
Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland

Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland

#1Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 12:15pm

I am coming to New York this September, and I am beyond excited. I am debating on my last show, and I am not sure what I want to see. I don't know much about Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland, except that I love "All that Matters" from Finding Neverland. These are currently the two shows I am debating, because they seem intriguing. I am wanting to see one more show on Friday night. What would you recommend? It could be a play or musical, but I prefer musicals.  

I already have tickets to: Something Rotten, Phantom, Hand to God, Fun Home, and Hamilton. 

I have already seen: Lion King, Book of Mormon, A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder, Aladdin, Les Mis, Wicked

Don't Really Want to See: An American in Paris, Beautiful, Chicago, Hedwig, Mamma Mia, On the Town, On the 20th Century, or Wolf Hall

Vespertine1228 Profile Photo
#2Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 12:18pm

It's hard to say because Amazing Grace hasn't opened yet so no one here has seen it to compare.

Frankly I think you're better off waiting until September and seeing something Off-Broadway with good buzz.

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#2Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 12:19pm

Amazing Grace. It got an amazing reception from its Chicago out of town, and I'm really looking forward to it!! 

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#3Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 12:22pm

Which sounds better to you?  Personally, there is nothing (from the description) that could possibly get me to AG.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#4Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 12:25pm

Wow! Looks like you have a great round of shows lined up! I would highly recommend Finding Neverland. I loved it.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

tazber Profile Photo
#5Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 12:31pm

Is anyone even interested in AG?

I'm not trying to be bitchy, but who are they hoping will come see a show about the origin of a hymn?

I keep hearing it's about more than that, but the marketing hasn't done anything to support that.


....but the world goes 'round

#6Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 12:32pm

I just listened to some of the music from their website, and I kind of got interested. I know absolutely nothing about it though. 

tazber Profile Photo
#7Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 12:36pm

Yea, the music sounds good. And I love Josh Young.

I mean, some of us may see it because we're theater lovers, but I don't see tourists dropping a chunk of change for it.

Maybe they can get church groups like The Color Purple did.

....but the world goes 'round

ErinDillyFan Profile Photo
#8Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 12:45pm

I saw Amazing Grace in Chicago.  Some great songs, great performances, nice set and some interesting staging, but I would not put it on my must see.  Although, I would be interested to see what plot changes they make as it is rather convoluted (they don't follow his true life story).

Have not seen Finding Neverland, but the buzz and ticket sales are good, so it is likely to still be around.

Not interested in "On the Twentieth Century"?

gleek4114 Profile Photo
#9Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 12:49pm

It looks like you are open to anything (not just new shows), so I would recommend Kinky Boots. It's very fun and the performances are wonderful.

#10Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 12:55pm

Yes, open to anything. These two shows just peaked my interest. I live near Houston, Texas, so I am not concerned with the big shows like Kinky Boots or Matilda that have tours, because I know I will be able to see them on the road. I absolutely love Kelli Ohara, but she will not be performing in the King and I when I am there, per broadway.com. On the 20th Century just doesn't seem like something I would like, but I have been wrong before. 

#11Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 1:20pm

"It got an amazing reception from its Chicago out of town" That is actually not true



I'd go with Neverland, of the two.

Updated On: 6/22/15 at 01:20 PM

acekatherineplumber2 Profile Photo
#12Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 1:24pm

I'm not really interested in Amazing Grace's story, but Chris Gattelli's choreography is likely enough to get me to see it eventually.

#13Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 1:27pm

Neither. I'd go with neither.

JMPlayer6 Profile Photo
#14Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 1:31pm

I saw Amazing Grace at Goodspeed, a few years ago. Frankly, it was not very good. Of course, on its road to Chicago and then Broadway, it could have improved considerably. But I would say that of the two, see Neverland.

Updated On: 6/22/15 at 01:31 PM

#15Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 1:46pm

Personally, I'd see almost any show instead of "Finding Neverland."  I think "Amazing Grace" sounds really interesting (I love historical stuff), so that sounds far more appealing to me.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#16Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 1:48pm

If you haven't seen Matilda, I'd recommend that over the other two, especially as the Broadway set will have to be altered considerably for the tour.  Or Curious Incident.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#17Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 1:56pm

I found Amazing Grace to be dull. Decent staging, but I didn't like the story (probably because they changed it so much to be more entertaining) and I really don't remember much of music.

If you feel limited to it or Finding Neverland, I'd choose Finding Neverland. I enjoyed it much more at ART then on Broadway, but it's acceptable.

There's many choices better then those two. I'll second the recommendation of Curious Incident and suggest you think about The king and I, even without O'Hara. Or wait until it's closer, see what's on TKTS and go with that.

purplehibiscus Profile Photo
#18Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 2:00pm

I'd recommend King and I, as I've heard amazing reviews of Betsy Morgan and the show seems to be a great production to see even without Kelli.

However, if your main debate is between Amazing Grace and Finding Neverland, I personally choose Amazing Grace, because the plot really interest me. But there two shows are so different, it would really come down to what you like. Finding Neverland is a bit like Wicked in that it's based off of a popular tale and the music is written in a "pop-ish" style. Amazing Grace is a historical piece and the music is a bit more theatrical. Amazing Grace would be a bit of a risk, though, since it hasn't opened. Both seem to be great shows, so you'll have a good time whichever you see!

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#19Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 2:13pm

LOL neon, did you look up the reviews just to prove me wrong? :)

I was talking about the audience reception anyway lol

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

skies Profile Photo
#20Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 2:32pm

Just curious how much the AG delves into that the composer of it was in the slave trade in England.  Anyone who has seen the show?

"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren

#21Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 3:28pm

Just for info on an earlier comment, On The Twentieth Century is closing July 19 so wouldn't be open during the period you are looking at.

I haven't seen either so I can't add to that discussion.

#22Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 4:44pm

I'd agree with several others here and suggest you check another show out. Both Matilda (my pick) and Curious Incident are great suggestions, King and I should also be a good option based on reviews on here about Betsy.

If you really want to choose between AG and FN, I'd recommend against AG. I've not seen FN but I have to hope it's better than AG which I saw here in Chicago. The "positive" audience reception likely came from church groups who were eating it up when I saw it but I couldn't handle the BS whitewashing of this truly spoiled brat of a lead character and his mistreatment of the black characters in the show (and likely real life). The performances were decent enough and the title song is sang beautifully but I was genuinely considering leaving early when I saw it. I couldn't, in good conscience, ever recommend that show to anyone.

#23Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 4:56pm

I didn't need to look them up to prove you wrong. I remembered that they were terrible. Because I read them. Unlike you.

matildathemiracle2 Profile Photo
#24Amazing Grace or Finding Neverland
Posted: 6/22/15 at 7:03pm

I'd go with Amazing Grace. 

Neverland is going on tour so it'll probably be coming somewhere near you. I don't think that any of the performances in Neverland are "can't miss" so you should be good with a tour.


Your never know how Amazing Grace will do, so you could be part of a small group who gets to see it if it doesn't run long. Plus, the music and cast are great.
