Seb28 but the way you describe it makes it sound like Europe is being run by ISIS right now. I would assume it’s still an extreme minority opinion that ‘all Jews must die’. Whereas say negative attitudes towards homosexuality are more common place among moderates and mainstream.
The violence in Amsterdam last night does somewhat illustrate some of your concerns which is why I agree with you there are problems and anyone who doesn’t realise this is not paying attention. But the way you talk about the problems is also very extreme too. There can be a middle ground.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
I agree with binau here.
Increasing awareness, building support, solving problems and addressing challenges requires specific data and analysis, not sweeping generalizations. The latter often turns off people who might otherwise be concerned because they know they are not accurate representations of what is happening.
Thanks for your replies! I think the more we actually look at the data and the convictions of "moderates" the more concerned we get. This is not based on generalizations.
If a country like the Netherlands is attacked, as it is the case right now, we see exactly which standpoint people take.
Seb28 said: "What I mean by that is that it is not just a religion. Of course it is called "religion"but it is much more. It is an ideology. With a goal. Completely incomparable with other religions that are just religions. There has been no enlightenment whatsoever and no other religion strives for world control in this way.
For example, about the situation in Europe, islam says that all Jews per definition must die. That is the cause ofthe whole Palestine Israel situation. It has been for centuries. Yesterday in Amsterdam there was a gigantic pogrom. Israeli and Jewish people were attacked, many are still missing, thrown in the canals, stabbed, islamic groups (organized) asked for their passports and attacked accordingly. Israel had to send rescue planes to the Netherlands to save the people. The government is afraid of islam and doesn't know what to doand the mayor of Amsterdam is behind islam and helps organizing this pogroms. She did the same thing a month ago during the October 7th memorial service, which ended in violence as she invited islamic groups."
In terms of what happened in Amsterdam, the perpetrators were mostly wearing masks and not yet caught. Meaning saying the attackers were Muslim is still an assumption.
But the larger point is you are blaming an entire religion for the actions of a few people. That's literally the justification the attackers in Amsterdam used. In at least one instance, someone in Amsterdam was attacked just for wearing a kippah on his head. Any version of those attacks are unacceptable obviously, but they were also clearly blaming an entire religion for the actions of the Israeli government.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
Seb28 just doesn't seem to do specificity. It's all or nothing, black or white.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/12/17
Forbes has an article about the impact of Trump's election on Broadway.
Link is here!
The absolutist anti-semitic bigotry of a group in Amsterdam sounds an awful lot like not only Nazism but almost identical, with the labels changed, to that of Seb28. It is beyond ignorant to say Islam is not a religion, and it is well to remember that stereotypes and facile canards predicated on ignorance are a slippery slope on which, it seems, this week's troll seems to have hit bottom.
All known "moderate" muslims in the country have been exposed in the last few days too. Footballers, artists, defending the "fact" that Jews must be attacked because Quran says so. If you still have doubts about the truth, ask them. Ask moderate muslims and they will tell you.
"Moderate Islam" and "radical islam" doesn't exist. These terms skirt around the issue, the fact that Islam itself doesn't tolerate us. Using these terms suggests that there is another Islam, one that allows us to coexist. There isn't.
In serious times it is clear who is on which side. As the debate is very much going on in Europe at the moment, experts are saying this does not stop at the Jews. Homosexuals, infidels and white people are next. This is already playing out before our eyes in cities with a Muslim majority.
Islam has a goal and the left is being used for it.
Today an islamic assassination attempt on Trump has been foiled. 3 muslims arrested. He gets in the way of the plan.
Jews are being slaughtered in the streets. Just like 78 years ago. That is the correct comparison.
Seb28 said: "All known "moderate" muslims in the country have been exposed in the last few days too. Footballers, artists, defending the "fact"that Jews must be attacked because Quran says so. If you still have doubts about the truth, ask them. Ask moderate muslims and they will tell you.
"Moderate Islam" and "radical islam" doesn't exist. These terms skirt around the issue, the fact that Islam itself doesn't tolerate us. Using these terms suggests that there is another Islam, one that allows us to coexist. There isn't.
In serious times it is clear who is on which side. As the debate is very much going on in Europe at the moment, experts are saying this does not stop at the Jews. Homosexuals, infidels and white people are next. This is already playing out before our eyes in cities with a Muslim majority.
Islam has a goal and the left is being used for it.
Today an islamic assassination attempt on Trump has been foiled. 3 muslims arrested. He gets in the way of the plan.
Jews are being slaughtered in the streets. Just like 78years ago. That is the correct comparison.
How about anyone who believes in a make believe daddy in the sky who had a secret to give a handful of folks from ancient Mesopotamia are delusional sociopaths. Not just muslims. Jews and Christians are fücking lunatics as well. Why does there need to be a church on every corner? Why does anything need to be kosher? Let’s cut the Eruv tomorrow. Do you know what atrocities Christians committed to be the dominant religion in the western world in the name of a guy named Jesus? Are you familiar with the crusades? Manifest destiny? The trail of tears? But sure, Muslims are the radicals.
Call_me_jorge said: "How about anyone who believes in a make believe daddy in the sky whohad a secret to give a handful of folks from ancient Mesopotamia are delusional sociopaths. Not just muslims. Jews and Christians are fücking lunatics as well. Why does there need to be a church on every corner? Why does anything need to be kosher? Let’s cut the Eruv tomorrow. Do you know what atrocities Christians committedto be the dominant religion in the western world in the name of a guynamed Jesus? Are you familiar with the crusades? Manifest destiny? The trail of tears? But sure, Muslims are the radicals."
Calling Jews and Christians sociopaths and lunatics for having a church or keeping kosher is also bigoted. There is nothing inherently problematic about believing in a God, having a place to worship, or having dietary restrictions based on a religion.
In terms of the actual crimes committed in the name of religion, yeah, that's happened around every major religion. It doesn't mean everyone in the religion agreed with those crimes or is collectively responsible. There's also been a lot of horrible things done by people without any religious beliefs.
It's possible to point out scapegoating Islam is wrong without calling all religious people sociopaths.
Jonathan Cohen said: "There is nothing inherently problematic about believing in a God"
Believing in an intelligent creator is a plausible metaphysical proposition that I happen to disagree with. Believing in the literal truth of the crazy stories that fill the world's sacred texts is obviously delusional.
Hopefully, Broadway will be held accountable for spreading hate, misinformation and division. America voted that it will no longer be tolerated. Karma anyone?
WhoCouldBeBlue said: "Hopefully, Broadway will be held accountable for spreading hate, misinformation and division. America voted that it will no longer be tolerated. Karma anyone?"
Do you think Broadway is a person?
Yeah, he's a Damon Runyon side character. He's the one who spreads all the rumors.