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Piazza's Ideal Cast

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#0Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 10:45am

Patti Cohenour as Margaret
Jennifer Hope Wills as Clara
Adam Brazier as Fabrizio
I still haven't seen Katie in this role(just read the negative reviews from users on BWW, but still i don't really pay too much attention to any critic). But the new Fabrizio didn't really do much for me. And Victoria has done the role for way too long...she needs a break probably. That would be my ideal cast i think. Jennifer was very close to get the maybe they still kept her in mind. She didn't get the role when she auditioned for "Wonderful Town" and then they called her to be part of the New Cast with Brooke Shields, so i still have "hopes" of Jennifer as the next Clara.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#1re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 10:47am

i really would have loved to see Jennifer Hope Wills in Piazza, but i'm sure that Katie Clark will finish out the remainder of the run (July 2nd). If they do extend, I hope Patti Cohenour does take over for Vicki. When is Vicki scheduled for another vacation? I am definitely seeing Patti in the role during that week!

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#2re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 10:49am

FOr me, the OBC is ideal.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#3re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 10:55am

well...i agree with the OBC...but the last time i saw the show...i don't know Victoria seemed tired playing her role...maybe she really was. She was cracking jokes all the time...and the new Fabrizio was great...but didn't have the same "magic" it had when it was what i thought. I saw Kelli's last week...she was amazing as usual though. I also heard Jennifer Hughes was great as Clara. But never saw her.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

Pippin Profile Photo
#4re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 10:55am

bobby buddy, that is just what I was about to write. nothing comes close to Kelli and Victoria.

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#5re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 10:56am

It's a huge role. Wouldn't you be tired?

#6re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 10:57am

OBC, all the way. You're right- Kelli and Vicki were dynamic together. There will never be quite the same "bond" on stage without them.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#7re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 11:00am

I have never seen any other Clara but i can't say that no other actress will have the same chemistry that Kelli and Victoria...all of you talking...did you see any other Clara but Kelli? i think just because they originated the doesn't mean they are the best. Some replacements have been better than the originals.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#8re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 11:08am

"I still haven't seen Katie in this role(just read the negative reviews from users on BWW"

The reviews haven't been that negative; people have just said that she's not as good as Kelli. That was to be expected, she originated the role.

kissmycookie Profile Photo
#9re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 11:27am

The OBC has been ideal.

As has every Fabrizio that's been in it so far.

And I disagree with Vicky being "tired." Five times (and counting) I've seen her play it, and she brings a different nuance every time.

Will be catching Katie in it soon and expect that she brings a different but equally excellent aspect to it.

kyle. Profile Photo
#10re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 11:36am

re: Piazza's Ideal Cast

there will never be quite the same bond onstage as when victoria and celia did the show together. they were with the show from the very beginning, what they did on stage cant even compare to victoria and kellis performance. and if you look at a picture of the two of them together, they actually LOOK like they could be mother and daughter.

im very sad to say i was disappointed with pattis margaret. i saw her do the role in august. im a HUGE patti supporter, i think the women is amazing. but she wasnt margaret for me. i didnt see a connection between her and kelli. i didnt see a struggle to make the life altering decisions she was having to make for herself and her daughter. and i felt her voice didnt fit the role. i understand its a CRAZY hard part, and for someone who doesn't sing it everyday, it might be a bit of a challenge to go out and perform.

i guess i was just expecting more. im NOT trying to hate on her, because i LOVE ME some patti c! thats my GIRL! im just hoping i saw her on an off night... lol
Updated On: 12/29/05 at 11:36 AM

#11re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 11:38am

Well, have certainly never seen Victoria "tired"...her monumental performance just keeps growing and growing with more and more nuances. Simply a phenomenal actress whose heart and soul shines through in her work.

Katie is a different Clara but totally valid and endearing in her portrayal...and I loved Jennifer Hughes. Victoria has been exceeding giving and loving to both on stage and off.

Yes, while people will always have a special place in their hearts for Kelli who originated the role and made it her own, the other Claras have each had their own strong points, and it is maybe a bit unfair to hold them up to someone else's standard when they are bringing their own individual "light" to the character.

Of course, then there is Burnham. Sorry - but as good as all the other Fabrizio's have been...for many of us, there is THIS one towering above all the others. But then, that too all comes down to personal opinion and individual preference.

All in all, Piazza has held up incredibly well...and every cast is in its own special way "Piazza's Ideal Cast" - because the show is an "ideal" show.

Bravo and brava to them ALL!

#12re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 12:20pm

Great casting.
I loved this show and although I thought the cast was amazing it's still fun to imagine others in the roles.
How long will it run. Any chance of another cast turn over?

#13re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 12:29pm

I loved Katie. I thought she was a fresh light in the show. Good advice to not go by the reviews on BWW, better to make up your own mind.
I didn't care for the the new Fabrizio either. He's handsome but not much of an actor. Very musical theatre (does that make sense?) But that being said I really didn't care much for Matthew Morrison. I would love to see a better actor in the role. Adam Brazier is a great actor amd a great choice. I think Hunter Foster is under-reated and I would love to see him tackle a role like that.
I have heard it will be closing with this company though. Is that true? Any word?

#14re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 12:51pm

Wow...Celia and Victoria Clark really do look like mother and daughter...I think it would have been great to see them together. I don't think anyone can begin to compare chemistry between the new have to remember that Kelli and Victoria were with the show from the beginning and had time to create a very strong friendship and bond. Replacements are not afforded that same luxary.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#15re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 12:55pm

Myth ...i think hunter is very talented...he would probably be great in it. And as i said...i just listen to the can be Brantley or Barnes or any of the BWW users. I want to see a show or a performer before i comment, something a lot of people on here should do as well. And your comment of "very musical theatre" makes sense i mean a great singer with limited acting skills, but it still works?
Issa: you have seen Katie, Kelli and Jennifer. Why do you think Jennifer Hughes wasn't good enough to replace Kelli? What happened?
and finally...Kyle...they really look great together...did Celia audition for the show in NYC? or she was just over it after doing it in Seattle or wherever she played Clara.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#16re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 12:57pm

I don't think any cast could be the original Broadway cast.

Going to see Patti step in for Vicky in a few weeks and very excited. Patti is my voice teacher, so I'm thrilled for it to happen.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Doogie Profile Photo
#17re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 12:59pm

Brazier is too old for Fabrizio.... TOO OLD. plus not the right kind of sexy.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#18re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 1:02pm

i thought Brazier was under 30? maybe it was because of my bad seats when i saw WIW

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#19re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 1:03pm

I have also heard that Jennifer Hughes is terrific. Sadly, understudies are often overlooked when casting a replacement since it is more work to replace the understudy (they would have to teach the replacement the ensemble track and the understudy track). Also some directors/producers sadly can't see the person as anything else but an understudy once they have been cast as such. Hopefully Jennifer will hit upon something of her own one day. I think it shows great character of both Jennifer and David that they have stayed with show after being looked over. I suppose that happens all the time and what great troopers understudies are...look at Linda Muggleston. I think they have one of the hardest jobs on Broadway.

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#20re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 1:04pm

I'd like the know the real reason why Celia wasn't Clara in NY. I heard rumors that it was because she looked to young to actually be 26, but I'm sure there's much more to it than that. I LOVE, however, that Kelli was originally Franca and was asked to step into the role of Clara for the Broadway mounting. I mean what complete opposites those 2 characters are!!!

". . . POP . . ."

#21re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 1:11pm

For the record...I LOVE Aaron Lazar! His voice is so beautiful and he is so connected to the role and looks much more Italian than either Matt or David. He may look a little older than he should but I certainly didn't care. I wondering how it is working now with Aaron and Katie since Katie looks much younger than 26. That was the thing that was so beautiful about Kelli...she was a woman first and that added to the confusion and mystery of her character. I wonder why they replaced her with someone so young...especially if it is true that they thought Celia was too young? Casting is always a mystery I guess. I'm looking forward to seeing it again soon and hopefully it will have a life beyond Lincoln Center. What a beautiful show.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#22re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 1:17pm

well...obviously Celia was not casted for other reason...becuz Katie looks her age and she is 21...not there must have been other reasons...anyhow...when is Patti taking the leading role theatretrash?

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#23re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 1:21pm

I think the opening Broadway company had been perfectly cast. I would have liked to have seen David Burham bumped up to Fabrizio though. He was fabulous when I saw him. Saw Jennifer Hughes that same day, but she was very "pitchy" in the 1st act.

Muscle, I believe Patti is just filling in while Vicki is on vacation.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany
Updated On: 12/29/05 at 01:21 PM

zelda Profile Photo
#24re: Piazza's Ideal Cast
Posted: 12/29/05 at 1:41pm

i agree there is no other ideal cast than the OBC. i think it's a bit disrespectful to be making such inquiries when the show is still running.
