
The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?

The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 3:34pm

I’m hearing that an announcement will be made soon that shows will officially all be canceled for the remainder of 2020. It’s not unexpected because we’ve all known it would happen but nonetheless, it’s still sad.

jv92 Profile Photo
#2The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 4:26pm

Updated On: 6/22/20 at 04:26 PM

stoptheworld38 Profile Photo
#3The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 4:56pm

Say what you will, but I really think making such an (accurate) announcement before say, August, at the soonest, is completely unreasonable. The end of this year is 6 months away. That's half an entire year. I could agree with them announcing something along the lines of "the shutdown is extended past September 6 with a return date still TBD" but that could mean October, could mean January, could mean something in between. Really, people. If everyone is serious about minimizing exposure/distancing/masks/etc (which yes I realize not everyone will be), things will significantly change in the next few months, and hopefully for the better. I get that people want to be responsible and make the safest decision, but I really think deciding now what's gonna definitely happen or not happen in 6 months, people are just wasting their time. Anything right now (for better or for worse) is still just a guess.

you found your heart but left a part of you behind <3

HogansHero Profile Photo
#4The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 5:26pm

@stoptheworld I am not going to revisit this already well-discussed subject but with all due respect that ship has sailed. 2020 is not a guess and hasn't been for quite a while. 

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#6The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 5:41pm

Good, now we know. Thanks for the article. 

#7The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 5:43pm

HogansHero said: "@stoptheworld I am not going to revisit this already well-discussed subject but with all due respect that ship has sailed. 2020 is not a guess and hasn't been for quite a while."

Exactly. Carnegie Hall, The Metropoitan Opera, New York City Ballet, etc. have all already canceled for the rest of the year (and it’s not just New York City - the Guthrie in Minneapolis, the Joffrey in Chicago, Center Theatre Group in LA etc have all done the same).  Far from being “unreasonable”, it’s called being RESPONSIBLE.  

Unfortunately, the corollaries almost certain to follow mean that, in addition to Balanchine’s The Nutcracker not being presented at Lincoln Center for the first time ever, many other events are likely, if not all but certain, to be scrapped for this year... the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, Greenwich Village Halloween Parade, New York City Marathon, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the Christmas Market at Bryant Park... If we’re lucky, we’ll still have a tree in Rockefeller Center. But the holidays this year may very well feel as different in their own way as the spring did.   (Though I won’t miss Santa-Con, that’s for sure.). We’ll get through this by being smart, and with any luck next year will be much closer to those in the past. 

#8The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 5:52pm

stoptheworld38 said: "Say what you will, but I really think making such an (accurate) announcement before say, August, at the soonest, is completely unreasonable. The end of this year is 6 months away. That's half an entire year. I could agree with them announcing something along the lines of "the shutdown is extended past September 6 with a return date still TBD" but that could mean October, could mean January, could mean something in between. Really, people. If everyone is serious about minimizing exposure/distancing/masks/etc (which yes I realize not everyone will be), things will significantly change in the next few months, and hopefully for the better. I get that people want to be responsible and make the safest decision, but I really think deciding now what's gonna definitely happen or not happen in 6 months, people are just wasting their time. Anything right now (for better or for worse) is still just a guess."


You are just fooling your self.  No vaccine, no mega distribution of vaccine (which takes time), plus the time it is going to take to prepare to reopen once announced and you are minimally into 2021, IMO no earlier than Summer.  This really upsets me, because I don't have as many years ahead of me to make up for lost time.  IT is, however, reality.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#9The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 5:55pm

I find the people that deny the reality of this situation are the ones that cannot handle being quarantined and just staying still for a few months. They also just want everything to be normal again and don't take proper precautions against a deadly virus. Scary. 

#10The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 6:09pm

Kimbo said: "HogansHero said: "@stoptheworld I am not going to revisit this already well-discussed subject but with all due respect that ship has sailed. 2020 is not a guess and hasn't been for quite a while."

Exactly. Carnegie Hall, The Metropoitan Opera, New York City Ballet, etc. have all already canceled for the rest of the year (and it’s not just New York City - the Guthrie in Minneapolis, the Joffrey in Chicago, Center Theatre Group in LA etc have all done the same). Far from being“unreasonable”,it’s called being RESPONSIBLE.

Unfortunately, the corollaries almost certain to follow mean that, in addition to Balanchine’s The Nutcracker not being presented at Lincoln Center for the first time ever, many other events are likely, if notall but certain,to be scrappedfor this year... the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, Greenwich Village Halloween Parade, New York City Marathon, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the Christmas Market at Bryant Park... If we’re lucky, we’ll still have a tree in Rockefeller Center. But the holidays this year may very wellfeel as different in their own way as the spring did. (Though I won’t miss Santa-Con, that’s for sure.). We’ll get through this by being smart, and with any luck next year will be much closer to those in the past.

Unfortunately for NYC, something tells me that the people involved in Santa-Con won't be the most reasonable when it comes to gathering in groups. The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?

But in all seriousness, maybe this is a good time to look at the bright side, if there is one.  We have gotten so much virtual theatre during this, and as someone who often can't find the time or money to get down to the city for shows, it's awesome to see things like the Hamilton proshot or the Sondheim special that are created, at least in part, as a response to this crisis.  If it's shown me anything, it's that whenever Broadway comes back, it still has a bright future.

"I think that when a movie says it was 'based on a true story,' oh, it happened - just with uglier people." - Peanut Walker, Shucked

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
#11The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 6:12pm

There's a difference between taking proper precautions and simply throwing your hands up and waiting for a vaccine.

There's no actual guarantee of a vaccine. Traditional vaccines can take up to 15 years to safely develop. And sometimes never. So. There are lot of vaccine trials that seem hopeful and promising but accelerating the timeframe is actually quite frightening for any number of practical reasons. There might not be a guarantee of safety even with a approved vaccine... and you likely wouldn't be wise to take one until it's been on the market for several years. The administration touted a treatment they knew did very little, you don't think the first promise of a vaccine wouldn't be touted if it shows even a little promise? To be honest, those waiting solely on vaccine don't seem much less delusional than those that just want to open things up now. 

All that said. There are quite a few precautions that can be taken and are backed by science. Can we open now? No. Can we open this year? Probably not? For whatever reason, the public just refuses to comply with these containment methods. However. If we could get the public to get behind universal mask wearing, sanitation, and contact tracing... the theaters could reopen with greatly mitigated risk. Additionally, new and effective treatments are being developed every day. Is it still scary? Yea. Am I still at home? Ya. But. A new treatment could come around the curve next week and put into practice next month. Greatly mitigating risk. 

I guess we can wait until a vaccine. And I respect someone's decision to do so. But. It doesn't feel like any less of a fantasy than trying to contain and treat the virus with methods we've already developed. The virus might never go away and we might just  have to learn to live with it.




Jesus saves. I spend.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#12The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 6:13pm

The virtual theater offerings do seem to be slowing down considerably so I’m curious what will be offered up for the remainder of the time before we can return. Because we’re only 3 months into what will be a full year with no live theater.

#13The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 6:25pm

Sutton Ross said: "I find the people that deny the reality of this situation are the ones that cannot handle being quarantined and just staying still for a few months. They also just want everything to be normal again and don't take proper precautions against a deadly virus. Scary."

It's not that people are denying the reality of the situation. No one is saying we thought there was a good chance theatre would be running in November. We're just saying it's still five months away and a ton of things can and will change by then. That's all.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#14The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 6:30pm

Ok let’s (for arguments sake) say broadway could come back by November 15th (random date in the month). That would mean that by (being fair) September 1st, people would have started being vaccinated or enough of the population would be becoming immune to the disease where it would be safe to reopen because they’d have to recast, new people would have to learn the show backstage, etc etc E T C.

Now September 1st is 9 weeks away. Is there ANYTHING that leads you to believe such a reality would exist in 9 weeks?

#15The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 6:37pm

I don't at all see what September 1st has to do with anything. Businesses are reopening and people are already going back to work. Likely by end of July, we'll be to 50% capacity of most office buildings with more and more people working together in closer proximity. So a rehearsal room with 35 people in it on September 1st would in no way be unrealistic. Shows aren't going to just be completely paused as far as work being done on them until audiences can come back in. That's the last step of reopening, but months of work can be done on shows before that happens. So yes, shows could easily be back rehearsing by September 1st for a mid-November opening. Again, that mid-November opening was a super long shot, but that's not the point. The point is let's wait and see before we make concrete decisions about such a rapidly changing situation 5 months in advance.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#16The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 6:38pm

Oy. I can see you have zero interest in dealing with the reality of the situation.

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#17The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 6:42pm

The full cast of a musical getting into a rehearsal room and singing into each other's faces in early September is completely absurd. 

Updated On: 6/22/20 at 06:42 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#18The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 6:44pm

Exactly. And by the time they CAN start those rehearsals, it will be the end of the year or 2021. 

Updated On: 6/22/20 at 06:44 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#19The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 6:47pm

"It's not that people are denying the reality of the situation. No one is saying we thought there was a good chance theatre would be running in November. We're just saying it's still five months away and a ton of things can and will change by then."

The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?

#20The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 6:49pm

Broadway61004 said: "I don't at all see what September 1st has to do with anything. Businesses are reopening and people are already going back to work. Likely by end of July, we'll be to 50% capacity of most office buildings with more and more people working together in closer proximity. So a rehearsal room with 35 people in it on September 1st would in no way be unrealistic. Shows aren't going to just be completely paused as far as work being done on them until audiences can come back in. That's the last step of reopening, but months of work can be done on shows before that happens. So yes, shows could easily be back rehearsing by September 1st for a mid-November opening. Again, that mid-November opening was a super long shot, but that's not the point. The point is let's wait and see before we make concrete decisions about such a rapidly changing situation 5 months in advance."

“September 1st isn’t unrealistic but November is obviously a super long shot but lots of work on shows can get done in the next 5 months even though we have no idea if there’s any way they’ll be able to re-open 5 months in advance.”  OK, got it.  Makes total sense.  (And SUPER realistic.)

#21The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 6:58pm

It's definitely sad.  But my positive takeaway is that that's another 6 months of money I'll save on theatre tickets, not to mention dinners out and cocktails in NYC.  Hey, it's always good to find some sort of silver lining.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#22The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 7:04pm

@Broadway61004 suffice it to say you are being painfully naive on multiple fronts.


#23The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 7:07pm

HogansHero said: "@Broadway61004 suffice it to say you are being painfully naive on multiple fronts.


Actually, no. I'm just standing outside in the middle of approximately 200 people crowded on one tiny NYC block on the first night of Phase Two. If you truly believe Broadway is going to wait for a vaccine or for herd immunity, then I don't know what else to say to you. This isn't about what should be done. This is about reality.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#24The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 7:09pm

And reality is a place you clearly aren’t living in.

#25The League To Announce Broadway Canceled The Rest Of The Year?
Posted: 6/22/20 at 7:13pm

Jordan, no offense, but I'm not the one saying that people aren't going back to work until there's a vaccine, which is what you essentially said in your earlier post. So if you believe that is the reality, more power to you--I actually hope you're right and people and organizations are far more cautious than I think they'll be.

But in any case, this is obviously a completely meaningless discussion as the League has made their decision. But that doesn't change my opinion on it, nor will you.
