Technical Wicked question

#0Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/9/04 at 9:36pm

At the beginning of Wicked on Saturday night it appeared the Glinda's bubble did not function properly in that the device did not make it to the stage level. Is that a part of the comedy wherein she seems to expect the bubble to make it all the way down and it doesn't? Or is it supposed to and she is stage savvy and just continued on after at least appearing surprised that she got "stuck" in midair?

First time to see it and just wondered


#1re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/9/04 at 9:41pm

I don't know if thats a new thing with JLT, but I know that didn't happen with Cheno. I think it was a mistake

CapnHook Profile Photo
#2re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/9/04 at 9:42pm

Sounds hilarious though! They should keep that in the show.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

#3re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 1:01am

"At the beginning of Wicked on Saturday night it appeared the Glinda's bubble did not function properly in that the device did not make it to the stage level. Is that a part of the comedy wherein she seems to expect the bubble to make it all the way down and it doesn't? Or is it supposed to and she is stage savvy and just continued on after at least appearing surprised that she got "stuck" in midair?"

Isn't there a part where she has to motion it to come down to her, because it doesnt come down enough? Is that whats being referred to?

CapnHook Profile Photo
#4re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 1:05am

She is supposed to leave, but is threatened with "Is true that you were her friend" - so to defend her reputation, she motions to go back down. (As opposed to just because she "isn't down far enough.")

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

#5re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 2:30am

Does anyone know exactly HOW Idina flies during "Defying Gravity"??? I didn't think it was wires like in "Peter Pan" or whatever... it looks more like she stands on something that just raises her up.... any one know for sure?

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#6re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 3:02am

Ain't it a cherry picker?

bially082 Profile Photo
#7re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 3:54am

It's a bit more complicated than that. It's a very "special" hydrolic cherry picker made for her. Has a big long arm that reaches forward more than up.

You are young, life has been kind to you. You will learn.

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#8re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 4:38am

Was there ever any point, maybe in San Fran tryouts where Idina actually flew on her broomstick in Defying Gravity, more Peter Pan style?

Akiva Updated On: 8/10/04 at 04:38 AM

Chip1012 Profile Photo
#9re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 5:01am

Indina? You've got to be kidding me. Do you really think that is her name?
I don't see why it is SO hard for everyone to be able to spell the words Idina and Kristin.
For your sake, I hope you were just typing fast and didn't catch that.

am I over reacting? I don't think so. Updated On: 8/10/04 at 05:01 AM

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#10re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 5:09am

Hah woah there...Chip

It was just a typo...fixed already. Trust me I know how to spell her name, slip of the finger.

Akiva Updated On: 8/10/04 at 05:09 AM

#11re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 12:39pm

"She is supposed to leave, but is threatened with "Is true that you were her friend" - so to defend her reputation, she motions to go back down. (As opposed to just because she "isn't down far enough.") "

Ohhhh yeah. I knew there was a part like that, I forgot the context :)

#12re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 3:21pm

When I was backstage with Idina in March, she and Joby (her dresser) both explained the flying thing the same way. There's a small piece of wood, probably no bigger than 6 x 8 inches, that Idina stands on. The black drapped skirt that covers the lift is connected to a circular metal bar that attaches to two small metal poles that extend upward from the platform and sort of wrap around her waist, but not very tightly. She is not harnessed and says she must be very careful not to move too much. Both Joby and Idina said the platform is very small and she is very careful not to move her feet while performing on the platform, hence her arm movements are about all she can do while "defying gravity."

#13re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 3:24pm

"When I was backstage with Idina in March, she and Joby (her dresser) both explained the flying thing the same way."

Whoa. That sounds terrifying. And to be performing the hardest song in the entire show (imo) on that tiny thing...woww.

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#14re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 3:28pm

Thanks for that explanation, cjoyce.

That must be really hard to stand on a little thing like that. And then as it moves, that must be really scary!

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

thibodeaux Profile Photo
#15re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 3:31pm

A friend of mine sent me a video he took of the ending of that song (how bad of him!) when he saw the show and you can see that it's a platform she's standing on. However, it's hard to believe that they would put Idina in such peril as to make her balance on a platform that small with nothing keeping her planted there...

In the original preview runs of AIDA in Chicago, the "star-cross'd lovers" in the tomb were raised up and out of sight, versus the Broadway version where the black screens enveloped them in the center; the reason being that the contraption in Chicago broke and Pascal and Headley fell out of it onto the stage--luckily, Pascal, being the hero that he is, broke her fall.

You think people would learn: SAFETY FIRST. It's immaculate watching her raise up so high, but it makes me so nervous to think that she could fall...

whatever and ever amen - ben folds five

KMF_NYC Profile Photo
#16re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 3:35pm

I can't imagine Equity or the producers of the show would allow something as dangerous as described -- if there was not harness for Galinda on the bubble, why does the cast surrond her when she gets off the first time and the when she gets back on?

"Sir K, the Viscount of Uppity-shire...." -- kissmycookie

liotte Profile Photo
#17re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 3:45pm

Galinda/Glinda does have a safety feature- there is a clip attached to her dress that she wears while doing scenes with the bubble. One of the Ozians or monkeys (whoever is in that particular scene) clips her in and out of it when the bubble is on the ground. You can see them do it throughout the show, and on occassion, you can see it if they don't cover it back up with the flap on her dress. You can also hear the click from the clip.

#18re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 3:47pm

yeah.. she is attached to the thing safely.....

poor LinK larkin Wannabe.. I will protect you from the viscious WICKED fans!

#19re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 4:09pm

I really think they should have had her actually fly on the broom, more like "Peter Pan" style. Because the way she flies now looks like shes just standing in mid-air... and the holds the broom in her hand and waves it around, not even like shes riding it...and isnt that supposed the be the whole point of her being a witch? Flying ON a broom?

thibodeaux Profile Photo
#20re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 4:29pm

Well, I think the whole deal is supposed to be that she's "defying gravity" which, in the world of the show, she is, because she has risen up above everyone else. But you never see her move, which makes me want to think that the broom helps her propell herself in different directions; not like she's Superman and can just go wherever she wants...But the broom is her guide. But here, she's just proving that she can do it, by elevating herself.

But, maybe I'm completely wrong and a fool :)

whatever and ever amen - ben folds five

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#21re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 4:39pm

Phantom487- if she did that eh's need a harness which wraps around your waist, i highly doubt she would be able to sing like that with something essentiall compressing her diaphragm (sp?) for a good deal of time (it takes a bit of time to get hooked up into a harness so she would either have to wear in from dancing through life onward or have a double do one short day while she put it on) ergo i think just standing on a platform is a reasonable comprimise

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

#22re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 4:41pm


that depends on harness design. It is SOO much easier to belt in ZFX harnesses which allow you to breathe deeper. Foy harnesses are a BITCH to sing in.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#23re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 4:47pm

well i learn something new every day, thanks for the clarification

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

#24re: Technical Wicked question
Posted: 8/10/04 at 4:48pm

no prob...

It is all in how teh straps are placed and the wieght is balanced.. ZFX's harnesses put your weight on your thighs and the 'belt' is a lot lower and doesn't shove into your diagram.....
