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JK Rowling Concerns

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#25JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 6:06pm

No, I know exactly what you’re saying and I don’t disagree. But I’m saying as for Broadway i went to see it twice last year to see a friend in it and I had no problem doing that. And as for the new series, I’m not canceling my MAX subscription for seven years to make sure she doesn’t get a few bucks from me. 

#26JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 6:08pm

"I was piled on, and the thread deleted. People expressed surprise that I could even consider her opinions transphobic."

You were piled on when you posted your feelings about her views in a thread about the staging of "Cursed Child" out of town. That IMO and others was the wrong place to discuss her views/statements. This thread you created is perfect to discuss opinions about her statements.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#27JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 6:14pm

I don’t judge you for that, Jordan. I started this thread with a genuine question. I fully expect everyone to agree that she is entirely wrong, I just struggle to find a way to combat it. Probably avoiding the show is not as important as supporting trans rights organisations and other LGBT umbrella groups.

Still, I hope the show closes and Jack Thorne gets everyone a new job when the Stranger Things play comes over.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#28JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 6:23pm

BrodyFosse123 said: "Jay Lerner-Z said: "Her ongoing campaign against trans rights has ramped up even further.

Should this prevent us from supporting Cursed Child?

Campaigning?! The woman is simply being vocal with her unmerited opinion. In no way is she “campaigning” anything. An interviewer asks her a question and she stupidly answers it and stirs the pot sending certain people in a tizzy. Nothing more. Her most recent nonsense wasn’t even justified by the 2 actors she dragged into her bubble. They know better than acknowledge her stupidity.

She has for YEARS now campaigned against Trans people unprovoked on her Social media and thrown her endorsement behind truly heinous people. This isn't a simple question and answer in an interview on occasion. It is CONSTANT. It is all her legacy has become. She simply CANNOT shut up about it she believes it so fiercely. 

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#29JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 6:32pm

Zeppie, I only did that briefly after MY thread was inexplicably locked. Anyway, that’s unimportant. Old news.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#30JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 6:36pm

Jay Lerner-Z said: "I don’t judge you for that, Jordan. I started this thread with a genuine question. I fully expect everyone to agree that she is entirely wrong, I just struggle to find a way to combat it. Probably avoiding the show is not as important as supporting trans rights organisations and other LGBT umbrella groups.

Still, I hope the show closes and Jack Thorne gets everyone a new job when the Stranger Things play comes over.

It's making money because not everyone who buys tickets reads social media and gets attacked or cancelled for supporting the show. Same for the books. 

WhoCouldBeBlue Profile Photo
#31JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 7:00pm

Of course people on here will be concerned, throw books away, hate her for her opposing views and disavow their love for Harry Potter. 

How pathetic can you be when you completely erase a person because their opinion differs from yours.  


#32JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 7:03pm

Jordan Catalano said: "No, I know exactly what you’re saying and I don’t disagree. But I’m saying as for Broadway i went to see it twice last year to see a friend in it and I had no problem doing that. And as for the new series, I’m not canceling my MAX subscription for seven years to make sure she doesn’t get a few bucks from me.

I woud still urge people to not watch the show regardless. The last Fantastic Beasts film (which had Dumbledore in the title) was considered a failure and that series is likely dead. If enough people boycott the HBO show it could also die. Ties into the whole soft power idea 

#33JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 7:05pm

WhoCouldBeBlue said: "Of course people on here will be concerned, throw books away, hate her for her opposing views and disavow their love for Harry Potter.

How pathetic can you be when you completely erase a person because their opiniondiffers fromyours.


If that is pathetic, call me that.  I refuse to allow someone filled with hate of others to have one cent of my money or time. I have never been a HP fan, but I have seen the Cursed Child both in its original 2 part form and the one part version.   Do I wish I never gave her a penny of my money.  Yep.   But you do you. 

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#34JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 7:30pm

WhoCouldBeBlue said: "Of course people on here will be concerned, throw books away, hate her for her opposing views and disavow their love for Harry Potter.

How pathetic can you be when you completely erase a person because their opiniondiffers fromyours.”


I won’t be throwing anything away and I will never deny the joy Harry Potter gave me growing up. But if you think supporting and defending a relentlessly attacked minority group is pathetic then…I don’t know what to tell you.

#35JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 7:35pm

WhoCouldBeBlue said: "Of course people on here will be concerned, throw books away, hate her for her opposing views and disavow their love for Harry Potter.

How pathetic can you be when you completely erase a person because their opiniondiffers fromyours.

"differing opinion".... pfft imagine if it were only that. since when do we mix debate club participant and playground bully up? she's beyond her "i'd march with you if you were discriminated against" days. she is quite literally harassing an entire group of people at this point, and then complaining about others using illiberal methods, as if any civil rights battle was ever won via parlor-polite tactics. it's bizarre and obnoxious. 


kdogg36 Profile Photo
#36JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 7:39pm

dramamama611 said: "I'm not throwing out the books, she gets nothing from my rereading them. Not that I'm sure I will."

I respect that choice, but another rational option would be to offer them up for sale on eBay or Amazon, so that some prospective reader will buy a used copy rather than sending a buck or two to she-who-shall-not-be-named.

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#37JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 7:46pm

A "difference of opinion" is mustard vs ketchup on hot dogs.

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#38JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 7:51pm

Jay Lerner-Z said: "Thanks all, this is for sure a better reception than my last thread on this subject got. That’s a relief."

Welcome back, and I'm very relieved that this thread broke the way it did. 

#39JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 8:15pm

she seems to have lost the plot, for lack of a better term. her initial posts (which still triggered the usual screaming and hyperventilating from the usual folks) seemed genuine, not-PC and at least based in good faith argument over "what is a woman" and how inclusion of trans people (which, relax, I fully support) impacts women and womens' events. she was wrong but the hysterical reaction was wronger.

but that seems to have radicalized her, or maybe she just dropped the mask, and is now taunting, and desperately TRYING to create buzz, and NOT just in the space of "please acknowledge biological women" but in the harsher more delusional space about denying trans history full stop. its sad and i get why people would not want to associate with her work. and this most recent snipe at actors who have been nothing but respectful of her- again, shes lost the plot.


TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#40JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 8:23pm

A lot of us wanted to believe that her original statements about trans people were perhaps misguided but still genuine and innocent, but if you go back and read them you will see they were blatant dog whistles from the beginning. I encourage everyone to listen to the J.K. Rowling episode of the podcast titled A Bit Fruity with Matt Bernstein. He has Natalie Wynn aka ContraPoints as a guest and they break the whole saga down. If you haven’t seen any of ContraPoints YouTube essays I very strongly recommend, she’s quite brilliant.

#41JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/16/24 at 10:40pm

"Zeppie, I only did that briefly after MY thread was inexplicably locked. Anyway, that’s unimportant. Old news."

You are the one who brought up the old news not me, just responded to your statement. Moving on -lol

#42JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/17/24 at 6:52am

I have tweeted at and written to HBO to stop development on the new series. THAT is going to bring her and her hate back into pop culture big time (also, it's a completely unnecessary endeavor). There was also an online petition I signed which I cannot seem to find again, but if I do I will post it here.

#43JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/17/24 at 8:32am

TotallyEffed said: "A lot of us wanted to believe that her original statements about trans people were perhaps misguided but still genuine and innocent, but if you go back and read them you will see they were blatant dog whistles from the beginning. I encourage everyone to listen to the J.K. Rowlingepisode of the podcast titledA Bit Fruity with Matt Bernstein. He has Natalie Wynn aka ContraPoints as a guest and they break the whole saga down. If you haven’t seen any of ContraPoints YouTube essays I very strongly recommend, she’s quite brilliant."

I agree-since she was so loved way back when, I think we maybe hoped her comments were uneducated and misguided. But then it just went out of control and now I won't support her. I won't get rid of my books, and no one will know I keep them, but she also doesn't get any money from me having them. 

#44JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/17/24 at 9:55am

Contrapoint's work should be worthy of the Pulitzer. She is single-handedly radicalizing Gen Z in the most watchable, digestible way possible. 

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#45JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/17/24 at 12:50pm

I had been collecting the beautiful new illustrated hardbacks, but I was finished with her by the time the third one came out.

Contrapoint is great. Alas, there is that other pro-Rowling podcast which claims to be neutral. Avoid!

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

uncageg Profile Photo
#46JK Rowling Concerns
Posted: 4/17/24 at 4:32pm

I have never heard of ContraPoints but jumped over to YouTube and am watching the Witch Hunt episode now. It is very long but very good.

Just give the world Love.
