
Julius Ceaser with Denzel......any thoughts?

Julius Ceaser with Denzel......any thoughts?

Icbanannie Profile Photo
#0Julius Ceaser with Denzel......any thoughts?
Posted: 6/2/05 at 8:08am

WOW! Ok so I went to see Julius Ceaser last night and I was just blown away by how horrible it really was. The acting was fine, no problem, but the production is set in some weird military state and there are men with assualt rifles, swat teams, and army fategues. For a few scenes I felt as if we were in the middle of a real war, it was just very very poor taste.

I understand that Shakesphere can trancend many times, but this show left me uncomfortable and really wondering why an actor like Denzel would do such a bad show.

Had anyone else seen this? Did you like it? I would love to hear other people impressions!

Updated On: 6/2/05 at 08:08 AM

#1re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......something worse then Little Women
Posted: 6/2/05 at 8:17am

There were certainly questions I had concerning this production. However, I felt the intention was to present a scenario in which a megalomaniac has created a situation in which his country is completely at odds with itself, to the point of actually being at war. In todays climate, I can easily see how this could use some investigation through the arts. I'm not sure why you would find it in 'poor taste'.

#2re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 8:32am

It's a curious statement to be sure. The acting was fine, but it was awful production. Interesting.

Do you feel that by setting it in a wartime situation it trivializes what is going on Iraq?

I'm intriqued now...I want to see it more than ever!

(I don't understand the Little Women slam in the original subject line either. ET TU AMY?)

Updated On: 6/2/05 at 08:32 AM

OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#3re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 8:53am

On that semi boring show about Broadway a few weeks ago, they were showing cips of Julius Ceaser. I, again, was less than impressed by what I saw Denzel doing. He acts the same in every damn thing he does. He's what I like to call a Julia Roberts actor. Not really "bad," just not that good and no conception of creating and embodying a DIFFERENT CHARACTER. I'd have much rather seen Morgan Freeman or Don Cheadle in that role, if they're intention was to go with an African American.


Icbanannie Profile Photo
#4re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 9:02am

In a way I felt that it was done with the war in Iraq in mind. Not sure if the degisner or director was for or against the war, but the whole productiong did not sit well with me. I wondered how Shakesphere woudl have felt with men killing each other with guns in his shows, this with swords. It was just a strange production based on the setting, set, and design. The acting was still strong, although I thought the men playing Cassious, Mark Antony, and Ceaser were better by far then Denzel's Brutus.

#5re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 9:28am

I would imagine that any playwright - including Shakespeare - would be astounded to learn that their work was being performed 400+ years after it was written. And as to the use of guns, his work frequently had anachronistic touches. I'm not sure he'd be offended that the work was being re-interpreted using the knowledge of the current times.

BlueWizard Profile Photo
#6re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 12:31pm

Staging Shakespeare in another time period pretty standard practice now. As long as the text isn't modified severely, I don't have a problem with it; in the Elizabethan/Jacobean era they always staged plays in contemporary garb anyway, so I think Shakespeare would have approved.

Just be thankful the text is the same -- I just came back from a ghastly production of Ibsen's HEDDA GABLER where the second act was set in the present, and the adaptation took some questionable liberties, with dialogue changes to include cocaine, rape and snuff porn.

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."
Updated On: 6/2/05 at 12:31 PM

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#7re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 12:35pm

I posted my review on CAESAR a while back, but since you asked...

I really really loved the direction and the production. The set design was great, and the lighting should have been nominated for a Tony. As far as the acting goes, there were a few decent performers but overally, the acting was poor.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#8re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 12:44pm

I really disliked this show. I thought it was badly acted (particularly Mr. Washington) and bizarrely designed. And that damn music they kept playing made me want to borrow someone's dagger and end my suffering.

Dummy Profile Photo
#9re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 2:25pm

This would seem to be an opportune moment for JC to return to the stage...as DGrant points out:

"the intention was to present a scenario in which a megalomaniac has created a situation in which his country is completely at odds with itself, to the point of actually being at war."

That's it, in a nutshell. The production could have done so much more with the material than it does, but I still doubt that most American audiences are ready to open their minds to the frightening implications of its hints at similarity between our own times and Caesar's. It fails on many levels, Washington's performance as Brutus is just one. I think he would have made a more interesting Antony.

SWTaffy Profile Photo
#10re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 2:29pm

Does Denzel come out after matinees to sign? I have two friend going on Saturday who are crazy about him.

It's worth a shot/ :) www.freephotoiPods.com/?r=15009978

broadway86 Profile Photo
#11re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 2:47pm

Regardless of his work on stage, I think that he is an outstanding film actor.

#12re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 2:50pm

I would say watching GLORY and PHILADELPHIA back-to-back would give support to that evaluation.

Thetruth Profile Photo
#13re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 3:09pm

Morgan is the one who plays the same roles, not Denzel.

Nipper Profile Photo
#14re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 4:35pm

Denzel's nice to look at, regardless of his acting skills

#15re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 4:36pm

Am seeing this show Sunday. I'm highly anticipating it.

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#16re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 5:13pm

A truly horrible production, with an amateur performance by Washington. He totally walks through the show, occasionally glancing out with a look that seems to say, "You love me, don't you?" No, Denzel, we don't. Learn to act.

Matt_G Profile Photo
#17re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 5:15pm

I do love Denzel, MEF but not in this. This truly was one of the most dissapointing evenings I've ever spent at the theatre.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#18re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 5:16pm

I am probably one of the five people in the world who thinks that Denzel Washington is the most overrated actor to walk the Earth.

Holliwoodblonde Profile Photo
#19re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 7:04pm

This is my first attempt at any sort of review so be nice! lol

Overall I enjoyed myself, though, if I hadn't read the play in school I would have been so ridiculously lost. I was disapointed with Denzel's performance and throughout the play only saw him as Denzel Washington, never Marcus Brutus.

The lighting, direction, and sets were amazing. I don't understand why it wasn't nominated for lighting, my sister actually asked me if part of the stage was outside the lighting was that well done.

In response to the comments about the military dress and suits and such, after discussing it with my English teacher I feel like togas would have been extremely distracting.

***steps off soapbox***


melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#20re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 7:35pm

"I'd have much rather seen Morgan Freeman or Don Cheadle in that role, if they're intention was to go with an African American."

If there absolute intention was to cast an African American, it should've been Jeffrey Wright. He would've been f*cking brilliant.

Matt_G Profile Photo
#21re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 8:34pm

Or Mike Tyson.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#22re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 8:36pm

"Friends, Romans, Countrymen..." *bites of Colm Feore's ear*

Matt_G Profile Photo
#23re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 8:37pm

Actually, it would be "Fwendth, womanth, counthrymen..."

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#24re: Julius Ceaser with Denzel......
Posted: 6/2/05 at 8:38pm

Robin Givens as Portia?
