Not necessarily Broadway-related, but plenty of Broadway talent on screen and off. The trailer was just released.
What a tease!
Excited for Nina Arianda.
It looks really good.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/11
I still am scratching my head-why Nicole Kidman?
This movie will all hinge on if she can capture an ounce of Lucy's comedic brilliance.
Let's all remember, this is a movie on Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz - not a movie on Lucy & Ricky Ricardo. The real Lucille Ball was nothing like her on screen persona.
Stand-by Joined: 7/10/18
nealb1 said: "Let's all remember, this is a movie on Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz - not a movie on Lucy & Ricky Ricardo. The real Lucille Ball was nothing like her on screen persona."
True but I have doubts she could play either. She at least doesn't sound Australian in the trailer so, so far, so good. I'll definitely see it.
What I'm getting from this trailer, based on the narration provided by Nicole Kidman as Lucille Ball is that this film is about their marriage, and how "I Love Lucy" played a part in saving it (at least for a time).
The trailer was just the voiceover and a montage of scenes showing what I'm assuming is a production board room (CBS? Desilu Productions?) and the "I Love Lucy" set. Not much to go on at least from my perspective to determine if it's going to be any good.
I'm invested only because I do love Ball and Arnaz and I am keeping my fingers crossed that they do them some justice.
SpiritualGangster, correct. This film is about Lucy & Desi's marriage, and how ILL saved it, for the time being. So many assume that it's a movie on ILL, and that's not the case at all.
Lucie Arnaz's blessing is enough to get me on board, more than I already was just at the concept of the film and everyone involved.
Looks beautiful. And Javier has me interested. But the lack of actual Nicole makes me wonder if while she may have Lucy's voice down, but that's all she has.
Lucie Arnaz has seen the film and is RAVING about it and everyone, from Sorkin to Kidman to Bardem to the guy with just one line.
Kidman has the voice (well, kinda. Shes not a soundalike, but she’s going for that deeper, breathier Lucille Ball sound and that’s commendable) but it is worrisome that the trailer avoids showing her face.
Javier Bardem is 20 years older than Desi was when ILL started. Desi was always so fresh faced in those years. Aging him up like this is certain to change the dynamic. And before anybody says I’m mixing up Lucille and Desi with Lucy and Ricky— I mean it will change the dynamic between the real life married couple, where Ball was half a decade older than Arnaz.
Lucie Arnaz has been defending this film since before filming began. She must have some monetary stake.
Jury’s still out. Trailer didn’t embarrass anyone. I Hope it’s a good movie but I’m looking forward to Spencer much more.
You don't really even see Nicole in the trailer. Quite noticeably.
Also remember the posters here who were 100% absolutely positive, no question about it, that they weren't going to be recreating or showing any part of the I Love Lucy episodes.
Well here you go.
Lucie Arnaz has been defending this film since before filming began. She must have some monetary stake.
Lucie and her brother are Executive Producers on the film. Also, every single project featuring her parents has to be approved by her and her brother as they both run their parent’s estate.
You don't really even see Nicole in the trailer. Quite noticeably.
This is the TEASER trailer. I believe more footage and the actual trailer featuring Kidman will be out next week.
I like how people are acting like Nicole Kidman is some novice who may or may not be a good actress and may or may not be able to pull off a character, like she has something she has to prove to gain respect.
Yeah yeah, Kidman and Bardem. I’m most excited for Nina Arianda and J.K. Simmons as Vivian Vance and William Frawley. That’s inspired casting and I don’t know how I missed it in previous press releases.
ColorTheHours048 said: "Yeah yeah, Kidman and Bardem. I’m most excited for Nina Arianda and J.K. Simmons as Vivian Vance and William Frawley. That’s inspired casting and I don’t know how I missed it in previous press releases."
Of course people care a lot about Kidman’s performance when she is playing one of the most beloved and iconic performers of the 20th century. Nicole Kidman is a really great actress because she takes risks. Sometimes those risks have a marvelous payoff and sometimes they fail— this project in particular reminds me of “Bewitched” and “Grace of Monaco” which were decidedly not successes for Kidman.
I do think it’s unfair that more people aren’t pointing out how miscast Bardem is as Arnaz.
Gorlois said: "I do think it’s unfair that more people aren’t pointing out how miscast Bardem is as Arnaz."
I honestly think a major part of that is because more people have an affinity for Lucy/Lucille than Desi. But I can see how else this would come across, unfortunately.
BrodyFosse123 said: "Lucie Arnaz has seen the film and is RAVING about it and everyone, from Sorkin to Kidman to Bardem to the guy with just one line."
Loving Lucie here - she let her hair go gray and I must say she looks great + sexy! But I digress, she hit several important points in the linked Instagram post provided by BrodyFosse123 above. That Javier Bardem may not be a dead ringer for her dad but that he captured the essence of who he was and what he was all about and that's extremely important, so much more so than having a physical resemblance to the person being portrayed.
Lucie & Desi, Jr. are fierce protectors of their parent's legacies, so if Lucie has given this film her seal of approval then I am all in!
Thanks for sharing that link BrodyFosse123!
The production design looks spectacular.
On another note, the latest season of TCM’s podcast THE PLOT THICKENS is devoted to Lucy. It’s fabulous so far!
Jordan Catalano said: "I like how people are acting like Nicole Kidman is some novice who may or may not be a good actress and may or may not be able to pull off a character, like she has something she has to prove to gain respect."
I don't think it's that simple. We all know that she's a wonderful actress and most of us love her (I know I do). But no actor is right for every role, regardless of how talented. She's going to give it her all, but I think this is a case where it's fair to bit skeptical. Lucille Ball is no walk in the park.
Biopics are still films after all, so I’d rather have a great performance than somebody doing an impression. I think she sounds great from the clips.