why it is best to not joke about actors. I'm happy that the Theatre staff were helpful in trying to keep Kerry safe.

I think it is great that so many performers don't mind coming out to meet fans. I like doing something special for those whose work I enjoy but it is best to ask anyone in advance. Who wants stuff they don't need? I feel bad when people get so disappointed because they missed an actor or they don't get the reaction they expected from them after a show. Some fans expect too much. I just feel in all things, you really should ask first and not be too disappointed if you don't get what you want.

Going to see a show over and over again, if you like it, helps keep a show running. That isn't the problem. It is often a problem when fans either dare or encourage behavior in others that they know is wrong. I've seen this happen too many times and it is disappointing. It's amazing that so many performers still brave the stage door at all. I am grateful that I have got to meet some of the people whose work I absolutely adore. For me, it was just nice to be able to tell them that I really appreciate the efforts that they put into their work. I like hearing that once in awhile and I have gotten surprisingly great receptions from those that I have met.

Actors too, have to give themselves permission to be honest and say, "not today" or "I have something else I need to do". Most fans understand. Professionally, it probably is better not to leave by the stage door if you don't want to be bothered. This way fans won't feel that you just don't care about their support. Those who don't understand your limitations, well? Tell them to send you a note or try again? If they don't understand that, they aren't good fans anyways. This is a fan driven profession so it usually pays to be nice.

#97re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/6/08 at 8:11am

"2. Don't stagedoor before the show, especially at matinees. People are barely awake and functioning. However, we do understand if you just want a quick autograph because you have to beat traffic/have somewhere to be between shows/know many actors don't come out after matinees. Just do yourself a favor and don't ask for pictures with the actors...no one has any makeup on and we don't love saying no."

Everyone is awake.

WickedBoy2 Profile Photo
#98re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/6/08 at 8:24am

You just have to read the 100s and 100s of posts and threads on here to see how creepy, freaky and down right scary the stage door can be for a performer either entering or leaving a stage door!!!

A young actress with Noel coward after a dreadful opening night performance said to him 'Well, i knew my lines backwards this morning!'' Noels fast reply was ''Yes dear, and thats exactly how you said them tonight'!'

#99re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/6/08 at 11:21am

"So was he arrested for going to see the show a lot or did he actually do anything? I'm just curious."

From what I understand it was his mere presence. However, he may have been previously told not to return, and was therefore trespassing. Or perhaps there is a restraining order against him, in which case he is in violation of it.
