Kinky Boots or Waitress?

#1Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 12:31pm

Taking a short trip to NYC next week to see DEH. Have two more slots to see two shows. Will see Beautiful for sure. Last slot -- should I see Kinky Boots or Waitress? Thanks.

#2Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 12:36pm

That would be an impossible call for me because I really love both of them equally but for different reasons. 

Personally I prefer original musicals which have new music rather than juke box musicals that rely on previously written I would drop Beautiful...but I know that's not what you asked. 

little_sally Profile Photo
#3Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 12:38pm

Kinky Boots. I saw it this past May and thought it was in great shape.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

#4Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 12:56pm

That's hard. I'm not a Betsy Wolf fan (GASP) but I really enjoy Waitress. I think I would still go see Waitress even with Betsy, but I've seen both already.

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#5Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 12:57pm

Current Lola is astounding. I don't remember when Billy Porter and Stark Sands are starting, but either way - you'd be in great hands. I'd recommend Kinky Boots. I think it's a better, more fun show with some great songs.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#6Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 1:08pm

I'd pick Waitress.

DAME Profile Photo
#7Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 1:47pm

The current Lola in Kinky is very good.  Both shows are mediocre to good.  I do not know where you live .. but if the Waitress tour is coming your way I would see Kinky since I definitely think its broadway engagement will be coming to a end after the two originals do their return engagement. 


Itonlytakesajourney Profile Photo
#8Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 1:53pm

That's a tough call. I love both shows, but Waitress has the better score with more of a touching story (There's pie that they sell at the theater. If you're not sold with that, I don't know what will). Kinky Boots is bound to end sometime next year though, they've had a solid run and to my knowledge the tour isn't running (I do know they had a nonunion one earlier, but I'm not sure if it's still in motion); so you might want to catch that and leave Waitress for the tour. 

#9Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 2:05pm

I live in DC. So everything pretty much comes to DC when they tour. And I live so close to NYC that anytime I want to go I go. I definitely want to see Beautiful because during my singing lessons I sometimes sing Carole King. I'm hoping if some of the background of the writing of the songs will be explained in the show and that will make my singing richer. Or at least I can share the background with my coach.

I'm leaning toward Kinky Boots though I wonder if Waitress will close first. I LOVED the movie but when I heard it was coming to Broadway I had no interest in seeing it and then was pleasantly surprised it's done well. So maybe at the last minute I'll see Waitress. Maybe.


Updated On: 9/7/17 at 02:05 PM

#10Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 2:16pm

Definitely Kinky Boots! They are both great shows, but I'd say Kinky Boots is a must-see.

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#11Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 2:20pm

This is tough. Personally, I think Betsy Wolfe's performance in Waitress is a must-see. She embodies Jenna so brilliantly, and I was particularly moved by her. Now granted, Betsy is one of my favorite Broadway actresses, but even if she wasn't, I think her performance in this show would turn me into a fan.

On the other hand, Waitress is going on tour, whereas Kinky Boots seems to be on the last legs of its Broadway run. It is truly a spectacular production, and as others have stated, J. Harrison Ghee is just BRILLIANT (saw him when he was on the tour). Plus the show has a wonderful message.

Personally, if you haven't seen either, I would go with Kinky Boots, but you really couldn't go wrong either way.

#12Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 2:24pm

fanatic3 said: "I live in DC. So everything pretty much comes to DC when they tour. And I live so close to NYC that anytime I want to go I go. I definitely want to see Beautiful because during my singing lessons I sometimes sing Carole King. I'm hoping if some of the background of the writing of the songs will be explained in the show and that will make my singing richer. Or at least I can share the background with my coach.

I'm leaning toward Kinky Boots though I wonder if Waitress will close first. I LOVED the movie but when I heard it was coming to Broadway I had no interest in seeing it and then was pleasantly surprised it's done well. So maybe at the last minute I'll see Waitress. Maybe.

Oh, since you're in DC I would definitely go see Kinky on Broadway, and then catch the Waitress tour. Desi Oakley (Jenna on Tour) is quite good.

or since you say you can come back whenever, maybe go see Waitress and then come back to see Kinky with Billy and Stark? Either way whether it's this trip or coming up to see it later, I would make an effort to see it on Broadway as the tour is going noneq

raddersons Profile Photo
#13Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 2:25pm

If you have to make a choice between the two, I'd choose Waitress, the music is way better than Cyndi Lauper's "yeah yeah"'s. But honestly I didn't love either of them. If you're looking for a musical, I think Groundhog Day is better than both of them. If you're willing to give a play a shot, Dolls House Part 2 is wonderful, and you really don't need to know anything about A Doll's House to appreciate it.

#14Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 2:32pm

raddersons said: "If you have to make a choice between the two, I'd choose Waitress, the music is way better than Cyndi Lauper's "yeah yeah"'s.But honestly I didn't love either of them. If you're looking for a musical, I think Groundhog Day is better than both of them. If you're willing to give a play a shot, Dolls House Part 2 is wonderful, and you really don't need to know anything about A Doll's House to appreciate it."

That's a good point actually since GHD is closing next week. Yes it's going on tour but the amazing NYC production is hard to beat and love Andy Karl is this. You will still have months if not longer to see both Waitress and Kinky Boots, especially since you are so close in DC.

#15Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 2:39pm

I'm going to contradict myself when I say that I have practically seen everything but have no desire to see GHD. Is it really that good? I saw the movie, think it's cute. In fact, I had a terrible experience seeing it in the movie theater years ago but will say when I see it on TV I do enjoy. I do like Andy Karl. I think I'm having a hard time envisioning how it would work on stage. Is it really that good???

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#16Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 2:48pm

fanatic3 said: "I'm going to contradict myself when I say that I have practically seen everything but have no desire to see GHD. Is it really that good? I saw the movie, think it's cute. In fact, I had a terrible experience seeing it in the movie theater years ago but will say when I see it on TV I do enjoy. I do like Andy Karl. I think I'm having a hard time envisioning how it would work on stage. Is it really that good???"



I didn't think it was all that.  And obviously it is not doing well.  But many here have loved it and love Andy Karl.  And some of my best memories are of the broadway flops I saw .  Tough call.  

#17Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 3:08pm

I'm not a huge fan of the Groundhog Day movie (not a huge Bill Murray fan)  and I went in to seeing this on a whim...and I loved it so much, I went back again last night.

Again, not to push this on your original choices are also amazing. But this is closing.. and it's another option to consider.

raddersons Profile Photo
#18Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 3:30pm

fanatic3 said: "I'm going to contradict myself when I say that I have practically seen everything but have no desire to see GHD. Is it really that good? I saw the movie, think it's cute. In fact, I had a terrible experience seeing it in the movie theater years ago but will say when I see it on TV I do enjoy. I do like Andy Karl. I think I'm having a hard time envisioning how it would work on stage. Is it really that good???"

Is GHD the best thing on Broadway right now? No, and it's definitely not perfect... but neither are Waitress and Kinky Boots. I think GHD is a much better night out. I went in with low expectations and was shocked at how much I was enjoying myself at intermission and and at curtain call. I also had never seen the movie, so I had nothing to compare it to. 

ethan231h Profile Photo
#19Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 3:35pm

Like everyone is saying...both shows are great for different reasons, however Betsy Wolfe is outstanding in Waitress. I really am not a fan of her work in Last 5 Years (gasp) and I haven't really seen her in anything else, but both times I saw her in Waitress...I just can't begin to say how amazing her performance was. She IS Jenna. Also Sara's score is one of my favorites!

Updated On: 9/7/17 at 03:35 PM

youwillbefound2 Profile Photo
#20Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 3:36pm


BwayGeek2 Profile Photo
#21Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 3:43pm

I would definitely say Kinky Boots. One of my favorite shows. Awesome music and a super fun cast. 

#22Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 3:50pm

Thank you all for all the comments. I'm much more indecisive now than I was when I wrote the post. But that's a good thing! I will let you all what I decide. Assuming anyone cares. But I would love to still hear everyone's opinions.

ethan231h Profile Photo
#23Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 4:05pm

If you want to have a good seat and not spend too much....waitress is in a much better theatre, meaning any seat is good! The hirschfeld (kinky boots) is another story...

raddersons Profile Photo
#24Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 4:09pm

Go with your gut, but I hope that your gut is leaning towards Waitress :)

#25Kinky Boots or Waitress?
Posted: 9/7/17 at 4:18pm

Another vote for Waitress.

Kinky boots is cute, but it didn't blow me away.

I was very "meh" about going to see Waitress but I left absolutely loving it so much more than I thought I would. I listen to the cast recording all the time. I knew I had to go back and take my sister. Now I want to go back and see Betsy.
