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Cry Baby Final Performance

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#1Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/22/08 at 10:57pm

Did anyone else go to the final performance of Cry Baby today? The orchestra was packed and the crowd was really into it. I know the show had its flaws, but it made for a fun afternoon at the theater.

I sat right across the aisle from Thomas Meehan, and I got to talk to him during intermission. He said he was really proud of the show, and couldn't figure out why it hadn't been better received. I wish the best to the cast and crew as the move on to other projects.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#2re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/22/08 at 10:59pm

LOVED the closing show. Had SUCH a blast. Everyone was having so much fun, and the cast was great, especially Alli Mauzey and Christopher Hanke. :)

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

adamgreer Profile Photo
#2re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/22/08 at 11:18pm

"He said he was really proud of the show, and couldn't figure out why it hadn't been better received."

Hence the problem.

scaryclowns223 Profile Photo
#3re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/22/08 at 11:21pm

I bet he couldn't figure out why Young Frankenstein hadn't been better received either...

#4re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/22/08 at 11:21pm

Glad it was a good experience kiddo!

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#5re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/22/08 at 11:31pm

"He said he was really proud of the show, and couldn't figure out why it hadn't been better received."

Because it has a terrible score, to start with.

James Snyder and Elizabeth Stanley are another good reason.

#6re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/22/08 at 11:40pm

As usual, someone attempts to post postively about Cry-Baby and it turns negative. Things will never change.

Anyway, how was Chester Gregory's replacement? I mean he had kind of big shoes to fill...vocally of course, nothing else. Dupree is such a thankless role.

fishergirl819 Profile Photo
#7re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/22/08 at 11:48pm

When did Chester leave? He performed on the Tonys, which were just a week ago, right? He didn't just stick around an extra few performances to finish out the run?

#8re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 12:04am

Chesters last show was the night before the Tonys.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#9re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 12:30am

pli1018: Dwayne Clark was Chester's replacement, and he was decent. Like you said, it's a thankless role and there really wasn't much room for him to show off. It did seem like Chester was a lot more over the top than Dwayne, but given a little more time I'm sure he would have grown a bit in the role.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#10re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 12:40am

I was there this afternoon and out of the four times I had seen the show, this was certainly the most enthusiastic audience. i must admit, that the winner for most improved goes to Elizabeth Stanley...she was on fire today. Her belt during her number in the middle of Act 1 was, her acting has improved as well. The winner of the most bland performance on Broadway still goes to James Snyder...just boring. He is not leading man material and frankly, I will be surprised if he is ever on Broadway again, let alone in a leading role.

The supporting players were fine for the most part. I feel like Ali Mauzey hammed it up a little more during previews, but she was still fine. Harriet Harris kind of lost her voice, but she still managed to get through "I Did Something Wrong Once" (a PAINFUL song) one last time. Chris Hanke's performance hasn't changed since the first Carly Jibson was fabulous. She really gets the laughs. Carly is kind of like another Jen Cody to me (hopefully this makes some kind of sense). Carly and Jen both make more of their small roles and are remembered. I hope Carly works again on Broadway very soon. She even gave me a hug at the stage door and was so sweet. Love her. (Sorry I bashed you in March for missing all those preview performances)

"A Little Upset" was the best I've ever seen it today...Spencer Liff is a brilliant dancer, performer, has a smokin' hot body, and I'm looking forward to seeing him in his next show (EQUUS).

As much as I didn't care for this show, I had a smile on my face most of the afternoon today. Congrats to the cast and crew and looking forward to seeing what you all do next!

EugLoven Profile Photo
#11re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 12:44am

OoooOOooo! Spencer's gonna be a prancing pony in EQUUS?

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#12re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 12:46am

I asked him "Are you going to be in BRIGADOON" and he said "Nope, I chose to do EQUUS instead." I have no idea who he is playing, but now I'm even more excited to see the show on September 5th!

...oh and Chester Gregory's replacement was awful...luckily he only had to do eight performances. I didn't care for Chester in the role, but after seeing this guy, I appreciated Chester's performance even more.
Updated On: 6/23/08 at 12:46 AM

burnsy Profile Photo
#13re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 12:56am

^^^^^ Agreed. Chester's replacement was bad and he had the worst wig in Broadway history. He looked like an alien.

Ali Mauzey threw in some different lines. She said something like "a little more bass please" & "I told you there's no drum in this section" in "Screw Loose"(Talking to her imaginary friends). It was genius

#14re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 1:25am

Alli Mauzey and Christopher J. Hanke were fabulous!

I think the problem with Dwayne Clark's wig is that it probably wasn't his own. Chester Gregoy had lighter skin than Clark and I imagine they never got him a new wig. It just looked awful because you could see the wig line.

"Don't thank your parents, if you were raised in a nurturing environment you wouldnt be in show business"--Conan O'Brien at the 2006 Emmy Awards

#15re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 1:30am

"As much as I didn't care for this show, I had a smile on my face most of the afternoon today. Congrats to the cast and crew and looking forward to seeing what you all do next!"

You didn't care for the show, yet you saw it four times. I will never understand this.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#16re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 1:45am

bk, I'm a flopaholic. I saw Pirate Queen and In My Life four times, The Times They Are A Changin' three times, Lestat, Lennon and All Shook Up twice. If it's a flop musical, I will likely see it multiple times to see changes, added/cut songs, etc etc. Not much to understand...

#17re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 2:08am

pli1018...I know, I know. These are what I call "downcasters", but don't let them take your enthusiasm away :]

Though I never saw the show to judge, I did see a scene from it on the (I think)Today show, and I got a new appreciation for the show (mostly I've heard negative stuff). It takes talent to perform on skates through a whole scene, while singing, dancing and acting...and it was a long one, too...=O
Like I said before, no show gets to Broadway withought been special and good in some way.

fnyboi88 Profile Photo
#18re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 2:40am

Spencer Liff in Equus? Wonder if he'll understudy Daniel? That would make some people very happy.

Broadway Shows I've Seen: Hairspray, Chicago, Little Shop of Horrors (2003), The Wedding Singer, Spamalot, Riverdance, Rent, Beauty and the Beast, Spring Awakening, Wicked, Legally Blonde, Phantom of the Opera, Sweet Charity (revival), Drowsy Chaperone, The Lion King, Dreamgirls(2010 Tour).

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#19re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 2:51am

No, there's some type of role(s) that dance in this production; the horses I believe....

#20re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 4:35am

I loved this show...sad to see it go. The cast worked hard. The dancing was incredible. I had no problems with the show. It wasn't perfect...but it had potential but the critics shot that down point blank.

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#21re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 6:53am

Ohhhh, so it's the critics' fault now ? You still don't understand, that while some people, like you, have every right to think it was a good show, MOST people thought it was pure crap ! That's the only reason it closed !

And good for Spencer !!! But I hope he is not Daniel's understudy ! Though, OF COURSE, I'd love to see him on the role re: Cry Baby Final Performance, I think that an announcement of "Daniel Radcliffe won't be performing tonight" is gonna cause a stampede towards the exits, a la Lion King !

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#22re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 7:15am

"It had a terrible score"

That must be why it was nominated for a Tony for Best Score.To all those who crapped all over it for score do this: take a pen & paper & try to write a song. Not a score mind you but one song from scratch.

Next time you become super critical realize how hard it is to write a score or song even if it is, to you , a "terrible" one.
Critics criticize something they have never donw - write a score, choreograph a show etc. I pay no attention to any of it

I am shilling for a closed show which I ebjoyed a hell of a lot more than Passing Strange.

Poster Emeritus

#23re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 7:43am

The last performance was incredible. Everyone went over the top and it was amazing. Christopher Hanke and Alli Mauzey had everyone (including me) cracking up the entire show. I've always thought that James Snyder was really good, but everyone's entitled to their own opinions. I'm really sad to see this one go. =(

Patash Profile Photo
#24re: Cry Baby Final Performance
Posted: 6/23/08 at 7:52am

Some of these comments are actually funny. So on this message board, if someone posts something positive about a show, then no one is supposed to say anything negative. This isn't a board for DISCUSSION -- meaning giving opposing opinions and explaining them? If not, the whole board seems kind of pointless to me.

Meanwhile the idea that people shouldn't criticize a score because it's so hard to write one is really laughable. When people pay over $100 to see a show, they want quality -- and not just sit there saying, "gee, they must have tried so hard to come up with a memorable song. They didn't, but I appreciate their hard work anyway and it makes me feel good to support their failed efforts". Yea, sure.
