Rentheads vs Altarholics

bwaylyric Profile Photo
#0Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 8:30pm

Who is more annoying? Which group would you rather be surrounded by at their respective shows? I only ask because I recently watched Altar Boyz and was surrounded by throngs of "Altarholics," and it was not a pleasant experience.

We know the Rentheads to lipsynch all the music, mimic some of the choreography, and cheer loudly. From what I observed, the same holds true for the Altarholics with one addition - I found them to be a competitive group.

How so? Of course, they know every single line, lyric, when to cheer, when to applaud, etc. It's just that I observed many of them trying to outdo each other. At times, I wished they would stop cheering back and forth so I could make out the lyrics. I sat in the center orchestra behind a bunch of them, and I saw some of the looks they gave to other 'holics on the sides. After one of the numbers, one girl stood up before the song was finished. I noticed some giving her this "you can't stand before we do" look.

Indeed AB is supposed to have that concert feel, but none of this stuff. I guess teen girls will be teen girls. Then again, maybe this happens when Backstreet Boys and Nsync are in town.

When is adult night at Stage 4?

#1re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 8:34pm

I'd rather be surrounded by RENTheads because well I am one and the fact that they tend to be friendly and non-competitive (in my experiences) until it comes to Mooing.

Aigoo Profile Photo
#2re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 8:35pm

I don't think "Altarholics" hold a candle to Rentheads, but Rentheads are a small little uncharted island compared to the gigantic continent that the Wicked-ites are.

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TabooWickedFan Profile Photo
#3re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 8:35pm

did you go to Altar Boyz tonight, or was it awhile ago?

"But I relish every brillant inspired moment. This is who I'm determined to be- an actor/singer/dancer-no, I take that back, this is who I am. These people are my tribe, my destiny. I know it. -How I Paid for College; A story of sex, theft, friendship and musical theater.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#4re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 8:36pm

Rent is a far better show....

So rentheads....if I was seeing Rent.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#5re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 9:14pm

The RENThead things seems to be past its prime, though. While there are certainly still full-force RENTheads (as well as lesser ones, I suppose). The Altarholics are at their peak; the show is big, and they have a lot of really hardcore fans. It might be better to compare the way they are now to the way RENTheads were when RENT was still the "it" show.

That said, I'm not into crazy either way, but I'd rather be in a room of RENTheads, simply because I have far stronger feelings for the show, so I think I'd be more forgiving about being subjected to insanity.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#6re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 9:15pm

RENTheads win.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

staticradar Profile Photo
#7re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 9:17pm

yeah if you went yesterday or today then the Altarholics were in full force due to yesterday being the last day all the boyz performed together and today being Tyler and Daniels last day. I'm sure it's gonna calm down soon with most of the cast leaving.

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-"Sorry-Grateful" Company

One Song Glory
#8re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 9:31pm

I'd pick RENTheads like me.

I'm not a gay stereotype. I'm a coincidence.

kangaroo Profile Photo
#9re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 9:35pm

I would love to be surrounded by RENTheads... I live in a small town that doesn't have any Broadway geeks like me, so to be around a group of people who love RENT like me, it would be such an awesome feeling!

NIL MAGNUM NISI BONUM "No greatness without goodness."

RENThead, enLIGHist, Ozalot, Grobanite, Ringer, Pickwick LW, Wicked, Lost, American Dreams, West Wing
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almostxfamous Profile Photo
#10re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 9:44pm

It's interesting that you say the Altarholics are a competitive group. What's odd is that we all are friends. All the girls on the boards are friends with each other, and most go to the show together a lot.
When I saw the show on June 18th, I saw the Altarholics on the side, and they did nothing to draw attention away from the show. Also, many of the fans on the forum who have met the more recognizable Altarholics and said they were nothing but sweet to them.

Being an Altarholic and a RENThead, I wouldn't mind being surrounded by either, as long as they don't take attention away from the show.

But in all honesty, I know the Altarholics to be a very sweet,loving, accepting group. And the boyz are very gracious to all of us. Two Altarholics even made a scrapbook for Daniel, a very fan friendly, amazing understudy for all 5 roles, whose last night was tonight. Also, they had many of the Altarholics included, and they made it for him. But they are in full force for Daniel and Tyler(Mark)'s last days.

Did you stay after to meet the boyz?

#11re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 9:45pm

I would love have a bunch of RENTheads around me, especially in the theatre when RENT comes out, but I highly doubt that because I don't even know of RENTheads that live in my area.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#12re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 9:49pm

and the fact that they tend to be friendly and non-competitive

wow. you haven't met the evil ones... lucky you. re: Rentheads vs Altarholics

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#13re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 11:36pm

I must admit that I have never seen Rent, but I have met some of the people who absolutely love it. The ones I know are very intelligent, creative, introspective, forlorn types who see the show as a metaphor for their own lives in many ways. So I know Rentheads but not Rent. Rentheads don't bother me.

Altar Boyz, on the other hand, I have seen 4--going on 5--times, so I am very familiar with it AND the "Altarholics." In sharp contrast to Rentheads, they seem like post-pubescent school girls who have crushes on all the guys in the show. They appear to have no other life outside of Altar Boyz, which is starting to affect my enjoyment of the show. They act like it's THEIR show and they are obsessed with being connected to it in some personal way. They give out fliers on Times Square and organize little pep rallies or something to pump up the audience. They are extremely annoying yet criticize everyone else in the audience who isn't in “the clique.” I'm beginning to feel like I'm stuck in some sort of bizarre time warp reliving the worst years of my life: high school, where I was amazed and embarrassed by the way my gender behaved whenever "a guy" was in the picture. I used to think then "How obvious? Don't they realize how ridiculous they look or that they're only being used?" I think the same thing here. If my daughter grows up to be like one of them, I am going to become a cloistered nun and embarrass her right back.

Altarholics need to get a life. I hear that women my age who like the show are called AltarMomz. Perhaps we can start a wider group that includes AltarDadz and AltarPartnerz...who cares, as long as they're all AltarGROWN-UPz!

Have a nice day! re: Rentheads vs Altarholics

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"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars
Updated On: 7/11/05 at 11:36 PM

#14re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/10/05 at 11:42pm

I have met the mean ones, but i try and stay away from them.

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#15re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/11/05 at 1:15am

I don't know why I am going to even bother responding to this thread considering it seems like it was created to make people feel bad about enjoying a show they love.

Yes, I am an Altarholic. And I am also a Renthead ... and I am kind of curious why the Wicked Fans and many other fan groups who I find to be so much worse weren't included in this thread. I love both shows ... but it just annoyed me that someone said we organizes rallies to hand out flyers. Ever heard of a street team? We do publicity to promote a show we love because we want it to stay open. And if you ever went to the boards for Altar Boyz, you would realize that every person there is welcomed with open arms .... I honestly have not seen a nicer group of people than the Altarholics. I may not agree with everything they do in that theatre but they are really welcoming, never jealous and incredibly nice .... all of them. And I really hope I don't get attacked for this seeing as I think this thread was kind of pointless to being with.

Edited to say: I really dont actually think it was pointless as it was someone expressing their opinion, but I am just frustrated because I find the Altarholics to be so welcoming to any fan of the show they meet and I don't like seeing them attacked.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"
Updated On: 7/11/05 at 01:15 AM

#16re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/11/05 at 1:21am

I don't think the thread was pointless. bwaylyric was frustrated by the altarholics and desired to express it in this forum.

"I am the sound of distant thunder, the color of flame." CARRIE the Musical

#17re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/11/05 at 7:32am

I can honestly say that I'm someone who has loved Rent since 1998 and has camped out (and caught killer colds) for more than a few shows (I love my Benny's, what can I say...). I've seen the show 43 times (I know this isn't a lot compared to some, but I live in Texas --- so this is as big a number as I'm likely to get for ANY show), and I wouldn't give up the friends I've made in that show for ANYTHING.

I do love my RENTheads. (And I'm a little sad that I'm no longer a part of that community, since I really only kept a strong bond with the fans I met while the Benny's were going on)

That said, I think the Altarholicz have to win.

RENTheads are a nice bunch, but they hit their stride in about 2000. While there are still a lot of dedicated fans, it'll never be like it was (especially with the movie coming).

Altar Boyz has the nicest, most dedicated group of fans I have ever had the pleasure of being introduced to. I'll fully admitt that we're all a little, uh, enthusiastic about the show, but if you'd take the time to read the Altarholics forum (I'm being serious --- you'd see that each and every person that comes out of "lurkdom" or just posts is immediately welcomed with open arms.

I've always found RENTheads to be the possessive ones. Their forums had a tendancy to be very stand-offish and clique-y, but to meet them in real life, you'd realize they were a nice bunch as well (if still OVERLY clique-y).

As for the whole "teen girls will be teen girls" thing, I'd like to point out that most of us are ADULTS. I think there are only like 3 or 4 underage fans. The boyz just bring out the fangirl in us. :)

"Water never looked so good til you're down on the desert floor, scrapin' around for a taste of what you always took for granted."

#18re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/11/05 at 8:25am

I think everybody should just calm down. We're all on this forum because we love theater. I don't really think there's any point in offending people and fighting over which show has "better fans". " being an "us" for once, instead of a "them"..."--by creating this whole Fan vs. Fan thing we're forgetting about the certain ideas that certain shows are all about. I'm not taking sides at all here and I'm not blaming anybody.
Updated On: 7/11/05 at 08:25 AM

bwaylyric Profile Photo
#19re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/11/05 at 10:58am

Thanks, ColorOfFlame. You took the words right out of my mouth.

I'm all for theater lovers coming out to support their shows by watching them a gazillion times, rallying to save a show, or just spreading the word. Every show needs a fan base. I was just voicing my observations and an experience I had as an audience member.

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#20re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/11/05 at 11:56am

bwaylyrc, I think you are way off base. The Alterholics are some of the nicest people I've ever met, and I've never heard of competition between any of them.

And most of them ARE adults, actually. I've only met one or two who are under 18, and most of the ABz fan base seems to be in the early to mid 20s.

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#21re: Rentheads vs Altarholics
Posted: 7/11/05 at 12:07pm

I just went to the Altar Boyz forum and everyone does appear to be long as the person posting doesn't "disagree" with the Altarholics. When that happens, they all descend en masse like a swarm of bees.

Theater IS for all people and it belongs to EVERYONE. And, as we all know, everyone has an opinion, so let's just chill, let people have their say and allow people to enjoy the show in their own way...or NOT enjoy it if that's the case.

BTW, no one is saying that the Altarholics, the Rentheads, Wicked Fans, or even the elite group of those unfortunate enough to have seen "Home Sweet Homer" are mean, uncaring, unkind, cold or unloving. No one's character is being analyzed or judged. It's just about being able to attend the theater and having as positive an experience as possible (which was near impossible at "Home Sweet Homer"! re: Rentheads vs Altarholics ) Let's not ruin it for anyone else.

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars
