
Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?

Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?

#0Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:01pm

Can I ask...what is the whole "stage door" thing about? I'm guessing it's when people wait outside the shows for the actors to come out so they can get an autograph, right? I guess I just assumed that the actors preferred to be left alone. Is it more of a younger crowd scene? Mostly tourists? Do the actors get huffy or are the accomodating?

I'm seeing Sweeney in a few weeks and was told to stop by to say Hi after the show. I don't want to do that if it's a mob scene or a fangirl thing.

#1re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:05pm

Many actors I've heard from love meeting the public. After all, they're nothing without the public. J. Robert Spencer, from Jersey Boys, every time I've seen him, jumps over the barricades to be "with his people." Cyndi Lauper in 3penny Opera is also very accomodating, stating "we actors don't do it for the awards or reviews, we do it for the fans."

Occasionally you'll meet the actor who is in a rush, or thinks he/she's too big to sign autographs. Even Julia Roberts signs for as many people as she can.

The Sweeney cast members are all extremely accomodating and very nice.

BroadwayChica Profile Photo
#2re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:07pm

The Sweeney Todd stagedoor is very civilized, not too crowded, and not at all a "fangirl" scene. The fact that some people actually believe this is very amusing to me.

The actors are gracious, and more than happy to sign autographs, pose for pics, answer questions, etc.

mominator Profile Photo
#3re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:09pm

The cast of Faith Healer were great. Cherry Jones chats with everyone.

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#4re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:11pm

Moxie- "stage dooring" is for everyone. Most stars enjoy it, expect it and particpate when they can- which is often. They love to meet the fans and sign and talk.

Just be sure to respect any special rules the backstage doorman may announce and have re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About? It's fun!

Only when stars like Hugh Jackman, Hugh Panaro, ect are there or there is a BIG schoolgroup at WICKED is it "fangirly."


Act4ever Profile Photo
#5re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:21pm

I've only had positive stage door experiences both on Broadway and when I've done it for road shows. It puts your theatre experience on a different level... it's nice to be able to congratulate an actor on a performance well done... it's like telling someone that you like how they cut your hair... It's always been civilized.. and if you're lucky, you often meet cool people (besides the actors)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#6re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:24pm

You'd put Hugh Jackman and Hugh Panaro on the same level? Hugh Panaro is hardly a big star, let alone one as big as Hugh Jackman.

Depends on the actor. What you get out of it depends on how you act. The crowd size, honestly, often depends on the weather.

How crowded Sweeney gets varies, but even if it gets crowded, I don't think I've ever heard of mass chaos. The cast is extremely accomodating and kind, and you'll see all kinds of people at the stage doors -- from kids to old ladies.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 6/13/06 at 08:24 PM

#7re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:35pm

I guess I just assumed that Sweeney was such a draning show that the actors wouldn't want to stop and chat. I've never done the stage door thing. Still not sure I will.

#8re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:35pm

Michael Cerveris feels bad when he takes too long to come out of the theater b/c people have been waiting outside.

He's precious!!! re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?

Usually actors like to talk to the public after a performance.

"Michael's got a head like a Ping Pong Ball" -The Cast of Sweeney-
Updated On: 6/13/06 at 08:35 PM

#9re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:38pm

I found that funny too. BFO's stage door was packed, but when I saw Phantom with Panaro I was the only one at the stage door.

The entire cast of Sweeney is extremely kind. I've met everyone except Mark Jacoby, and they all stayed and signed/talked with everyone. Michael was very funny, and John Arbo was making jokes about how ridiculous it was that a poster from the show costs like $20.

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#10re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:40pm

The Rent stage door can get pretty fangirlish, and I always spot actors fleeing from there as soon as possible. re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About? But the ones that do stick around are usually incredibly nice and will sign whatever you have and snap some pictures.

There were only...7-8 people at the Sweeney stage door on Sunday, and everyone except Patti came out, despite the fact that the awards were just a few hours away. Some of them were even half dressed. re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#11re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:47pm

The Sweeney Todd stagedoor is usually very calm and collected. Lots of out of towners, not many fangirls, *if* any at all.

However drained they may be, they don't show it. The cast is always happy to stop to chat/sign.

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

Gingersnap2 Profile Photo
#12re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:50pm

"Only when stars like Hugh Jackman, Hugh Panaro, ect are there or there is a BIG schoolgroup at WICKED is it "fangirly.""

Well, I've been at the stage door to see Hugh Panaro very often in the ten months since I've been doing a web site for him and I really haven't seen much "fangirly" behavior. The people getting autographs for "Lestat" were SLIGHTLY more "fangirly" than the people who'd wait for him at the Majestic...but, honestly, I can only think of one group that was fangirlish...it was a large group of girls on college break and I think they'd have behaved that way over any actor they found remotely attractive.

And Pecas and Richie always did a great job with the line at "Lestat." I'm going to miss those two now.

The "Sweeney" stage door was very nice. The cast was very friendly and my friends and I had great little chats with Mark Jacoby and Lauren Molina.

I guess views on the stage door scene vary from actor to actor and from fan to fan. I've never stagedoored just for the sake of it, unless I was stuck with a group of friends who wanted to when I didn't. I've only bothered if it's a performer I enjoyed seeing and wanted to thank or compliment honestly. I hate gushing.

#13re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 9:10pm

Moxie, you should definately try stage-dooring. The Sweeney family is sooooooo sweet. When Manoel and Michael came out they both gave me a big hug. They are such sweet guys!! And soooo hot! haha sorry.

But really it's frightening how nice they are.

~H* "I slept through the nominations, as I always do. Anything I need to know, I'll find out when I get up at a reasonable hour!" -Michael Cerveris

#14re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 9:27pm

A friend who worked on a show last season told me that the guys stareted to joke about the woman who waited at the stage door. Called them "groupies" etc. and that one of the guys used to make a habit of hooking up with girls he met at the stage door. I'd just hate to be perceived as someone like that.

Gingersnap2 Profile Photo
#15re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 9:33pm

"Called them "groupies" etc. and that one of the guys used to make a habit of hooking up with girls he met at the stage door. I'd just hate to be perceived as someone like that."

There's probably a contigent of groupies, large or small, for any show out there. But I doubt you'd be perceived as one unless you acted like one yourself.

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#16re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 9:33pm

Well, if it's your first time going to the stage door, I don't see how you would be considered a "groupie".

Whatever floats your boat.

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#17re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 9:37pm

Moxie, I think you may be making it into a bigger deal than it is. The basic vibe from the actors that come out of the stage door (at least all of the actors I have met) is that they are in no way there to judge you, nor will anybody else at the stage door; because, well, they're waiting there, too! It's fun to go and meet the actors, say a quick hello, and show them how much their work is appreciated.

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#18re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 9:39pm

Exactly, Liz. I don't think they do much judging in those two minutes you chat with them; nor do they really care.

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

#19re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 9:40pm

What's so bad about being called a groupie? People don't mind being called one when it comes to a band....

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#20re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 9:43pm

I've had nothing but great stage door experiences but one of my favorites has got to be a few weeks ago at Jersey Boys. All of the guys were so incredibly nice. They gave me big hugs and took pictures with me. And they definitely pay attention to who is the audience because Daniel said "I saw you in the second row." I think they are so incredibly appreciative of their fans.

Other favorites are Kristin Chenoweth, Norbert Leo Butz, Bill Crudup, Adam Pascal, Anthony Rapp, Mary Testa, Mark Kudisch

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#21re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 10:15pm

Three Days of Rain stage door is a b!tch. Because you are faced with the Julia-screm-girls and paparazzi. And they aren't very nice people. Actually, when I stage doored and there were paparazzi, one guy nearly shoved over a girl holding her dad's hand. Not nice.
But that's the only time that I've really seen mass chaos at stage doors. And the actors didn't seem at all fazed by any of it.
I dunno, if I went through a huge challenging show, I think it would be nice to hear that I did a good job.

Oh. And if we wait outside for an hour and a half in the freezing January weather of NYC because we love you that much...please come out. Fans understand that performers must be tired, but depending on time and weather, it's a job in itself just to wait outside. And for what? Maybe if you're lucky (like I was) they'll stop and have a conversation. Either way, I've never heard of fans being shunned.

WickedOne- that happened with me too..only with my husband. Ewan McGregor. It completed my life.

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

#22re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 10:17pm

"and that one of the guys used to make a habit of hooking up with girls he met at the stage door"

ummmmm sign me up!

~H* "I slept through the nominations, as I always do. Anything I need to know, I'll find out when I get up at a reasonable hour!" -Michael Cerveris

samantha2 Profile Photo
#23re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 3:21am

Moxie, whether it is a community theater, regional theater or Broadway, all the stars/actors enjoy meeting the fans at the stage door. My son has done musical theater here in Utah as well as sound for the Grand theater and they always greet the fans after a performance.

I also know that Patrick Wilson is wonderful with the fans after his performances, always staying to talk, do a photo op and sign autographs. You really should join in. It's great fun to meet the stars and performers.

Mama Mo
#24re: Stage Door Experiences - What's That All About?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 5:52am

A friend who worked on a show last season told me that the guys stareted to joke about the woman who waited at the stage door. Called them "groupies" etc. and that one of the guys used to make a habit of hooking up with girls he met at the stage door.

That's an extremely sophmoric attitude. Frankly I wouldn't give much worth to the opinion of such people. Every performer I've gotten to know (that is, have a better than passing acquaintance with) has told me how much they appreciate having fans wait for them outside the stage door. The performance itself may exhaust them, but the stage door experience acts like a tonic. It re-energizes them. One fellow I know said that no matter how tired he might feel as he goes out that door, once he meets the fans he can't help but smile.
