Shoshana Bean

#0Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 12:19pm

Is her name going to be on Ads, Posters, etc?

#1re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 1:01pm

I would think so, after Kristen left and Joel left JLT and Georges names were put on

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#2re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 1:19pm

Yes, but they are Names, where as Shoshana is not so much. I highly doubt the publicity and all that is going to be as grand as it was for when George, Joey and Jen took over the roles.

You only see that names of someone starring a show that has taken over the part if they are a somebody. There would have been publicity shots released of the new cast, like they did for the first replacements.

#3re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:08pm

Ya. Even Shoshana said that she wasn't a "big name" like Idina Menzel or Kristin Chenoweth so they probably wont write in the newspaper articles Shoshana Bean because people dont know who she is.

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#4re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:28pm

nope re: Shoshana Bean

she said on her fan site that they did away with the names above the title and now it is just "Wicked" because she isnt a big enough name, and JLT isnt really either. . Shoshana deserves it though!

#5re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:42pm

really? interesting... the names were above the title on her first night, wonder why theyd change it, especially after theyd already put it there in the first place... seems like a waste.

Wicked .. For Good
#6re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 4:45pm

yes I heard from her and they said they were making changes within the week and the website will be updated soon.

"sing til you're breaking glass, or you're breaking down.."

Wicked .. For Good
#7re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 4:46pm

yes I heard from her and they said they were making changes within the week and the website will be updated soon.

"sing til you're breaking glass, or you're breaking down.."

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#8re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 5:08pm

she had a photoshoot for it today so prob. by this weekend

surefinewhatever Profile Photo
#9re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 6:24pm

where are ppl getting that pic of shoshana bean during "defying gravity?"

" I don't cause commotions, I am one."

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#10re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 6:50pm

its up on'm sure it will be included on the wicked site when its done being updated

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

lizheartsu Profile Photo
#11re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 7:12pm

is that shosha or whoever she is in swiftnifty15's icon?

*I don't care if I'm ever rich or famous, I just wanna be a star*

#12re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 7:23pm


#13re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 7:24pm

Yup its Shoshana!! re: Shoshana Bean Shes awesome!!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#14re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 7:28pm

Hah. If Megan takes over, they will really have no stars. It's going to be a little weird with no names above the title. Maybe now it will be more...

staring Shoshana Bean & Jennifer Laura Thompson.

opposed to..

Kristin Chenoweth Idina Menzel

#15re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 7:30pm

I haven't really heard anything on her, and I am seeing it for my 2nd time on thursday, how is Bean?

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#16re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 7:55pm

Has anyone else heard the Hairspray number (Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel) on the Broadway Cares Christmas CD? (I believe it's the 5th one.) Shoshana Bean ROCKS hardcore in it. It's such a funny song too!

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

kim1061 Profile Photo
#17re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 7:58pm

i love love love the drediel song! hah its so funny.

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

#18re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 8:03pm

Shoshana is amazing as Elphaba. She has a very different singing style and a different take on the character than Idina but I like her just as much if not more...

grownupgroupie Profile Photo
#19re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 8:05pm

Infinite and Kim, that song CRACKS ME UP. I was actually in the car on my way to buying the Christmas tree this year when that came on the radio and it was like, the perfect holiday kick-off. Hilarious.

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#20re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 8:09pm

Hahaha don't you guys love Harvey's portion of the song?
"Here's a little dreidel! It's small and made of clay.
But I'm not gonna play with it 'cause I'm too rich and gay!!!"

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

iamemma Profile Photo
#21re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 8:56pm

I assume because they have to take Idina's name off they will fill hers in

"its the wicked witch of the west your mother.."--- marks mom, RENT

kim1061 Profile Photo
#22re: Shoshana Bean
Posted: 1/25/05 at 9:27pm

haha that part is so funny.
I love the girls in the beginning "just try and stop us!!" haha
i love when everyone combines together and sings.

Harvey can you believe it? I got these CHRISTIANS singing the dreidel song!" hahaaha

it's too funny
it's got the peppiest beat haha

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous
