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9to5 to close Sept. 6

Steve2 Profile Photo
#100re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/29/09 at 10:30pm

It's funny how MassOfMen had to post 4 times in this thread that they were right. Sounds like someone is pretty insecure.

PastorErnst Profile Photo
#101re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/29/09 at 10:32pm

While it wasn't the greatest of musicals, 9 to 5 was a lot of fun. I'm glad I saw it when I had the chance.

#102re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/29/09 at 10:58pm

"It's funny how MassOfMen had to post 4 times in this thread that they were right. Sounds like someone is pretty insecure".

Not to mention she's not right, Steve2. Here's her post from roughly two weeks ago:


"9-5: in middle Oct to early November so White Xmas can come back in. White Christmas was a cash cow for the theater which 9-5 is showing it is not and won't be. This is 9-5's "selling season" for tix and they haven't cracked 1 million once since they opened.
The show is out in Nov".

She just keeps changing her predictions hoping no one will notice, then crows about it when one of the variations of her predictions comes somewhere near being close to correct.

#103re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/29/09 at 11:02pm

yes, I didn't get the exact date right.
Sorry. Next time i will give you the exact time and date and second. I was off by 8 weeks. My bad.
trying to give the show the benefit of the doubt.
I was off with legally blonde by the same amount.
Still closer than anyone else. :)
And I am very insecure. You figured me out. I have no friends and no life and I wish all of the people on this board would like me. Oh if only that would only come true!
Cheers! :)

zoraksferal Profile Photo
#104re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/29/09 at 11:04pm

Aww, well I like you! Now quick, tell me when I will die, and also when anything important will happen in my future oh great one!!!!

"It doesn't work when you lick it!"

iflip4musicals Profile Photo
#105re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/29/09 at 11:54pm

Not unexpected, but really sad! I know they will, but I hope all cast and crew move on quickly and the Marquis gets booked! (wishful thinking....) Closings are always so sad. At least they made it to over 100 performances!

"I've never encountered such religiously, you know, loyal fans as Broadway musical theater fans. It's amazing." --Allison Janney

#106re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 3:09am

<<"If Stephanie's acting wasn't any good, then why did she get a Drama Desk Award nomination for Best Leading Actress in a musical? She beat Josefina Scaglione to those awards, even though Josefina got a Tony nomination and is wonderful as Maria.">>

Well I'm glad you recognize how great Josefina was, as I believe she did do some nice acting...the best in that show when I saw it (mind you, Karen was out when I saw it). Still not phenominal, but vastly superior to Ms. Block's performance in 9 to 5...VASTLY. IMO of course. My opinion, and as you pointed out, the Tony committee's opinion as well. So, I do not have an answer to your question of why Stephanie got nominated for a DD. Although I asked the same question to my friend at intermission of 9 to 5. We still don't know. Anyone?

<<"Also, I thought Stephanie's acting in "Wicked" was brilliant when I saw her in 2005 and I wasn't at all surprised when she got a Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Non Resident Production.">>

Well, as I stated in my original post, I have not seen her in anything other than 9 to 5, so I cannot comment on her performance as Elphaba. However, after seeing her in 9 to 5, I find it extremely hard to believe that she was "brilliant" in anything. But if she was "brilliant" and is capable of acting well, then I am all the more disappointed in the awkward, bland and amateurish acting job she vomited onto the stage in 9 to 5. Once again, I will point out that I am referring to acting, as I felt she was a great vocalist in the show.

Oh, and as for the suggestion that she could play Diana...ouch. If someone asked me who would be the last actress on Broadway I would want to see attempt the role of Diana, I would honestly say Stephanie J. Block. No joke. What I have seen of her acting, she would have to just give up after ten minutes. There is no way. Sorry.
Updated On: 7/30/09 at 03:09 AM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#107re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 3:14am

What a missed opportunity.

Criminal errors.

1. Mantello not sterring Dolly in the right direction.

2. Overblown production design.

3. Tourist friendly bits that fail to grab and audience.

4. 2 out of the 3 stars are either generic imitations or acting 101 students.

And I was so looking forward to this show.

#108re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 4:11am

Although I had doubts about this show, I really did enjoy it. Yes it had its flaws, but all in all I think it was a good show that had so much potential. And I'm sad to sit close.

MichaelUK92 Profile Photo
#109re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 4:42am

MrJNLong: If you haven't seen SJB in anything else, then no you can't comment on her acting in Wicked.

Her role in SJB required her to look vunerable, weak and anxious which may look like she is not putting effort into her performance, but it probably takes more to look totally different from who you are, or have played in the past.
Just because she has a role where her acting skills arn't shown to the best/don't require them to be as she is playing a fragile character, doesn't mean she's not acting well (she probably puts more effort into this than wicked, as she was more like elphaba than Judy)

I understand that she looks, at times, like shes not putting effort it, and that could be mistaken for lack of skill, but it's just a different role, so she's being flexible.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#110re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 4:49am

He DIDN'T comment on her acting in Wicked. He only said he couldn't imagine her doing it well.

And the rest of your post just doesn't make sense. Because her acing skills aren't being shown off is a choice? She is responsible for those choices and for making her character interesting and full of energy. There is energy in playing EVERY character...even if that person is a couch potato!

I am not saying that JNL is right or wrong, but your reasoning doesn't hold water. If he found her to be lackluster, she was....from his perspective.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

MichaelUK92 Profile Photo
#111re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 4:54am

Sorry if it didn't make sense.

But every character doesn't HAVE to have energy and enthusiasm if that character is a dull, boring, vunerable person?
Block just plays with her character who is this fragile, weak person at the start of the show but then grows in confidence.
If a person (role) is a dull, boring character. The actor, i would have thought, will have to be boring and dull so the audience think they are boring and dull. This may take skill if they are really energetic, bubbly and confident and Stephenie is.

And If he hasn't seen 9to5 yet, why is he commenting on her acting?

See the show. That's just obvious.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#112re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 5:38am

Oh please! Are you really justifying Block's lifeless acting by the fact that her character herself is dull. Block's problem is she's fully aware that Judy is plain and average. Those are the only intentions she's playing. She's playing the exterior of the character rather than digging deeper. Plenty of actors have played plain janes and average joes convincingly and to great acclaim.

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#113re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 7:34am

I am sad and dissapointed that they didn't tweak it more during previews. Maybe it would of gotten better reviews, and don't better. However, I am so glad it is going on tour. The score and production can still live on. I am sure it will do very well on tour. I think it is cut out for touring more.

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

#114re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 9:33am

So sad for all involved.
I had a lot of fun at this show.
Best wished to all.

kchenofan Profile Photo
#115re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 9:40am

This is the most disappointing closing for me this year.

kchenofan's computer is broken right now. This is her fridge. Now, you can leave a message, but say it slowly, so I can write it on a post-it note and stick it to myself.

#116re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 9:42am

"i personally think the reviewers loved hair because the public never makes any money and the theater was showing massive distress financially and so they helped it out. I think its a fine show but not NEARLY the raves all the reviewers gave it, but again, I cannot get them ALL right now can I."

Um... excuse me, but that post does not make any sense.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

sbflyfan Profile Photo
#117re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 9:53am

Anyone else find it amusing that if the show closed a day earlier it would be closing on "9/5"?

"I'm seeing the LuPone in Key West later this week. I'm hoping for great vocals and some sort of insane breakdown..." - BenjaminNicholas2

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#118re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 9:59am

Michael....he DID see 9 to 5.

The energy I spoke about is the difference to the character having no energy and the ACTOR having no energy. There IS a difference which is quite discernable to MOST of the audience. I never want to see a boring actor, but boring characters can be quite interesting.

Again, I am speaking in generalities, as I haven't seen her ever perform. I am just addressing your comments and not opinions.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

MichaelUK92 Profile Photo
#119re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 10:15am

dramamama611: Thanks for your comments, and making me understand.

That's all i wanted to address, that he wasn't criticising Block for her poor acting skills because she seemed "boring and dull" When that, in my opinon, was the character she was playing. No offence meant, i just feel Block does give energy to the character, but grows throughout the show. I wanted to get across that the "dull, boring" character she might be playing, is not her "acting skills" but that's just the character she's playing, and if you haven't seen her in anything but 9to5 it's not fair to judge her on one character.

Sorry again, for any offence caused, just wanted to clear that up.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#120re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 10:33am

This show will do crazy box office on tour. I have no doubt. People across the country will flock to this. Plus it will be more affordable.

It just goes to show that musicals made with a lot of love, care, and teamwork can still tank. This ensemble, with Dolly at the helm, really got close. It is a sad ending. Dolly set the tone with respect, commitment, and everyone followed suit.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#121re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 11:35am

"This show will do crazy box office on tour. I have no doubt. People across the country will flock to this. Plus it will be more affordable."

Not gonna lie, I'm already first in line for Opening night tickets in Nashville. It's great when you have connections who are also friends.

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

#122re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 11:42am

TPAC invested money into this show. They're going to make sure it's a hit, I really don't think they have a lot of money to loose.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

TreyKenyon Profile Photo
#123re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 12:24pm

I agree this show should do rather well on the road and I hope all current cast members have the option to extend to the tour. I'm sure Janney won't, but I think Megan and maybe SJB would continue on. I'm also interested in how they're going to re-work the set because they're gonna lose the center elevator and a lot of wing space I would guess.

Wicked Tour (2/26/08); Wicked Bway (7/1/08); HAIR (7/1/09); Rock of Ages (7/2/09); Wicked Bway (7/3/09); Mary Poppins Tour (8/2/09); Wicked Tour (11/18/09); Wicked Tour (12/5/09)

#124re: 9to5 to close Sept. 6
Posted: 7/30/09 at 1:53pm

DramaMamma, thanks for responding. You took some words right out of my mouth.

Michael, I totally get what you're saying and I know there are others who like her as a performer. That's cool. No hard feelings. However, just to clarify, you quoted me as calling her performance "dull and boring" which I never said. I did call it "awkward, bland, and amateurish" though. And I can see how bland is almost synonymous with dull and boring, but I meant bland as in no nuances or depth. Perhaps I should have said shallow. I actually think the bigger problem was that she was trying so hard to 'act' or 'be her character' that it was awkward at times. I hate to see a performer try to act. Also, to clarify, and I guess respectfully disagree, I think Ms. Block's character is one of the more interesting characters in the show. Not "dull and boring" at all. She actually has a fairly present character arc...which gives an actress the opportunity for some awesome acting. I just didn't see that from SJB.
