
My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff

My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#1My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 1:56am

So I went to get rush tickets for Memphis this morning. Everything was fine. I got a single ticket for the evening performance. I signed the receipt for $26.50 using a debit card. Later on this afternoon, I went to check my bank account to find out that I was charged $132.50. Needless to say I was very confused...I have NEVER paid that much for any theatre ticket in my life.
To figure out what happened, I called the 800 number that appeared next to the $132.50 charge. It ended up being the telecharge customer service line. After a frustrating phone call since the representative couldn't understand what had happened, the rep said to go to the box office since telecharge can't do anything. Fine.

I go back to the Shubert Theatre with a print out of my bank statement, ticket, receipt, and debit card around 6:30pm. A lady helped me try and figure out what had happened by looking up everything in the system. The man that even sold me the ticket was there as well, and I pointed him out to the lady that was helping me. Apparently, I was charged for 5 matinee rush tickets. I told the lady that I would never have done that because I was at Next To Normal during the matinee.

The box office say they can't do anything, and offer a phone number for me to call...which ended up being the telecharge/shubert customer service line AGAIN! The rep tells me they can't do anything and to talk to the box office people again. I go back in, and the people say to come back when the box office opens tomorrow and talk to their manager.

My questions are, with all the proper proof I had, why couldn't they have just given me my money back? Why did EVERYONE I talk to say they could not do a single thing for me? Why is this whole process that complicated? And what would have happened if I left town tonight (I'm here on vacation)?

Do any of you have any advice when I talk to the manager tomorrow?

All I have to say is, wtf Shuberts....wtf

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

ljay889 Profile Photo
#2My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 1:59am

Do any of you have any advice when I talk to the manager tomorrow?

Be very firm. Make he or she very aware that you are upset and disappointed because of this situation.

#2My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:02am

And have every bit of documentation you have available.

Don't leave until it's resolved - and keep asking for the next level boss if you aren't satisfied.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#3My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:06am

Do not leave until the situation is resolved. Ask for everyone's name and title. Right them down, and make sure they see you writing it down.

Afterwards, regardless of how it goes, write letters to both Telecharge and the Shubert Organization. Explain the situation to them and let them know what an inconvenience it was. Do NOT email them. Send it snail mail and include a phone number for them to get back to you at. Make it clear when you write you would like to follow up with someone.

Please keep us posted.

#4My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:07am

I'm sorry you're going through this. With a copy of the signed receipt for $26.50, I'd say you were on very firm ground and, no matter where you were, would eventually get your money back. Many businesses require a manager at the point of purchase to OK any reimbursement. Good luck.

Anakela Profile Photo
#5My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:10am

The box office say they can't do anything, and offer a phone number for me to call...which ended up being the telecharge/shubert customer service line AGAIN! The rep tells me they can't do anything and to talk to the box office people again. I go back in, and the people say to come back when the box office opens tomorrow and talk to their manager.

This is actually the point in the runaround at which I would stop trying to allow the box office and/or Telecharge to not handle things, and instead file a chargeback with my credit card company. (You say debit card, but I am assuming it's a debit card with a Visa or MasterCard logo on it, not 'debit card' meaning you entered a PIN as your signature?)

eta: random tangent question- one person would be allowed to buy *five* rush tickets at Memphis? Updated On: 7/18/10 at 02:10 AM

backwoodsbarbie Profile Photo
#6My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:11am

If would refuse to leave the box office until it is resolved, and I would even raise my voice a little and make a scene. Then box office personnel may be more willing to hear you out because they wan to keep you quiet so other customers in line don't perceive their customer service as poor.


bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#7My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:13am

Unbelievable. Especially considering you had all the proof and the receipt. Like the others said, just be firm and tell them how it is. They obviously made a mistake and it is their responsibility to fix it. I would bring a record of your bank account with the $132.50 withdrawal from telecharge so they can she it for themselves (I am sure you were already planning on doing this anyways). I am so sorry this happened and good luck! Keep us updated!

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

adamgreer Profile Photo
#8My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:14am

I forgot to add that, yes...I would call the credit card company immediately and dispute the charge. They'll ask you for documentation, and you can easily fax them a copy of the receipt you got.

But by all means, dispute the charge immediately (they have 24 hour numbers for this sort of thing...look on the back of your card), and when you go to the box office tomorrow, tell them that you've already disputed the charge with the credit card company.

#9My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:23am

First of all, take a really deep breath. This is annoying, but it's not the end of the world. A mistake was made, they're wrong, and you can prove it. I don't know what their rush policy is, but I can't imagine it would allow for you to even get 5 tickets, so you can point that out to the manager, too.

I know you're frustrated, but I would not play an "upset" card. Be firm, sure, but it is easier for them to deal with a calm and rational person than it is an angry or upset one. Try not be be angry and antagonistic when you see the manager. Mistakes happen. Make him/her aware that you are from out of town. Impress upon them the inconvenience this has caused you. If this will truly cause you a hardship short term, say so.

Try to get there well before 1 1/2 hours before showtime if they're open and the manager is there, before they've gotten too busy and involved with the day's customers. I would not make any other phone calls. Telecharge has nothing to do with this transaction. Even if you sort this event out tomorrow (which I think is quite likely), I would follow-up with a certified letter to the Shubert Org, citing as many details as you can. If you don't have the proper addresses, pm me and I'll find the right person for you to speak to. I'm sorry this happened to you, but the Shubert Org is a good one. They'll make good on this. Good luck and pm me if you need further advice. Let us know how it went.

ETA: wow, a lot of people posted while I was writing. Adam Greer offers excellent advice, but by no means take backwoodbarbie's (sorry, barbie). Creating a scene is not the way to deal with this. You're clearly right, they're wrong, and raising your voice will only weaken your case, and maybe make you look a little crazy.

Updated On: 7/18/10 at 02:23 AM

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#10My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:32am

Thanks for all the advice!
I did bring up the part about how could I have bought 5 rush tickets since the rule is only 2. The lady said, "well, if 3 students were here at the same time, you could've put it on one card."

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

CapnHook Profile Photo
#11My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:37am

I, too, would ask the box office staff why they were not able to give you a refund yesterday. You were charged for FIVE rush tickets, when they have a policy that you are allowed to purchase a maximum of two. That should have been clue #1 to them that they made a mistake.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

#12My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:40am

Okay, but can they prove that 5 tickets were issued to that card? They have records as to what specific seats go with a specific card. When you get there, wait to speak to the box office manager. Bring all your documentation, including your ticket stub, and state your case calmly and as succinctly as possible. Screaming, shouting and making a scene will get you nowhere. This will be resolved.

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#13My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:40am

The first question that popped into my mind when reading your situation was, "Is the transaction pending, or has it posted to your account?"

I don't know if this is the case with regards to theater tickets, but I know that in certain other cases a pending transaction will show as one amount, but will actually post as the amount you were supposed to be charged. For example, when you use your debit card at a bar or restaurant where tips are usually added to the total, the pending transaction will show a different amount than the one you signed for. Typically this is because the bank doesn't know how much you tipped your server, so they hold a few dollars in reserve until the final transaction information comes through.

I first noticed this on a bar tab where I thought the bartender had possibly padded their tip by a couple of dollars, and someone at the bank explained how the process worked. In that instance, a couple of dollars was no big deal.

A couple of years later, I was in a position of being the manager on duty for a hotel and ran into this again. Our typical room rate was $177 per night, but people were often able to book rooms for a discounted rate. When a guest booked a room for multiple nights, the pending transaction would show as $177 x the number of nights they were staying. Some people were booking rooms for as low as $17.50 per night, so seeing $177 multiplied by a two or three night stay in their pending balance was... well, to say alarming would be putting it mildly. When the transaction finally actually posted to their account, it was always with the amount they were expecting to pay, but that in no way lessened the panic they felt upon seeing those numbers!

My first thought when you said $132.50 was that the bank is holding the price of a regular ticket, and that the price you expected to pay is what will actually post to your account. The only glitch in this thinking is that someone in the box office told you that you were charged for five tickets instead of one? If that's the case it's a simple refund with all of the documentation you've listed.

At any rate, best of luck to you!

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#14My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 2:51am

Last time I checked (chase is now under system maintenance) it was pending. HOWEVER, there are 2 separate charges: 1 charge says the correct amount for the rush ticket (26.50) and ANOTHER one says 132.50. The box office staff gave me a print out of a document showing the 5 seats that were charged to my account. To make matters even more confusing, their records supposedly say they didn't overcharged anything.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D
Updated On: 7/18/10 at 02:51 AM

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#15My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 3:00am

Okay, yeah, that's just weird. If it was just Chase Bank I'd think server error, but the printout from the box office makes it a completely different story. Take all of that to the box office manager!!!

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

#16My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 3:28am

Yeah, that's pretty weird - and if I understand correctly, the single charge was for a different performance than the other, larger charge? If the charges went through at the same time there is NO way that that could have happened, and they'll have to recognize that. This is very, very weird and complex. No wonder they can't figure it out. There isn't any way it should have happened. You've heard about freak accidents? This is a freak mistake. They really aren't looking to rip you off, but this should have been handled better, and with more expediancy. I can only guess that part of the problem is it being a weekend, between shows on a two-show day, a time when typically a BO is busiest and may not have the most experienced staff. This is not an excuse but merely an explanation.

After all this is over, as I and Adamgreer have said, write them a letter explaining your difficulties. Make it short and businesslike and document everything. They will want to know about this because they don't ever want it to happen again. Again, you want to know who to address this to, pm me. They'll want to hear your story.

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#17My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 4:45am

Please don't go in angry.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#18My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 8:38am

I'll echo other people and say just be calm and firm, but not angry...as someone who works in retail (not quite the same as working in a box office, but still a service position), I know I'm much more willing/it's much easier to help someone with a problem who is calm rather than someone who is upset and yelling. The situation is incredibly frustrating, yes, but going in there angry is only going to make it harder for everyone.
Updated On: 7/18/10 at 08:38 AM

mikem Profile Photo
#19My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 8:46am

If you still have your Next to Normal ticket, I would bring that in as well, with the receipt if you have it if it would show that you bought that ticket before you bought the Memphis ticket.

I think that part of the problem is not having a manager available. I had a minor box office issue once, and the non-manager staff were nice but of no help at all. Once the manager showed up, it was very straightforward. I have a feeling you'll be in the same boat.

I agree with those who say that you should be calm. Acting out makes the focus of the situation more about your being mad than about the problem.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

uncageg Profile Photo
#20My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 9:57am

With proof, they should have been able to back that charge out for you right at the theater. Unless they do things differently there, when they swipe your card it shows on your account but it kind of stays in "limbo" at the business where you use the card. They don't actually submit the charges until the end of their business day. I have had this problem before at a bar and even when ordering a group of tickets for a show. They had it backed out within the hour. If they don't do it that day, it becomes more of a pain to get your money back. One place just gave me the cash a day later and dealt with it in their office.

Just give the world Love.

#21My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 10:48am

Did the person behind you buy 5 tickets and then that transaction wound up posting on your credit card. Either way notify your bank, dispute the transaction, should/could be considered a fraudulent charge.

#22My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 11:09am

Call your bank immediately and "dispute the charge." Tell them something has happened and you don't know how that charge got on your account.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

denali.fire Profile Photo
#23My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 11:57am

Ditto.....call the credit card company and dispute the charge...esp if you have a copy of the signed receipt.
You go girl and make
"A Little Night NOISE"

To seek revenge may lead to hell yet everyone does it but seldom as well......

mikem Profile Photo
#24My frustrating situation with the Shubert box office staff
Posted: 7/18/10 at 12:34pm

If you don't get your situation resolved today, report the issue tomorrow. The liability rules are different for debit cards and credit cards. With debit cards, I believe you only have two days to report the transaction if you want to keep your liability to less than $50; with credit cards, you have much longer.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"
