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Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)- Page 11

Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)

Taryn Profile Photo
#250Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/17/10 at 2:11pm

I love how Kurt blows off Mercedes repeatedly and then blames her own insecurity for being upset. No, Kurt, she is not making you into a boyfriend substitute, she just expects you to be a decent friend who won't completely abandon her because you found a cute boy.

#251Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/17/10 at 2:22pm

I really did laugh when she zoned out at dinner with Kurt and Blaine and all you heard was, "Gay, gay, gay, gay . . ."

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#252Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/17/10 at 2:30pm

"I open my mouth & a little purse falls out!"

uncageg Profile Photo
#253Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/17/10 at 2:37pm

Missed last night's episode but will catch it on Hulu. I have to say that the only reason I am sticking with this show is for Heather Morris. I think she really deserves a supporting actress Emmy nomination. She just slays me.

Just give the world Love.

#254Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/17/10 at 2:46pm

"I love how Kurt blows off Mercedes repeatedly and then blames her own insecurity for being upset. No, Kurt, she is not making you into a boyfriend substitute, she just expects you to be a decent friend who won't completely abandon her because you found a cute boy."

Haha yeah, he did have a point about the food stuff, but the other stuff... he was mostly just being a lousy friend.

But, you know, that's a VERY common thing for people to do when they've been lonely and then they meet someone they really like. Not saying it's nice, and I do hope they have him come around and stop blowing her off like that (I'm hopeful it'll happen- he's always been pretty good about realizing when he's been a bad friend to Mercedes and apologizing). But it's definitely a pretty natural reaction for people to meet someone they really like and get wrapped up in it and end up blowing their friends off in the process.

Besides, Mercedes has had moments of not exactly being the greatest friend either (I'm sure she meant well with the Grilled Cheesus and stuff, but pushing religion/prayer on him was so NOT what he needed- all she had to come up with SOME other way of being there for him, and yet he was the one who ended up coming around)

But yeah, I do hope he realizes how much he's been leaving her in the dust, and apologizes. I'll be angry with the writers if they just have him completely leave her behind for good! I like to think he's been shown to be a better person than that :)

Aaanywho, I really liked this episode! It was SO funny- hardest I've laughed watching Glee in such a long time! Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)

The dinner scene with Kurt/Blaine/Mercedes omgggg so hilarious! XD XD If I'd been Chris, Darren, and Amber I would have had the HARDEST time keeping a straight face while filming that hahahaa

And Gwyneth was actually super cute and fun! I wasn't expecting to really feel much about her either way, but I kind of loved her. I wouldn't even mind if she came back fairly regularly (albeit in small doses)! I think Holly and Will would make amazing co-directors of glee, since Will really does tend to not listen to the kids enough, but he's good with the more serious stuff, and Holly would make sure everything stays fun and fresh.

Oh and it's funny because a lot of people seem to think that this episode didn't have much plot, but I actually felt it moved the plot along quite nicely... they're finally dealing with some of that left over Will/Terri stuff that was never really resolved, and those two Karofsky exchanges happened quickly but were hella loaded (seriously, the guy is getting downright frightening. And to not only force a completely unwanted kiss on Kurt, but then essentially taunt him about it afterward? *shudders*).

A couple of the plot lines were just unnecessary- namely Mercedes being so hung up on tater tots... really now? They couldn't have just let the story be about her and Kurt, and her being upset that Kurt was blowing her off for Blaine?

But over all I still feel like there was a pretty good amount of solid plot points- certainly as much as there had been in, say, Acafellas or Rhodes Not Taken of last season :)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#255Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/17/10 at 5:47pm

Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#256Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/18/10 at 12:01am

So looking at the songs selected for their Christmas show, I couldn't help but think, why aren't the girls singing, "All I Want for Christmas is You." I think it be fun and the girls could show off their voices. But it might be because they couldn't get the rights to the song.

As for last night's show, I was mixed about it. I enjoyed Gywneth for the most part, but I didn't like the whole tater tot storyline and how they are making Kurt and even Blaine the most stereotypical gay characters ever.

#257Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/18/10 at 5:11am

Harry Shum, Jr. will now be a series regular!

MotorTink Profile Photo
#258Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/18/10 at 9:00am

And they released info about the Superbowl episode:

Entertainment Weekly reports that the show will perform the late King of Pop's classic "Thriller" in the highly anticipated post-Super Bowl episode. To "Glee" it up, it will be mashed-up with another song (which has been chosen yet). Sources are saying the episode "will be the most expensive in "Glee" history and likely one of television's priciest episodes ever."

The episode will keep with the sports theme and focus on the football team's championship game and the cheerleading regionals. The "Thriller" mash-up will be reportedly occur during halftime of the championship game. We're guessing it's going to be a bigger and better version of the football team performing Beyonce's "Single Ladies" early in Season 1. The gang will also tackle tracks by Katy Perry, Lady Antebellum and the Black Eyed Peas in the episode.

Though there were reports that the Super Bowl episode would be another tribute a la Britney and Madonna, this will not be a MJ tribute. The only person who was considered for a tribute episode was Sir Elton John. Fans can expect a John tribute episode in the back nine. "Tiny Dancer" cover or bust!

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

#259Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/18/10 at 10:13am

"Harry Shum, Jr. will now be a series regular!"

That's good and bad news. Good because he's very talented and deserves the recognition. Bad because they'll treat him like scenery and he'll be like Tina in that he only gets a storyline once every 10 episodes.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#260Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/22/10 at 8:16pm

I actually kind of liked last week's episode.

I loved Gwyneth. Really loved her.

The scene when Mercedes was zoning out during Kurt and Blaine's conversation was laugh-out-loud funny.

Thought the musical numbers were upbeat - and I loved the 'Singing in the Rain' finale!

I agree with snl89 - I think this week had a storyline that, for the most part, worked.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
Updated On: 11/22/10 at 08:16 PM

#261Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/23/10 at 1:33pm

Darren Criss singing Part of Your World... I kinda dig his version of it!

strummergirl Profile Photo
#262Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/23/10 at 1:36pm

This is barely a Christmas song but I would love to see Brittany (and to a lesser extent Santana) take on "Turkey Lurkey Time". I really cannot think of a better showcase for her.

#263Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/23/10 at 2:06pm

"This is barely a Christmas song but I would love to see Brittany (and to a lesser extent Santana) take on "Turkey Lurkey Time".

That really is a great idea. I wish they had done it.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#264Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/24/10 at 11:09am

Sorry but this show is getting worse. It's devolved into soap opera. I'm sick of the Kurt storyline. Every scene has him in tears. "Oh poor me, won't someone rescue me from the hell I have to live with."

The writing is still very heavy handed with Finn. He's supposed to protect Kurt but Kurt won't take action himself?

Carol Burnett was great as usual. Wish they had written some funnier material for her. But her song with Sue was nice. I'd love to see her back again.

I love how they use Becky. Last night she was sitting at the desk with her feet propped up. Hilarious.

The wedding number down the aisle was well done. But then they got to the actual wedding, it was so poorly written. This big fanfare entrance and then no dialogue substance.

The party after the wedding stank. I've never seen such a dull segment, both music and dialogue.

Dot Jones needs to say "See ya later" to this show. She really is better than the one-off scenes they give her.

Glee is still best when they have great music/dance combinations. But last night didn't have great material.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

danmag Profile Photo
#265Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/24/10 at 12:19pm

I kept thinking that crazy football player was going to burst into the wedding with a shotgun and start killing everyone.

"This show had the WORST magnets on Broadway!"

#266Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/24/10 at 12:22pm

We think the crazy football player is the one who will end up dating Kurt - and Blaine will just end up being his 'girlfriend'.

uncageg Profile Photo
#267Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/24/10 at 1:22pm

Q, that might make for a good season finale.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 11/24/10 at 01:22 PM

#268Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/24/10 at 1:34pm

What is it about this show that makes people who hate it watch week after week after week? You don't like it? TURN IT OFF!

StockardFan Profile Photo
#269Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/24/10 at 1:37pm

Spidey, that picture is cracking me up!


SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#270Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/24/10 at 1:38pm

Some bitches just gotta bitch.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#271Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/24/10 at 3:05pm

"I kept thinking that crazy football player was going to burst into the wedding with a shotgun and start killing everyone."

Me. Too.

I think they've gone to far with the terrorization for Dave and Kurt to become boyfriends. It would be a little too Patty Hearst for me. But...we shall see.

And, I'm sorry, but speaking as someone who was bullied every day of his high school life and lived in dread...for four F*CKing years...the one thing this show truly gets right is the bullying storyline and it's affect on Kurt. Terror is the right word to describe what it's like. Sheer terror.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#272Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/24/10 at 3:15pm

lol Danmag. I was actually worried he was going to crash it but not in the realm as a Dynasty Moldavian wedding massacre kind of way.

I would be very upset if Karofsky and Kurt ever went anywhere beyond being tepidly platonic. Ryan Murphy in this episode really pressed the pedal more on how creepy and disturbing the bullying had become. It would be too icky but maybe Karofsky will have some kind of redemption, but it should not be dating Kurt.

I liked the episode even if it seemed like a lot of it was crammed and rushed (plus I have never heard a Bruno Mars song before, so I guess a feather in their cap that I was still entertained). Carol Burnett as Sue's mother did not disappoint. I like the fact the episode did not end on a ballad but on something of a sour note.

I will say, in keeping track of the relationships on this show, much like Kurt's power rangers collection, New Directions is the Fleetwood Mac of glee clubs.

danmag Profile Photo
#273Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/24/10 at 4:36pm

Mark my the season finale Finn is going to end up taking a bullet for Kurt. They just seem to be setting this up for a bad ending. No way will Kurt end up dating that psychotic freak.

But of course Finn will survive the shooting. Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)

"This show had the WORST magnets on Broadway!"

#274Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/24/10 at 4:38pm

Maybe 'date' isn't the word I'm looking for . . .
