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2011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread- Page 7

2011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread

#1502011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 3:36pm

Mister Matt, I could not agree with you more. Patti was awful and there is no doubt it was a pity nomination because she's Patti. I'm just as glad as you are that someone much better will go home with the award. And I also agree with you that the musical shouldn't have been included. It was wretched from start to finish. Like playing a keyboard track to random words. Truly a horrendous show. I'm glad we are in agreement.

Paul Bland4 Profile Photo
Paul Bland4
#1512011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 3:42pm

uncageg -
keep in mind that the 98% of the SISTER ACT lyrics you heard were crappy Glen Slater lyrics.

Howard Ashman he ain't.
Updated On: 5/3/11 at 03:42 PM

#1522011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 3:45pm

"Mister Matt, I could not agree with you more. Patti was awful and there is no doubt it was a pity nomination because she's Patti. I'm just as glad as you are that someone much better will go home with the award. And I also agree with you that the musical shouldn't have been included. It was wretched from start to finish. Like playing a keyboard track to random words. Truly a horrendous show. I'm glad we are in agreement."

Are you deranged, do you lack reading skills or are you just 12?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#1532011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 3:47pm

Are you deranged, do you lack reading skills or are you just 12?

Yeah, they must be a child!

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#1542011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 3:51pm

I'd say the score for WOMEN ON THE VERGE works much better out of context than it did onstage when I saw it. I quite enjoy the recording, though CATCH ME's score is far superior.

In my opinion, Aaron Tveit/Daniel Radcliffe/Benjamin Walker/ Sebastian Arcelus > Joshua Henry.

And don't even get me started about those two featured actor nods.

#1552011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 4:00pm

Ghostlight2, I'm glad you get my point as well. Thats why I come on these boards so we can all agree that the bad musicals should just go away.

#1562011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 4:10pm

Joshua Henry is AMAZING! He's one of the nicest, hardest working actors I've ever had the pleasure of meeting/seeing.

I'm beyond happy for him. I really hope he gets the award.


julesboogie Profile Photo
#1572011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 4:19pm

"Except the designer didn't design a confinement box, a train, a courtroom, and a shadow puppet show. Stroman created those things OUT OF the chairs. The set designer created the chairs (which were probably purchased, not made) and basically nothing else. You are so focused on the concept that you can't separate the actual design from the direction."

Nope sorry. I know for a fact that they were built with all those things in mind. And i think you're missing the fact that stroman is a director, not a set designer. She can say i need a train, and send the designer off to come back with his idea. Thats how directing works. And you have no idea who came up with what. Borit (sp) is seasoned. He's been around for a while. I have to believe all of his efforts here were calculated, and that he had input on his design. But we know for a fact that stroman was not building sets in between choreographing and directing this show.

And if you use a sheet to be a back drop, then let it fall to be come the floor, and then raise it to be a wall, its still a part of the set. I dont see how this is different. I think where you are faltering is in your ability to separate flash from substance. 2011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread

Furthermore i said it before. Minstrel shows were minimal. Keeping with the theme dictated that there couldnt be a giant clockworks dragon, or lifts, or cars that roll onto the stage. Its not in the genre and its not period.

I can get if you just dont like it. Fine. But just cause you dont like it does not mean that it didnt do for the story what it was supposed to. It did it quite well.


#1582011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 4:27pm

There was no set. should not have been nominated. period. you will be the only one in your corner till you're blue in the face. They just didn't want to nominate one of the crappy shows.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#1592011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 4:28pm

I think where you are faltering is in your ability to separate flash from substance.

Well that's insulting. I am all for minimal sets. I am not one of those tween theatre fangirls who thinks that glitz and glam are what make a good set. For the record, my favorite set of the season is the set for The Normal Heart, and that is certainly minimal.

Furthermore i said it before. Minstrel shows were minimal. Keeping with the theme dictated that there couldnt be a giant clockworks dragon, or lifts, or cars that roll onto the stage. Its not in the genre and its not period.

I'm not saying that the set wasn't appropriate for the show. Please don't put words in my mouth. I never said that the show should have a big lavish set. It in fact WAS appropriate for the show. I just didn't find it impressive. I found what Stroman did with the chairs impressive. And yes, you are correct, she didn't "build" the sets (though neither did anyone since there were no built pieces at all). Stroman had to come up with the concept of what she wanted the chairs to do before the designers could begin their work. So it's not like Boritt came up with the design concept. Stroman did. You can't put the cart before the horse. Boritt went out and bought some chairs and some wooden planks. Nothing was built, and the set functioned WELL, but because of the director. If you disagree, that's fine. But please don't insinuate that you "get" the set and I do not because I do not think it's flashy enough.

Updated On: 5/3/11 at 04:28 PM

theatreguy Profile Photo
#1602011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 4:31pm

I thought the set for The Scottsboro Boys was exactly what the show needed. Just because it was simple doesn't mean it's undeserving of recognition. The set for A Chorus Line is pretty simple too, but it does what it's supposed to do perfectly.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#1612011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 4:38pm

Yes, sure it works. But the set for A Chorus Line wasn't nominated for a Tony.

#1622011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 4:46pm

I will say that it is a coincidence that the two women who played Louise in the 2003 (Tammy Blanchard) and the 2008 revivals (Laura Benanti) of "Gypsy" are nominated in the same category. Plus the two women who won the 2008 Tonys for Best Actress in a Musical (Patti Lupone) and Best featured Actress in a Musical (Benanti) are up against each other as well.
Updated On: 5/3/11 at 04:46 PM

julesboogie Profile Photo
#1632011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 4:49pm

Well that was quick, i didnt even have time to turn blue. ^^^

And i apologize i was not trying to insult you. I was trying to understand your point. Hence why i asked you to clarify. We were debating. Not arguing. Thought that was what this forum was about 2011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread Never called you theatre fangirl.
However back to the point, there is a set. Sorry There just is. and maybe i lumped you in with those who thought this was nickle and dimed. For that i apologize again.

Oh and i know you skipped over this or refused to believe me, but the chairs and planks were built (I asked). Please find me 9 chairs you can stack, interchange, and will support dancers... cause ive been meaning to make my kid a jungle gym. You can get those at ikea right?

At the risk of this becoming personal (without cause) Im going to bow out and say good debate. 2011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#1642011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 5:00pm

Stackable chairs are actually QUITE common. Ask any ballet company. They use them as props often. The mystical "support" you speak of came from the planks. Now I don't know how you build a plank of wood, but I'd certainly love for someone to tell me.

julesboogie Profile Photo
theatreguy Profile Photo
#1662011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 5:07pm

So are you saying Beowulf Borritt just went to a furniture store and said "I'll take 10 of these chairs please," stopped by Home Depot to pick up some planks and then dropped it all off at the Lyceum and headed home?

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#1672011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 5:24pm

No, obviously he and Stro worked together on laying out the show before he did that. THEN he went to the furniture store and Home Depot. 2011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread

No, I'm obviously not being THAT cynical. But it is true that from a pure amount of work standpoint, he didn't have to do a ton. The lighting designer definitely had much more work to do.

dtzumbrunnen Profile Photo
#1682011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 5:49pm

After seeing Priscilla and CMIYC this past weekend, I don't understand where all the Tveit love is coming from. As much as I loved him in N2N, I was so utterly underwhelmed by his performance in CMIYC - but I do believe that had to do with the show as a whole as well. He was like a broadway robot, going through the motions, but someone forgot to load in his personality software. I would gladly give him an award for best shirtless performance, but not best actor.

Hooray for everyone involved in The Normal Heart - too bad Lee Pace didn't get a nod, but if it had to be him or Hickey, the nominators made the right call. I can't wait to see them take all three of their acting trophies home!

#1692011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 5:51pm

Since this seems to be the "death to Hollywood celebrities" year with the Tony nominating committee (as opposed to last year's let's give it all to Hollywood theme), perhaps now would be a good time remind them that Josh Gad was featured prominently in a film last year (Love and Other Drugs). Yes, a FILM!!! Quick, committee, reconvene and have a recount - there can't be a film actor in there this year! This must be amended!

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#1702011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 5:54pm

An angry letter to the Times for the Wonderland snub.

Poster Emeritus

#1712011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 6:04pm

I hated sutton get nominated, but I do question o one getting nominated for best actor they are so deserving.

quizking101 Profile Photo
#1722011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 6:36pm

I'm honestly very shocked that the nominating committee blew their wad over THE SCOTTSBORO BOYS, especially since it's equally thrilling and floplike counterpart, BLOODY BLOODY ANDREW JACKSON walked away with 1/6 of that (I was hoping for Ben Walker and Score love too for BBAJ).

I'm extremely pissed that PRISCILLA got only 2 deserved at least a few more (Best Set Design, Best Musical). I hope Tony Sheldon takes home the Tony, it would be well deserved.


Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!
Updated On: 5/3/11 at 06:36 PM

littlegreen2 Profile Photo
#1732011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 6:40pm

Bloody Bloody was my favorite show of the season but I think Scottsboro Boys deserved every nomination it received. I'm not sure I would put the two on the same level.

"I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand: Till we have built Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land."

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#1742011 Tony Award Nomination Discussion thread
Posted: 5/3/11 at 6:56pm

I loved BBAJ but it didn't transfer as well to b'way house. (I would have liked to see Ben Walker score a nod.)

BUT, if you are going to ask me to choose between BBAJ and Scottsboro: I'll fawn over Scottboro each and every time. It touched my heart.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
