Rocky Preview Shutdowns

ryantbo2 Profile Photo
#1Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 10:45am

So disappointed in last nights (2/22) production of Rocky. 3 times in Act 1 the curtain was brought down to correct technical problems. What I don't get is that friends saw Thursday evening and it was flawless

At intermission they gave away free drinks - which extended the normal 15 minute intermission an additional 10 minutes. I wish they had given the audience tickets to come back and see it - cause breaking it up like that really broke the show

The actors seemed frustrated but made jokes

The 1st time they brought the curtain down was when Rocky goes in to the gym to get his locker - the set wouldn't move. When it restarted Rock comes in and breaks the lock off his locker and says "nothing seems to work around here"

Then during the interviews one of the jumbo screens came off track and crashed into the set

Then when Rocky goes to meet Apallo's people the set wouldn't move. This was the LONGEST time curtain was closed. Even the AD came out to talk to people He said "we are so close to the intermission so we made a couple modifications" When the curtain opened it was a black box theater with NO set. The actor said Come in Rocky. Sorry we are doing some redecorating"

At the end of the 2nd act when the lights went out for Apallo's entrance we thought it was another F up and you could hear the ENTIRE audience go "NOOOOOOOO" and then actually applaud when the stage lights continued.

We didn't get out until 11:30

Liza's Headband
TheGingerBreadMan Profile Photo
#2Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 10:50am

This is exactly why they have previews. To see what goes wrong and fix it. Different things can go wrong, and they use the preview period to see what does go wrong and figure out a way to make it right.

ryantbo2 Profile Photo
#3Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 10:52am

excepts friends that saw it Thursday night had perfect performance Rocky Preview Shutdowns

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#4Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 11:06am

So what? Mishaps can happen at any time and not just during previews. I'm sure every member here can give you a story of something going wrong during a show - even well-established, long running shows. That's part of what makes live theatre so great. If you don't like it then stay home and watch the movie.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

Pammylicious Profile Photo
#5Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 11:10am

I was there last night and although it was a bit annoying, during previews it is fully expected. Stop buying preview tickets.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#6Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 11:42am

Haha. Owned.

ryantbo2 Profile Photo
#7Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 11:51am

no need to be nasty I am a theater actor as well and understand live theater BUT 3 delays like that when the night before ran smoothly in the performance before AND 1 hour in delays is a bit much! And get previews all the time but NEVER had this experience with

Updated On: 2/22/14 at 11:51 AM

#8Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 11:56am

I enjoyed reading your original post, I tend to stop visiting super long threads so I would not have read yours without this new thread.

Just rest assured that no one here has ever been elected or hired to be the hall monitor, but there are certainly some people who take it upon themselves to scold and issue demerits even though nobody ever asked them to. They really don't have to worry, it's not like BWW is running out of paper so everybody must conserve.

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followspot Profile Photo
#9Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 11:56am

Did you inquire about re-ticketing? Free drinks were nice, but I'd think they'd have to have some policy set up for major technical problems and patrons who can't stay through long performance delays.

"Tracy... Hold Mama's waffles."
Updated On: 2/22/14 at 11:56 AM

#10Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 12:04pm

You keep talking about how the night before ran smoothly like that means something. It's live theater - more than that, it's live theater on an extremely set/tech-heavy show that is in previews (aka the work process). Have you never heard the tales of Titanic and Spiderman in previews? Audiences were sent home.

Just recently, Machinal had a major tech snafu that stopped the show on opening night. It happens. Years from now, people who weren't there will be claiming they saw this debacle. You saw an utterly unique piece of theater that only a thousand or so people will EVER see.

If you can't appreciate that, then yes, you should stop going to previews - at least in shows with such huge and complicated sets.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#11Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 12:06pm

Rocky Preview Shutdowns

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#12Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 12:11pm

This second thread on Rocky previews is sponsored by The Department of Redundancy Department.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#13Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 12:16pm

Ryan, the people at Rocky didn't mean to piss you off or hold you up. I'm sure the cast and crew were both as frustrated and annoyed as you. The show opened less than two weeks ago and they are still figuring it all out....previews!

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#14Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 12:26pm

"The show opened less than two weeks ago and they are still figuring it all out....previews!"

And that is why tickets to preview performances are always priced A LOT less than tickets to the show once it formally opens... oh wait... never mind.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#15Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 12:28pm

The show *started previews* less than two weeks ago, and seem to be well on their way to resolving issues all around to perfect the show before opening… which they still have plenty of time to accomplish. If you can't appreciate live theatre for what it is, especially in a time where it is designated to have these expected issues, then stop going to previews and start attending after a show opens (where, shockingly, there are still technical issues sometimes because again, it's LIVE theater).

*You'd think people would appreciate the generous free-drink-at-intermission gesture, but more people are complaining about the added intermission time because of that. Who ever wins!? Updated On: 2/22/14 at 12:28 PM

#16Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 12:42pm

I wonder if they made structural changes to the book that reordered a scene or two. If so, the programming involved to reorganize the production (sets and lights) could be profound. This could explain why the night before it ran smoothly and the performance you saw was problematic.

I am far more concerned about the comment in the other thread that implied that one of the monitors might have been seriously damaged. As they didn't come back in the second act and during the performance I saw they were used more than once in act 2, I fear that the issues are more than some annoyed audience members. Those monitors are quite expensive and I'm not sure they are easily replaced.

For those who are going tonight and later in this next week, please report on whether or not the monitors show up at all. I truly hope they are fixed or replaced and not cut.

ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#17Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 12:50pm

Yes, but did they greet fans at the stage door? You don't have any reason to be upset unless they didn't sign autographs at the stage door.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#18Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 12:56pm

^ They wanted to, but the stage door flew off its hinges and killed 3 of the people waiting. But it's to be expected cause it's still previews.

#19Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 12:59pm

Ryantbo2, I personally can empathize (updated, Art,I like your choice of word than mine) with your frustration. If I had been there I probably would have felt the same way as you. That is why I personally try and not see previews. I believe I have only seen two. And in reality, it is not because of the potential for mishaps. It's more, that in my mind, if I see a show after previews, I am seeing the "finished product".

Updated On: 2/22/14 at 12:59 PM

#20Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 1:16pm

I too empathize. Although I appreciate that previews are as much for the company as it is for the audience, I found myself worrying during the opening few minutes of watch Rocky that something would go wrong. I never do that when watching a show that has opened.

I was just very lucky to both get the seats we got and that all went smoothly.

ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#21Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 2:54pm

Sucks to hear that. The most we had Thursday night was a neon light that kept going off during Rocky's 11 'clock number. Ironically, you probably saw that number around 11 o'clock! It's the thrill and the frustration of seeing a preview performance. Love to see a theatrical performances and it develops, but no one likes the growing pains, especially if they keep you out late. But what can you do except to enjoy it besides the point.

Oh, by the way, did you like it?

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

amoni Profile Photo
#22Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 3:06pm

Maybe you should have had TWO free drinks.

#23Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 5:00pm

"Oh, by the way, did you like it?"

I think the other thread is to talk about the show itself, and this one is only to detail technical shutdowns that happen during the previews. Let's not muddy things up here.

If they are tweaking the show perpetually during previews, it stands to reason that would include technical cues, changing the order of how things happen, etc., which would mean every show is unlikely to be a mirror of the one that came before. I think continuity should only be expected after it opens.

Now t/d/b/a haterobics on here.

uncageg Profile Photo
#24Rocky Preview Shutdowns
Posted: 2/22/14 at 5:38pm

Isn't today 2/22?

I saw it on Tuesday. The assistant director came onstage before the show to remind us that they are in previews and that the show could possibly be stopped if a problem arose. No problems. Went off without a hitch.

ART is probably correct. I do know some changes went in on Thursday night so that could be what is going on. My understanding is that a few changes are being made.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 2/22/14 at 05:38 PM
