June 1st 7:00PM?

#1June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 2:42pm

Is there ANY way I could get tickets for the FINAL show of RENT the 7:00pm show? I've checked ticket master and even called the b.O. and they said they were sold out of the night show. Ticket master doesn't even have a premium box for this performance. Any Way? I will pay GOOD money to be there on closing night.

I still can't believe it's closing

Rent The best show on Broadway. I was at the closing. BEST night of my Life. April 29th 1996-September 7th 2008 12 years of love "No Day But Today"

roseaddams Profile Photo
#2re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 2:47pm

I'd bet it's legitimately sold out by now. They made the announcement yesterday night -- they've probably sold twelve hundred tickets since then, especially with the rabid adoration people have for the show. And I'd be willing to bet the producers set some aside for themselves, the original cast, and other people connected with the show to see the final performance.

"You mean what was the best picture of the year or what did they pick as the best picture of the year?" - California Suite

jaystarr Profile Photo
#2re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 2:48pm

try the 2pm... closest you can get...i'm sure it will be same cast--who ever is playing...

Updated On: 1/16/08 at 02:48 PM

Calvin Profile Photo
#3re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 2:48pm

Oh, I bet some "entrepreneurs" got their hands on a few, so I'm guessing people willing to pay enough still have a chance.

#4re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 2:50pm

A lot of people will pay good money to be there closing night. And when they announce that they're extending the show's run, those people are going to be livid...

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#5re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 2:53pm

I checked ticketmaster last night about 20 minutes after the Times article went up and the best I could get was in Row C of the mezzanine so it would make sense that it would be completely sold-out by now.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#6re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 2:58pm

Why do people put question marks after things that aren't questions?

Glory Profile Photo
#7re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 2:58pm

i don't know why people are saying it's going to extend. I highly doubt it's going to, it's going to close June 1. The only show that kept extending was Les Miz and that was only because it was a revival, not an original production. Rent will be evicted June 1st in my opinion. Tickets aren't going to boost from now until June.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#8re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:01pm

The only show that kept extending was Les Miz and that was only because it was a revival, not an original production.

... no it wasn't. Les Miz had multiple extensions, but people are talking about Rent extending ONCE. Plenty of shows do that.

And ticket sales are going to spike between now and then. With all the hardcore fans rushing to see it as much as they can before it's gone? What planet are you living on that sales are not going to boost?

Oh, I guess the one where the reason Les Miz extended was because it was a revival. What sense does that make?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#9re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:01pm

Didn't CATS extend after the supposed closing date?

#10re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:03pm

The people saying it will extend are secretly hoping to themselves it will extend. It won't, get your tickets. Sad but true. It's time to face reality.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#11re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:05pm

I have to say, I love the way people in both camps are pretending they know these things beyond any reasonable shadow of doubt. Based on what, guys, your feelings?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#12re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:05pm

A friend of my cousins? Works for the Needyland Theater? And he says it WILL close that night? Becoz otherwise it would be unfair to people who bought tickets coz they said it was closing and they would have to give FREE tickets to the REAL closing night if it moved? and I have it on VERY RELIABLE sources the whole first cast will be back (Plus nobert cause he's so cute) for that last show! I am so excited? Do you think the lottery will be packed that night?

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#13re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:09pm

I still don't understand why they would close so close to the big summer rush. Updated On: 1/16/08 at 03:09 PM

#14re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:09pm

" The only show that kept extending was Les Miz and that was only because it was a revival, not an original production. Rent will be evicted June 1st in my opinion."

That's a ludicrous statement. Les Miz extended twice because the show that was considering the theatre kept changing its date, and Les Miz was doing well enough to keep extending. It had nothing to do with Les Miz being a revival.

And while RENT could certainly extend if it wanted, it's unlikely given the fact that the closing is 5 months from the announcement. The Nederlander is one of the hardest to fill theatres because it is in desparate need of renovations and no one wants it, so I doubt RENT would be "evicted" if it started to do sell out business in late May and they wanted to extend.

#15re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:15pm

I'm actually curious how many people will be there for the lottery that night. The 2PM show gets out at 4:30, so I know I'll stay for the lottery. Add in everyone who couldn't get a ticket, what would you put the over/under at? 500? 750? It probably won't even be feasible to have that many people on the sidewalk--will they open the theater? Then it may be hard to clear on time.

They may consider not even having a lottery, but considering they were one of the first (if not the first) to start and popularize it, and since it goes with the theme of the show, I'd think they'd want to continue it for the final performance.

guymy13 Profile Photo
#16re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:17pm


Updated On: 1/16/08 at 03:17 PM

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#17re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:20pm

They held lottery for RENT10, which required 41st Street to be closed to hold all the people. I don't see why they wouldn't hold it for the last performance, unless do first-come-first-served to honor people who are diehard.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#18re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:21pm

Why would it extend? Because if ticket sales see enough of a boost with the closing notice, and it's possible that it would continue to bring money in given an extra few months, why not take that opportunity? If you think the only reason shows extend is to cheat people out of their purchases, you obviously have no idea how any of this works. The ludicrous statements are flying today, boy.

This situation could not possibly be more different than Drowsy. What a ridiculous comparison.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 1/16/08 at 03:21 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#19re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:26pm

I am in the line for the lottery now! Come say hi. I will be here till June!

#20re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:27pm

I'm posting from the line too Phyllis? Which one are you? Are you the woman with the shopping bags? I hope not, coz she smells like pee?

#21re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:35pm

Yeah, I mean, I can understand it extending throughout the summer. Although mostly that's just me hoping. What's the difference anyway. It's done.

"I would rather take a flawed movie that has as much heart and passion and life and joy and energy and truth in it as this film does over any film that is completely perfectly presented and perfectly constructed but has none of that heart and life." -Anthony Rapp

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#22re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:37pm

This lot is full of artists!
Updated On: 1/16/08 at 03:37 PM

EugLoven Profile Photo
#23re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:41pm

Could it extend? Yes. A Chorus Line and Cats did.

Will it? Probably not. They'd piss a lot of people off (those who shelled out cash already for June 1) and they might just want to make a clean-break.

Am I bummed I'm not going to be at closing night (because I was lazy with buying tickets)? You bet.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#24re: June 1st 7:00PM?
Posted: 1/16/08 at 3:45pm

Do you REALLY think they're concerned about pissing off the ticket buyers for the June first show? REALLY, now?
