
Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?

Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?

hawkeyemania Profile Photo
#1re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 9:57am

I don't know, I mean you could say the same for any show that performed. But I think it was great.

In the words of Mr. William Morris Barfee, "In my whole life I have only been able to breathe through one nostril and today is no exception!"

#2re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:08am

i think it was the best choice because pandemonium would have ended up with everyone going and looking crazy (ie great big stuff from drs) and it would not be inviting to the audience. this way they showed some great bits of the score, the wittiness of the show, and every member got a chance on stage. i thought it was great. it was like a mini-preview of the whole show.

nmartin Profile Photo
#3re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:21am

Spelling Bee was the only performance on the Tonys that made me want to buy a ticket.

TGIF Profile Photo
#4re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:35am

I thought it was great. Having never seen the show it made me want to. All of us watching were laughing so hard, I think it was a perfect choice (unlike DRS - oy).

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!

Beanwannabe Profile Photo
#5re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:36am

I think it was a great choice. It showed how fun Spelling Bee is and from the news sites, really seemed to boost ticket and cd sales. I think the only performance of that evening that helped the show. DRS was a disaster. Spamalot was cool to showcase Sara, but I heard it was dubbed because she was so sick. Granted that girl can sing, but still to sick to be in the show?

ken8631 Profile Photo
#6re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:37am

I thought Bee did a great job representing what the show was. Having Trump on would have been better than Sharpton though, but Al did a great job!

TGIF Profile Photo
#7re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:40am

My sister was asking if Sharpten was really in the show (as in regularly) and my grandmother (who, well, isn't all there) was like "YEP! THATS HIM!"

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!

magruder Profile Photo
#8re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:42am

I thought it was really ballsy of them to eschew a traditional musical performance. I think the approach they took, using substantial sections of the show's dialogue, gave a TV audience a much better sense of the style of the show. To me, it was the most successful of any of the show segments.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

#9re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:44am

exactly. and rachel did win for her book, so that was showcased a little instead of only the score. it was unique and done really well. cheers to spelling bee.

#10re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:46am

They did many different songs.

CCM '10!

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#11re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:02am

I'm totally with Magruder on this one. I really enjoyed Spelling Bee when I saw it and I'm very happy that they chose to 'show off' a bit of the book too. Because let's face it, that's what this show is all about, they have the most amazing book and really deserved that Tony. On the other hand, the score is definitely not the best, so they did exactly the right thing!


'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero

#12re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:05am

qm, although yes, i think the book is stellar, the score really is perfect for this show and i think many people are overlooking it simply because they don't think of it as being as "sophisticated" as piazza or other things. but this show is about 11 year olds! it is a perfect synthesis of book and score. you can't make the score something that book is not. i think william finn is a genius for writing this score the way he did (let alone his other works.)

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#13re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:15am

O the score works really well for the show. I wouldn't change it if I were Bill Finn.

I think the performance was perfect at capturing everything that Spelling Bee's about. What a lovely way to preview a wonderful night at the theatre. And a great way for people to want to go see the show.


QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#14re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:23am

Apdarcey, I understand what you're saying about the show being about kids and I agree with you. Obviously, I can only speak for myself but the score didn't do anything for me, especially comparing it to the other four big shows this seasons.

The numbers were good, funny and touching but I had a bit of a 'so what' moment with some of them. At the risk of sounding amateurish but I always judge a score by how much I remember it afterwards, who did what number and what they were all about. I was unable to do so after having left Spelling Bee... So in a few words, I found the score forgettable. And don't forget, I LOVED the show.


'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero
Updated On: 6/7/05 at 11:23 AM

Drew7810 Profile Photo
#15re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:32am

I think that their performance was something that really showcased the talent and the show to encourage ticket sales! And although I have seen it, I wanna see it again!

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#16re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:37am

Drew, is that Charo in your avatar?

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

#17re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 12:16pm

qm.. i obviously can't argue with the fact if you found the score forgettable. i didn't. i thought it was the most memorable of the season and i loved it.. oh well.

thibodeaux Profile Photo
#18re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 12:27pm

I think it was a really good choice; definitely the best of the night!

And they probably chose that one cuz whats-his-name was up for the Tony (which he deservingly won!)

Great performance, can't wait to get the obcr and hopefully see the show soon!

whatever and ever amen - ben folds five

#19re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 1:37pm

I loved the performance and now want to see the show?
BTW: WHO was the singer at the end..the one who walked Al Sharpton into the audience? What a great voice!

#21re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 2:13pm

I loved this performance!! My entire family wants to see it now (they are non theatre-folk) They were all saying "I really liked the one with the guy and the foot!"

#22re: Spelling Bee Tony Perf. - Why did they choose that song?
Posted: 6/7/05 at 2:13pm

Double Post Updated On: 6/7/05 at 02:13 PM
