
Miss Saigon cast takes a knee- Page 6

Miss Saigon cast takes a knee

#125Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 2:16pm

Dave28282 said: "TrChSpHa said: "We march, white people get angry. We sit, white people get angry. We riot, white people get angry. We kneel, white people get angry. We create our own art, form our own businesses, move into our own neighborhoods, white people get angry and then try to steal it. No matter how peaceful our protests, there's simply no pleasing you people."

Nobody gets angry when you behave like a human. There is no we versus them. There is also no stealing your art or neighbourhoods. What is it you want? Separate things for black people?

STOP thinking in race like that. STOP separating black and white in art, business and neighbourhood like you do in the above post.

"Stop thinking in race like that."

LMFAO. Boy, get the **** out of here and stop replying to me. You're actually vile.


LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#126Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 2:18pm

Dave28282 said: "Standing up straight during the Anthem shows you respect the people who have died for your rights."

No it doesn't. Going to a veterans hospital does. Supporting elected officials who look to expand veterans services does. Supporting non profit organizations that offer assistance to veterans does. 

Sitting or standing during a song is nothing. It does nothing. It means nothing. It symbolizes NOTHING.

"I shall stay until the wind changes."

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#127Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 2:18pm

BroadwayRox3588 said: "Okay so when/where should they protest then?."

Anywhere BUT during the Anthem, because that's about the bigger picture.

Should there also be protests during the next national Anthem of white people getting sick of black people bringing race into situations that were equal before?


Dave28282 Profile Photo
#128Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 2:20pm

TrChSpHa said: "Boy, get the **** out of here and stop replying to me. You're actually vile."

Ok, have fun with your riots and blaming white people for stealing your neighbourhoods.


LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#129Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 2:23pm

Dave28282 said: "BroadwayRox3588 said: "Okay so when/where should they protest then?."

Anywhere BUT during the Anthem, because that's about the bigger picture.

Should there also be protests during the next national Anthem of white people getting sick of black people bringing race into situations that were equal before?

Maybe you missed Jim Crow, segregation, and the Civil Rights movement-- All America has been is 250 years of white people being sick of black people. Of course, black people don't systematic oppress white people. Meanwhile, there's a nice long history of it (plus, you know, lynchings) on the other side.


"I shall stay until the wind changes."

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#130Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 2:23pm

LYLS3637 said: "Sitting or standing during a song is nothing. It does nothing. It means nothing. It symbolizes NOTHING."

The sitting symbolizes disrespect for the people who have died for our rights. The norm is standing with you hand on your heart. Deliberately not doing that is making a statement against it.

Updated On: 9/28/17 at 02:23 PM

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#131Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 2:29pm

LYLS3637 said: " Meanwhile, there's a nice long history of it (plus, you know, lynchings) on the other side."

Cool, during the next NFL game Anthem standing up for the gays, bringing ropes, sitting on both knees, because America does not do enough against the current gay lynchings.

Any ideas for the Anthem after that?


Updated On: 9/28/17 at 02:29 PM

artscallion Profile Photo
#132Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 2:32pm

Dave28282 said: "Standing up straight during the Anthem shows you respect the people who have died for your rights."

So exercising the rights people have died for disrespects those same people? Very interesting take on logic. Veterans are actually saying that they support the protests since they fought for our right to do just this.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

Lot666 Profile Photo
#133Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 2:53pm

BroadwayConcierge said: "Lot666 said: "I have to wonder whether you would make the same assertion if the protest was a reaction to an issue that affected you personally. By any chance, are you white, christian, and heterosexual?"

What an asinine question. This is literally the problem with the country today: where we only legitimizeopinions and beliefs through identity politics. Whatever happened to actualideas?(For the record, I am not all three of those things.)

But you are white, aren't you?

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Cat Guy Profile Photo
Cat Guy
#134Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 2:57pm

I devoted my adult life in defense of the Constitution of the United States.  20 years on active duty with the U.S. Navy and another 20 years working for the U.S. Government.   

I am a proud American.  I am equally proud of those Americans who take a stand for what is right by kneeling down, be it on a football field or in a theater.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#135Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 3:26pm

JIMG3 said: "ErikJ972 said: "BroadwayConcierge said: "Blech."

Shocking reaction from a Trump voter.

The default response. Find a new one..


Anyone who can cast a vote for a racist, birther, misogynist who makes fun of the handicapped, veterans, war heroes, and gold star families doesn't get to be offended by something as benign as taking a knee. Withoug being called out for what they are.


Updated On: 9/28/17 at 03:26 PM

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#136Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 3:53pm

I am not offended by anything. I feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for anyone who insists on not being seen as an equal human being. This constant urge to separate and bringing it up in every situation that has nothing to do with it (all the examples mentioned) needs to go if people want equality. Every time a situation tends to become neutral someone drops a race victim bomb. No matter if it's a neutral picture on twitter or a sportsgame. Colors shall be separated!

Updated On: 9/28/17 at 03:53 PM

LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#137Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 3:57pm

Dave28282 said: "I am not offended by anything. I feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for anyone who insists on not being seen as an equal human being. This constant urge to separate and bringing it up in every situation that has nothing to do with it (all the examples mentioned)needs to go if people want equality."


Every single sociological study proves that systemic, racial inequality exists within the American economic and justice systems. It's factual and it's prevalent every single day. Maybe if you lived here, you'd know.

"I shall stay until the wind changes."
Updated On: 9/28/17 at 03:57 PM

Kad Profile Photo
#138Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 4:02pm

“I, a white European, see everyone as equal. It’s the narrow-minded, race-baiting blacks who blame white people for their misfortunes instead of the failings of their own race that are wrong.”

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 9/28/17 at 04:02 PM

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#139Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 4:02pm

Dave28282 said: "Standing up straight during the Anthem shows you respect the people who have died for your rights."

They died for our right to kneel during the pledge.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#140Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 4:04pm

GeorgeandDot said: "They died for our right to kneel during the pledge."

Exactly, but that doesn’t mean we should. 

Updated On: 9/28/17 at 04:04 PM

#141Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 4:07pm

I would feel much more supportive of NFL players exercising their rights if the symbol they create had substance behind it. Taking a knee during an anthem is simple publicity. Working in poor neighborhoods, volunteering to assist with hurricane recovery, visiting VA hospitals and food banks. Doing something to be part of the solution rather than complaining and then returning to your multi-million dollar house that you earned by playing a game. And feeling at least some gratitude for living in a country where you can earn millions of dollars for playing a game. If anyone thinks poverty and injustice and despair are purely racial issues, you need to talk to the coal miners in West Virginia and the failing family farmers in the Midwest where jobs are nonexistent and opioid abuse is on the rise. They have no national TV platform but they will stand and salute the flag.

LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#142Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 4:10pm

^Kaepernick has donated nearly $1 million to various organizations fighting systemic inequality.

"I shall stay until the wind changes."

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#143Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 4:11pm

BroadwayConcierge said: "GeorgeandDot said: "They died for our right to kneel during the pledge."

Exactly, but thatdoesn’t mean we should.

Yes, but we can and no one should be called a son of a bitch by the president of the United States for exercising their right to peaceful protest.


PepperedShepherd Profile Photo
#144Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 4:17pm

Dave28282 said: "Standing up straight during the Anthem shows you respect the people who have died for your rights."

That. Is. Utter. Bull****.


A Director
#145Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 4:25pm

wonkit - This is what Colin Kaepernick is doing. http://kaepernick7.com

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#146Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 4:32pm

PepperedShepherd said: "That. Is. Utter. Bull****."

If you legitimately believe you don't owe it to the generations of Americans who spilled their blood for the rights we have today to simply stand up and honor the banner under which they fought, you seriously need to check your privilege. 

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#147Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 4:36pm

Concierge, I can’t believe YOU just used the phrase “check your privilege”.

HenryTDobson Profile Photo
#148Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 4:38pm

BroadwayConcierge said: "PepperedShepherd said: "That. Is. Utter. Bull****."

If you legitimately believe you don't owe it to the generations of Americans who spilled their blood for the rights we have today to simply stand up and honor the banner under which they fought, you seriously need to check your privilege.

Yes, it's a privilege, one that is not guaranteed in most countries. It's called freedom of speech. 

Itonlytakesajourney Profile Photo
#149Miss Saigon cast takes a knee
Posted: 9/28/17 at 4:44pm

Dave28282 said: "TrChSpHa said: "Boy, get the **** out of here and stop replying to me. You're actually vile."

Ok, have fun with your riots and blaming white people for stealing your neighbourhoods.


Miss Saigon cast takes a knee

          (Just in case this doesn't show, it's a gif of a black woman laughing. Does this mean Dave will PM me with passive aggressive wording demanding I show him the image?)

Updated On: 9/28/17 at 04:44 PM
