Which one...

Broadwayfanatic2 Profile Photo
#1Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 11:49am


I'm planning to go see a show with my father on broadway, december 20th. Now, I don't know what to go see. I was thinking of Gypsy, Jersey Boys, The Lion King or South Pacific. He is consevative and christian and I don't want to see something that he will find offensive (I'm not going to go see Spring Awakening or Avenue Q with him).

Which show would you recommend out of these four? Are there any other shows that I should think about?

Now I'm not sure about Gypsy because of the stripper thing... but then again I'm sure the show is worth going to go see.


luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#2re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 11:53am

Well, Gypsy is certainly worth going to see, but only you know what your father would find offensive, so if you think the stripper thing would be a problem, skip it and go with something tame, like Jersey Boys or The Lion King.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/19/08 at 11:53 AM

zooxanthellae Profile Photo
#2re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 11:55am

Gypsy or South Pacific

Many people love South Pacific, regardless of their age and political or religious views! My grandmother is very Christian (and conservative) and it is one of her favorite shows!

I wouldn't say Gypsy is offensive at all, but it is certainly classic and definitely worth seeing!

coryografer Profile Photo
#3re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 12:05pm

If "raw" language offends your father, then don't see Jersey Boys. They drop the "F" bomb a lot.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#4re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 12:07pm


philly03 Profile Photo
#5re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 12:20pm

You might want to add Spamalot to that list. My dad sounds somewhat similar (not extremely conservative/christian, but not a big fan of vulgarity!) and he loved Spamalot & liked Gypsy among other things. Or what about A Tale of Two Cities?!

Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#6re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 4:49pm

I would say see Gypsy because it has (imo) the best performance currently in NY. I dont think it would be offensive and is a classic.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

SirNotAppearing Profile Photo
#7re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 4:54pm

Yeah, it's 1930s strip-teasing for gods-sakes. I'm guessing your father isn't Tipper Gore.

South Pacific could be good, but good luck getting tickets. Spamalot would be a good idea too.

Broadwayfanatic2 Profile Photo
#8re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 4:58pm

Thanks... hmmm Spamalot... I'll think about it

Have any of you seen White Christmas? Did you enjoy the stage version cause it's one of our favourite christmas movies.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#9re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 5:06pm

Please take him to see BILLY ELLIOT

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Kev14 Profile Photo
#10re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 5:33pm

Broadwayfanatic- I saw a version of White Christmas in Denver. It was very similar to the movie. I for one was not a big fan. Given the choice I would see something else. But then again, I am not a big fan of the movie either. If you really like the movie then I bet you will like a stage version of it.

There are a lot of great shows that he would probably like, but I have no idea what you guys have seen. Here are some of my thoughts: A Tale of Two Cities, Jersey Boys, Hairspray, Shrek, South Pacific, Spamalot (although I can think of a couple issues with it), Lion King, Phantom, Wicked and if he is a Mel Brooks fan then he would probably like Young Frankenstein.

Upcoming Shows: Quilters, A Bronx Tale, August: Osage County, Wicked, Spring Awakening, Little House on the Prairie
Updated On: 8/19/08 at 05:33 PM

BradMajors Profile Photo
#11re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 5:36pm

Gypsy. Take him to see Gypsy, that is unless he finds stripping as a vocation offensive.

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#12re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 8:19pm

South Pacific. Enjoy your time in the city!

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

cglaid Profile Photo
#13re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 8:23pm

The stripper thing really isn't that big of a deal. She just unzips her clothes for the most part and covers herself up. Only at the very end of the number does she slip completely out of her clothes and she's in a sequined bra & underwear. It's really not that big of a deal overall. The show is fantastic. I do not recommend Lion King. I saw it last week and was unimpressed. The visuals are amazing and unbeatable but for the amount of money you'd be paying, go to an overall good show. I recommend Gypsy from those you listed!!

#14re: Which one...
Posted: 8/19/08 at 9:19pm

I had the same issue with my father when I took him to see Gypsy, but he ended up loving the show, so I definitely recommend that.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#15re: Which one...
Posted: 8/20/08 at 1:13am

My vote would go to South Pacific. There's a reason (many reasons actually) that it won the Tony Award for Best Revivial. Truly Beautiful!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Broadwayfanatic2 Profile Photo
#16re: Which one...
Posted: 8/20/08 at 12:45pm

Thank you all for your answers... This is going to be a tough decision.

I say it might be Gypsy or South Pacific that may win... but then again anything can happen. I'll let him choose and see what he wants to see.

Rymes_With_Witch Profile Photo
#17re: Which one...
Posted: 8/20/08 at 12:55pm

I think Gypsy (!!!!!!!amazing!!!!!!!) is something you will both enjoy...Jersey Boys is something he will definitely enjoy if he likes Frankie Valli, but is enjoyable even if you're not familiar with the music (though how could you not be?).

soon2bstar Profile Photo
#18re: Which one...
Posted: 8/20/08 at 10:24pm

I thnk that you guys should go see Jersey Boys. I saw it a few months ago and my friend and I are in High School and we never heard of the Four Seasons by the end we were so entertained and educated. I want to take my dad to it so you definately should go see it with your dad. I think that you guys would thoroughly enjoy it. My only reason why you might not see it is because if your dad is offended by cursing it is used quite a bit in the show hope I helped
