Tony voter reveals all

#1Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 10:59am

Voted for Elisabeth Moss, didn't get Bradley Cooper, liked "Fun Home" but preferred "An American in Paris"

RaiseYouUp Profile Photo
#2Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 11:12am

This is interesting and also confusing. Confusing because the more predictions and articles like this that I read, the less sure I feel of who will win. This is such an unpredictable year, which is frustrating yet very exciting!

Kad Profile Photo
#2Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 11:13am

This voter should maybe reveal less.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#3Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 11:16am

Is this one of Philly's many tony voting friends?

tazber Profile Photo
#4Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 11:20am

So it's looking like AAIP is really gonna win.

I liked the show, but I thought On the Town was waaay better.

(I know they're not competing against each other, just saying of the two great dance musicals I preferred OTT)

But as least this voter noted she has a dancer's bias.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 6/5/15 at 11:20 AM

#5Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 11:40am

I'm not so sure AAIP is going to win.  This voter has a dance background so the voter was probablya likely AAIP vote.  The article about the NY Times poll of the Tony voters basically said the race was too close to call and that there was a late Fun Home surge.

#6Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 11:44am

Fun Home has sort of been hanging around as the favorite all season so I think if anything has had a late surge it's been An American in Paris.

#7Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 1:07pm

Half the predictions say Kelli and the other half say Kristin. This is stressful.

Jayar2 Profile Photo
#8Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 1:16pm

This voter lost my respect when he admitted that (s)he liked Doctor Zhivago.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#9Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 1:18pm

Hopefully, Rotten comes up smelling like roses. Even if The Visit pulled off the upset of all time, I think it would be to little to late

No matter what wins, I wish the cast of it and all the other shows good luck and move on.

Poster Emeritus

Liza's Headband
#10Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 2:00pm

This is stressful.

Why is this stressful to you? More importantly, how is this stressful to you? I'm wondering how the outcome of an award race adversely impacts your life to cause (or elicit) stress. 

Bilbo3 Profile Photo
#11Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 2:03pm

You really are incapable of talking to someone without attacking and insulting them, aren't you? Yet you wonder why you are so disliked. How stressful that must be.

Countdown til Jordan comes on raging about how much loves me! 3..2..1...
Updated On: 6/5/15 at 02:03 PM

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#12Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 2:03pm

"This voter lost my respect when he admitted that (s)he liked Doctor Zhivago."

 So you lost respect for someone who did like something that you did not like? Jeeze, I wouldn't want to be your friend. 

#13Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 2:18pm

Off topic, but was Ain't Misbehavin' winning over On the Twentieth Century considered an upset?

RaiseYouUp Profile Photo
#14Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 2:28pm

"This is stressful.
Why is this stressful to you? More importantly, how is this stressful to you? I'm wondering how the outcome of an award race adversely impacts your life to cause (or elicit) stress. "

 I can't speak for the writer of that comment, but for me, it's stressful simply because I want to be able to predict all the right winners with more accuracy than my friends. Of course it does not adversely impact any of our lives and yes, it's stupid, but that doesn't mean it does not elicit stress. 

#15Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 2:30pm

You want to be able to one up people.  The Randband should be able to TOTALLY relate to that.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Smaxie Profile Photo
#16Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 4:23pm

>Off topic, but was Ain't Misbehavin' winning over On the Twentieth Century considered an upset?<

Not at all.  

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#17Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 6:42pm

In the grand scheme of things, it ain't that important

The world will still turn on its axis & you will still get up Monday morning if you do not get all of them right.

Poster Emeritus

Jayar2 Profile Photo
#18Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 7:18pm

""This voter lost my respect when he admitted that (s)he liked Doctor Zhivago."
 So you lost respect for someone who did like something that you did not like? Jeeze, I wouldn't want to be your friend. "

Yes you would. I'm fun. And I have a lot of disposable income. Tony voter reveals all


Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#19Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 7:53pm

Money cannot buy real friends - only people who will tell you what you want to hear.

Poster Emeritus

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#20Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/5/15 at 8:11pm

What she says about Kristin Chenoweth is so rude. It's like saying someone is always magnificent, so the fact that she is magnificent as usual in this show means that she shouldn't win. Unfortunately, Kelli was the one of the Best Actress nominees I didn't get to see on my trip, but of the 4 I saw, Kristin was the best.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

#21Tony voter reveals all
Posted: 6/6/15 at 12:12pm

Personally I saw it as a slam of Kristin Chenoweth.  

Now if s/he had said that KC was "magnificent," as she always is, so we expect that kind of performance of her, I'd be more willing to accept this Tony voter's opinion.

S/he didn't say that though.  S/he said it wasn't a good performance, and it was a typical KC performance. So does that mean this voter thinks all of KC's performances aren't good? 

Most of the reviews of KC on here (and elsewhere) have been good to raves.  Even those who preferred KO admit as much.  

I have noticed a few who have said that it's Kristin playing Kristin (which comes close to concurring with certain elements of this Tony voter's review, especially where s/he says "we've seen it all before").  

I'm not sure I see it that way though.  Does Kristin act like Lily Garland out and about town?

And I haven't seen many Lily Garland-like characters in Kristin's past.  Actually I've seen her play other roles which required something different than what the role of Lily Garland does.

Based on his/her tone, I get the impression the voter just doesn't like KC, so whatever she does won't be good enough.

But again, therein lies the question behind awards shows.  Some will like certain things; others won't.  Some will have certain feelings (even biases) for/against certain performers; others will be able to put that aside and evaluate the performance for its merits alone.   So who knows?

The opinions of voters will never hit the mark for all of us 100%.

At the end of the day, KO is a great performer, so if she gets the Tony, awesome.  

But to say KC isn't good in her role....well, that opinion seems to be in the strong minority from what I've read on these boards..... and everywhere else.  And it leaves me questioning the rest of his/her opinions.  Are they based on merit, or bias?

Again though, we'll never know.  Because we all have our biases, as well.  It's best when we can put our biases aside, especially when we're in a position of "voting" for something. But that isn't always going to be reality.
