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Shootings! Shootings! Shootings! Today's and tomorrow's shootings!- Page 20

Shootings! Shootings! Shootings! Today's and tomorrow's shootings!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#475today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 3:14pm

As he said, he was there to kill black people. So this is obviously a hate crime, but like other southern states who didn't want specific "hate crime" laws because they benefited the homos, SC doesn't have provisions for him to be tried with a hate crime. 

NYadgal Profile Photo
#476today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 3:33pm

This shatters my heart and makes me so angry.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#477today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 3:35pm

Addy, I am with you. I am seething right now. The ass of a father needs to be tried as well for buying him the gun in the first place.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#478today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 3:44pm

You're right Taz I was guessing he had that motive.  Just hate seeing pictures.


tazber Profile Photo
#479today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 3:54pm

This guy needs to never see the light of day again.

He's a freaking psychopath.

What I can't get my head around is how he could sit with these people and I'm sure made to feel welcome and still do it. I....I  just can't.


....but the world goes 'round

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#480today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 4:04pm

I've been venting on social media all day about this, desperately trying to convince gun owners to see things differently, as the story starts filtering in it just gets worse.


Marianne2 Profile Photo
#481today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 4:18pm

The whole thing is disturbing. Shocked that I haven't seen people posting about the potential of this not happening if people at the church were also armed. So sick.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#482today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 4:34pm

Because I always focus on the wrong thing, I'm really wondering if the extra N at the end of his name changes the pronunciation. I keep reading it Dill Ann.

javero Profile Photo
#483today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 5:00pm

"What I can't get my head around is how he could sit with these people and I'm sure made to feel welcome and still do it. I....I  just can't."

Perhaps, I'm jaded now.  But, nothing surprises me any longer about human depravity.  I've just seen too much really bad shaite happen to good people.  It will take some time for the community to recover.  That church holds a special place in Charleston history.  It's once more the source of considerable anguish.  I admire those church-goers who somehow hold onto their Christian faith after this latest incident.  They have something that I lack.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#484today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 5:15pm

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#485today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 6:30pm

Aaaand there it is: Fox News assures us that it wasn't a white-on-black racist attack. It was an anti-Christian attack.

#486today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 6:34pm

They're apparently all in with that.  Really really invested in labeling it an "attack on faith." Wait til they find out the minister supported progressive causes.

"Did He Bring It On His Parish?"

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

tazber Profile Photo
#487today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 6:34pm

Meanwhile in real life one of his friends said he had been talking about segregation and his plan was to start a race war by doing this and then killing himself.


....but the world goes 'round

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#488today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 6:42pm

<i>Wait til they find out the minister supported progressive causes.</i>

I don't know about other issues, but Clementa Pinckney did vote for a vicious anti-gay constitutional amendment as a South Carolina State Senator. This, of course, does not mean he deserved to die. It does mean he was not a particularly good person.

#489today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 6:46pm

Thanks for the correction.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

javero Profile Photo
#490today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 6:57pm

"I don't know about other issues, but Clementa Pinckney did vote for a vicious anti-gay constitutional amendment as a South Carolina State Senator. This, of course, does not mean he deserved to die. It does mean he was not a particularly good person."

Or he was simply a proxy for his constituents.  Perhaps, his political views in part were not particularly appealing to a number of bww posters, but he'll likely be replaced in a special runoff election by someone of the same ideological ilk.  I'm not going to tap into regional stereotypes but the man did not represent NY's 10th Congressional District.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 6/18/15 at 06:57 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#491today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 6:57pm

That Fox and Friends clip is shockingly brain dead, even by Fox and Friends standards, which are pretty much as low as standards go. Steve Doocy is a...never mind.

And how about the brain-dead parents? Usually I have compassion for the parents. In this case I want them publicly tarred and feathered. They noticed their emotionally disturbed son was having white supremacist delusions, then the father gives their emotionally disturbed son a GUN for his birthday?

Happy birthday, Mom and Dad. These murders--and the trauma they cause the nation--are on YOUR heads.


Updated On: 6/18/15 at 06:57 PM

#492today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 7:08pm

Those patches on their kid's coat weren't "anti-faith" symbols. 

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

skies Profile Photo
#493today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 7:22pm

"Those patches on their kid's coat weren't "anti-faith" symbols. "


Exactly, it's becaue it was a Black congregation of church goers that he targeted it.  It's an iconic symbol in the area, actually.

I'm tired hearing, "guns don't kill , people do."  Well then don't put f****g guns in the hands of those people.

Don't get what mental issues he had, it's reprehensible that his dad bought him a gun.


"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren

skies Profile Photo
#494today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 7:24pm

"Those patches on their kid's coat weren't "anti-faith" symbols. "


Exactly, it's becaue it was a Black congregation of church goers that he targeted it.  It's an iconic symbol in the area, actually.

I'm tired hearing, "guns don't kill , people do."  Well then don't put f****g guns in the hands of those people.

Don't get what mental issues he had, it's  that his dad bought him a gun.ThoughtfullyClassyAlpaca


"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren

skies Profile Photo
#495today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 7:25pm

"Those patches on their kid's coat weren't "anti-faith" symbols. "


Exactly, it's becaue it was a Black congregation of church goers that he targeted it.   That particular church is  an iconic symbol in the area, actually.

I'm tired hearing, "guns don't kill , people do."  Well then don't put f****g guns in the hands of those people.

Don't get what mental issues he had, it's  that his dad bought him a gun which makes me believe it's hereditary.


"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren
Updated On: 6/18/15 at 07:25 PM

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#496today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 7:46pm

I have been sick about this all day. And angry. And pissed. And disgusted. Why was this kid allowed to have a gun?

And, what kind of freaking coward shoots up a house of worship? What, the day care center was closed?

The attempt to treat this as anything other than a racially motivated hate crime is contortions worthy of Side Show.

And, for the record, what the shooter said today sounded pretty much like an extension of what Trump said yesterday. Maybe this is the Trump voting block - cowardly, bigoted mentally ill white men.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#497today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 7:50pm

It's on all the gun huggers heads PJ.  Those are the people who can change our society, we have to reason with them.



South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#498today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 7:52pm

It's very strange.  In the next few days if we took a poll 90% of the people would be for tougher gun restrictions, yet... Sad!



South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#499today's shootings
Posted: 6/18/15 at 7:55pm

" I admire those church-goers who somehow hold onto their Christian faith after this latest incident.  They have something that I lack."

Me too.


