
The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here- Page 9

The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#200The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/3/15 at 11:59pm

Why were Rested Body and Who Do You Think You Are? cut?

They new song was alright, but it didn't mesh with the rest of the score at all. It felt way too modern.

I was impressed by Mary J Blige and thought both her acting and singing worked. Uzo was terrific and very poised.

I liked the costumes and choreography within the Emerald City, but didn't like the choreography anywhere else. The other costumes were hit and miss.

Mostly the production simply lacked energy and forward momentum. NBC is very lucky they assembled this cast because they were forced to carry the entire show on their shoulders and so admirably.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

TheSeafarer Profile Photo
#201The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 12:05am

The original Broadway production is etched in my mind forever but, I thought tonight's revival on NBC was highly enjoyable. David Alan Grier was a soulful and hilarious Lion, I had no idea he could sing like that. Ne-Yo was a solid Tinman and brought great heart to his songs particularly "If I Could Feel".  Stephanie Mills can still bring it and  her chill inducing "The Feeling We Once Had" was a passionate prelude to the rollicking night ahead.


Shanice has an excellent voice but, I found her limited acting skills irritating as she either scowled or smiled throughout the show. The sets and costumes were imaginative, colorful and filled the picture with pizzazz. Mary J. Blige gave a powerhouse performance as Evilene. 


It's a shame they cut "I Was Born on the Day Before Yesterday", that is one of my all-time favorite tunes and belongs in the show. The additional songs that were added were quite good. The camera work work improved during some of the later production numbers like "Don't Nobody Bring Me No Bad News" and "Everybody Rejoice", but, too often favored close-ups over wide shots. 


Overall it was a thoroughly entertaining revival of The Wiz and I applaud NBC for putting together a top-notch show that lifted us from our sofas to the center mezz for a couple of hours. Magic. 

Updated On: 12/4/15 at 12:05 AM

MichelleCraig Profile Photo
#202The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 12:07am

This is the best of the three they've done. Love that it's more of a stage performance as opposed to SOM and PP which were more like hybrids. Great performances with an overall innocence reminiscent of the (not live) 1965 television production of Rodgers and Hammerstein's CINDERELLA with Leslie Ann Warren...with just enough 2015 technology thrown in; but not too much.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#203The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 12:10am

I am glad I watched a bit delayed so didn't have the commercial interruptions every 8 mins.

I... enjoyed it. I mean it went by quickly. I admit I don't know the stage show at all, though I did grow up with the ridiculous film.

My main complaint is I never got remotely emotionally connected--the way I even do now with the 1939 film. The characters instantly became friends, the hardships they had to pass seemed dealt with in a minute each time, etc--the cast, I thought, was pretty much great, but it didn't connect to me. That could be the new fault. Or the camera work (I don't feel I can even comment on the choreography fairly--it didn't seem great, though I also liked the Emerald City stuff--but the bad camera work was particularly awful at trying to give any sense to the choreography which seemed to be choreographed for a normal theatre--watched straight on.

Saw one "blooper" early on when to the right you could see a camera, but that was it really. Sound of Music had many issues, but I admit I found the show still moving (we won't get into Peter Pan). So in this case I dunno if the fault is the show itself or just this...

#204The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 12:21am

That was awesome. I liked what NBC did with The Sound of Music and loved what they did with Peter Pan, but this production blew both of those previous efforts out of the water with humor, charm, and overall FUN. The cast was phenomenal from top to bottom (yes, even Common, whose gruff, 'wooden' performance perfectly fit the character), the costuming, staging, lighting, and sets (such as there were) were top notch, and the songs will be stuck in my head for a week at the very least.

If at least some of the cast doesn't get carried over to Broadway, or if they try to change up any of the humor, I'll be rather disappointed, especially on the humor front; I don't think I've laughed that hard at a musical theater performance in my entire life (and I've seen quite a few musicals in my time).

I don't know if the production experienced a technical glitch during Amber Riley's exit as Addaperle or not, but even if something did go wrong, they really ought to try and recreate it and incorporate it into the actual staging of the show on Broadway because it was hilarious and perfectly fit the way she was playing the character.

I also really got a major kick out of Queen Latifah as The Wiz, especially on "So You Wanted to Meet the Wizard".

I'm definitely going to be buying the DVD and/or the soundtrack as soon as they're available, and will probably even rewatch the show online in a day or so as well (something that I rarely do), because it really was a phenomenal effort.

Bravo, NBC, Bravo.

#205The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 12:26am

Third time's the charm, I guess.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#206The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 12:28am

The problem with these live musicals is that there is no audience reaction. That is why there is no energy! They are doing a musical meant for the stage live in front of cameras. 

#207The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 12:33am

Aida Revival said: "The problem with these live musicals is that there is no audience reaction. That is why there is no energy! They are doing a musical meant for the stage live in front of cameras. 



There were times that I really missed hearing applause. I felt like it needed to be there. 

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#208The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 12:40am

Surprised to see so many raves. I thought it was OK at best, on par with THE SOUND OF MUSIC LIVE.


Uzo's number was my favorite part. She was radiant and had a vitality I felt most of the rest of the cast lacked. Also loved Amber Riley as Addaperle and her number, as well as Stephanie Mills who slayed! Enjoyed Ne-Yo and DAG too but wished they had more to do.


The sets weren't interesting at all and the camerawork baffling. Also thought the sound mix was poor though that can be forgiven. They took the thrill out of the dance numbers I felt but I think the bad camerawork and the proscenium setup might be to blame.


Was most interested in the arrangements (as a lover of the OBC versions) and would have liked to hear the intricacies a bit more. If the soundtrack is available to stream I'd definitely like to hear it assuming the mix is better. "Emerald City Ballet" was the most disappointing for me in terms of musical adaptation. Some of the backup vocals were kept and sounded wonderful but i would have liked more.


The new song was OK but wasn't particularly driving as an Act finale and didn'y mesh well.


The new script on the whole was very WTF. The soap opera backstories were unnecessary (the whole Omaha/Kansas bit??) and the changes didn't make it any less corny than the original. Came off as trying to be deep but not really clenching it. And the poor scarecrow was painted as so depressed!


Overall I thought it was more enjoyable than PETER PAN and lacked any truly awful performances but wasn't spectacular. Still enjoyed it and might pickup the soundtrack though.


Someone should do a Jay Records style studio album of the full original score with Broadway's best. THEN I'll be happy.

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

#209The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 12:45am

They really need to tape these musicals instead of doing them live. I really hope producers stop casting Mary J. Blige in musicals. So over it!

uncageg Profile Photo
#210The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 12:45am

WhizzerMarvin said: "Why were Rested Body and Who Do You Think You Are? cut?

They new song was alright, but it didn't mesh with the rest of the score at all. It felt way too modern.

I was impressed by Mary J Blige and thought both her acting and singing worked. Uzo was terrific and very poised.

I liked the costumes and choreography within the Emerald City, but didn't like the choreography anywhere else. The other costumes were hit and miss.

Mostly the production simply lacked energy and forward momentum. NBC is very lucky they assembled this cast because they were forced to carry the entire show on their shoulders and so admirably.



No, please tell me they didn't cut those songs. I LOVE both of those songs ad the lyrics to Who Do You Think You Are have stayed in my head all these years and these songs are not on the cast fecording.. I was thrilled to hear it at the concert performance in the park over the summer. That sucks.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 12/4/15 at 12:45 AM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#211The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 1:00am

silent said: " I really hope producers stop casting Mary J. Blige in musicals. So over it!"


You may not get your wish, as she's getting very strong reviews!

#212The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 1:15am

Are we not going to talk about that incredible note that one male ensemble member hit during Ya'll Got It?

Tag Profile Photo
#213The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 1:35am

^Get off your high horse.  Someone mentioned it on page 6, and no one cared.

#214The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 1:55am

still dont love this show....

brand new day was a strong number

Alan Henry Profile Photo
Alan Henry
#215The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 2:32am

To the poster talking about the orchestra drowning out singing during "Home"  and asking about the conductor - no one was conducting tonight.

Stephen Oremus is the MD/Orchestrator/Arranger -  but all the music is pre-recorded to help ensure the show keeps in time and the balance/mix - prevent any slip ups from occurring. They also use timecode in the tracks to track set changes, lighting, and the video walls, etc.

They do have a pianist playing live with the tracks in the event that something should go wrong with the tracks. (The contingency plan I believe is they keep going until the next commercial break.)

A Director
#216The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 2:49am

I saw The Wiz years ago on tour.  The production had tons of energy and was lots of fun. Tonight's production was BORING! Stephanie Mills was wonderful. Shanice Williams has a few good moments. Common was wooden.  Mary J, Blige was awful and couldn't act her way out of wet paper bag. Queen Latifah can't sing and her acting was sub-par.  Uzo Aduba brought some long needed energy and class plus her singing was great.

The script was a mess.  The book was never the strong point of the show, but at least it had wit, sass, and an urban feel.  Harvey's turned it into Wonder Bread.

The choreographer had two or three moves and repeated them over and over.

The sets and costumes were awful.

The best part of the night was reading that some in the Twitter World were upset because there was an all black cast and called the show PC.  Another example of stupid.

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#217The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 4:08am

Total shill moment: me and my friend LOVED The Wiz Live and so we vlogged a reaction video. Feel free to check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfyY_SwWfJ4

I was LIVING for Uzo - pure radiant joy. Amber Riley, all three men, and Stephanie Mills were highlights. A star is born with Shanice Williams and I can't wait to see what she does next!

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#218The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 4:23am

silent said: "They really need to tape these musicals instead of doing them live. I really hope producers stop casting Mary J. Blige in musicals. So over it!



Zadan and Meron's taped musicals were not doing so well near the end (I think Gypsy was the first and it was something of a surprise ratings smash).  I think right now, rightly or wrongly, the networks feel the LIVE gimmick is a big part of the appeal.  I suppose it does tap more into the tweeting people anyway?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#219The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 5:46am

Overall I was underwhelmed, but I didn't dislike it....although I did fall asleep, missing the 2nd half...so I will re-watch this weekend.


My initial thoughts on the positive: costumes, characterization, voices

Negative: sets, choreo and energy.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#220The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 5:46am

Overall I was underwhelmed, but I didn't dislike it....although I did fall asleep, missing the 2nd half...so I will re-watch this weekend.


My initial thoughts on the positive: costumes, characterization, voices

Negative: sets, choreo and energy.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#221The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 6:00am

A pretty dreadful production all round, ineptly acted and with an all-too evident lack of camera rehearsals.  It looked like the TV director had never seen the production before, had NO IDEA what was going to be happening on that stage.  And what was happening on that stage was all too often stupidly directed.  Check out "Mean Old Lion" for instance -- the Lion is singing to the camera while the other three characters are just kind of wandering around in the background, why didn't they just take a couple of steps in any direction and get away from that guy?

For a change, the female lead was the least of the show's problems.

Fierstein's book was agonizingly unfunny, dated jokes and unnecessary additions to the backstories didn't add any dimension to the story at all. 

And if nothing else -- Dorothy only clicked her heels twice.  I mean really.

The Sidney Lumet film is a masterpiece of taste and intelligence in comparison with this production -- and it certainly had better performances from its supporting cast. 

And I'm noticing a near total silence online about this.  What if they did THE WIZ and nobody watched?

"Nobody watched The Wiz, nobody watched The Wiz."

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#222The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 6:18am

Roscoe said: "A pretty dreadful production all round, ineptly acted and with an all-too evident lack of camera rehearsals.  It looked like the TV director had never seen the production before, had NO IDEA what was going to be happening on that stage.  And what was happening on that stage was all too often stupidly directed.  Check out "Mean Old Lion" for instance -- the Lion is singing to the camera while the other three characters are just kind of wandering around in the background, why didn't they just take a couple of steps in any direction and get away from that guy?


For a change, the female lead was the least of the show's problems.


Fierstein's book was agonizingly unfunny, dated jokes and unnecessary additions to the backstories didn't add any dimension to the story at all. 


And if nothing else -- Dorothy only clicked her heels twice.  I mean really.


The Sidney Lumet film is a masterpiece of taste and intelligence in comparison with this production -- and it certainly had better performances from its supporting cast. 


And I'm noticing a near total silence online about this.  What if they did THE WIZ and nobody watched?


"Nobody watched The Wiz, nobody watched The Wiz."


Dorothy clicked her heels three times, the camera only zoomed in two of them, but she clicked them three times.


Darreyl with an L!

#223The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 6:36am

I loved it. Anybody know what they are going to do for the live show next year?

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#224The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
Posted: 12/4/15 at 6:40am

Its strength was its humility, daring to look merely theatrical, to resort to simplicity and low-tech effects, fire pots and stage smoke poignantly old-fashioned in the best sense.  Somehow, aiming smaller and maybe even lower made it more accessible and intimate. Gone was the bloated scenic excess and sound studio roominess. The performances were front and center. Beyond that, the show itself still lacks a great deal, including a first-rate score (Luther Vandross, we so owe you for eleven o'clock). It meanders when it should derive, and inserts pockets of stated feeling (and now an odd Dorothy backstory, that felt Into the Woodsy) rather than slowly earning our investment.  Other than in the opening scene, to me the highlight of the whole thing, people announce emotions rather than demonstrate them. Keeping things scaled down and somewhere between variety show and filmed production worked.  Midway I realized what a garish, trippy nightmare it could've been, had it looked anything like "Peter Pan."  We should be grateful for what it didn't do. 

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 12/4/15 at 06:40 AM
