Who is this elf, who inhabits my mind and my body?/I can't lie, it's myself!/It's the me that was asleep and now wakened with a leap!
I thought of this lyric during one of Metcalf's monologues tonight; I've been listening to A Doll's Life all day in preparation for tonight's preview which my friends and I have been referring to as A Doll's Life: The Play. I admit I entered with much skepticism after seeing a production of A Doll's Life a few years ago and finding the idea a bad one, even though I have an affection for a good deal of the score.
I turned to Mandelbaum for his thoughts- he places the musical in the sub-section "Don't start with a bad/impossible idea"- and has some interesting things to say. He includes a note in the published text (from I assume Comden and Green) that concludes: It is a romantic odyssey of self-realization in the difficult world of 1879, in which she (Nora) rises from the depths of poverty and hopelessness to the heights of glamour, wealth and achievement. Along the way she learns that men as well as women are trapped in the traditions of the world they are born into, and that each person must have the inner strength to stand alone.
Mandelbaum offers this as his own analysis: Why ask what happened to Nora after she slammed the door at the end of A Doll's House? Ibsen's play deliberately ended there, having made its point without needing to go any further.
Having seen what Comden, Green, Grossman and Prince came up with I thought I agreed with this assessment. Do we really need to see George and Martha clean up their living room the following day or watch Blanche's sanatorium adventures- well ok, maybe the latter idea could be fun.
Hnath goes in a COMPLETELY different direction than his predecessors. We don't see Nora's struggles and eventual success that A Doll's Life depicts, but rather we jump to 15 years later when Nora must return home to resolve a matter with Torvald that has come up. This is a plot device that we've seen on every sitcom in the past twenty years: a person has moved on with his or her life, usually wanting to get married or engaged, and right when the audience thinks a happy ending is in store an until now unmentioned ex shows up to let the character know that they're still married because they never signed the divorce papers. Yes, Torvald hasn't signed the divorce papers and Nora's in a pickle because of it.
I won't go into any more of the plot than that, but play is written in modern vernacular the actors have been directed to act as if they're in modern TV show- maybe a hybrid of Mike & Molly, Girls and Friends. There are plenty of genuine laughs; it doesn't get any funnier this season than Houdyshell looking Metcalf dead in the eyes and saying, "Fvck you, Nora!" with impeccable timing.
Metcalf is a true wonder. I think she has a very, very good shot at finally picking up her Tony here. She never leaves the stage and runs the full gamut of emotions A to Z. Rashad and Houdyshell will be nominated in the featured categories. Cooper has the weakest link to me. This one belongs to the women.
I don't think the play says anything as deep or profound as it maybe thinks it does, but it's entertaining and just the right length at 90/95 minutes.
Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco.
Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!
first disclaimer I have never seen or read A dolls house and I followed along the plot. No prior knowledge needed
also never seen any of the playwright previous work so can't compare to his other work
now set is like the pic above. The sign goes up once play starts. Set it's just two white walls with a door. 4 chairs , a plant and a table.
any seat is good in theatre bc most of action is center stage.
The play is a dramedy but more in comedic side. It was very good and funny. However, I think will be hit or miss since I saw some people yawning.
now acting all of the ladies are getting tony nomination
i see post above are saying it will go to Condola but I found Jayne hilarious. Last nite I thought Cynthia Nixon was front runner for little Foxes , but after seeing this I take it back
now Chris cooper is clearly supporting . He was good but needs to Project more .
Laurie Metcalf is on stage the whole play which is 90min. She is great but not as good as she was in Other Places . She forgot a line but it's first preview so it's understandable
i competely recommend this show
pardon any misspelling or grammar , I am writing from my phone
Was there last night, knowing nothing really about the play and had a wonderful time.
The acting was incredible across the board, though Jayne Houdyshell is a damn delight and could genuinely win another featured Tony for this. She has the audience cackling throughout and her comedy is perfectly measured. Rashad is also wonderful and makes some surprising and effective choices in her portrayal. Jayne is more of a steamroller here, so in terms of a Tony win she has the edge, but both women could easily land in the featured category.
I thought Cooper did a great job, though some of his quieter, more emotional moments (particularly in the very beginning) were not quite calibrated right for the stage. He sort of had to ramp up his energy if that makes sense, like it took him a few beats to open his performance up for the theatre. But given that this was the first preview on a play opening cold, he definitely has time to make the necessary adjustments. He shares some beautiful moments with Metcalf.
And Metcalf is just plain awesome. She looks fierce as hell in her costume and has complete command of the stage, which she never leaves. She can expertly switch from comedy to drama on a dime and is having a ball up there. There's a lot to chew on with this character and Id like to go back to see how it evolves, as I imagine it will. She did call line once during a rather tongue twisting monologue towards the end, but she was so "in it" that I was still totally captivated and had no idea she was grabbing for a line. She's truly one of our best actors.
I'm still unsure as to whether I like the ending or not. And with the ending of the original, well...how the hell do you end a thing like this? Cant really discuss anything there w/o spoilers, but I guess I wanted slightly more. In the end, this is all about the actors, and they are immensely entertaining. The play may not be as "profound" as some other weighty dramas this season, but absolutely worth your money.
Maybe that's what I've been trying to say this whole time? That the play is purposefully very different in tone from Ibsen? That's no mean feat. Kudos to Hnath for apparently making it work!
little_sally said: "Ado Annie D'Ysquith said: "I still have no clue what to make of this production. It seemed to come out of nowhere, it's meant to satirize a classic play, yet it's not being marketed as such, I'm unsure what makes this not fanfic, and the cast is super good. My thoughts regarding the show are all over the place!
I don't think anything that's been said about this so far makes it seems like it's a satire.
I am so confused. Everyone I know assumed this was a satire... what is this????
I didnt sit in the front row, so cant speak specifically as to what the view is. But the stage juts out into the audience. The playing space is square shaped, but turned, so that one of the "points" or "corners" sticks straight out. The front 2 or 3 rows have been adjusted accordingly. You will be right there with the action. There are no higher levels of the set that you would have to look up at. I didnt look at how high the stage is relative to the seats, but dont remember seeing people craning their necks. I think if you enjoy being up close and personal they would be great seats.
Thanks for the great reviews! Comedy? was not expecting that. This was supposed to be our "serious" night of theatre.... but more important is that the quality of the story and the performers seems to be shining through. My choice was between Little Foxes and Dollhouse. Picked Dollhouse based solely on the quality of the performers involved. Very much looking forward to this, have my tickets on hand and cant wait for May to arrive!
I was surprised it was a comedy. I mean A Doll's Life wasn't a comedy- at all! It was a dark, almost-opera.
I wouldn't call it a satire either. I don't know how I would classify it, ha. I missed Red Speedo and skipped The Christians because of some nasty word of mouth. I wish I had seen both now.
Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco.
Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!
Wow. Thanks for your thoughts, Whizzer. This has now moved to the top of my list. I love Jayne Houdyshell. She was amazing in The Humans. I would see her in anything, I guess.
WhizzerMarvin said: "I was surprised it was a comedy. I mean A Doll's Life wasn't a comedy- at all! It was a dark, almost-opera.
I wouldn't call it a satire either. I don't know how I would classify it, ha. I missed Red Speedo and skipped The Christians because of some nasty word of mouth. I wish I had seen both now.
It's a bummer you missed The Christians. I think it's one of the most important plays of the 21st century so far.
I also missed RED SPEEDO and THE CHRISTIANS, but I saw A PUBLIC READING OF..., and, while my initial response was a mixture of modest enjoyment and confusion, it's a play that's really stuck with me over the years, and my thoughts often return to it.
I found both Isaac's Eye (at EST) and Public Reading... to be very funny (and wonderfully odd).
I'm not surprised this is more comedic, simply because the title is so flip. Not to the extent of, say, The Further Adventures of Hedda Gabler, but still somewhat with a wink.
"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Ok definitely going to see this now. Laurie Metcalfe and Condola Rashad are both overdue for a Tony. I hope they both win. I'll never forget her performance on the other place, and condola's pwrformanxe in Ruined which should have transferred!!!! Buying my tix.
MadonnaMusical said: "Ok definitely going to see this now. Laurie Metcalfe and Condola Rashad are both overdue for a Tony. I hope they both win. I'll never forget her performance on the other place, and condola's pwrformanxe in Ruined which should have transferred!!!! Buying my tix.
Overdue for a Tony?? You are kidding, aren't you. For what performance has Metcalfe been deserving of a Tony in her whole six shows, two of which ran for a week? She is a terrific actress, but I don't see any 'overdue for a Tony' dimension in her work. And Rashad has been in three whole plays before this one, one of which she was virtually universally trashed for.
This was so damn intriguing. I found it really awesome that the producers though such an abstract concept would sell on Broadway, I guess the names in the cast, Sam Gold and the idea of it being A Dolls House is what sell it. Laurie Metcalf was really good, and Nora is really well written and her character is really fleshed out. Chris Cooper was good, just maybe a little subtle for the stage and the role. Condola and Jayne took advantage of every line of dialogue they had. It was enjoyable and refreshing.