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Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall

Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall

RippedMan Profile Photo
#1Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/12/15 at 9:15pm

Ken Davenport is producing "Daddy Long Legs" this fall  Off-Broadway. I'd assume New World Stages or something in Midtown.

#2Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/12/15 at 10:05pm

That's awesome! I doubt I'll be in the city to see it, but sign me up for another Paul Gordon cast recording.

philly03 Profile Photo
#3Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/12/15 at 10:13pm

I love the score to Paul Gordon's Jane Eyre, but can't seem to get into this score or Emma. Maybe I'll give it another try...

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#4Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/12/15 at 10:21pm

I love Jane Eyre and Emma but this one is an oddball. I also haven't been able to find my way into this score.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#5Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/12/15 at 10:43pm

Are there recordings? I love me some Jan Eyre. Off-Broadway seems an odd place for this.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#6Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/12/15 at 10:44pm

"Are there recordings? I love me some Jan Eyre. Off-Broadway seems an odd place for this."

 Well it definitely doesn't belong ON Broadway... Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall

cardamon Profile Photo
#7Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/12/15 at 11:37pm

RippedMan, the recording is available on Amazon.

It's a small two-person musical. Definitely better suited to Off-Broadway.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#8Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/13/15 at 12:41am

Cardamon, good to know! I just assumed it was a Broadway style musical Hm. Seems a tough sell, ha.

Fan123 Profile Photo
#9Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/13/15 at 5:13am

Many of the cast recording tracks can be heard in full on the show's website.


Edit: Now it seems the website is being redone and you can't hear the tracks any more. Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall Oh well.

Updated On: 5/20/15 at 05:13 AM

newintown Profile Photo
#10Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/13/15 at 9:14am

Maybe it's just me, but I find that Paul Gordon is to theatre scores as paint-by-numbers is to art.

#11Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/13/15 at 10:08am

Ah!  I love this show--definitely gonna have to make a trip up to see it.  Was there a press release or anything announcing this?

tgrabon2 Profile Photo
#12Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/13/15 at 12:07pm

I saw Daddy Long Legs years ago at Northlight and really enjoyed. The problem for me with the CD is that the guy that played the benefactor on stage at Northlight had a better, deeper voice that than guy on the CD. Also, the orchestrations seem more pop sounding on the CD than in the theater. Megan McGinnis was perfect in the role. I just saw her in the disappointing Sense & Sensibility at Chicago Shakespeare a few weeks ago. Jane Eyre on Broadway was one my favorites and I listen to the CD all the time.


#13Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/13/15 at 12:27pm

liked several of the songs...curious to see the production at some point...

#14Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/13/15 at 12:53pm

I saw a presentation of this show a few years ago and thought it was lovely. Look forward to seeing it again.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#15Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/13/15 at 11:57pm

Not sure about a press release but there was an audition posting. 


1st Rehearsal: Aug. 17, 2015
1st Preview: Sept. 14, 2015
Opening: Sept 27, 2014
Open run

Director: John Caird 

philly03 Profile Photo
#16Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/14/15 at 12:30am

"Maybe it's just me, but I find that Paul Gordon is to theatre scores as paint-by-numbers is to art."


newintown, you use this same "comparison" (aka insult) for multiple composers.. Gordon, Wildhorn, Lippa... PM me your address I'll send you a thesaurus!

newintown Profile Photo
#17Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/14/15 at 8:30am

Have I used that exact same comparison before? That's distressing. I thought I had some fresh material, but I guess not...

I thought my old standby was "So-and-so is to theatre scores as Velveeta is to cuisine."

Updated On: 5/14/15 at 08:30 AM

Fan123 Profile Photo
#18Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/20/15 at 6:11am

Megan McGinnis has been confirmed to star again. Yay, she sounded lovely on the website tracks (...while they were available... #bitter).


Random bonus: here's an ad for a 2013-ish Japanese production.

Updated On: 5/20/15 at 06:11 AM

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#19Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/20/15 at 7:00am


JANE EYRE is the only Gordon work I know, and I find about 80% of it to be ravishing, the other 20% from adequate to good.


tazber Profile Photo
#20Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/20/15 at 7:26am

Long Legs is a much smaller show and much more intimate score.

It's lovely though.

....but the world goes 'round

#21Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/20/15 at 9:20am

I just am curious how much Davenport is even putting into this production if it's running in his own theater. Am I the only one thinking that?

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#22Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/20/15 at 10:49am

Suddenly Leslie Caron movies are ripe for adapting to stage musicals.

What's next?

The L-Shaped Room?

tazber Profile Photo
#23Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 5/20/15 at 10:54am

"Suddenly Leslie Caron movies are ripe for adapting to stage musicals.

What's next?

The L-Shaped Room?"

They should do Lili as a musical.

....but the world goes 'round

Fan123 Profile Photo
#24Daddy Long Legs Opening Off-Broadway This Fall
Posted: 7/12/15 at 3:20am

(Off-topic: I may be taking the above post a tad literally, but for benefit of those who don't know: BTW, any thoughts on this guy's idea that Lili could be deliberately manipulating everybody throughout that show? I have my doubts, but would watch a version like that just to see whether/how it worked.)

Anyway: I've just found that there are a few full-length tracks from Daddy Long Legs currently listenable on Paul Gordon's website: (link looks weird, but it works). There are also sample tracks from some of his other shows on that site.

And as we've all probably heard, Paul Alexander Nolan has been cast as Jervis for Off-Broadway.
