Nathan Lane Injury Update

HeartinNYC Profile Photo
#0Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 10:34pm

This just released from New York Times. Take care and speedy recovery, Nathan!

MANHATTAN: NATHAN LANE INJURED ON STAGE Nathan Lane, the star of the Lincoln Center Theater musical "The Frogs," was injured during the first act of yesterday's matinee and was unable to perform the rest of the show, said his publicist, Simon Halls. Mr. Lane, left, who plays the central role of Dionysos in an adaptation of the Greek comedy by Aristophanes, gashed and bruised his legs during a scene in which he descends through a trapdoor in the stage floor. He was evaluated by doctors and had no broken bones. His condition will be evaluated again today. Timothy Gulan, Mr. Lane's understudy, finished the matinee and was to perform last night. Jesse McKinley (NYT)

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...unless that's mine in the first place.

The Goat
#1re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 10:45pm

HeartinNYC: Had to laugh, as in the copy you reprint from the Times, one line says, "Mr. Lane, left, who plays the central role. . ."-- and what is pictured at "left" is your icon. Lane really IS sick as a dog, I guess!

CurtainUp2 Profile Photo
#2re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 10:51pm

Doesn't he pull something like this everytime he wants out of show?

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. - Nelson Mandela
Updated On: 9/2/04 at 10:51 PM

#3re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 10:57pm

I had the bad luck to be attending today's performance of THE FROGS, and am relieved to hear that Mr. Lane is not seriously injured. Maybe he can get some rest. Mr. Lane's performance was, to put it gently, tired. I've never seen any star performer give a more, to put it gently, tired performance than Lane gave in the first act of THE FROGS today. He seemed more interested in scanning the house to count empty seats than in anything that was happening onstage. The understudy did his best under what must have been less than ideal circumstances.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#4re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 10:58pm

Perhaps the accident came from a lack of focus then?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Prettylittlepicture Profile Photo
#5re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 10:59pm

*bursts into tears* I HAVE TO WRITE HIM A GET WELL NOTE! ARRRRRG! ;___; I can't rest until he's well and back on his feet!

I'll open a souvlaki stand! I don't even know what souvlaki is, but people seem to LOVE them!- Xanthias
You see this tree? It is a fir tree. It's called a fir tree because it gives us fur- for coats! It also gives us wool in the wintertime!- Lucy "Little Known Facts"

HeartinNYC Profile Photo
#6re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 11:05pm

The Goat: OMG! Too funny! That is actually my dog, Muffin. I'm sure Nathan is sick as a dog at the moment, but the photo is definitely not of him. re: Nathan Lane Injury Update

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...unless that's mine in the first place.

NoDayButToday2 Profile Photo
#7re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 11:06pm

get well soon nathan re: Nathan Lane Injury Update

CurtainUp2 Profile Photo
#8re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 11:15pm

Poor thing. Hope he's back on his knees real soon! re: Nathan Lane Injury Update

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. - Nelson Mandela
Updated On: 9/2/04 at 11:15 PM

#9re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 11:16pm

I hope Nathan recovers very quickly. Get better soon, Nathan!

CCM '10!

#10re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 11:17pm

Get well soon, Nathan!

#11re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 11:20pm

aww i'm so sad to hear that. get well soon!!

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

#12re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/1/04 at 11:25pm

Gashes and bruises? Oh no! Poor thing. Get well soon, Nathan!

virgil blessing2 Profile Photo
virgil blessing2
#13re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/2/04 at 2:52am

Maybe ALL those that Natahn was rude to in person can go give him a "special" visit in the hospital? lol

"I am not 'a' Eunice Burns. I am THE Eunice Burns!!!"

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#14re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/2/04 at 9:10am

Oh, I don't think they'd get very far.

Nathan's personal assistants would see to it that he's left in peace and quiet.

And, DON'T want to piss them off.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#15re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/2/04 at 9:11am

You mean those things cowering in the corner?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

secret-soul Profile Photo
#16re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/2/04 at 11:20am

he's such a diva.

Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!

CaTheatreGirl Profile Photo
#17re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/2/04 at 2:48pm

Diva? No. Injured? Yes. Wake up and have some compassion.

Get well soon, Nathan!

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#18re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/2/04 at 2:50pm

Nathan? How are you feeling, love?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#19re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/2/04 at 2:52pm

Wishing him a fast and full recovery, he's a gift in my book!

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broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#20re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/2/04 at 2:52pm

awww, poor Nathan re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
get well soon you lurker! re: Nathan Lane Injury Update

SamIAm Profile Photo
#21re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/3/04 at 1:59pm

CATheaterGirl - I couldn't agree more. I many not like a given Broadway performer, but when they are sick or hurt I don't make jokes about it. AND...during this week of slow receipts at the B.O. because of RNC the last thing anyone wanted was for Lane to be out and LCT to have a lot of returns.

Lane was a trouper and came back last night in spite of cast reports about how badly he was injured on Wed.

I hope this silences the critics who persist in the belief that he is a diva who will take any excuse to take the day off.

"Life is a lesson in humility"

HeartinNYC Profile Photo
#22re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/3/04 at 2:53pm

SamIAm, thank you. I am so sick of people whining and complaining about Nathan's "lack of professionalism". I've seen Nathan onstage since the late 80's. I've seen him with colds, flus, pulled muscles, sprains, throat polyps, and now apparently, tomorrow night there's a good chance I'll be seeing him when he's experiencing severe leg bruises and gashes. He always gives 1000%, and if there is a way to be on that stage, he will find it.

I find it interesting that when he's in a production, people are constantly complaining about him for one reason or another. And when he's not working onstage, people are constantly bemoaning the fact that he isn't working on Broadway.

Everyone, give this guy a break! There. I think my PMS is waning.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...unless that's mine in the first place.

#23re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/3/04 at 3:08pm

My PMS is just getting started, and I really want to rant about what a sweetie Nathan Lane is, but I'm too tired.

But I will say that I hate when people criticize him for not coming to the stage door after the show. He does. I guess he's shy, from what I've heard. Poor guy. I can't believe he's doing the show with his hurt leg, that's so great of him.

SamIAm Profile Photo
#24re: Nathan Lane Injury Update
Posted: 9/3/04 at 7:35pm

Mythus, you are right that Lane will come to the stage door when he's feeling up to it and isn't rushing off somewhere else. During The Producers he was often fighting injuries and throat problems and would just sign Playbills and send them out.

But he is not very comfortable with his adoring fans. He's very shy and can get defensive if he's in the wrong mood or someone is rude to him in their approach. But I have seen him be very gracious and generous as well.

He is above all things, a trouper...and from the old school and he is very dedicated to his craft and to being on stage regardless of how he feels. He took a bum rap during the Producers for being out for his throat but only WELL after he should have left to protect his voice did he actually leave...and only when it became clear that the problem was career threatening.

Bravo to him for coming back so soon when the rest of the cast would be the first to say that the injury was frightening and severe. I know the audiences will appreciate his return.

"Life is a lesson in humility"
